Steadygain's Groove and Trip Pad

Like a powerful motor -- an electrical current reverberating -- louder and louder - the sound of Jimi's guitar began to grow. It had been so many years since I heard the feedback from his amps ~~ the way its pulsations grew and dominated the atmosphere ~~ but once it caught you ~~ you were swept away.

While soaking it in -- absorbing everything before me -- I thought the sounds were simply part of the Universe that spun to a perfect rhythm ~~ for it blended so well. As the feedback grew louder and filled the Universe I began to hear many riffs that were distinctly Jimi's singniture and only in that moment did I come to realize how he had come to life and was wholly a part of everything. Here he was secretly in the background and the distant humm of his guitar was there the very first moment. Now it was unmistakable and with it was an assurity that he was once again a part of my being ~~ and in fact the very center of my existence.
A mist that was mesmerizing and tantelizing filled the Universe and began to evolve into a 3 dimensional shape of a face. As the details took on clarity -- Jimi's eyes seemed to see through me -- to know me like no one else ever had. He was delighted to see me and everything about him confirmed the emotions that filled me.

'Welcome to my garden, Blue' --- he said with smile.

I arrived in the most amazing garden I could imagine. Was so overwhelmed I lost my breath -- and lost the ability to regain control.

'Hey, it's cool baby Blue -- just give into it and let it take you. Here you have to float ~~~ ahhhh ya know ~~ you've got to totally groove into everything and drift with the winds of my imagination'.

Using all senses I soaked in the new surroundings until I was grounded and full. So much to take in that stretched the imagination that I was paralyzed -- motionless -- captivated with everything this new world offered.

'Well I've waited with every passing moment for this day to arrive. Filling the Universe and making it right; knowing whenever you arrived we would start in this garden. But now it's time to move on Blue - to move forward and for that to happen you have to give it everything --- let it all go and free your mind.'

I looked about, for I would soon be moving forward. I listen, for looks alone can often be deceiving and every moment must fully be absorbed ~ as no one is capable of fully aborping the next moment without the present one being totally absorbed. This is something Jimi had stressed many times before.

I felt the terrain and the beating of my heart to ensure I taking every sense to its fullest potiential; for only in this manner could I be confident I could meet up to the challenges which may be in store. I smell and taste the air for further information. All of these basic senses heighten my most special sense…my sixth sense of intuition that will provide me with the right mind, concentration and view.

Effectively soaked, I am now no longer a separate entity but, am a part of everything ~~ and with this the Mist disappeared and Jimi somehow became a part of me and his thoughts were my thoughts and my thoughts were his.

Ready to interact on my own terms with all that surrounds I listen to some sounds close by before moving on…

Jimi's presense was comforting - exhilerating - and he told me to follow only the purple or the amber ~~ for they are one and the same ~~ and to deviate from them would cause us to fall into other Universes before our time. Only when one is complete can we be ready for the next.

And thus the journey began.
Jimi’s use of repetitive rhythms slow my brain waves to theta. Under his spell and united as one I feel every texture and contour. I try not to move even though I am traveling a very long distance. The electrical current is too strong to stop my head from beginning to bob…
Caught up in another Universe altogether -- or perhaps the revelation of my own Universe on depths I'd never known was possible Jimi’s use of repetitive rhythms slowed my brain waves to theta. Here I marveled at the clarity I could both see and understand all that transpired as 'WE' traveled the paths of purple and amber.

'The Theta Rhythm' is far beyond me Blue. For everything you see is simply a piece of GOD's Creation -- for what you acknowlege is your being itself stretched out in a Universe of it's own with my being interblended.'

Here I gave pause to Jimi's words....

'You see -- surrounding our own Universe and all other things is the Creator which brought everything into existence -- by which everything has its design -- and its meaning and purpose -- and THETA is GOD's most Central Rhythm by which everything is held together and by which all LIFE has its grounding'.

'This my sweet Blue is why my Music is Universal -- why one note is always sustained and flows so perfectly with the next sound and the next .... for I became part of the Universe HE created and transformed all Meaning into Uninveral rhythms and sounds'

Somehow everything Jimi expressed was understood with the greatest understanding and the absolute truest depth. Under his spell and united as one I feel every texture and contour.

In the 'Known Universe' --- that bare 4% -- which for centuries and centuries prevented Society from understanding the REAL Universe -- nothing surpassed the Speed of Light.

In the 96% which we now enjoy -- traveling far exceeded anything in the 'Known Universe'. Movement here was more an instanteous process taking you from one end of the Universe to the other - in the blink of an eye -- in the smallest fraction of a second.

I try not to move even though I am traveling a very long distance.

For somehow any movement could interfere with the 'Perfect' and to remain in the 'Perfect' I simply had to float and let it happen.

The electrical current is too strong to stop my head from beginning to bob…

I started to get overwhelmed ~ until I realized the current was Jimi's guitar and then I knew my head (and in fact my whole body) was in synch with his music and I was totally captured and lost in its magic. In that moment we arrived at we called our 'First Destination' ... yet both of us knew there is no first ... no second... for everything that ever was is simply a continuium ... an ever lasting journey that started long before our first recollection and continues on indefinately. Driven as we are to find meaning and convey the events that unfold ~~ as we are able to acknowledge them ~~ we arrrived ~~ and the traveling ended.
No longer traveling I take time to reflect …

I remember Jimi’s first words to me…that warned “this pad can be a mighty dangerous place”.

I remember his smile as he welcomed me to his garden and him saying “ Hey, it’s cool baby Blue -- Here you have to float ~~~ ahhhh ya know ~~ you've got to totally groove into everything and drift with the winds of my imagination”.

With Jimi’s help I had freed my mind and
Like a child -- totally innocent and free -- my spirit was transformed.

I remember how overwhelmed I had been upon seeing the mist appear and smile now I realize it was Jimis’ ‘Purple Haze’ as he made himself known.

Perhaps I should have thought twice before taking this trip but, I am curious and wanted to walk in his light.

I remember Jimi telling me to follow only the purple or the amber ~~ for they are one and the same ~~ to simply float, let it happen and to remain in the ‘Perfect’ for to deviate would cause us to fall into other Universes before our time.

Initially difficult for me…Jimi’s music allowed us to follow the paths of purple and amber and although I was overwhelmed we managed to arrive here in one piece and I am ecstatic.

I can’t help but, laugh :D – as I remember Birchtree had dropped by while I was drifting (until able to absorb it and flow with it before jumping in) – and I think how a pair of special sticky pants might have been good to have!
We arrived at a place with three benches that each faced different directions.

Stange as it seemed, and all the more with the realization that everything we encountered was my very existence -- stretched out like the Universe --, it felt like Jimi was familiar with every place we encountered. Thus my initial thought on seeing the benches was 'Jimi must use them at different times of the day.'

The Purple ended in a circle that enclosed the benches which faced North, South, and West. We arrived from the East. I was semi in shock ~ half overwhelmed and half elated. Unable to speak, yet trying my best to absorb everything.

Jimi offered me a seat in the South bench and sat beside me. The path before us was the deepest Blue which began with what appeared to be a mixture of concrete and metal. The ground on both sides of the path was a different shade of blue -- filled with green metal stems that glistened - as if it were a bright sunny day - yet there was no sun but only colors. From the green stems were large leaves that fanned out like the Sting Rays in the oceans -- with rhymic motions -- as if in a mild and constant flight. All the leaves were the same shape and size but each varied with every color imaginable -- and gazing at them beyond a moment or two put me in a hypnotic state which only ended with Jimi calling my name.

Each time he called I awakened and looked at him ~ silently calmed by his reassuring features ~ then drifted back and immediately fell into another hypnotic state of tranquility. He stretched his arm on the bench and lightly rubbed my back. "Jimi, it feels like you're touching my skin", I said dreamily.

"I am touching your skin Blue. The clothes are like the air and totally transparent to touch - they are only here for visual boundries. In your Universe there is nothing but total freedom".

Partly mystified and partly needing confirmation ~ I put my hand on his chest and my fingers went through as if his shirt was a vapor. The texture of his hair and the warmth of his body was simply amazing and I withdrew in a state of bewilderment. Jimi chuckled and said, "It's cool Blue, it's only touch transparency. You're cool ! Nothing to be awkward about sugar pie'. But I wasn't awkward at all and it was like the coolest thing I could ever imagine. This was a world I was coming to love more and more.

Jimi said the Universe was like a huge garden with wonders that never end. Every color has its own Universe and with it endless frequencies and rhythms are evolving and changing. The movement of the leaves create the worlds within. Here within the Purple garden the path has ended. It will never be destroyed for it is unlike a building and it will always point the way as long as we remember how to follow. Now it is time to enter the Blue garden and with that you must follow the path as far as your eyes can see.

Gazing down the path -- it appeared to turn to water with very gentle ripples that put me once again in a hypnotic state -- but this time I was captured in its movements and flew into its world.
Suddenly we started flying so fast -- that everything seemed like a blur. I began to tense -- dreading the thought of moving beyond the path -- yet knowing at our current speed I had no control.

"It's okay Blue -- just chill -- we're entering Moderatorville and they make sure whenever we stray -- they nudge us back.'

Jimi's words were so amazingly assuring and he held me gently. Somehow his touch brought such immense peace ~ despite zooming ahead at speeds so fast it nearly made me dizzy.

'Moderatorville' :confused: I thought ??

Then - when all hope seemed lost - Nnuut gave us a gentle push and we were flying down even faster. Show-me was at the next curve and his simple touch moved us straight down the ribbon like ocean that seemed to have no end. The next curve was sharp and no one was there. I instinctively held my breath as I braced and shut my eyes -- and James moved us perfectly down the middle of what seemed like a never ending path of Blue. Traveling from one horizon to the next until we got to the last curve ~ then Lady's touch moved us to our next destination.
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This time in place of benches were the 'Magic Holes' that faced West, North and East all within the Blue Circle with its endless path to the South.

Steady was delighted and spun around happily with his arms outstretched and said, 'Oh Blue, this is like the coolest place I've ever been. You're going to love this place', he said with a wink.

Then he walked over the West one -- stuck his head through -- took in a deep breathe -- pulled it back out and looked at me with playful exhilleration as he let out his breath and smiled.


'On my gosh, Blue :p - stick your head through and breath in the New World' ... was the last thing I remember as I lazily walked over and stuck my head through.

It was pitch black and nothing was even remotely visable until I took in the deepest breathe I could -- then immediately everything filled the World and I gazed in amazement ... perhaps just a little too long for I started feeling just a little faint.

Pulling back out -- I exhaled -- with a sound and force like I'd held my breath for a full minute. As the air left my lungs the tingley sensations flooded my body - it felt like some magnetic cap was over my head - and I chucked in delight.

My eyes were glazed and I felt the most beautiful grin -- felt like my whole being was grinning -- a sense of freedom -- like a vapor of air floating just above the ground... and I looked over at Jimi...

Yes -- and then what happend Blue ??
I wait a little while before answering Jimi. He knows me so well but, I try to make his heart beat faster by making him use his powers to feel what I am thinking and see if he's going to guess correctly what I am going to do.

Finally, I look at Jimi and smile the biggest smile, :) then say

“Well, remember when we were playing songs together and you said “Hmmm…it's kind of 'An eye for an eye ... a tooth for a tooth'.” And then you rubbed my back and I ran my fingers through your chest.

“Yes”? Well…this trip is amazing and I've never seen such beauty. You've shown me so much and I want to see more and more. But, you don't have to do all the work now we're united.

And with that I giggled and hopped on over to the North magic hole.
“Jimi – watch this”! And I stuck my head through…
In the pitch black of this North ‘magic hole’ with nothing remotely visible I realized that I hadn’t let the magic from the West one sink in.

I was still -- like a vapor of air floating just above the groundI grew concerned that the slightest ripple from the blue gardens’ water might lead me in the wrong direction. I decided it was safer to pull back out without taking a breath in.

I looked over at Jimi…

And – that’s what happened!!
I look around for Steady and find him with a concerned look on his face.

“Are you alright Blue?”

“I guess…but, I saw how exhilarated you were and the West ‘magic hole’ left me with such a sense of freedom I wanted to show you how brave I am by looking in the North one before you.”


“Well…with glazed eyes and grinning throughout…I lost my senses and did not soak in the experience. I remember that during my transformation -- when everything became known for the first time and I could see the hidden was not 'Dark' – I learnt that the colors themselves were the life sustaining elements that gave all Mass its purpose and function; that held it in place and provided the rhythm by which everything moves.”

”Think about what you just said Blue”

“Oohhh...I get it!”

My senses returned and started to max out ~~ in the realization once more that the entire Universe was my very being ~~
“Come on Blue.” “We’ll do this one together.”

I take Steadys’ hand and together we walk to the North ‘magic hole’. We both put our heads through…look at each other then together we take deep breaths --
I take Steady’s hand and together we walk to the North ‘magic hole’. We both put our heads through…look at each other then together we take deep breaths –

Captured by its charm and drawn by its splendor we entered deeper into its world. Steady and I were one ~ of course we had been for ages ~ but now it went far beyond what we’d ever known before. For as you can see ~ we were floating ever further into ‘Infinity’ and with each passing moment there was a lightness ~ an airy abandonment ~ a sense of freedom and knowledge of ourselves and each other that went so far beyond anything we’d known on Earth. For this was an awareness without restraints ~ without any questions ~ with no reservations ~ for in this world all was totally known and everything was perfect.


We started laughing ~ as we soaked up everything this world offered. For here I no longer had to use my powers to feel what he is thinking or make him use his to guess what I want. We wrapped our arms around each other and the moment we embraced our bodies began to spin in a slow circle. Then the bubbles poured from the walls, popping on our skin as if we had no clothes. Its sensations were tantalizing and magnifying ~ and yet as wonderful as it felt ~ the most amazing sensations were not my own but each others. For he could feel my bubbles and I could feel his and sharing in the other’s delight went far beyond our own.
For he could feel my bubbles and I could feel his and sharing in the other’s delight went far beyond our own. It was simply amazingly how beautiful and complete our communication was ~~ for we knew each others' thoughts ~~ but way beyond that we felt all the emotions and discovered the fullness of each others beauty.

This was 'The Great Awakening' -- for no matter how well you know yourself and regardless of how wonderful your own self image may be ~~ there are always some lingering doubts and it's impossible to shake some of the uncertainties. BUT - Discovering the other on an even greater Depth is totally the opposite for this is the most powerful way we can be 'Awakened' to the total beauty and richness of LIFE and all it has to offer. As this reality set in we saw each other from a different perspective and smiled and laughed as we soaked it all in more deeply.

Then we switched positions at the exact same time ~ perfectly in synch ~ and locked our arms together with our backs pressed againt each other. The bubbles continued pouring out from the walls and it was perhaps the greatest moment either of us experienced.

Then we landed in our next destination.

Please know -- it's not like it sounds at all. Have thought about numerous ways to bring many characters in - and here am only meaning to stress a 'Oneness'

Without a 'Oneness' none of the rest makes any sense.

Gets much more 'Alice in Wonderland' like :)