You never have to apologize for letting the boy inside have some fun. You are totally free to live your life however you desire when with me Baby because I know the deep, deep personal integrity that you have. I know when you write here you do so during moments that you are able to snatch from work. Your work is most often very hectic and crazy - so please, don't apologize Sweetie. Have fun here whenever you like - just make sure reinforcements are standing by if need be!
I love you Baby and you in no way embarrass me. IF others are offended, I am sorry. GOD brought us together - we know that - and we conduct ourselves with dignity and respect in our real lives. Here is where we can let things hang out - so - be free my precious butterfly - spread your wings and fly around all you want. Just remember 'Moderatorville' - let them guide us down the various paths, so we may stay here a while longer.
I love your silliness, by the way - so that's another reason not to worry - it's all part of that hugely irresistable charm of yours!!!

I know how to keep you under control too - so no worries there Steady - no worries at all - my end! (snort - as Birch might very well say!)
Don't worry about anyone else - just delight in how happy and fulfilled we both are - GOD is our judge.
You never have to apologize for letting the boy inside have some fun. You are totally free to live your life however you desire when with me Baby because I know the deep, deep personal integrity that you have. I know when you write here you do so during moments that you are able to snatch from work. Your work is most often very hectic and crazy - so please, don't apologize Sweetie. Have fun here whenever you like - just make sure reinforcements are standing by if need be!
I love you Baby and you in no way embarrass me. IF others are offended, I am sorry. GOD brought us together - we know that - and we conduct ourselves with dignity and respect in our real lives. Here is where we can let things hang out - so - be free my precious butterfly - spread your wings and fly around all you want. Just remember 'Moderatorville' - let them guide us down the various paths, so we may stay here a while longer.
I love your silliness, by the way - so that's another reason not to worry - it's all part of that hugely irresistable charm of yours!!!

I know how to keep you under control too - so no worries there Steady - no worries at all - my end! (snort - as Birch might very well say!)
Don't worry about anyone else - just delight in how happy and fulfilled we both are - GOD is our judge.