TSP Elite
There is Positive Energy and Negative Energy -- and Positive Energy can be misdirected as I have done with many on this MB.Just by the responses given by you all, I can feel the passion in them.
Sugar --- Yesterday I woke at 3:30am due to a sump pump going bad and so I was very tired by the time I was able to engage with you. I'm always at work when here on the MB and usually the activities I'm involved with are very demanding -- I have to give my undivided attention and stretch my heart and life for all I see because I need to make sure they can tell I connect with them; that I truely understand what is happening with them; and that in whatever manner I counsel them or help to adjust the chemicals in their brain to give them a better quality of life -- that I am doing it in such a way that they honestly realize I am doing everything on their behalf and in their best interests.
BUT - Despite the 'Genuine Passion' you feel in all of us -- we are completely messed up and you need to realize that whatever Passion, or LOVE, or Tenderness, or Good you sense in us -- or in whatever manner something wonderful may be touching you -- It is the Spirit of GOD through Jesus.
We can take absolutely NOTHING -- because we ourselves are no different from you or anybody else. As humans we are screwed up in almost every possible way and simply being a Christian does not mean we lose our weaknesses and that we UNDERSTAND GOD as HE WANTS US to really understand HIM; that we give our lives to HIM in the fullest measure, and that HIS LIFE in us is fully known. Instead many of us are BOXED in by our BELIEFS and we largely LIMIT God's power and LIFE working through us.
So if you truely feel a 'Passion' in our expression -- then it is GOD and HIM ALONE somehow making himself known through us.
I have always lacked the feeling, the sincereity, the dedication, to say the words and mean them.
We are NO DIFFERENT -- and that is the most honest expression of who each and everyone of us is -- as humans. Even if you would NOT LACK 'the feeling' - 'the sincereity' -'the dedication'
It is something that would quickly disappear if not sought out again and again. Once you receive the Spirit of God -- through Jesus -- it makes the Journey filled with richness and glory -- because only in this manner can any of us be totally transformed -- be made new -- but it is a lifelong persuit. The FEELING; SINCEREITY, DEDICATION are things that have to be RENEWED throughout your life in order to rise Higher with GOD and get more understanding and strength.
Whether it is fear of the unknown or lack of belief I can't be sure. But to accept Him is to accept all of it.
IT -- Can't possibly be known without a 'total accpetance' -- for no one can know what IT really is -- and all it signifies -- and all IT emcompasses -- until that moment IT Transforms your being and everything to do with your existence. But you will still be there Sugar -- the person will remain -- you'll just be 'plugged into God'
And I think there in lies my biggest problem. Maybe I have heard to many interpretations of things.
In general 'people' are screwed up -- and that's why it's so essential to find GOD on 'your level' -- as a wholly personal and heart felt endeavor... it is why you have to know God as only you can -- so that others 'interpretations' do not limit you or hold you back.
Do miracles really happen?
BUT a real MIRICLE occurs when we allow GOD to transform our NEGATIVE energy into HIS POSITIVE energy. I believe my relationship with Phil shows this Miricle -- and here He alone gets all praise and glory. For I am weak -- but HE is strong.