'The Harvest is Plentiful but the Laborers are Few'.
For the Heart and Life I have - the Mental Health field would have to be the best choice I could have made. For me everything stems from a GOD of Perfect LOVE and LIFE. Every aspect of LIFE is totally meant to reflect the SPIRIT of GRACE and make HIS Glory known. I share this because in the deepest sense I can only count any 'GOOD' I've done as a consequence to my ability to open my LIFE in FAITH and allow GOD to make Himself known in me.
I guess I'm humbly saying -- I can only take credit for my willingness to YEILD to GOD and that is what most deeply allowed me to connect with the people who seek my interactions and treatment. But the 'Sacred Bonds' that allow me to reach in -- and be reached -- and that ultimately bring 'understanding' - 'acceptance' - 'love and devotion' are through HIS Spirit of GRACE and to Him be all Praise and Glory.
There are presently 4,000 veterans (and their families and friends) in need of Mental Health Services in this area and I would be the one to Establish it and be the only one to fully fill that void.
The VA Medical Center over this Clinic has the honor of being rated as the Top in the Nation for the compassion they extend and the quality of care they provide. It is a JOB where I will be able to 'Shine' like never before and to this I TRUST that GOD can use me to His GLORY.
I was told that all those over me gave 'Glowing' reports in regards to the services I provide and my interactions with others. So I all the more feel a deep sense of GOD working in this event.
The mountains are Beautiful and full of LIFE. I have missed the mountains so much and after living in the flatest part of the country for over 15 years it felt like the mountains themselves were 'Welcoming Me Home'. Sometimes we get a PEACE and a JOY that can only come from HIM and I had that over and over.
My visit with Mom and Dad was also wonderful. Mom no longer knows me but her expression and demeanor is soooo sweet it makes you marvel just to gaze at her. She still interacts with the qualites of a mother and everything is deeply sacred. We kissed each other goodbye on the lips just like always. Dad was also very supportive about my circumstances and is very delighted in the ways I'm making sure my wife (and family) are being cared for and how devoted I am to keeping things good. I think my wife will be a much better 'Friend' than she was a 'wife' and deep down that will be far more meaningful to either one of us.
He's concerned about me being 'lonely' at this new region

:worried: and is also concerned about how my life will be if I don't get the job.
I think short of having my LIFE it's impossible to describe and know and experience the depth and width by which Blue has already filled my life in the most beautiful ways and has made changes that far exceed anything I've even been able to imagine. Somehow -- and in someway -- I've been able to do this for her too. So in many ways THE BEST is yet to come and I am full of HOPE and PROMISE.
I've got about 7 hours to drive home today.
Have a great day all !!