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This is truly a story for the "Groove"
For you Brother!
This is truly a story for the "Groove"

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Do Christians hate the homosexuals? Or do they just believe they should all be killed? I think they can believe that they all be killed without hating them. Is that possible? This is my "trip" today.
Do Christians hate the homosexuals? Or do they just believe they should all be killed? I think they can believe that they all be killed without hating them. Is that possible? This is my "trip" today.
Do Christians hate the homosexuals?
If 'the Christians' have not TRUELY LEARNED to LIVE in the SPIRIT of CHRIST and fully acknowledge His Grace, Love, and Mercy...
YES !! Many do HATE Them
The good book says that homosexuality is a sin. But, no where in the bible does it say to hate sinners. As a matter of fact, Jesus Christ would have sought out and preached the word to sinners of any kind. He even hung out with prostitutes and crooked tax collectors.
I have even been in churches where Ministers will shout out with tremendous hatred and prejudism againt the Homosexuals and been to one where the Minister openly preached that AIDS was essentially 'a GIFT (Plague) from GOD meant to condemn them. That we should be 'grateful for AIDS'.
I would not attend churches that preach this ill will. It is a crying shame that those who should know not to judge lest ye be judged should cast stones.
Or do they just believe they should all be killed? I think they can believe that they all be killed without hating them. Is that possible? This is my "trip" today
Not in my world Sugar, my lord tells me to share the word so that they may know the Lord. I know it may seem callous, but if you take sin and make it sin for a sin, their homosexuality sin is as equal as my breaking the commandment of covetry. So, I would not kill them but ask them to repent with me.
Great to see you Sugar!
The question is not why they hate, but why they fear. I believe it is mostly out of fear.This would seem to me to make the most sense. Sin would be sin and putting a level on it would not matter. Where does the distortion come from then? Why the hate? It's hard to listen to when I hear someone telling me they are bathed in the Lord and then tell me gays should be killed. All of them........and with this belief will they be welcome in the Kingdom.
This would seem to me to make the most sense. Sin would be sin and putting a level on it would not matter.
Where does the distortion come from then?
It comes from people who have not learned to take the whole BIBLE in the context it is meant to be taken.
It comes from the common hatred and prejudism that we humans have 'ground into us'
We may be 'Christians' -- but we are still human....
Look at how I treated Phil recently :embarrest:
Why the hate?
Because learning the LEVEL OF LOVE -- that GOD INTENDED and honestly living that for REAL -- takes most years and years to learn
It's hard to listen to when I hear someone telling me they are bathed in the Lord and then tell me gays should be killed.
They may have been 'bathed in water' -- they are not Bathed in His Spirit -- for there is NO WAY that JESUS would think this or say it.
All of them........and with this belief will they be welcome in the Kingdom.
Their view of God is distorted -- I'm sorry but I can't help how absolutely absurb others may hold their view of God and His relationship with us.
I don't want to misrepresent so let me say that I don't necessarily believe but I am not an atheist. I am searching and trying to understand.
You're wonderful -- I'm so glad you're here. I can tell you in the deepest and truest manner that I love you and accept you exactly as you are and to the Nth degree for who you are.
My beliefs are that we have "it" inside of us and we use different avenues to bring it out. "It" being love, hate, kindness....etc. Call it God, learning, spirit, soul but I believe it's our will to do. To do whatever path you decide to follow.
The question is not why they hate, but why they fear. I believe it is mostly out of fear.
Some also seem to get in the position, Look at them, look at them....they are BAD. They do this to distract you from their faults.:suspicious:
I believe that we are willing to accept most faults and look deep for the beauty in all things. If I were a preacher man I would preach (best JFK voice)
~Ask not what sin your brother is commiting, but waht sin you're committing unto your brother!~
Then look inside yourself and find the love you want for yourself and give it to the one you fear the most.![]()
Throughout my years I have never commited to God. Understanding the scriptures and buying in to the rapture and other seemingly ridiculous events was and still is troubling for me. We all know right from wrong.
You're right, but how do we know?
We learn from wrong and grow to change it next time. With right we try to extend that more often to more people.
What is the compass we look to for direction from wrong toward the right?
Of all the people I have talked to (hundreds, maybe thousands) you have put it in terms that could possible push me to the light.
Sugar, I would never push you, I would only ask that you help me and I help you and together we get closer to our Lord so that we may someday spend eternity in a life that knows no end only everlasting love.
Have a great day!![]()
No worries Frixxxx. I have been damned by zealots and held against my will by fanatics. So a little push or big one for that matter is no problem.
Sugar, I would never push you, I would only ask that you help me and I help you and together we get closer to our Lord so that we may someday spend eternity in a life that knows no end only everlasting love.
Have a great day!![]()
No worries Frixxxx. I have been damned by zealots and held against my will by fanatics. So a little push or big one for that matter is no problem.
Sugar, my brothers speak the truth to you. They walk in the Light and so can you. Join us. There are many many believers out there who will not throw stones but who will show His grace to you and love and support you in the things you struggle with. We all need that, we all have things we struggle with, whether willing to acknowledge and face them or not. They are not hidden from our maker, it is still our choice to step into the light and allow His grace into our lives through others-or not. "There is now no condemnation for those who know God and are called by His name."
I should not be here..But I firmly believe God intervened on two occasions in my life to ensure that I remain alive long enough to complete whatever it is he has in mind for me to do....With years of trials and tribulations, I sometime struggle to keep my mind and soul focused on this destiny..Lucifer works in mysterious ways and shows us paths that look just as inviting as the paths that God shows us..I just hope and pray I follow the path of righteousness and stay the course..