New Forum Coming Friday Afternoon


Staff member
My plan is to go live with the new forum software on Friday afternoon, sometime after the TSP deadline. As I've said before, there will be a lot of changes and the differences between the new version and this current version of vbulletin, which has been updated and modified for 20 years, will be dramatic and will take some getting used to.

The new forum is a great product but I will have some work to do to try to match some of the bells and whistles of this forum.

Please make note of the new address / URL of the new forum which will be

You can post there now if you want to test it, but on Friday afternoon I will be closing this forum, wiping the posts on that new test forum clean, and copying everything from this forum over there. So, you can continue to post here if you want and those posts will be moved to the new forum once the switch is made.

Hope that makes sense.

It will cause other issues, no doubt, as I don't have the control of the new forum that I had with this one, but this software is getting old and outdated and some of the programming could stop working when the new servers are implemented. Which, I am hoping, will begin this weekend.

Lot's of work to do and you can report any issues you find here.

Thanks for your patience!
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We're live!

I do miss the links to the latest posts up top on the desktop version. However, the "New Posts" or "What's New" links under the Forum tab up top seems to do the trick to show the latest posts.

Also, on mobile devices, just going to seems to work just fine. No app is needed.
Isn't it white, or is that more beige? I can't tell. :)

Plus there's a dark option you can select on the bottom left of each page.