I have been racking my brain for quite awhile trying to understand what's going on. Finally, the lightbulb has gone off -- I think I have figured it out.
I now feel that there is a high probability that, yes, Birch, you are right. Everyone needs to find an oppurtune time and
get in the market. Yes, I am serious.
Why do I say this? Have I abandoned all the things I have posted previously? Absolutely not. But, I think I have figured out what is going on.
I have been talking in this thread repeatedly about all the fraud and deceit and lies that I believe exist on the balance sheets of the companies in and close to the financial sector. I have been talking about how eventually this will be exposed, and that we are headed for an absolute TRAIN WRECK that will require a
major correction in the stock market, since the REAL value of these companies is NOWHERE NEAR what is being "faked" by their accounting departments and then peddled to the public. And, logic says, since we are running MASSIVE government deficits, we CAN'T keep bailing out EVERYONE -- thus the pending "train wreck" scenario.
Well, I still believe, fully and completely, that I am RIGHT in that we ARE INDEED headed for a train wreck. But, not the train wreck I expected.
I have decided that the government has made a conscious decision -- and that is, to keep the printing presses running at max capacity, and infuse WHATEVER amount of cash into the private sector is required --
WHATEVER the amount, in order to "repair" the private sector. Obama ran on a platform of change, has been deemed the "messiah," and there is NO WAY he is going to stop short of ending the depression (which is the correct term, now that we have had a 12.4% decrese in GDP over the past two quarters). It seems like the philosophy is to "fix" the balance sheets of the private sector, NO MATTER the cost. So what's the downside to this? Well, certainly this "repair" of the private sector balance sheets should "force" a "recovery." But, of course, it DESTROYS the balance sheet of the government -- to the tune of TRILLIONS. However, about this multi-trillion dollar government debt, it seems that the dems have decided one of two things (or both) -- 1. it is easier to hide, lie about, cover up, and/or ignore "involvency" or "bankrupcy" when it's on the
GOVERNMENT'S balance sheet, than it is to hide it when it is on the balance sheet of the private sector; and/or 2. the government's disastrous debt load, at the end of all of this, will be
SOME OTHER TIME -- hopefully several years into the future. In other words, government is doing what it always does -- it is taking a problem, "fixing" it in the way that is most politically-beneficial, and kicking the can down the road to be someone ELSE'S problem. End result? Obama looks like a GENIUS -- dare I say, MESSIAH. He "courageously" leads us out of disaster, puts our financial ship "on course," "restores prosperity" to Americans, while at the same time he attaches sufficient strings to the bailout money that he can smuggle government control of the private sector in through the back door, in line with his liberal, socialist philosophy. It's a win-win for him. Now, what will be the end result of this back-door socialism, this decrease in private ownership, and expansion in public control/ownership? The corresponding erosion of the freedom of we, the people -- i.e. the slow, steady death of America. Guaranteed. But, I digress.
Back on point -- I think the irrationality that I have been highlighting as being so troubling to me is the result of me trying to see things logically, mathematically. And one thing I have learned in life (mainly from trying to understand the female brain!!

), is that when I get this frustrated in trying to understand something (through an orderly, logical thought process), that most often the case is that there IS NO EXPLANATION TO BE FOUND when using THAT type of thought process. In those cases, I have found that I have to try and tap into that
other side of my brain to understand things. And, I feel there are HUGE similarities here -- I have been unable to figure out what is going on and why, and that's because I am using a thought process that DOES NOT APPLY here.
Bottom line? As I said, I think, down the road, we will face a
staggeringly-massive increase in taxes, an expansion government control, and a steady erosion of freedom -- ultimately, the end of the America that has existed for the past 220 years.
However, in the short term, our government seems to have assumed that the way to "fix" America is to "FORCE" health onto the balance sheets of corporate America through infusion of freshly-printed dollars wherever needed, while transferring the cancer onto the GOVERMENT'S balance sheet (where it can be hidden, or sold, or, perhaps, just allowed to pile up and become someone else's problem). It seems that the government has determined that it WILL NOT FAIL in this effort to force the market to rise, no matter WHAT the cost. This scenario seems to me to best explain what I have witnessed in the past few months, and so, my conclusion is that the markets will INDEED continue to go up. Our government has willed to make it so. So, at this point, I'm looking to buy. The train wreck may, just may, be "successfully" pushed into the future far enough that there are good gains to be made.
I will state here and now that I am COMPLETELY AGAINST, with every fiber of my being, the way the current government has decided to do things. It's WRONG, it's BAD FOR THE FUTURE OF OUR COUNTRY, it's UNCONSIONABLE that we as Americans have let this happen. However, I can be mad and be out of the market, or be mad and IN the market. Since this is the course that our "leaders" seem to have put us on, I guess the only option is to jump in and make some money.
Or, I could sum all of this up in one sentence -- which Warrenlm posted in this thread earlier: The government is all in, and the government always wins.
Ergo, reluctantly, despite the moral difficulties I have with all that is being done, I am now a bull! Rock on!