Steveg's Account Talk

steady --

You make a good point about "dumb money" and "smart money." I don't know what indicator you look at to tell you that it is the "dumb money" that has fueled this rally, but it makes sense -- and to me it supports what I was saying about the govt. blowing sunshine up our rear ends. It sounds like you don't agree, but I am convinced that the news being released is purposefully, and falsely, rosy -- to influence investors. And who would be most influenced by this? To me, it would be the average investor -- you and I -- or, as you put it, the "dumb money." It makes sense to me that the "smart money" is smart enough to see behind the kimono, and know that they don't like what they see...

Seriously, I suggest taking a look at KD the last couple of days. He talks about the stress tests, or "farce tests" as they should more correctly be called; he also has a 5 minute youtube clip of the Fed's inspector general, appearing nothing short of CLUELESS while being questioned before congress. She is being asked about trillions of dollars worth of Fed money, both on- and off-balance sheet money, and if she is monitoring where it is going and how it is being spent. Her answers, or lack thereof, say it all...



Heck one of the horn blowers ON CNBC SAID it was BERNICKY DOLLARS and when he stops the presses so ends the money Burchtree keeps talkin about 11 trillion on the sidelines.... how much is in play? And how much is Bernicke..mmm:notrust: THE WHO SANG IT....DONT GET FOOLED AGAIN:cool:
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Pschiff --

I like it... "Don't get fooled again...!"

Many are getting fooled by the "green shoots" nonsense, in my view. It will be quite interesting, a year or two from now, to look back on these discussions...

I feel quite certain that there's a major meltdown of our market, and a corresponding major change in our country, looming in our very near future...can't you just SENSE the imbalance in the system?

And at the same time, there is a sense that these actions are NOT so random, but more of a concerted effort to change the foundations of our economy -- with this crisis being utilized as the catalyst for this change. So, now the government will own all of GM's "good assets?" Oh, and cars will be mandated by govt. to get 35 MPH? The arm of this administration grows long, indeed...

Isn't public ownership of the means of production philosophically communi...

AHHH...nevermind. My avatar reveals my bias...!! :)

Every day, it seems there's a new piece of information about something being cooked up by this administration that is frighteningly-socialist. How in the world are people (both investors AND businesses) expected to know how to operate when the rules of the game are being changed so radically and capriciously?

On one hand, I'm thinking it's time to bail to G and STAY there; on the other hand, though, what makes me think that our TSP balances are safe -- any more than the bondholders' investments in the automakers were? If they can have their money literally STOLEN by this administration, and given to folks with other, less-preferred interests in those companies, then what is to stop them from reaching into our TSPs?

I noticed that Corepuncher shares this sentiment; and then I see this:

May 20 (Bloomberg) -- Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp.’s deficit tripled to $33.5 billion in the past six months as companies canceled retirement plans in the U.S. recession, the head of the government-owned corporation said.
About $11 billion is for “completed and probable terminations” of company plans and $7 billion is from an increase in interest rates that boosted liabilities, Vince Snowbarger, the acting PBGC director, said in written testimony to be delivered today to the Senate Special Committee on Aging.

Sounds like a direct threat to our retirement funds, to me...

On one hand, I'm thinking it's time to bail to G and STAY there; on the other hand, though, what makes me think that our TSP balances are safe -- any more than the bondholders' investments in the automakers were? If they can have their money literally STOLEN by this administration, and given to folks with other, less-preferred interests in those companies, then what is to stop them from reaching into our TSPs?

Well, I guess it's a matter of would you rather they steal your balance now, or what remains in it after you risk it in C? Either way it's in TSP, so why not go G?
Every day, it seems there's a new piece of information about something being cooked up by this administration that is frighteningly-socialist. How in the world are people (both investors AND businesses) expected to know how to operate when the rules of the game are being changed so radically and capriciously?

On one hand, I'm thinking it's time to bail to G and STAY there; on the other hand, though, what makes me think that our TSP balances are safe -- any more than the bondholders' investments in the automakers were? If they can have their money literally STOLEN by this administration, and given to folks with other, less-preferred interests in those companies, then what is to stop them from reaching into our TSPs?

I noticed that Corepuncher shares this sentiment; and then I see this:

Sounds like a direct threat to our retirement funds, to me...


Hey steve, I actully was up at 12am and watch the hearing on cspan 1
Whats worrise is that the director before this one was cutting and coluding with investment banks to contract the handling of bussness of Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. Even going so far (on the record) Asking Blackrock how to write a contact so they would get it.
Good point CP. By the way, as of today, I'm 97% G-fund. I sure wish there was a way to help the permabulls to see where we are headed...

Pschiffdicpal --

There seems to be no end to the fraud that our leaders are willing to not only excuse, but also to perpetrate me it is just astounding.

Each day that we the people sit back and watch, and allow this to occur, is another day that through our indifference and ignorance we cede yet another small piece of our freedom. You know, we have built a massive military, the most fearsome warships, the best fighter jets, the most sophisticated nuclear arsenal, and have assembled and trained the best soldiers on the planet -- all in the name of protecting our country's beloved freedoms, and being prepared to repel any threat to those freedoms from any aggressor. Meanwhile though, while we continue to stand watch in the night along the castle walls, vigilant and ready for the approach of any enemy who wishes to take our freedom, we have totally missed that, in fact, the enemy is within -- methodically, slowly, subtly chipping away at the very freedom we seek to protect. I fear that by the time we wake up and realize it, it will be too late. The enemy within will have succeeded at enslaving us, and we'll be left to wonder what has happened, and how the enemy slipped past us, despite our status as the world's superpower.

A third political party seems like a good idea, one that is of the people, by the people and for the people; one that knows the foundations of our country and desires to return to that foundation; one that is aware of the threats to our freedoms and what to do about it...


P.S. I suppose this makes me one of those "right-wing extremists," one of those people who love this country and love the freedoms that countless brave young soldiers and sailors have died for. Along these lines, with Memorial Day approaching, it seems a great time for me to offer my sincere thanks to all who have served this country, with their blood and their sacrifice, in order to allow each of us to be free...

One last point...Thomas Jefferson said that when people fear their government, you have tyranny; when the government fears the people, you have liberty. Which do you think we are closer to today...liberty, or tyranny?
One last point...Thomas Jefferson said that when people fear their government, you have tyranny; when the government fears the people, you have liberty. Which do you think we are closer to today...liberty, or tyranny?

I would say the government fears the people..after all, look how many votes were are able to muster on American Idol. They kept Adam from winning...even though he was clearly the best singer. :-)

I recently visited D.C. for the first time. I stood in the Lincoln and Jefferson memorials for some time, reading the inscriptions on the walls. It is time for all Americans to remember what this country is grab their torches and pitchforks, and stop the madness. I fear it will not happen until it is too late, if it's not already.

P.S. I suppose this makes me one of those "right-wing extremists," one of those people who love this country and love the freedoms that countless brave young soldiers and sailors have died for. Along these lines, with Memorial Day approaching, it seems a great time for me to offer my sincere thanks to all who have served this country, with their blood and their sacrifice, in order to allow each of us to be free...


One last point...Thomas Jefferson said that when people fear their government, you have tyranny; when the government fears the people, you have liberty. Which do you think we are closer to today...liberty, or tyranny?
Steveg for President AGAIN!

wow, you do it everytime, that link encompasses my beliefs and fear that i think about everyday.

still not sure how to place words to my feelings, and why i forgot about this movement from history class years ago,(i wont tell you i was a history major) oop.... did i say that?

anyway much more reading that i have to do. thanks bud.

also wondering what problems could arise for us federal employees if we grab ahold of this new(old) party idea

um............. this pretty much says it all!

"it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
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Medic72 --

I am glad you enjoyed that link. I still have alot to read there, too. But I hope EVERYONE takes that time to check that link out. It is of utmost importance, in my opinion. The two-party system is broken, from my perspective; neither seems to be interested in governing in a manner envisioned and put into place by our founding fathers.

You know, Medic, it's funny that you said...

also wondering what problems could arise for us federal employees if we grab ahold of this new(old) party idea I have been wondering that very same thing myself.

Think about this for a minute. Think about a representative government, acting properly to govern according to the will of the people who elected them, standing for the rights and freedoms of its citizens. When some counter-culture or opposition-type movement would arise, one would expect government to "arrest" the "bad guys" when/if they run afoul of the law. The government, in this scenario, is the "good guy," and the other side, which we often label "nut-jobs," "anarchists," "terrorists," or whatever the case may be, are the "bad guys." The government is the "policeman," with the "opposition" to be tried by the goverment justice system -- all for the protection of the people and our republic.

NOW, consider a different scenario -- a government which, despite being called a "representative government," has actually begun to go its own way; it often fails to represent the people, but instead begins to make decisions and take actions on their OWN accord, from an attitude that "they know best" and the people are "not intelligent enough;" that the peoples' ideas are unworthy and thus disrespected. Well, the frightening part is that when the people have finally had enough, and begin to organize, there is a risk that government has by that time gotten "too big for their britches," so to speak, and has reached a level of power where they could turn on the very people they supposedly represent, calling the organization of the people wrong, or even "illegal." At this point, the citizens who would stand up for the nation and for the freedoms they love could find themselves, in the eyes of government, to be labeled "the bad guys," harassed, or even arrested, by this runaway, tyrannical government. And we the people would have little if any recourse, since the police, the military, the judges, etc. are all part of "the government." A very scary thought, to me. It seems a very fine line, to me. And when you consider the passage of the TARP bill by our Congress, despite estimates of opposition by the people at rates as high as 300 to 1, and when you consider the way the "tea parties" were scoffed at and ridiculed by the powers that be in Washington, one can begin to see glimpses of this "runaway government" scenario that I have laid out. I sure do hope that it never becomes the case where true, freedom-loving patriots, who love the USA as it was founded, find themselves targeted as the "enemy" by an overly-powerful, tyrannical government. And to think...that Department of Homeland Security memo back in April seemed to me to be creeping pretty darned close to labelling a large segment of our population "a problem to keep an eye on..." And you know, it is sad indeed that I have some level of fear (fear of government repercussion) just because of putting my concerns into writing...

Sorry for going off on a tangent. But I am deeply troubled by the seemingly-lengthening arm of our government. Are we still a government "of the people, by the people, FOR the people?" I refer again to the Jefferson quote I alluded to in my previous post...

Maybe it IS time to consider a third party, one that hearkens back to the ideas and philosophies of our founders. THAT is what the anti-federalist party seems to me to be trying to do. The link again:

Re: Steve G's Account Talk

Exactly what I've been saying. Suffer America we ain't had enough yet. We the people are griping and complaining then we head to the polls to get even. We replace a republican with a democrat, or a democrat with a republican or republican with a republican and a democrat with a democrat. We scream holler and stammer and not one thing gets done the majority is not being heard and politicians are motivated only by the special interest and the lobbyist and the money they can generate to get them re-elected. Until the American people take control of the politicians and vote both parties out from the county house to the state house to the white house and replace them with a third party we will continue to suffer because they don't believe one word we have to say. Suffer America we ain't had enough yet. When we get serious as a nation and vote both parties out then and only then will they know we are fed up with all the political BS and name calling. Will it happen; not likely; so as before suffer America we ain't had enough yet.
Re: Steve G's Account Talk

Exactly what I've been saying. Suffer America we ain't had enough yet. We the people are griping and complaining then we head to the polls to get even. We replace a republican with a democrat, or a democrat with a republican or republican with a republican and a democrat with a democrat. We scream holler and stammer and not one thing gets done the majority is not being heard and politicians are motivated only by the special interest and the lobbyist and the money they can generate to get them re-elected. Until the American people take control of the politicians and vote both parties out from the county house to the state house to the white house and replace them with a third party we will continue to suffer because they don't believe one word we have to say. Suffer America we ain't had enough yet. When we get serious as a nation and vote both parties out then and only then will they know we are fed up with all the political BS and name calling. Will it happen; not likely; so as before suffer America we ain't had enough yet.

The enemy is not Al qaeda or the Taliban, it is those here in America who have tried to to manipulate our government and the mind set of some who were born Americans but are far from it; controlling the majority by shouting them down and demanding the their voice be the only voice heard. Yes the enemy is amongst us not the Al qaeda and the Taliban. If ever a revolution were to start we know who the real enemy is. While we try to protect our families from the terrorist we will also have to deal with the enemy within that got us into this mess. God have mercy on us. Did I say God? That's right because it was God that we were founded on and not Allah! :)
ezmoney --

Many good points that you raised, IMO. There is an enemy within -- and that enemy is an increasingly self-serving government that is getting more and more independent from the will of the people. Once that line is crossed, and the government works for itself, for the special interests and lobbyists, and haughtily looks down upon the populace who they were supposedly elected to represent, then the people need to fear for their freedoms...

I fear that the party is over for the bulls -- we are heading down. Bond market is telling us what we need to know. "Quantitative Easing" is blowing up in Bernanke's face. Glad I'm not long on stocks at this point (97 G).

By the way -- the link I put on here the other day...

Has changed -- it is now

Check it out. A third political party movement to take us back to our roots, to our founding documents. Excellent stuff here.

I fear that the party is over for the bulls -- we are heading down. Bond market is telling us what we need to know. "Quantitative Easing" is blowing up in Bernanke's face. Glad I'm not long on stocks at this point (97 G).

By the way -- the link I put on here the other day...

Has changed -- it is now

Check it out. A third political party movement to take us back to our roots, to our founding documents. Excellent stuff here.


Of this new party, one of my friends says:

"i am suprised they dont just call themselves libertarians. i like the libertarians, the problem is though that they are basically republicans that want to dissolve amuch of the social network. a lot of times people get wrapped up in the single issue and vote it (witness conservative christians and both sides of the abortion debate). we need a centrist/populist party since the others are becoming so polar. i do not think the libertarians nor the federalists are that."
I was of the opinion that the Libertarians were the best choice for a third party. But then somebody here (alevin I think) pointed out that there were 6 or 7 choices on her ballot for President. There were only 3 on mine here in GA.

Sorry to jack your thread steveg but you started it. :)
Check out the graph in this article...

Great job by Congress passing the "stimulus" plan, eh? Not only did we not get the "lower" unemployment forecast by Obama's team assuming the stimulus plan passed (it did, of course), they couldn't even come close to projecting the severity of the unemplyoment HAD NO STIMULUS BEEN PASSED. One wonders why we spent the nearly $1 trillion in stimulus to begin with (as I did then). Can you hear that money swirling down the porcelain bowl? Meanwhile, oil is up to $70 per barrel, up 100% in the last few months, and the 10-year T-bond is up to 3.86% -- up 90% since January. Green shoots my hiney...all signs, to me, point to big trouble; hence my "sitting on the lilly pad" (G-fund) as Birchtree would say.
