Steadygain's Groove and Trip Pad

that's right, visualize it, verbalize it, wave your arms around on the drive in if it helps, fire it up, go get that job.

knock 'em dead kid.

You're the right person for the job. You know it, they will too.

Thank you for allowing the Sacred Beauty to shine through.

The most valuable aspect of this Site are the Sacred Connections we make with one another and the 'priceless' ways we're able to reach each other and make wonderful changes.

The most difficult part is simply being genuinely grateful for the Sacred Bonds of Friendship and trusting these bonds in themselves are enough. In 'The Moment' we experience and delight in the wonderful changes these bonds bring --- but somehow we become too possessive and perhaps too protective.

Burro, I wish we'd been able to accept each other in far greater ways and allowed the real depth and beauty that's there to be discovered. In the long run I may actually be able to admire you even more because I can see you through one of the dearest friends I've ever known.

Alevie, it takes the most valuable and priceless qualities to become my Sister and those are the only aspects of life that really matter. Everything else disappears and is not worth the slightest reflection in comparison. It's people like YOU that have most influenced me to be who and what I am.

Deep down I believe everyone of us can know and share in the aspects of Life that are 'Sacred' - and if we allowed ourselves to find the Best in each other -- we'd all be better.
'The Harvest is Plentiful but the Laborers are Few'.

For the Heart and Life I have - the Mental Health field would have to be the best choice I could have made. For me everything stems from a GOD of Perfect LOVE and LIFE. Every aspect of LIFE is totally meant to reflect the SPIRIT of GRACE and make HIS Glory known. I share this because in the deepest sense I can only count any 'GOOD' I've done as a consequence to my ability to open my LIFE in FAITH and allow GOD to make Himself known in me.

I guess I'm humbly saying -- I can only take credit for my willingness to YEILD to GOD and that is what most deeply allowed me to connect with the people who seek my interactions and treatment. But the 'Sacred Bonds' that allow me to reach in -- and be reached -- and that ultimately bring 'understanding' - 'acceptance' - 'love and devotion' are through HIS Spirit of GRACE and to Him be all Praise and Glory.

There are presently 4,000 veterans (and their families and friends) in need of Mental Health Services in this area and I would be the one to Establish it and be the only one to fully fill that void.

The VA Medical Center over this Clinic has the honor of being rated as the Top in the Nation for the compassion they extend and the quality of care they provide. It is a JOB where I will be able to 'Shine' like never before and to this I TRUST that GOD can use me to His GLORY.

I was told that all those over me gave 'Glowing' reports in regards to the services I provide and my interactions with others. So I all the more feel a deep sense of GOD working in this event.

The mountains are Beautiful and full of LIFE. I have missed the mountains so much and after living in the flatest part of the country for over 15 years it felt like the mountains themselves were 'Welcoming Me Home'. Sometimes we get a PEACE and a JOY that can only come from HIM and I had that over and over.

My visit with Mom and Dad was also wonderful. Mom no longer knows me but her expression and demeanor is soooo sweet it makes you marvel just to gaze at her. She still interacts with the qualites of a mother and everything is deeply sacred. We kissed each other goodbye on the lips just like always. Dad was also very supportive about my circumstances and is very delighted in the ways I'm making sure my wife (and family) are being cared for and how devoted I am to keeping things good. I think my wife will be a much better 'Friend' than she was a 'wife' and deep down that will be far more meaningful to either one of us.

He's concerned about me being 'lonely' at this new region :o:worried: and is also concerned about how my life will be if I don't get the job.

I think short of having my LIFE it's impossible to describe and know and experience the depth and width by which Blue has already filled my life in the most beautiful ways and has made changes that far exceed anything I've even been able to imagine. Somehow -- and in someway -- I've been able to do this for her too. So in many ways THE BEST is yet to come and I am full of HOPE and PROMISE.

I've got about 7 hours to drive home today.

Have a great day all !!
This was totally meant to be the place where I could live out my dreams and share my life as openly and fully as possible.

First and foremost was fulfilling my first - and ultimate dream - of honoring the spirit of Jimi Hendrix as I had very sincerely opened my life for his spirit to live on ~ in me ~ after his death. But I had never had the chance to go on stage and fulfill that dream. This Site allowed me to fulfill that dream.

It was a place where all of us could come -- to seek a wonderful refuge from everything. A place to find a freedom to honestly enjoy the deeper aspects of LIFE and LOVE and the deeper bonds of Friendship and all that offers.

From the parking lot it is a large metalic building - like stainless steel - and you hear the "humm" of electricity and essentially feel it as you approach the building. Discs that cover the roof point in various directions - constantly receiving and sending signals. Huge cables sprawn from the roof to large metalic boxes scattered around the grounds; each one protected by a wire fence with waring signs "Danger - High Voltage". It's an eerie feeling walking up to the building because you have the sensation you're about to step inside a huge generator. As you approach the door - the computer has already identified you and warmly greets you by name. As you walk towards the door you hear the snap of metal while all the locking bolts release - and the door swings open.

Almost immediately upon entering the building you are consummed with a sense of peace and pureness. Everything is quiet (but it's a nice quiet) - a pleasant environment that feels like home. The computer is constantly monitoring all aspects of the internal environment; making sure the dust and impurities are vacuumed out of the air, that the humidity level is just right, that the lighting is perfect and the temperature is most matched to your liking. As you walk down the hall and approach the glass beads hanging from my doorway - a sense of confidence builds with each step. My pad is like a magnet - it is magical - and there is no other place on Earth that compares to it. Parting the beads you step in the room and see me at my usual place, comfortable and content - and immediately you feel in awe; chilled; comfortable; relaxed; and excited about your next adventure.

Nice place. I like the bead curtains in the entrance. :)

Alevin, I kept praying that God would send someone else who could say things even better. Thank you so much!!!!

You are a huge blessing for many.:)


You have the wonderful knack of setting the stage, if only in a story, that while reading it, stress from the current issues fade away. When I bring up new posts I go to yours each time to "chill", before going on to the other comments.

Thanks for setting up your "pad" post.


Steadygain, this is my first trip to the Groove and Trip Pad, and I must say it is a very interesting experience. Walking up to the building, as you described it below, made me visualize walking onto the prison grounds where I used to work. I could just see the razor wire fence and perimeter patrol and towers as I walked up. But once inside, there is no security to clear and the atmosphere is completely changed, calm and inviting. I am at peace. And I get it! You've built us a secure, state-of-the-art insane asylum, haven't you? Steadygain, I'll take what refuge I can find. And I trust your treatment. Thanks!
Hey Steady, I want to take that Trip! It's never too late, is it??? I know I'll have good company, and I can hardly wait!!!

Thank your for your pad, what a way to destress ourselves... you REALLY know how to do it. Thanks Steady!


When I honor someone I do it with all my heart and soul. I open my life as fully as possible and pour out everything. All the more I do everything possible to open my life to receiving everything I can get.

I have found that the more we let go -- especially of those things that hold us back and are a burden to our LIFE the more the willing recipient is able to make them disappear. Somehow in that process we become even more qualified to take even bigger things -- so in the end only the most Sacred Aspects dominate our existence.

My first story here -- shows this openly in 'real life' and I would sincerely encourage everyone to read it from beginning to end.
The FIRST place we went to is a place I wish I could take eveyone to. If there is a purpose for our existence -- surely this is it.

FIRST is the 'Cloud' of Genuine Acceptance -- an acceptance without reservation.

Only through this 'cloud' do we find the Sacred Inner Circle - where the deepest and most priceless bonds of Love and Life exist. This is where the deepest Friendship lies and only here can we find the ability to give and receive as LIFE itself is designed.

As soon as they entered the cloud Cornellia was overwhelmed with a tranquility - a peace that went beyond anything she'd ever known and then they dropped below the cloud and quickly approached the ground below.

Ever since she entered that orange clound she had this incredible peace but now on the ground the feeling was even greater. Where ever they were it was a very magical and wonderful place.

"This is my refuge, my ultra place of safety and usually this is where I always start my journeys".
All of my stories were thoughts that freely flowed as I had some spare moments.

This story was the fulfillment of living out Jimi Hendrix and having a concert far beyond anything I could have otherwise imagined. Somehow the dreams in my life became ever greater as a result of her.

My love will take your pain and you will know nothing but the richest happiness.

Steady totally forgot everything that ever happened to rob him of life and joy; he was now totally consumed with everything Cornellia represented and became more complete - more full - more alive than ever before.

In the END -- these are the only things that honestly and deeply matter.

I would rather have one thousand dollars and have my life filled with experiences that are wonderfully satisfying and fulfilling -- that confirm you beyond anything else - that stretch to the furthest reaches of your existence in the most Sacred and miraculous ways ---

than have a million dollars and be empty.

It would be impossible to miss the Grace and Glory of GOD throughout this story -- and that is always the most central grounding by which everything else stems.
Mamikin was next and the story I wrote for her was one of my best.

When you really give your heart and life -- with sincereity and depth then only the most sacred and priceless aspects will flourish.

Again everything is deeply seeped in the Glory of God's perfect Grace.

Steady stretched his arm out with an open hand as if introducing Mamikin to a large crowd and said, "This is my favorite place and I consider it the most sacred spot I could ever find".
My next story was about striving to make AMERICA all it was meant to be.

This was the deepest and most heartfelt way I could possibly express my gratitude and honor for all who served in the Vietnam War.

Giving these men and women the respect they deserved and doing all things to give them recognition was the basis of the entire story.

If I could make wishes come true -- for the entire USA it would start by making this story REAL.

If we are going to clear the air we have to start with the Vietnam War and the Vietnam Veterans.
My next Story is more of a 'Book'. My youngest daughter had asked me to write one for her for her 16th birthday.

It includes many Members this MB has known and appreciated over the years and a permanent record to establish how sacred they all are to me.

The Book centers on XL-entLady and the forever Sacred and priceless world I discovered through her.

This is the greatest gift I could be asked to give a 16 year old for her birthday.

Nothing could take you deeper into my world of happiness and help you discover more fully what I have discovered.

Think of XL-entLady and how beautiful she is and then remember the pain in your vision and what she's had to endure over the years. What you give her will immediately fill any trace of injury and she will be restored to brand new. Then the Supreme Event will occur in her world.

My daughter loved the Book and still treasures it to this day.

Could not have been written without this Site and those included.
Lastly as I told Frixxxx in 6/09 -- I think it's post 321 on this thread.

Here is my thinking in regards to the relationships we can have with one another on this MB and here I would stress it can be between any one regardless of who they are.

It is something I refer to as 'Ultra Completeness' and that most ultimately happens when you have connected with anyone in a deeply meaningful way. There are many men that connected with me on that level and apparently that I connected with -- so it's NOT a sexual thing.

I believe that is the very best we can do - and be.

I call it the Ultra Completeness - and I believe it honestly takes a higher level of maturity - and it most certainly takes an openness and willingness to reach each other more deeply and with a genuine sacredness.

Probably more than anything is the Chemistry involved and the ability to totally give and keep giving - to wholly absorb and keep absorbing; to come to life as only that wonderful person can let you experience and knowing beyond the shadow of a doubt that you do the same for them.

If there is any lesson this Site has taught me - if there is anything GOD has made evident in the way all of us are deeply designed - it is knowing that when all else fades away -- the only thing that matters are the Sacred ways we have touched and changed each other.

Once you've been granted the priviledge of having this experience it is definately something you would cherish more than anything else; and something that's impossible to grow tired of or take for granted.

Somehow - all should learn to be more like Ella (my dog)and Nina (Frixxxx's dog) until we achieved 'unconditional love' on their level.

Once you find the Ultra Completeness - on the level that I did - you absolutely want for nothing more - it's a friendship on the highest possible levels and with that you realize beyond the shadow of any doubt that nothing else could even remotely compare.

What could ever go beyond bringing someone else to the richest and fullest life possible and soaking in the Chemistry and Energy that provides.

In comparison everything else is meaningless. I have found over and over these rarely LAST over the long run and in the deepest sincereity they are NOT meant to last on that level but with ONE Person and ONE person only.

But we can ALWAYS - cherish that 'Moment' and be grateful for whatever happened during that 'Moment'. Let that be what 'counts' and forget everything else.
My observation of Life is that True Fulfillment requires openness to what is most sacred and beautiful – and these spring from deep within.

The richest and deepest happiness is grounded first and foremost in the ability to believe and discovering firsthand what only a genuine belief can make known. There has to be an Element of faith in the vastness of LIFE and the potential life itself provides. It is somehow knowing in advance the millions of aspects that have largely remained unknown and allowing these to honestly take root and begin to flourish.

In my experience; it appears that an external source is required to allow the deeper and most wonderful aspects to fully be realized. When that source wholly lives for you and it is thoroughly evident in everything that happens – then it is possible to open yourself to allow the deeper aspects to spring forth and take over.

I have found by opening our life to greater wonders – especially in a moment where another is doing everything possible to bring it out – a certain warmness springs from within your chest that totally changes everything. The initial realization of that ‘Warmness’ is the ‘Great Awakening’ - the awesome moment of a wonderful change taking place. It starts off like a burner getting warm – and when you initially feel it you want it to grow and take over everything. The warmness then gets greater and then it is hot and blazing and it’s like your whole chest is on fire – but it’s a Glorious Fire and your whole life has a strong radiance.

It is only here that Life and Love can be known on the deepest and most comprehensive levels – and here we find the inner glow transforms you as nothing else could possibly do. Here our connections become enhanced so enormously that it is like we know LIFE for the very first time. In this enhanced state – all things disappear and whatever conflicts, stresses, or hurts may have existed before - they are not even worth a mild reflection. Life and Love are so intensely Beautiful that it’s all you want to know – and the ability to Give on far greater levels makes everything a million times better – because you can tell how rich and real and wonderful your life and love are – and you witness and feel and see and know and enjoy the depths by which it is working and moving to bring another to experience the wonders that something like that alone can do.

The goal for me is not finding True Fulfillment – as I have found it like never before. The goal is finding it on greater and greater levels; allowing the fire within my chest to blaze even brighter – so I might give more than I gave before and know with greater certainty the wonders it does. For what in life could ever compare to this? NOTHING!! For there is Nothing I have ever known or experienced has ever compared to this and it’s all I want to know.
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What a trip - Life really has sprung forth in ways we could never, ever have imagined - and yet we both fully felt that our love was real and true from moments back. Many doubted what was real and what was fantasy, but we knew all was beautiful and totally fulfilling on a deeply sacred level.

Sharing our creativity with others was something we enjoyed immensely, but the friendships that developed held more meaning. In that regard we'd especially like to let Buster know how well we speak of him, even to this day. You - Buster - are the BEST !!!

Love Blue :) (and Steady ;))
What a trip - Life really has sprung forth in ways we could never, ever have imagined - and yet we both fully felt that our love was real and true from moments back. Many doubted what was real and what was fantasy, but we knew all was beautiful and totally fulfilling on a deeply sacred level.

Sharing our creativity with others was something we enjoyed immensely, but the friendships that developed held more meaning. In that regard we'd especially like to let Buster know how well we speak of him, even to this day. You - Buster - are the BEST !!!

Love Blue :) (and Steady ;))
WOW!..Thanks guys..that really means a lot to see you say that...Rick and I never really became good friends, more casual..But I somehow seen through his writings to see a very deep insightful person..When you came along Blue, I knew you were cut from the same cloth..I'm so glad you both found each other, even if it was through cyberspace...I hope your lives together will be a lasting one to share forever...Judging by both of your AVATARS there must of been some civil as well as spiritual bonding..Congratulations!

And thanks again for the honorable mention...Best of luck always.