Steadygain's Groove and Trip Pad

Only 1 Ah ooohga oohga.....if you would have left off the old classic (too cliche) maybe a better score.

Well - ya's got ta call it as ya see it ;):D:D

and I thought it'd be fun to plant that in some heads :rolleyes:

(my un-natural urge)

I appreciate your honesty !! --- I really do !

Anyway -- have a good one
Landing on Cotton Balls.....

A slice of life narration as it happens of a six year old boys hallucination/dream ofwhat he sees and feels after his heart has stopped from swallowing/choking on a mouthful of cotton balls. His stream of conciousness dialogue will have you playing army, coloring pictures and talking to "guides" in a brilliantly lit world. This peacefulness is in for a hard landing as we are sucked back to the floor of his house where there is yelling, screaming and crying all around and his only wish at that moment is to get back to the light he knew just a few seconds before.

The Neighborhood Predator
Landing on Cotton Balls.....

A slice of life narration as it happens of a six year old boys hallucination/dream ofwhat he sees and feels after his heart has stopped from swallowing/choking on a mouthful of cotton balls. His stream of conciousness dialogue will have you playing army, coloring pictures and talking to "guides" in a brilliantly lit world. This peacefulness is in for a hard landing as we are sucked back to the floor of his house where there is yelling, screaming and crying all around and his only wish at that moment is to get back to the light he knew just a few seconds before.

Ahhh oouuuu Ahhh ahhh Oooouuhh

Ahhh oouuuu Ahhh ahhh Oooouuhh

Sugar -- I'm ready to get the book A.S.A.P. --- nothing like I had in mind ... but that's cool --- it's was very well done.

The Neighborhood Predator

Perhaps the most shocking story ever printed. The Government's Secret Monster is fully revealed along with the grusome details of innocent Gainesville, FL residents that were killed without warning or mercy. The CIA's plan for a secret quick test turned to mass tradedy when 'The Steel Lion' got out of control.

'When Uranium turns to Helium'
Landing on Cotton Balls.....

A slice of life narration as it happens of a six year old boys hallucination/dream ofwhat he sees and feels after his heart has stopped from swallowing/choking on a mouthful of cotton balls. His stream of conciousness dialogue will have you playing army, coloring pictures and talking to "guides" in a brilliantly lit world. This peacefulness is in for a hard landing as we are sucked back to the floor of his house where there is yelling, screaming and crying all around and his only wish at that moment is to get back to the light he knew just a few seconds before.

The Sequel 'Living in the Light' reflects his life after he found the Lord during his 2nd year of college. This book brings to life the Book of John and expands on the numerous ways Christ is the Light. 'In the begginig was the Word' and the orginal Greek for 'Word' is Logos -- which shows that Jesus Himself was the First Light ever that sprang forth from God - bringing illumination and understanding. He is the Very Word by which all things were brought into being. 'He is the Light and in Him there is no darkness'. As an adult we find the 6 year old's dream comes true - as not only does he find the Light -- but the Light becomes alive in him and stays with him and guides him through years of happiness and the deepest richest qualities known to mankind.
Hey Sugar, I'm back after being out of town and away from computer most of last week. I love your mental play with Steady, both of you are amazingly spontaneous and uninhibitedly creative, I've seen that for a long time. Did you know C.S. Lewis (Chronicles of Narnia, Mere Christianity) was once described by a friend as "a man in love with the imagination"?

Kathleen Norris (one of my most favorite writers ever-she was and is a seeker, like you. Give her a try), wrote a foreword to the 2001 Harper Collins edition of Mere Christianity, in which she said
"In Mere Christianity, no less than in ..the Narnia stories and science fiction novels, Lewis betrays a deep faith in the power of the human imagination to reveal the truth about our condition and bring us to hope."
Sugar, God has given you incredibly rich mental gifts with which to conciously honor and serve Him. But more on that in a bit.

Me, I'd best stick with the more prosaic, I operate better in that arena myself. So, I'm coming back to what Steady said, and your response...

Perhaps the most important question is 'Does a person not know God because she/he refuses to allow GOD to be the center of their existence; because they refuse to believe God is the source of LIFE and HOPE -- and by rejecting this LIFE -- do they lose their hope?

Its not necessarily a rejection of God but more of an ignorance of Him. And living knowing right from wrong is just a personal choice. It's not that I'm trying to avoid the eternal sulphurous barbeque.
Is it possible to walk with God and not know it? Can He be working in me without my acknowledging it? I have felt things that I just knew would be right to do and have wondered why I did them. They seemed to be out of character at the time. I think maybe God was working thru me for the other people involved.
You are exactly right, Sugar, it IS a personal choice, always. And the goodness we feel and act upon is because that is how God intended us to live and be when He created man-to live our lives as reflections of His goodness and love and care for His creation. And at the same time, He created us with the ability to choose to be reflections of His character-or not. Because love is more than feelings, it's always a choice and an action.

I'm going to refer you to the first 4 chapters of Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis, written in England during WWII, and who was once a total atheist-until he went head to head with the evidence that persuaded him to the contrary.

Those chapters are called Book One: Right and Wrong as a Clue to the Meaning of the Universe. Those chapters speak directly to exactly that capacity and impulse towards good, even when it is contrary to one's initial impulse and 'normal' absence of motivation.

Mere Christianity is a small book, and describes the basics of what Christianity is and who God is, and man's relationship to Him. There is NO denominational flavor or heavy theology to this book-Lewis actually had theologians from across the denominational spectrum review to ensure that what he wrote were basics for the everyday person that they all held in common. They all concurred. That review process is described by Lewis himself in the book's preface, which is worth reading in and of itself.
You are exactly right, Sugar, it IS a personal choice, always. And the goodness we feel and act upon is because that is how God intended us to live and be when He created man-to live our lives as reflections of His goodness and love and care for His creation. And at the same time, He created us with the ability to choose to be reflections of His character-or not. Because love is more than feelings, it's always a choice and an action.

Wow Alevie,
I feel like a student ~~ and not your average everyday student ~~ but one that is really longing to know and wanting to learn.

This is very well put -- incredibly deep and like the ultimate truth.

Thanks so much for the visit. This ties in to a lot of things I pondered on over the weekend.

Well got some waiting on me .... so I'll get back when I can.

Hope everyone's having a good day !!
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'When Uranium turns to Helium'

Please Sugar,
Don't run and disappear --- gosh that's the last thing I want :embarrest:

Just tell me -- Hey that one's too hard -- and I'll chulk up One Point. :D

When Uranium turns to Helium

From the very begining and up through the year 2082 civilization became increasingly fractured as evidenced by mounting tensions and conflicts. Uranium became the ultimate weapon and by this time even the smaller countries had the capacity to destory the world many times over. As the world came to a stand still and every Nation had their finger on the Button of Destruction the elusive Native American - Standing Bull - entered the world and showed everyone how life should be lived. He alone quelled the fears by bringing humanity to first honor the Planet and all life and things the Planet offered. Read the numerous events by which Uranium and it's endless power and fear were totally replaced with Helium and the harmony and peace which has endured.
Is it possible to walk with God and not know it? Can He be working in me without my acknowledging it? I have felt things that I just knew would be right to do and have wondered why I did them. They seemed to be out of character at the time. I think maybe God was working thru me for the other people involved.

I hate this 'one sided' conversation -- so am anxious for you to get back. Anyway I thought a lot about this over the weekend and somehow drifted on other forms of life.

Please know - I am not making light of your message here and neither am I making fun of it. Seriously - I hope you know that's true. But as I reflected on other forms of life I wondered if they might not feel the same way....

Salmon - a fish with unique characteristics that give it a special identity. From the Salmon we know that 'all fish are not alike' just as all people are not alike. They are driven to return to their place of origin -- to give forth life and die in their final resting place.To them getting to this resting place is their ultimate purpose as expressed in the core of their existence.

Are they moved to go there because God is moving them? ...or is it simply the 'wiring' God gave them and they are living life according.

Dolphin - they are incredibly intelligent and have many characteristics that make them both fascinating and truely awesome. They provide healing and peace for many that would never have found healing otherwise.

On their own and in their natural habitat they form rings of happiness -- rings that come from their mouths -- and they play with these rings and interact with them. They also do this in captivity -- a unique and dominate characteristic that seems to entertain them and keep them happy.

Is God moving them to make the rings? or is it Dophins are wired in a wonderful way and they are simply living life as they are meant to live it?

Penguins - The Penguins are perhaps the ultimate examples of loyality and devotion. They (both male and female) regard one another as their Lifelong Partners and the emphasis on their children is perhaps the most sacred and equally shared aspect of their existence. After a long seperation where the father provides the total security for the child's existence - when the wife returns there is no love superior to what they display.

Is it God moving in them to find the right partner and remain committed indefinately? Is it God moving them to a love that seems to surpass all others? Or are they wired in a special way and their lives merely reflect this wiring?

Sugar, some things are a mystery that only God can know.

Is it possible to walk with God and not know it? I would say a deliberate and determined persuit to walk with GOD would undoubtedly bring a person into a much deeper relationship and their knowledge of God would dominate their existence.

Can He be working in me without me knowing it. Surely God would be able to work in you -- even if you didn't know it.

I have felt things I knew would be right to do and wondered why I did them. I think maybe God was working thru me for the other people involved. Sugar, don't want to downplay your experiences but we are wired to be 'good and appropriate' to be 'socially acceptable' beings. Even those who detest God or refuse anything to do with Him do kind things. I can promise you that you can feel God working in your life and know beyond the shadow of any doubt that it is His Spirit which has brought the Life in you. The Greatest Miracle by far is having that Spirit enter your life -- for it is an undeniable LIGHT that penetrates the Darkness --- no matter how much Darkness there is -- He not only breaks through the Darkness but chases it away and your life is transformed in a way that only God can do.

As the Salmon, the Dolphin, and the Penguin -- your 'wiring' will stay the same -- but you will have LIFE that goes far beyond what you could have otherwise.
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I thought of a new book title I like even better than the other.

I wont' have computer accesss until Thus -- but hopefully tomorrow you'll return (if not before).

OK - new title: 'Crest Gay Strips'

Well look over everything cause I've rambled on and there may be something worthwhile in all the clutter.

Enjoy your day off and do your best to come up with a title to give me a challenge.

Later my friend,
Sugar hung around this time longer than I've seen her do before, and Spice never showed up either, for once. Both good signs. I do believe Sugar will show up again when she wants to venture in out of the cold. When she does, she knows she'll find a welcome in this thread.
Sugar hung around this time longer than I've seen her do before, and Spice never showed up either, for once. Both good signs. I do believe Sugar will show up again when she wants to venture in out of the cold. When she does, she knows she'll find a welcome in this thread.

If there is any 'truth' to Alevie's message here then I have totally missed everything -- you have been expressing.

When I described you as the beautiful Blossom -- and wrote everything I did -- it was something I knew in my heart of hearts was true. And when Birch initially brutally challenged me in regards to his Soldier status -- and our relationship -- I equally knew in my heart of hearts that we had a great deal in common and that he was very much one of my closest brothers. I don't know how I know these things Sugar but somehow I do.

So only now do I really feel able to answer your question about if miricles really happen. Sugar -- you are the beautiful precious person that God meant to florish. Spice emerged in response to the cold, uncaring, vicious and hateful world thrown upon you. It was easier for Spice to deal with it than you and as unfair as it's been that's largely what transpired. Because the bad things were so terrible it made that part much stronger and it's been next to impossible to deal with.

So let me get back to your question Sugar and this time I really honestly believe I can give you a better answer. As powerful as Spice is ~~ and as much as Spice has power and control ~~ God is trillions upon trillions of times stronger. Spice is no match for God and Spice would not be able to dominate or control your existence once you've opened your heart and life and come to accept all that God is offering -- all He longs for you to have -- and all He very much wants to give. His LOVE will bring Sugar to life like never before and this LOVE will force out anything that opposes it. His LIFE will conquer and overthrow everything holding you back and you will come to know His Strength and Power in YOU a thousand trillion billion times beyond any other power including Spice.

So yes Sugar -- I can promise you a FREEDOM far beyond what you could even imagine... promise you a LOVE that overcomes everything...promise you STRENGTH and SECURITY ... that wil never fail you Sugar. I promise you the chance to be everything you could hope to be and it's all wonderful.

There is nothing in this for me Sugar other than the sheer joy of seeing God's Blossom come to life. I am in no way trying to get you to join any organization or cult or anything else. It's not a game I'm playing with your life and whatever else one could think... I simply have come to realize what it is you are asking... and I can tell you with all the confidence in the world -- YES - MIRACLES DO OCCUR!

Don't let Spice keep you from getting everything God longs for you to have ... God has made it so easy... just let it go and believe.

Thanks for getting in touch Sugar and to me -- you're the angel in the middle of your ativar.
Today is Carrie's Birthday...

It was one year prior I wrote the amazing 'book' for her 16th ;)

THANK YOU EVERYONE !!! -- It's a treasure that will last forever !!

Well I've got an hour to get home for the Birthday Dinner

Please everyone -- practice good dental hygeine...

and I'll see ya tomorrow morning :)
Hey Steady, balancing work and family life-tough at times but you're doing it well, sounds like. didn't see this til after you headed home, hope the birthday party was TERRIFFIC!!! :)
Just stopping in to thank all of you that were kind enough to share your insight and personal stories with me about the question I had concerning Christians. It was not only seeking answers but also trying to find a path. I am taking a step in that direction in as far as establishing a higher power. This is what i think was my biggest problem. A being or entity as the one to worship. I have decided on a concept as my higher power. The realization that this could possibly work for me allowed me to feel "a release of pressure" from my chest area. Almost like weight being lifted. I cant really explain it but my thoughts seemed to be lit up after I adopted this idea. Things seemed brighter. Anyway, thanks to all who helped guide me and perhaps one day I will have the passion and commitment that I admire and respect in all those who truly and sincerely believe.
The first step is the start of every long journey, SS. It's hard being stuck, and what a joy to have all that energy finally become unstuck and discover how good it is to be moving forward and know you're headed in the right direction for you, no matter how long it takes.
question I had concerning Christians. It was not only seeking answers but also trying to find a path.

My sweet precious friend,
This is built into our existence -- and is the truest and most central part of our being.

We long to connect with GOD and find the ultimate basis for our existence. Without that there is something lacking and the deepest 'fullfillment' the greatest peace and joy can not possibly exist without it.

I am taking a step in that direction in as far as establishing a higher power.

Sugar, that is all that GOD could ask and it's the only way possible to find 'The Higher Power'.

For most people and unfortunately many 'religions' (Christian too) they focus way too much on 'seeking' until you find it.

You are far beyond many, my dear friend, because the Truth is -- it is 'The act of taking a step' -- 'the striving for direction' -- 'and the persuit to establish' that brings us into a Relationship that is TRUE and LASTING.

This is what i think was my biggest problem.

It's a journey 'only You' can find.

A being or entity as the one to worship.

This 'Being' or 'Entity' is the ONE that is responsible for everything throughout the Universe and no Life could possibly exist without this 'Being'.

I have decided on a concept as my higher power.

And it is 'Your' Higher Power -- and undoubtedly a Power that is Higher than all others.

The realization that this could possibly work for me allowed me to feel "a release of pressure" from my chest area.

Oh Sugar, my dear friend, the pressure 'released' is the longing fulfilled. None can do that apart from God.

Almost like weight being lifted. I cant really explain it but my thoughts seemed to be lit up after I adopted this idea.

Well I honestly don't care who you are -- but please know that I would give you the warmest hug and welcome you into 'The Family of God'.

The weight that's lifted is the 'burden' removed my dear friend. You have finally found what you've been missing and longing for throughout the years.

The thoughts 'lit up' is the True revelation that God is now a part of your life and you are now in GOD. With that comes a knowledge of things you can only know by this wonderful Higher Power. For now it's no longer a 'foreign concept' but an inward reality.

Things seemed brighter.

The 'Blossom' has come to life -- and now we can bask in its glowing. I wish I could see you --- would love to look in your eyes and see your expression -- would enjoy letting you know you really are GOD's blossom and now you know it's for real.

Anyway, thanks to all who helped guide me and perhaps one day I will have the passion and commitment that I admire and respect in all those who truly and sincerely believe.

You have the 'Passion' -- just look at your words and the way the expressions flow from your life. The 'Commitment' is something that 'once started' is a never ending endeavor.

Dear Sugar, all of 'us' are nothing -- we are started out just like you -- wondered how to find this Higher Being... wondered how can this or that be...and why should I bother .... but somehow we all came to the same place and we all sought GOD -- and longed to find it's real.

We all 'admire' and 'respect' you because you will willing to follow your heart -- to take that chance -- and find the 'Pressure has disappeared' -- the 'Weight has been removed' -- the 'Thoughts are lit up' and 'Everything is Brighter'.

This is just the 'Beginning' of a very wonderful Journey and we're thrilled in knowing we have you -- and you have us.

Have the most wonderful day of your entire life and know you can count on me.

Birch said something recently about me being a 'romantic' :rolleyes:

Well, somehow that made me think it's been a long time since I'd written a story. So decided I'd try a little love story and to come up with various shades of romance and delight.

Throughout the months I'd flown back and forth from here to a special place not far from you. I had decided long ago to find the most beautiful place I could -- in the wilderness -- make my own trail and include many stops along the way.

Each time I took a bag of flower bulbs and planted them along the trail and all the more used them to frame every place we stopped. By the time Spring arrived -- and life was filling the Earth with beauty and the weather was delightful; that's when everything was ready.

You received a detailed map of where to meet me and it was our very first time seeing each other. Over time we had come to know each other very well and a growing sense of contentment and peace -- along with a cherished hope seemed to fill our lives. Communication was free and flowing and we had long since come to a place where friendship allowed trust and love to florish and somehow we transcended to a place of genuine harmony and beauty.

It didn't take you long to make the drive and find the trail I'd secretly made. As you walked into the woods at the very spot I had intended you came to the first bench moments after disappearing from anyone's sight.

The bench was empty and the tension you were carrying slightly disappeared. It was a sigh of relief and gave you sometime to air out your emotions and try to be calm.

You had no idea I was watching you... waiting until I saw some of the tension disappear; until it looked like you were ready and then I stepped out to meet you.

It was nothing like either of us had long thought it would be; but everybit as good and everybit as wonderful. As I walked up to meet you we both absorped all the details ... the facial features, the general build and height and all the other things. Both of us were dressed casually and comfortably as planned ahead of time and both excited about the adventure ahead.

So our very first time was not cuddled together and lost in some wave of high emotional love and frenzy ... instead it was very subdued and we took our time to gently let everything fall into place. Both of us prayed to ourselves to let the peace fill us and give us the freedom to put down our guards. There may have been a trace of awkwardness at first but as you heard me talk and you saw my expression you quickly realized I was more than delighted with what I had found.
Throughout the months I'd flown back and forth from here to a special place not far from you. I had decided long ago to find the most beautiful place I could -- in the wilderness -- make my own trail and include many stops along the way.

Wow !! This sounds pretty weird now.

Yesterday I had this beautiful place in my mind ... and thought about the man and woman for a moment but today I'm like ---- WOW --- what in the world.

So I'm out of practice and honestly can't flow with this. So need to change it to really flow with it.

Each time I took a bag of flower bulbs and planted them along the trail and all the more used them to frame every place we stopped. By the time Spring arrived -- and life was filling the Earth with beauty and the weather was delightful; that's when everything was ready.

You received a detailed map of where to meet me and it was our very first time seeing each other. Over time we had come to know each other very well and a growing sense of contentment and peace -- along with a cherished hope seemed to fill our lives. Communication was free and flowing and we had long since come to a place where friendship allowed trust and love to florish and somehow we transcended to a place of genuine harmony and beauty.

It didn't take you long to make the drive and find the trail I'd secretly made. As you walked into the woods at the very spot I had intended you came to the first bench moments after disappearing from anyone's sight.

The bench was empty and the tension you were carrying slightly disappeared. It was a sigh of relief and gave you sometime to air out your emotions and try to be calm.

You had no idea I was watching you... waiting until I saw some of the tension disappear; until it looked like you were ready and then I stepped out to meet you.

It was nothing like either of us had long thought it would be; but everybit as good and everybit as wonderful. As I walked up to meet you we both absorped all the details ... the facial features, the general build and height and all the other things. Both of us were dressed casually and comfortably as planned ahead of time and both excited about the adventure ahead.

So our very first time was not cuddled together and lost in some wave of high emotional love and frenzy ... instead it was very subdued and we took our time to gently let everything fall into place. Both of us prayed to ourselves to let the peace fill us and give us the freedom to put down our guards. There may have been a trace of awkwardness at first but as you heard me talk and you saw my expression you quickly realized I was more than delighted with what I had found.

Hmmm .... some of the ideas are 'good' -- but I need to come up with characters .....

Argallene ~~~ for the woman

Carmino ~~~ for the man

Have never heard of either name and I like them unique
Hmmm .... some of the ideas are 'good' -- but I need to come up with characters .....

Argallene ~~~ for the woman

Carmino ~~~ for the man

Have never heard of either name and I like them unique
Good to see you writing again. I think it focuses you and it is therapuetic for a lot of us.:cool: