Steadygain's Groove and Trip Pad

Thank you so much for your thoughtful response. Fortunately she has had that grounding from day one and is keenly aware of a wide variety of cults. She's also read the entire Bible a number of times and memorized various books. Above all these things she has maintaining an incredibly deep committment for Christ and it's simply amazing how deeply grounded she is.

Her quest at this point is to be willing to abandon everything - all comforts and whatever - if that puts her squarely in God's Presense and actively working on His behalf.

She - like me - has a tendency to over analyze and think a little too deep - and thus she may question her pastor's motives, and think things through before responding.... but here she is simply saying she needs to be more willing to do without the typical scrunity IF THAT SCRUNITY holds her back from being fully in the Grace of God.

I thought about you a lot last night and prayed for you too. I know the surgery is soon and I really hope you get the very best relief possible.

Take care my dear wonderful friend !!

and Thanks for the visit.
Hope you'll remind her that in leaving her comfort zones, she is still called to stay grounded, validate whatever she hears from pastor or anyone else-through scripture and that small quiet voice,

These post was like a 'branding iron' that I just can't shake and it keeps popping up over and over ...

She needs no reminders from me; she is way beyond me in everyway imaginable. There is no one I know of 'more grouded' and that would more validate whatever she hears from 'whoever' by the small quiet voice and scripture too.

not called to blindly surrender her mind or her own understanding of scripture to anyone "in authority".

If there is a BLIND SURRENDER it is wholly to Jesus Christ and going wherever that may be 'regardless of safety or comfort'

She is the first that would give up 'luxuries' and the whole gammit of things that most of us can't do without because we've had them for so long.

So listen my friend - there is no one who knows me better than you and I hope you can appreciate this -- but I want Sarah to go as she feels and believes God is leading...

and if she gets tortured and killed... may it be wholly in having the courage to live her life as fully devoted as she can possibly live it and holding true to her convictions of God's Love and her Service to Him

People blindly submitted to Jim Jones as their pastor, look where that took them.

Christians are persecuted - tortured and killed -- more in the present than ever in the past.

I can't help that Alevie ~~ but she has my blood and my genes and there is no way I could ever hold her back - she is just like me; once she sets off on the course NOTHING short of GOD is going to stop her

I had cult people (more than 1 cult-try 3) try to lead me astray when I was in my 20s and equally on fire-some even selectively used scripture to persuade me of their beliefs and convince me to follow false shepherds-it was wider knowledge of scripture that saved me. She may be sheltered in a solid community wherever she goes, then again, she is likely to encounter beliefs that challenge as she goes forth into the ever bigger world and she will be called to exercise the gift of discernment. Selah

She won't be led astray by anyone -- please know her Grounding is as deep and rich as anything I've known. It's just the opposite and she has to be a little more willing to 'not challenge or question' the Pastor's motives or whatever....

She has been sheltered by her family throughout her years ~ as much as possible and in the ways to make her increasingly trust in God and find her strength and life in HIM.

When she goes to another country ~~ possibly a very dangerous situation this January ~~ it is to find the Heart and Life of God on a deeper depth and a greater level than she's ever known before.

I have to support that Alevie - and if something happens I'll likely disappear from the MB... for how long I have no clue but it will be the hardest situation I've ever faced.

Anyway - please know she is incredibley strong and grounded

Thanks for being concerned
She won't be led astray by anyone -- please know her Grounding is as deep and rich as anything I've known. It's just the opposite and she has to be a little more willing to 'not challenge or question' the Pastor's motives or whatever....

She has been sheltered by her family throughout her years ~ as much as possible and in the ways to make her increasingly trust in God and find her strength and life in HIM.

When she goes to another country ~~ possibly a very dangerous situation this January ~~ it is to find the Heart and Life of God on a deeper depth and a greater level than she's ever known before.

I have to support that Alevie - and if something happens I'll likely disappear from the MB... for how long I have no clue but it will be the hardest situation I've ever faced.

Anyway - please know she is incredibley strong and grounded

Thanks for being concerned

Steady, I checked out Mozambique's cultural and political history a bit this weekend so I'd have an idea what she's leaping into. It sounds much safer today than it has been, if not totally safe. The churches there have played positive roles in creating political and social stability and that is awesome. I have an interest in giving of my time and energy to a church-based organization in an immediate neighboring country within the next 5 years if the finances allow (may use an entire years' worth of annual leave to do it if it works out that way).

I probably shouldn't have said anything in the first place, but somehow that word "submission" is and always has been a hot button for me-it's been misunderstood and misapplied and misused and abused so many times, so many ways, especially against women but not limited to them. Young idealism without sufficient understanding can cause a person to give too much trust to the wrong people. that was what triggered my "big-sister" query. That's about me more than Carrie, I know that. In any case, in no way shape or form was I suggesting you try to dissuade her from the direction she's headed, with respect to risktaking, physical or otherwise. My grandmother got upset with me when I moved a further 500 miles away after graduating college-did that stop me? Of course not. did it annoy me? a little.

At the same time consider Pauls relationship with Timothy, Paul regarded Timothy as a "son", acknowledged Timothy's grounding from his childhood, Even so Paul still coached and counselled him to exercise good judgement, to remember and trust his training, and to watch out for false teachers and immoral leaders he'd be running into as he finally went out into the world on his own, separate from his "father".

You've said Carrie has had Timothy's kind of grounding from her childhood, I can see it in the way she writes. Was it so out of line to hope you would have the same kind of conversation with her that Paul had with Timothy as he went out into the world without Paul-recognizing she's already so well grounded that nothing more than a gentle supportive reminder is warranted?
As far as physical danger-that was not my focus when I mentioned Jim Jones (I'm truly sorry, that was an overthe top example of misplaced trust)-my focus was people giving too much uncritical trust to a leader who had gone astray, who did not have their best interests at heart. and people not checking out what they were told by leaders-the way the Bereans did when Paul talked to them. In any case, she will be in my prayers that she will be granted her hearts desire in this experience and that she'll come back again in every way the person she hopes to become.
Steady, I checked out Mozambique's cultural and political history a bit this weekend so I'd have an idea what she's leaping into. It sounds much safer today than it has been, if not totally safe.

Oh Alevie,
This is the very thing I'm trying to do in the Politics forum on the MB. You so incredibly humble me and I thank you from the deepest depths for your expressions and concerns.

It is only as we deeply look beyond the surface - or only as we are willing to discover the full truth that we can see and understand things as they are meant to be understood.

ONLY in this manner can we understand and see LIFE as it really is. Only when we're willing to view women NOT as mindless sexual instuments of pleasure and as servants and baby bearers - can we possibly come to a point where they are given a right to vote. On when we can break the mold of them being a teacher, an air line attendant, or a cashier can anyone honestly begin to accept the fact that their potiential is everybit what a man possesses - if not more.

BUT it would NEVER be the MEN who came to the light and fought on their behalf ~~ no way would they do this because they reinforced this 'supreme view' of themselves over and over and were very content to keep the women in their place.

Essentially the same group of men captured the blacks, chained them up and brought them over to be slaves. They institued laws whereby blacks were property of their owners and they were selected and told who to 'breed with'. For the ones that were endowed with greater beauty - they became regular sex toys and if any resisted or were thought to have the potiential to resist then they were severely beaten and dealt with.

Essentially the same group of men treated the Native Population as 'savages' and over and over they destroyed anything and everything to do with their hertitage -- killed them off -- and essentially took them to the worse places and kept them imprisoned to this very day. But all along the way they gave them the most wonderful promises of 'Peace and Security' and assured them of a hamonous existence... and everytime the Native Population gave in with the HOPE their nightmare would end - the promise was broken.

The same group of men to this day refer to the blacks as n******, refer to anyone north of them as Yankees, refer to anyone outside of their borders as 'foreigners' (said in the most despised mannner possible). They ALWAYS regard anyone who even appears to think different from themselves, or dress differently, or whatever.... as making all these people as being worthy of not only being despised but all the more worthy of death and extermination.

For these men there is nothing wrong in making 'The Draft' and forcing teenagers to get 'Trench Feet', to be exposed to agents that wreak destruction in numerous ways and fill the land they are invading with that agent. Nothing at all wrong in making these teenagers suffer and die ~ because at a very minimim they were nothing more than government property to begin with.

But we can always make it sound RIGHT -- as long as we project the story from our perspective -- as long as we can daily reinforce that we are 'righteous, pure, and good' - because as long as we can fill the population with that belief then everything we do is RIGHT and ever action we take is VALIDATED.

We can go throughout the country and grab all United States Citizens that 'look Japanese' and beat them (have fun doing it) and throw them in 'concentration camps'.

We can force our soldiers to get an 'Antrax Vaccine' -- woops -- and totally destroy them for life. Leave many in the most pathetic state immaginable.

Why there is no end to what we can do!! As long as we honestly believe we have the right to do it. As long as we are convinced our 'narrow way of thinking' is RIGHT - then we have the grounds to treat anyone else in any manner we want (no matter how degrading and horrible that may be) and 'know we are doing the RIGHT thing'.

I have no other choice but to respond in various parts (and this will be Part 1). But there is no one I know of that has a better heart - and better intentions -- or anyone that is more willing to 'give someone a chance' and stive to give that person the credit they deserve.

And even if that person deserves NO CREDIT at all - you have a way of making them feel as if they do.

The Organization she is going to join and be actively involved with during her break in January helps to give a deep assurance that she will be save.

The men I described above ~~ are the solid and unblemished men of our wonderful country ~~ and their deep and lasting convictions led them to live as they lived and regard others as they did.

The men in Mozambique are no different. You see men are men; people are people - and a white girl over 6' tall will not be viewed as simply 'a young woman with a good heart that is wanting to extend her life on their behalf' she will be viewed from their perspective.

How did 'our men' view the Chinese who came to offer their services for the betterment of our country ... who came with pure intentions and were ready to give all they could and do all they could?
Steady, I checked out Mozambique's cultural and political history a bit this weekend so I'd have an idea what she's leaping into. It sounds much safer today than it has been, if not totally safe.

What can I say to anyone that would take the time and effort to even bother extending themselve in this regard?

How could I possibly - - and in any manner - - say anything in a way that may be regarded as argumentative? or disrespectful ?


If you want an idea of what she is leaping into ....

She is LEAPING into the Heart of GOD and into the very arms of JESUS. For her there is nothing ~~ absolutely nothing that could possibly go beyond this and it makes absolutely NO DIFFERENCE what part of our Planet this may be.

Where the Spirit of God is most assuredly VALIDATED - are where the most undeniable and wonderful miricles are occuring...

and these miricles go far beyond what any 'unbeliever' could even remotely acknowledge...

You see for many there is no such thing as heaven or hell - for many there is absolutely no reason to consider the need for church or any type of God connected to the church.

So for the unbelieving ~~ even if they saw with their own eyes the Miricles filling this land ~~ they still may hold to their unmoving heart of stone ~~ and refuse to believe The TRUTH.

There is ONLY ONE PLACE that is TOTALLY SAFE ~~ and that is not a 'place' on Earth -- but a Relationship with Jesus Christ -- the Lord and Saviour ~~ for only in FAITH ~~ IN A FULL BLIND AND COMPLETE CHILD LIKE FAITH IN GIVING OUR EVERYTHING AND FINDING OUR EVERYTHING IN THE SPIRIT OF GOD'S LOVE CAN ANYONE BE SAFE.
The churches there have played positive roles in creating political and social stability and that is awesome.

The 'churches' you speak of are only Living as 'The CHURCH' - for you know there is only ONE TRUE CHURCH and that CHURCH is living and moving as the TRUE SPIRIT OF GOD MOVES AND LIVES IN THEM.

Awesome in the way that you mean it -- that you are priviliged to understand. It is very AWESOME.

I have an interest in giving of my time and energy to a church-based organization in an immediate neighboring country within the next 5 years if the finances allow

Oh Alevie - you make me laugh - but you are so sincere. Do you honestly believe I would give thousands to my little brother without the slightest thought or hesitation and not give to you when what you're describing is every bit as 'big' and 'important'. Do you think I would without the slightest thought of 'money involved' get the next flight to FL and get a cab and go wherever ?? and not do that for you?

The finances are there and whenever you commit your life in this manner ~~ I absolutely promise you that somehow God Himself will make it happen and to Him be all Praise and Glory. For even in this situation it would not be me giving you anything ~~ but God moving me to do for Him.

(may use an entire years' worth of annual leave to do it if it works out that way).

Unfortunately I have been mislead into thinking I could only carry over 6 weeks of leave. If it is possible for me to use an entire year's worth - then I will do the same. But I have been told over and over 'Use it or Lose it'.

Got an admission ...... wow I really do have a job :embarrest:
I probably shouldn't have said anything in the first place,

Please forgive me for being so overly sensitive about my daughter and how I may be perceived in relation to her.

I'm honestly not use to some 'stranger' - giving a hoot ... and have been pretty much been use to the opposite throughout ... so although I've screwed up my own life in countless ways ... I'm probably way too sensitive in my role as a father.

but somehow that word "submission" is and always has been a hot button for me-it's been misunderstood and misapplied and misused and abused so many times, so many ways, especially against women but not limited to them.

I understand completely -- really do --- thank you.

Young idealism without sufficient understanding can cause a person to give too much trust to the wrong people. that was what triggered my "big-sister" query. That's about me more than Carrie, I know that.

Not at all - it's more about you knowing First Hand how easy it can be to give too much and trust the wrong person -- and having the heart and mindset to voice your concern -- so my daughter doesn't fall into the same trap.

Even though it's Sarah we're talking about this equally applies to Carrie too. The most fundamental and underlying aspect by which they were raised and grounded is in knowing 'who they can trust' and having the richest understanding. That is the core basis of why they have lived the lives they lived and why they will continue living their lives as best as they can.

In any case, in no way shape or form was I suggesting you try to dissuade her from the direction she's headed, with respect to risktaking, physical or otherwise. My grandmother got upset with me when I moved a further 500 miles away after graduating college-did that stop me? Of course not. did it annoy me? a little.

THANK YOU Alevie ! :) It hit me wrong -- mainly because I dread the inevitable thoughts others will have towards me if something would happen. So essentially all of what I said was 'preperation' -- I need to be on guard -- to try to make sure I've got my own 'grounding' just in case...

At the same time consider Pauls relationship with Timothy, Paul regarded Timothy as a "son", acknowledged Timothy's grounding from his childhood, Even so Paul still coached and counselled him to exercise good judgement, to remember and trust his training, and to watch out for false teachers and immoral leaders he'd be running into as he finally went out into the world on his own, separate from his "father".

This is every bit as TRUE for us today as it was back then. I'm kind of amazed you would take the time to 'validate' yourself -- and I'm very glad you did. This is excellent - very well put!

You've said Carrie has had Timothy's kind of grounding from her childhood,

Well I can say in all sincerity and total humility 'I tried' to give them the 'grounding that would sustain them' but I am 'screwed up' and made many mistakes..

I can see it in the way she writes. Was it so out of line to hope you would have the same kind of conversation with her that Paul had with Timothy

How could I believe anyone could hold this view - or that I am even capable of having that kind of role - when the one closest to me is blind to all these things ? I live a very quiet and very reserved life; this place is the one exception.

as he went out into the world without Paul-recognizing she's already so well grounded that nothing more than a gentle supportive reminder is warranted?

How do we possibly give this same gentle supportive reminder to all who read this - that they are every bit as wonderful as any of my children - that they deserve to know love and happiness, to know a peace and joy far beyond what anything in this world can provide; and most importantly to help them honestly realize that all people deserve this no matter where they are from??

As far as physical danger-that was not my focus when I mentioned Jim Jones (I'm truly sorry, that was an overthe top example of misplaced trust)-

Please forgive me -- I am the one who is sorry -- again it is me and making what I beleive is a 'neccessary preperation'

my focus was people giving too much uncritical trust to a leader who had gone astray, who did not have their best interests at heart.

Oh Alevie - I don't want to take from what you're sharing and throw in a bunch of garbage. But I could easily cite how 'our leaders' have gone astray ... and while in office the people would never have believed what was really going on.

and people not checking out what they were told by leaders-the way the Bereans did when Paul talked to them.

Often the people can't check what their leaders are saying ... the information is SEALED and the last leader has tried to make sure these things stay sealed forever. It's amazing how these things you speak of are everybit as true today.

In any case, she will be in my prayers that she will be granted her hearts desire in this experience and that she'll come back again in every way the person she hopes to become.

However you got to be this way - PLEASE - don't ever change.

Steady, I have an interest in giving of my time and energy to a church-based organization in an immediate neighboring country within the next 5 years if the finances allow (may use an entire years' worth of annual leave to do it if it works out that way).

Steady, guess I didn't phrase that very well-I was referring to using a years use/lose above 240-which in my case would add up to 6-7 weeks by then, or I'd take some LWOP if I wanted to stay a little longer. trick is the organization would want me to pay my own way at what appear to be top-end westerner lifestyle rates rather than close to local lifestyle rates, which makes me go hmmm-much higher cost than I spend a month here in the states. I think I could live more cheaply, but not sure they would let me. there are other volunteer possibilities in that area I intend to explore once I get enough of a cash pile pulled together to negotiate. but first a new roof and insulation to cut mtc/energy costs here for the long haul-I'll have that cash together by next summer if all goes well.
Steady, guess I didn't phrase that very well-I was referring to using a years use/lose above 240-which in my case would add up to 6-7 weeks by then, or I'd take some LWOP if I wanted to stay a little longer. trick is the organization would want me to pay my own way at what appear to be top-end westerner lifestyle rates rather than close to local lifestyle rates, which makes me go hmmm-much higher cost than I spend a month here in the states. I think I could live more cheaply, but not sure they would let me. there are other volunteer possibilities in that area I intend to explore once I get enough of a cash pile pulled together to negotiate. but first a new roof and insulation to cut mtc/energy costs here for the long haul-I'll have that cash together by next summer if all goes well.

The Organization would never let me do that :( -- it's hard enough taking the 'use it/lose it' time.

Alevie - things would be a lot less complicated if you got your feet wet (6 to 8 weeks) instead of diving all the way in ( a year or more).

You could live far more cheaply -- in fact there is no comparion to how cheaply (and happily) you could live your life ~~ actively working with and helping a poor population in need. When you are living in that kind of environment the last thing you would ever want to do is flaunt your wealth and riches. Here you will all the more be grateful ~~ abundantly grateful ~~ for the Life you have and all it has to offer. You will be like Ella is to me; never looking for the complicated and expensive things or ever dependent on 'trappings' the world throws out - but simply showing unconditional love and being extremely responsive to every need.

There are volunteer possibilities almost everywhere. Carrie my youngest went to New Salem over the weekend (dressed in the proper attire) and gave presentations to visitors. She loved it and wants to do it more often. This coming weekend she is going to an 1812 Reinactment. She goes to the Nursing Home once a week to teach a class she started ~ for Recreational Therapy~ to help them maintain balance better and prevent falls. She's been to the 'Distribuation Centers' and helped out there.

6 to 8 weeks would give you the opportunity to give it 100% and all the more let the Spirit Flow like never before. When I went to Mississippi to build and restore damaged houses and buildings it was absolutely amazing how wonderful it was and how much we accomplished. But I think because I knew it was a 'limited time' that made everyday better and better.

Maybe if you wait another 6 years ~~ and are closer to 'retirement' then after giving a whole year (like Sarah did in S. Korea) you can extend another year or basically stay forever. The longer you give your life in this manner and to this depth --- the more you will treasure every aspect of your life and how God is using you --- and let it go on for years and years.... until He comes to 'rapture' you.

So where is this place you're thinkin' of my little sister ?
I'm looking at northern TZ. I worked in states 30 yrs ago with nat. resource pros (brothers a hair older than me, had just gotten grad degrees the year I got B.S.), grew up as MKs there, their parents came home on furlough that year, I got to meet them. The MKs went back as adults, married Eurogals, been there ever since as resource pros/small family biz-started orphan support programs (basic and educ), I've gotten involved fiscally so far since reconnecting minorly last year. It's a different program in that area I'm looking at for current volunteer possibility, don't know if I have quals for the brothers' programs yet (mainly schoolteachers right now as best can tell), figured I'd scope it out first by splitting time there as ecotourist (their biz)/volunteer (other org operating that area).
I'm looking at northern TZ. I worked in states 30 yrs ago with nat. resource pros (brothers a hair older than me, had just gotten grad degrees the year I got B.S.), grew up as MKs there, their parents came home on furlough that year, I got to meet them. The MKs went back as adults, married Eurogals, been there ever since as resource pros/small family biz-started orphan support programs (basic and educ), I've gotten involved fiscally so far since reconnecting minorly last year. It's a different program in that area I'm looking at for current volunteer possibility, don't know if I have quals for the brothers' programs yet (mainly schoolteachers right now as best can tell), figured I'd scope it out first by splitting time there as ecotourist (their biz)/volunteer (other org operating that area).

TZ woud be great !!

Read a book within the past year called 'Soldier Girl' - a true story based on her real life account of being abducted and forced to kill others... a lot of young kids are forced to live like that ... be sex slaves and to show they mean business 'Targets' that are deeply meaningful and connected are often the ones they have to kill.

I'll look for it when I get home ~~ but there are many ways you could serve in existing organizations there if you're willing to extend yourself. My gosh ~ look at your ability to relate to people ~ that's what they need more than anything else.

Humm ~ please don't take this as a condescending comment or anything like that ~ but I could probably use 'an associate' and I could do both medical stuff and psychiatric.

Well thank you !!

You started the day off perfect .... and ending it the same. :):D:D
I'd love to "associate", whatever quals it would take to be a value-add. The TZ orphans basic support program has gotten them started growing their own food, composting, raised beds, etc. I'm learning that for myself, but maybe another piece of useful skills/knowledge I could take over as I get better at it the next few years. And/Or get a teaching cert. they desperately need mid-level science teachers/resources over there.
"Steady, guess I didn't phrase that very well-I was referring to using a years use/lose above 240-which in my case would add up to 6-7 weeks by then, or I'd take some LWOP if I wanted to stay a little longer. "

"Alevie - things would be a lot less complicated if you got your feet wet (6 to 8 weeks) instead of diving all the way in ( a year or more)."

OK, Steady, third time's the charm, right? If not, I give up. :o Here goes...I am saying I would only take the 6-7 use/lose weeks, not that I'd dip into the 240 I can carry over. We agree on wading in slowly instead of diving headfirst the first time on something like we're talking about. Am I clear enough now? :)

On my accidental (careless) references to Carrie when I really meant Sarah, you'll have to blame it on ADD. I do. :embarrest:
I'd love to "associate",

whatever quals it would take to be a value-add.

First and foremost you need to have a genuine heart for Christ and all that is represented through His Spirit. It can't be some superficial crap ~ has to be a whole hearted 100% thriving and thristing to be God's instrument of LOVE and letting that LOVE take you and stretch you as much as possible.

You will have to pray with me every morning and I don't mean some trivial or ritual garbage - I mean you have to pour out your life and pray that God will fill our cups (lifes) to overflowing so when we go out ~ we go out totally FULL and that when the day is over we will be completely EMPTY.

We end the day with another prayer of equal magnitude to the beginning prayer. Everything we do WE DO to demonstate the Power and Presense of God's Perfect Love and all it emcompasses. So in this prayer we are giving thanks for all the gifts He has given us and allowed us to share, Praising Him for everything we have done and all we bore witness to ~ and here we can elaborate on many people and events ~ and we end it with our gratitude of knowing He will bless us with a peaceful rest and grant us the opportunity to have an even bigger cup in the morning.

NOW - this is probably the most important aspect - from the time the morning prayer is over and we set off YOU HAVE TO MAINTAIN A SPIRIT OF LOVE, GRATITUDE, AND ACCEPTANCE. Never ever allow yourself to get 'overwhelmed' or to rush through 'the patients' as though they are numbers. Each and everyone has to feel 100% acceptance ~ they need to know when we get to them that they have our undivided attention and we are in 'no hurry' other than to find all the ways we can possibly help them and tend to every concern. Then ~ and only then ~ can we fully acknowledge what God can do. So we are not there to show off 'our abilities' and how much 'we can do' - we are there to show the Limitless Ability of God's Love and Demonstrate the potiential it has.

You have to let me cry if I am led to cry ~ and perhaps as important as anything else you have to BE REAL with me and all those around us.

That's it Alevie - if you can do these things then you'll flow with me and nothing will be beyond our reach.

The TZ orphans basic support program has gotten them started growing their own food, composting, raised beds, etc.

I'll have to do a bit of research to determine the best way I can maximize my time with them. With this finding your skills would be far superiour to mine ~ in knowing how to improve growing and so forth.

I'm learning that for myself, but maybe another piece of useful skills/knowledge I could take over as I get better at it the next few years. And/Or get a teaching cert. they desperately need mid-level science teachers/resources over there.

Well they will just have to settle for EXPERT LEVEL (but don't let that hold ya back)

"Alevie - things would be a lot less complicated if you got your feet wet (6 to 8 weeks) instead of diving all the way in ( a year or more)."

OK, Steady, third time's the charm, right? If not, I give up.

I noticed it yesterday and was ready to send a post elaborating the 'absolute insanity' of me misreading - or reading something more into it ~ and what an Idiot I must have appeared.

Anyway Sarah just gave her 1st full year and is now giving another year SO since I was already use to thinking about these longer term committments...

when you talked about doing 'my life dream' and perhaps the greatest longing of my heart --- I had been thinking longer term but that's not an option until I retire. So my predisposed 'condition' caused me to misread... and probably a tinge of jealousy as well.

Decided not to send it ~~ thinking maybe it would slide (but I didn't see how it could). As I re read the posts your message of 6 to 8 weeks was loud and clear and there was NO ROOM for misunderstanding. :o

On my accidental (careless) references to Carrie when I really meant Sarah, you'll have to blame it on ADD. I do. :embarrest:

Accidental ??
Careless ???

There was nothing 'accidental' or 'careless' in either the thought content or the process by which the thoughts occured. It's probably the highest and most perfect message I ever heard. Thank You!!

OK - you'd had a long enough break young lady - now get back to work and do the best job you can. :cheesy::)

3 Huge Mistakes Stood Out Last Night

First I'll elaborate on this one...

Religion means absolutely NOTHING to me and any church, temple, or whatever connected to it IF it does not embody the purest selfless love and the absolute purest and best of intentions. So if in any manner I ever seem to promote 'religion' I only do it in a manner where LOVE overides hate; where FORGIVENESS overides a grudge; where COMPASSION overides apathy.

Now Alevie -- whoa --- I know that sounded incredibly intense and in retrospect was probably both awkward and embarrassing.

When I went to the Hardest Hit area in MI to repair Katrenia Damage a group from 'my church' joined a group from Sarah's church from Goshen, IN (where she attended college) - so many of her friends from school were there.

It was my first Mission Trip ~ and I strove with everything possible to stretch myself as fully as I could and to let all my work and all interactions (either direct or indirect) be the most meaningful and truest ones I had the capacity to achieve.

So I spent a great deal of 'quality time' in solitude and very deep prayer when I wasn't on the work field or at the meals. I strove to be very open to any needs the others may have. I found that one lady from Sarah's church had just gone through a very hard and stressful divorse and was there mainly to try to 'regain some strength'. Her son (who was a 'real handful' type of child) ~ maybe junior high ~ stayed at home and she found one of his best friends died shortly before or after arriving to our destination. 2 other concerns somewhat similar came to my attention.

So when the entire group met the next morning for breakfast and to get our assignments I brought the 3 concerns up and stressed how they need our prayers and support.

I did not hit on this Lady at all - but I stove to show her very genuine respect and compassion. She (another Lady) and some others (a few guys from my church) went out every night to do something fun and during that time I stayed alone and prayed or slept -- but I prayed a whole lot and it was very deep and intense.

She was putting windows in a building my group was working on and one was damaged. The window couldn't open/close due to a buckled area ~ so she asked if I could fix it.

I straighted it with my first attempt and she said 'That's great, I can stop cause it's working'. I told her, "No I can not stop because it has my signiture and since my signiture is attached it had to reflect it." Several more taps and it was perfect - no scratched paint and no way possible to tell where it was damaged. She was amazed !!

I went to one house on my own to tear out electrical wiring. The woman who owned the house and her son were there. You could see where the waterline hit the window (maybe 7' up) so I tore out only the wiring that needed to be removed. The boy (11 to 13) kept offering me a 'cold drink of water' and at first I kept turning him down ~ thinking I'm here to do a job ~~ and his mother seemed anxious to tell me things as well SO at the nudgeing of the still small voice I took the cool water and spent 5 or 10 minutes interacting with them....

gosh this is turning into a book

After some 'good quality time' I returned to the task at hand and tore out all the wiring that needed to be replaced. A few minutes after I finished the job 'A Licensed Electrician' came to tear out the wiring and when he heard I had just done it ~~ he was furious. He ranted and raved about how much harder others were making it on him because they take out way more than they need to and don't know what they're doing. He had not looked at the job I'd finished. So I told him to look around and explained why I did the job the way I did it. For the next 5 minutes he kept going throughout the house saying that I was the first one to do the job right ~~ that I did exactly what needed to be done and nothing more. Could not convince him I was not a 'Qualified Electrician' :rolleyes::cheesy:

Went back to the building where I fixed the window. There were about 20 bolts on the walls --- lined up under a series of lights. Long wooden pieces that looked liked 'gutters' were to be placed to sheild the lights and were lying on the floor. So I marked exactly where each bolt should go and drilled all the holes. Now it has my signiture and therefore it presents that. The main guy in charge quietly noticed I had 'not measured' as he thought I should and when I got a bunch of others to help put it up ~~ I had a little problem getting my bolt to line up ~~ so the Head Guy (didn't know him) openly made it known he knew it wouldn't work because I didn't measure it. The next second I popped it right through and you could hear every bolt pop through the other holes I made ~~ all 4 long pieces (2 for each side). I respectfully told the man that I purposely did that project to make sure it was done right ~~ and we have maintained a very high respect for one another from that moment on.

Most of my projects were with 2 men from my church and one fell from a ladder and injured his hand and wrist pretty bad. His fingers were very swollen and he could barely move them. During one of our optional evening services I sat in the pew behind him ~ put my hands on his shoulders ~ and prayed for him. After that prayer he had full range of motion and no pain.

The Lady from MI ~ who ran the overall operation ~ thought I was the minister (which I am not) because I had such a 'peace about me' and somehow my demeanor stood out.

On the way back home our cook throughout the Mission ~ who I barely knew told me (outloud in a crowded van) that he had never seen anyone more sincerely and consistently display the Love and Life of God and that if he could be anyone he'd want to be like me.

Wow - that was awkward -- cause I'm just a regular dude.

Perhaps the ultimate - the absolute ultimate - was as we were getting ready to leave. I was standing outside in the big open parking lot. The divored lady came out and 'ran over with outstretched arms' to give me a hug. Up to that moment I don't think I ever had a hug like that before... she just stood there holding me and I hugged her back with everybit the love, respect, admiration, and appreciation... then she 'adjusted herself' flug her arms over my neck and just stayed there pressed against me...

I'd have to say ~~ that just totally blew me away ~~ was completely unexpected and it was BEYOND BELIEF ...

When she parted -- tears began to fall and she waved goodbye.


When you asked ~~ I thought about my own experience and I would want you to experience all those things and more ~~ but I was 'out of line' and I'm sorry for letting my feeling flow as they did.


So if you ~~ or I ~~ do go on a Mission ~~ I hope it's everybit what my last one was like ~~ and I honestly believed it would be even better if someone else joined me with the same mindset; the same committment; the same intensity; but only in retrospect do I see how 'dangerous' that could be ~~

so my sincerest appologies. :o:)
Done. My plans are moving forward regardless, just the economy keeps moving the goalposts on me. :worried: First plan was 2010, next plan was 2012, newest plan is 2015. By the time I retire in 2023-maybe everything will line up including where I'll go, what I'll do when I get there and how long I stay.