Steveg's Account Talk

OK, folks.

I found something that I think explains and substantiates what I've been trying to say in this thread -- in terms of why I think we're "riding on the Titanic," and why we are NOT beginning a bull run. I keep saying that it seems to me that the BS needs to be shaken out of the system before we can hope for any true, sustainable recovery. One can post all the charts and graphs and technical indicators that one wants to; however, until all the fraud and deceit and greed gets shaken out, we have not really FIXED anything. There can be no true recovery until we see laws passed, executives jailed, and high-ranking government officials impeached. Instead, all we're doing is tossing money at the problem, trying to maintain the status quo. It's the status quo that has gotten us INTO this mess, the way I see it...

Anyway, here is the support for these assertions -- it is a PBS interview between Bill Moyers, and a guy named William Black, an apparently well-known banking regulator who helped see us through the Savings and Loan crisis. This interview is 28 minutes long -- but WELL worth it. Or, you can read the transcript. Either way, I think this is a must see/must read for ANYONE in this country -- especially those investing money.

When you have 28 minutes to commit, watch this -- it will likely amaze you...

Indeed, we are on the deck of the Titanic, while the ship's captain continues to doing nothing but tell the band to keep on playing, and to keep us all dancing happily. We NEED someone to shut down the band, admit that we are sinking, and then deploy some life-saving measures. Who will it be?

Hi Steve,
I agree that we are on a sinking ship, but what do you think would happen if the officials suddenly reveal that we are broke, bankrupt, and our dollar worthless? Would'nt everyone panic? Besides, if no other country will loan us money, we can't pay for all of these spending programs anyway. The taxpayer being the supporting factor of this equation ( and growing smaller with the job losses) cannot carry the load of these massive spending sprees. The pretense can't last much longer. Something will eventually give way to hit everyone square in the face. In the meantime we should just follow the mood of the market and try to make money to pay off any debt we may have individually so they can't take anything we do own away.
(Just my 2 cents and I will get off my soapbox now.)

you said:
The pretense can't last much longer. Something will eventually give way to hit everyone square in the face. In the meantime we should just follow the mood of the market and try to make money to pay off any debt we may have individually so they can't take anything we do own away.
and I can't disagree with you at all. I think you are spot on with this.

However, I'm not so sure your "everyone would panic" part is something to fear all that much. Yes, you'd send the markets into a tizzy if you admitted that many of the banks, AIG, Fannie and Freddie, etc., are bankrupt.

But, imagine if, as the President, you delivered the following speech, with confidence:

"Folks, it's time to end the game of charades and begin to address our problems head-on. We are in bad shape. Our capitalist system -- one built upon personal freedom and opportunity, but one that at the same time must be tempered by individual morality and ethics -- has been badly damaged by the actions of a very powerful elite. These elite -- both in the public and private sector -- tossed the modulating effects of morality and ethics aside, and -- driven by untempered lust -- instead chose the accumulation of personal power and wealth at the expense of others. As a result, the people of our nation suffer. Jobs have been lost, retirement funds have been plundered, and we find ourselves in an uprecedented dilemma. However, as the President of the United States of America, I am here to see that this never happens again. The buck stops here. Period. Yes, there will be short-term pain for many of our citizens who have been dragged into this fray outside of their knowledge and against their will. However, make no mistake -- I intend to hold every individual, every corporation, and yes, every government official who committed any fraudulent or illegal activity with respect to this financial crisis accountable. Along with criminal proceedings and, in many cases, jail time, a part of that accountability will also be to allow companies that have lied, cheated, and frauded their way to prosperity at the expense of our nation to suffer the consequences of their actions -- the dissolution of their respective corporations. Any further "bailout" money we spend will be to mitigate the "collateral damage" to you, the taxpayers and citizens of this great nation. Not another cent of your hard-earned money will be spent to prop up institutions who, through their moral and ethical failure, sought personal wealth at the expense of the nation and its citizens. We will survive, we will persevere, and in the end, we will prosper once again. However, the survival and prosperity of our nation hinges upon our ability to drive the cancer from the system. Like chemotherapy on the body, the "cure" will cause temporary weakness, pain, and a loss of our financial "hair." However, once the disease is purged, we will return to health -- and rise once again as a great nation, on the wings of freedom, ingenuity, and the American Spirit. I hereby swear, as the President of this nation, to do everything in my power to bring the criminals to justice, hold the offending companies accountable, and to completely rid the system of its financial cancer. Delaying any longer would simply allow the tumor to grow larger and more desructive. Please see today as both an end and a beginning -- an end to the fraudulent practices which brought us to where we stand today, and the beginning of our financial recovery."

Would a speech like that really cause any lasting panic? Or, would it actually be a welcome change that very quickly would bring renewed optimism and hope?

In any case, such a scenario is pipe dream. The truth will come out, eventually -- but not in that way. As Denninger says, the math does not lie; you can't "game the system" indefinitely. Eventually, things will implode, and the system will "reset" itself. I just pray that it occurs sooner rather than later, and that we can get ourselves back on a better track going forward.

I will vote for you Steve.
However I will continue to support you when you are unable to purge the system of Frauds, Cheats and Criminals. An impossible task.
One of the greatest atributes of our society is opportunity. Unfortunately unscupulous people understand that as well.

Be well my friend, the sun will shine again and return the stars to their rightful place on your flags field of blue.
You guys are funny!

WorkFE -- you are correct, it is an impossible task, because the flaw that put us where we are is a flaw that exists in the human heart -- greed. You are exactly right that the opportunity afforded by our country to an honest person to excel is the same opportunity that is exploited by those who care nothing of others, but only for themselves. I do think, though, that restraining -- either through effective laws and oversight, or through a personal sense of what is right and what is wrong, is necessary in a capitalist system, since its biggest potential downfall is obviously human greed.

squalebear -- since KevinD nominates me, I hereby promise to appoint you secretary of torture, should I be elected! :)

Oh, wait a sec. On second thought -- two questions: Are you current on your taxes, and do you know how to use Turbo Tax? ;) :laugh:


You didn't by any chance recently buy a very used Datsun B-210 truck from another member did you? You remind me of an old friend.
oh WOW, the hair on the back of my neck stood straight up, my chest swole up and pushed out and my shoulders pulled back while reading that post steve!

awesome... thats what it's all about!

You have my vote as well, ... I'd like to be nominated as your Chief Medical Officer!
Birch --

Nope. No Datsun B-210 for me; though if I remind you of someone who was a friend of yours, I guess that's a good thing -- better than reminding you of an old enemy or something, right?! :cheesy:

Medic --

Why thanks for your kind words! I guess I was just writing what I wish someone in our government would have the guts to do and say. I don't think it's so much "bad news" that keeps us mired in this funk, as much as it is a lack of confidence in our future direction. Sure things are fundamentally bad, but I feel that much of the angst arises from the things being done to "fix" things. Nothing is being fixed, in my view -- just covered over with a whole bunch of newly-printed dollar bills. We need a bold leader, driven by an internal moral compass that would drive him/her to do what was right for this country -- and NOT one who would like to see us become yet another semi-socialist state in the mold of most of Europe.

And as for a Chief Medical Officer -- you're in! :)

Just so you all know being selected to a cabinet position is not a place of prestiege or anything.
Then again maybe under the Steve administration things would be different.:)
Yes, things WOULD be different. First of all, as I alluded to earlier, there would be mandatory Turbo Tax training for all potential cabinet members.... :D

It took me a little bit to understand the flag, but i like the sarcasm behind it. I think we are all die hard americans, hopefully no one takes it the wrong way lol.
I'm trying to put Steve in a trance so he looks at everything through rose colored glasses.
If your going to run for office you have to keep your crooked smile staight.
WorkFE --

I appreciate the good advice from my cabinet!

Medic --

Absolutely its nothing but sarcasm! I sure do hope no one misses that! Though the "change you can believe it" part is a bit hard to read, the Obama "O" on top of the flagpole should give it away!
