Steveg's Account Talk

My gosh I found the answer - American Trucking Association tonnage rose 1.7% in February. That's the second month to month increase.
My gosh I found the answer - American Trucking Association tonnage rose 1.7% in February. That's the second month to month increase.

The increase was due to all the paper and soybeans to be made into ink hauled to the FED's. :D Ben is giving the tree and soybean farmers stimulus.;)
Even typing the link in the browser address line does not make it work--at least for me. Suggest reposting/correcting if others also cannot read.
Thanks for the link, Birch. It (and you) might be right. However, I still don't hear any fundamental, logical, common-sense reasons to explain why the market is going to go on a big bull run. Denninger's analyses seem quite logical to me; on the other hand, looking at a bunch of graphs of past market perfomance -- while that has its place -- does not "do it" for me. Again, that is because in this case I feel that the unbelievable amount of strong-handed government intervention in the economy over the past several months throws a huge monkey wrench into things. It's tough to look at past recessions, to me, and then try to gauge what might happen this time -- when the government is on the course it's on, spending trillions of fake dollars...

But, I'm sounding like a broken record...

I agree with Steve. It's all fake or to put it a better way "being orchestrated". The intravention skews all forcasted trends based on past performance. I made a good chunk but bailed a little early. I need a lull in the action until 02 April.

"being orchestrated" is a good way to put it...

By the way, what's the significance of April 2nd?

Here's an interesting quote, from a New York Post article written by Charles Hurt..

"FOR a guy who talks so much about wanting a new era of re sponsibility, President Obama spends an awful lot of time blaming Republicans for all the wild and reckless spending he crammed into his own budget.

After running a campaign against the $1 trillion deficit he "inherited" from President Bush and the Republicans, Obama quickly matched it. During his first 50 days in office, he and his Democratic-controlled Congress spent $1 billion an hour.

Under Obama's proposed budget, the overall national debt doubles in five years and triples in 10. Not exactly "moving from an era of borrow and spend to one where we save and invest," as he promised."

A billion (fake) dollars an hour for his first 50 days? Tripling debt over the next 10 years? Sort of illustrates why I'm skeptical about looking at past market performance as an indicator of the future...

I tried to tell people that he wasn't the right Man ( person ) for the job, but NO they had to have it their way. Breath deeply it will help with the fear!:D
Socialize this!!:nuts:
BOH must have been getting some basic military training on the side - he can now perform an excellent about face. Next he'll learn to low crawl.
No IFT's till the 1st to take effect on the 2nd. Can I place an IFT on the 31st to take effect the first of next month?

Unfortunately, no... 2nd is earliest you can be "in the market." Unless it's a move to the G... you can do those anytime.

Thanks again FRTIB!!!
Did my first "<1%" IFT today!

New balances, after COB today:

81% G
7% F
6% C
3% S
3% I

Otherwise, I'm still locked out of IFTs until Wednesday; plus, I'm not sure I have a good enough feel for market direction at this point to know what to do; the auto industry/govt. giving them more money thing has tossed yet another variable into the already complex scenario. :rolleyes:


New month, two more IFTs...question now is what to do. Market looks set for a lower open today. Will be interesting with plenty of financial news this month (including first quarter earnings...)

I was just talking to a co-worker about the economy and the current administration, and he used an analogy that I thought was really good -- it describes how I see things.

He said that it seems as though we are on the Titanic, and the captains of the ship know what has happened; however, they simply ask the band to strike up another song and make merry. The passengers, who have noticed that the dance floor seems to be tilting, simply conclude that they've had too much to drink -- and thus keep right on dancing.

Our current administration is certainly cranking up the music; I'm just wondering why I seem to be in the minority in thinking that this tilting floor is NOT due to excessive alcohol consumption, but is actually hinting at a gigantic problem. It seems so obvious to me that the tilting floor is a harbinger of a sinking ship -- and yet when I try to talk to other dancers, I most often get a sideways look, and the suggestion that I simply grab another cocktail and join the party...
