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'I'm focusing on Faith and everything it means to me.'
'Life, and everything it stands for, is so much bigger than me. I don't know all the details for the friction that exists and I don't need to know them. I can only confront it in the way I need to by focusing on Faith and what LIFE is meant to be.'
You see my Darling Wonder - how GOD prepared me and to HIM be all Praise and Glory.
I already GAVE to Burrocrat as His Spirit of GRACE moved me to act and speak.
In 'THIS' - The 'Static' was taken and I am FREE. There is no friction for him to use.
This is the POWER OF GOD - and the evidence of my heart and life:
With any animosity or static that exists both of us are partially to blame.
I know that I have often seen you from a distorted perspective and this has always been the greatest source of my static. When anyone comes between us and we are analyzing each other through whatever bonds may possibly exist (whether in our imagination or in reality) – through someone else - then the odds of static forming are pretty overwhelming. I did not mean for that to happen and I’m sorry it did.
When the others are removed and I can see you for whom and what you are – without interference – it is much easier to appreciate the endless values and worth you represent. In the end I have absolutely no place to hold any static between us and there is nothing between us distorting my perspective now.
On my part I want to totally clear the air and let everything go. It doesn’t matter to me if we regard each other as friends, if we communicate or stay in touch. The only thing that matters to me is that you realize I am sorry for the ‘static’ I once held and I am letting everything go; as you are the only one I personally had static with.'
quit hiding behind your imaginary bitches.
come to the front.
'It went well. The air is clear and nothing is holding me back.'
It is NOT him that 'clears the air' -
GOD alone has the power to totally remove all static in our life.
'He didn't say anything - he listened and that's all I needed. He knows I've let the static go and I want the air to be clear and things to be good. That what is past - has past - and I no longer hold anything that may interfere with openess and acceptance.'
Baby, this is 'The Grace of GOD' against which no one can possibly overcome.
That is why I all the more stressed the following:
'Honey, I wasn't there for that and that would be the wrong reason to approach him. Then it would be as if I went to seek a response and hope his response would be rewarding. That's not why I went. I went to let him know that I was wrong and that I knew I was partly responsible for the static between us. I needed him to know why I was wrong and that I'm letting everything go. That from my end there will be an air that is open and clean. That's all I can do and I'm good with that.'
thought i was invited.
I have always seen into your Soul and been able to feel your Heart like none other; have always known you were ‘special’ because 'I see You' !!
Since we began freeing each other from the anchors that weigh us down, we have truly let go of everything that had no ‘meaning’ and ‘The Peace of GOD’ has indeed ‘transformed US’.
Being so very central to one another has allowed us to find the way to remove the poison in each other’s life and we have moved closer to the Heart of GOD.
I am very proud of you.
Love Blue,![]()
Birch stood there soaking up the Moment. He held her in his arms as Blue continued crying and looked over as Steady wiped his eyes.
They remained in that Moment - that beautiful moment - which felt like a wonderful infinity and then Birch took them in to show Blue his new home.
Birch was taken by their expressions. He knew the 'glowing feeling' but only now saw it in its greatest intensity. They glowed in such a beautiful way -- the radiance of GOD's Glory.
'It's something else isn't it'?
Blue and Steady walked past him. They knew it wasn't a question but was a declaration - a proclaimation of an undeniable certainty.
Steady then began to let the pressure from within spread further out and stretch to places never reached before. With each place LIFE was beaming and full and wonderful. In the end his chest was relaxed but he felt his existence had more than doubled.
We know the 'source' from which everything sprang.
Christ set us Free for Freedom and GOD’s Plan has been Perfect.
We touched each other to the very CORE of our existence and LIFE sprung forth like never before.
Our Lives are so full of positivity because of the FREEDOM we have in HIM.
His Glory and Grace abound - Life is Wonderful and Pure.
We know the center of our Lives belong to HIM.
Steady..Any word on your inpending transfer to wherever, so that you two love sparrows can finally meet and see what each other looks like..?
Blue..I hope you're are not having anything vital sewn up or removed before or Steady gets there..GL with your surgery.![]()
Blue..I hope you're are not having anything vital sewn up or removed before or Steady gets there..GL with your surgery.![]()