I probably shouldn't have said anything in the first place,
Please forgive me for being so overly sensitive about my daughter and how I may be perceived in relation to her.
I'm honestly not use to some 'stranger' - giving a hoot ... and have been pretty much been use to the opposite throughout ... so although I've screwed up my own life in countless ways ... I'm probably way too sensitive in my role as a father.
but somehow that word "submission" is and always has been a hot button for me-it's been misunderstood and misapplied and misused and abused so many times, so many ways, especially against women but not limited to them.
I understand completely -- really do --- thank you.
Young idealism without sufficient understanding can cause a person to give too much trust to the wrong people. that was what triggered my "big-sister" query. That's about me more than Carrie, I know that.
Not at all - it's more about you knowing First Hand how easy it can be to give too much and trust the wrong person -- and having the heart and mindset to voice your concern -- so my daughter doesn't fall into the same trap.
Even though it's Sarah we're talking about this equally applies to Carrie too. The most fundamental and underlying aspect by which they were raised and grounded is in knowing 'who they can trust' and having the richest understanding. That is the core basis of why they have lived the lives they lived and why they will continue living their lives as best as they can.
In any case, in no way shape or form was I suggesting you try to dissuade her from the direction she's headed, with respect to risktaking, physical or otherwise. My grandmother got upset with me when I moved a further 500 miles away after graduating college-did that stop me? Of course not. did it annoy me? a little.
THANK YOU Alevie ! It hit me wrong -- mainly because I dread the inevitable thoughts others will have towards me if something would happen. So essentially all of what I said was 'preperation' -- I need to be on guard -- to try to make sure I've got my own 'grounding' just in case...
At the same time consider Pauls relationship with Timothy, Paul regarded Timothy as a "son", acknowledged Timothy's grounding from his childhood, Even so Paul still coached and counselled him to exercise good judgement, to remember and trust his training, and to watch out for false teachers and immoral leaders he'd be running into as he finally went out into the world on his own, separate from his "father".
This is every bit as TRUE for us today as it was back then. I'm kind of amazed you would take the time to 'validate' yourself -- and I'm very glad you did. This is excellent - very well put!
You've said Carrie has had Timothy's kind of grounding from her childhood,
Well I can say in all sincerity and total humility 'I tried' to give them the 'grounding that would sustain them' but I am 'screwed up' and made many mistakes..
I can see it in the way she writes. Was it so out of line to hope you would have the same kind of conversation with her that Paul had with Timothy
How could I believe anyone could hold this view - or that I am even capable of having that kind of role - when the one closest to me is blind to all these things ? I live a very quiet and very reserved life; this place is the one exception.
as he went out into the world without Paul-recognizing she's already so well grounded that nothing more than a gentle supportive reminder is warranted?
How do we possibly give this same gentle supportive reminder to all who read this - that they are every bit as wonderful as any of my children - that they deserve to know love and happiness, to know a peace and joy far beyond what anything in this world can provide; and most importantly to help them honestly realize that all people deserve this no matter where they are from??
As far as physical danger-that was not my focus when I mentioned Jim Jones (I'm truly sorry, that was an overthe top example of misplaced trust)-
Please forgive me -- I am the one who is sorry -- again it is me and making what I beleive is a 'neccessary preperation'
my focus was people giving too much uncritical trust to a leader who had gone astray, who did not have their best interests at heart.
Oh Alevie - I don't want to take from what you're sharing and throw in a bunch of garbage. But I could easily cite how 'our leaders' have gone astray ... and while in office the people would never have believed what was really going on.
and people not checking out what they were told by leaders-the way the Bereans did when Paul talked to them.
Often the people can't check what their leaders are saying ... the information is SEALED and the last leader has tried to make sure these things stay sealed forever. It's amazing how these things you speak of are everybit as true today.
In any case, she will be in my prayers that she will be granted her hearts desire in this experience and that she'll come back again in every way the person she hopes to become.