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Jimi’s use of repetitive rhythms slow my brain waves to theta. Under his spell and united as one I feel every texture and contour./QUOTE]
Blue's use of 'Theta' is HUGE. For in reality this reflects some of my deepest research into the Brain, Life, Earth, and the Universe.
The most Major and Significant feature of Theta is it forces us to acknowledge that we are simply a part of something far Greater. We are nothing more than a piece of Creation and The Creator is the Designer, Maker, and Sustainer ~as in the story I reflected:
'The Theta Rhythm' is far beyond me Blue. For everything you see is simply a piece of GOD's Creation -- for what you acknowlege is your being itself stretched out in a Universe of it's own with my being interblended.'
'You see -- surrounding our own Universe and all other things is the Creator which brought everything into existence -- by which everything has its design -- and its meaning and purpose -- and THETA is GOD's most Central Rhythm by which everything is held together and by which all LIFE has its grounding'.
'This my sweet Blue is why my Music is Universal -- why one note is always sustained and flows so perfectly with the next sound and the next .... for I became part of the Universe HE created and transformed all Meaning into Uninveral rhythms and sounds'
With this background ~ and only in a deeper reflection of all I am saying -- does the next 'quotation' make since. For the entire goal to is 'Set her Free' to be 'Transformed'
I remember his smile as he welcomed me to his garden and him saying “ Hey, it’s cool baby Blue -- Here you have to float ~~~ ahhhh ya know ~~ you've got to totally groove into everything and drift with the winds of my imagination”.
With Jimi’s help I had freed my mind and
Like a child -- totally innocent and free -- my spirit was transformed.
For only by and through a True Transformation can ....
...she FIND Herself -- and all Her Universe REPRESENTS
I remember that during my transformation -- when everything became known for the first time and I could see the hidden was not 'Dark' – I learnt that the colors themselves were the life sustaining elements that gave all Mass its purpose and function; that held it in place and provided the rhythm by which everything moves.”
Only by this Transformation could Blue have this occur:
My senses returned and started to max out ~~ in the realization once more that the entire Universe was my very being ~~
NOW -- and only as a result of the Transformation can the most important ~~ and most Central Aspect of the Story FLOW ~~ for NOW 'we' Communicate as ONE -- we are ONE
Steady and I were one ~ of course we had been for ages ~ but now it went far beyond what we’d ever known before. For ~ we were floating ever further into ‘Infinity’ and with each passing moment there was a lightness ~ an airy abandonment ~ a sense of freedom and knowledge of ourselves and each other that went so far beyond anything we’d known on Earth. For this was an awareness without restraints ~ without any questions ~ with no reservations ~ for in this world all was totally known and everything was perfect.
Without totally soaking in the Above -- and knowing what this represents in its entireity -- Nothing about this Story could possibly have the Depth and Understanding it is meant to Represent.
We wrapped our arms around each other and began to spin in a slow circle. Then the bubbles poured from the walls, popping on our skin. Its sensations were tantalizing and magnifying ~ and yet as wonderful as it felt ~ the most amazing sensations were not my own but each others. For he could feel my bubbles and I could feel his and sharing in the other’s delight went far beyond our own.
This is NOW the most Central and Important part of the entire Story.
What are the Bubbles ??
What do they Represent ??
Why would they have to pour from all directions ??
Above everything else -- how did the Bubbles change us ??
The Answer is largely reflected in the next quote:
It was simply amazingly how beautiful and complete our communication was ~~ for we knew each others' thoughts ~~ but way beyond that we felt all the emotions and discovered the fullness of each others beauty.
This was 'The Great Awakening' -- for no matter how well you know yourself and regardless of how wonderful your own self image may be ~~ there are always some lingering doubts and it's impossible to shake some of the uncertainties. BUT - Discovering the other on an even greater Depth is totally the opposite for this is the most powerful way we can be 'Awakened' to the total beauty and richness of LIFE and all it has to offer. As this reality set in we saw each other from a different perspective and smiled and laughed as we soaked it all in more deeply.
Blue alone -- understands what Jimi is all about and everything his life represents. For every note and every sound are like a giant bubble that fills her and surrounds her -- and the music itself is equal to the colors -- all of it is the very essense of all she is.
All was designed for a total TRANSFORMATION -- for the Deepest Understanding of Her UniverseI stretched my arm on the bench and lightly rubbed his back. “Blue, it feels like you’re touching my skin”, he said dreamily.
I am touching your skin Jimi ~ I put my hand on his chest and my fingers went through as if his shirt was a vapor.
I chuckled for now I was freely able to use touch transparency.
Jimi smiled.
I kept my hand on him and waited until I could feel his bubbles and he could feel mine and sharing in the other’s delight went far beyond our own.
Our communication was beautiful...
She is in 'Tune' with JimiThis ‘Oneness’ is incredible.
It was great seeing Squalebear and Teddybear and through the ‘Oneness’ able to appreciate 'Love Me Tender' and I’m especially happy as others join us.
Done!!Yes Mods..Please remove it..My sense of humor missed the mark on this one (no pun intended)..But with all this talk of trips down holes..etc..well, you can see where I was thinking...
Again..please remove and I'll behave and stay away from Steady's LSD trips.
Yes Mods..Please remove it..My sense of humor missed the mark on this one (no pun intended)..But with all this talk of trips down holes..etc..well, you can see where I was thinking...
Again..please remove and I'll behave and stay away from Steady's LSD trips.
How WE did it I might never know but, we pulled the ‘magic hole’ inside out.
WE held it still and were amazed at it’s splendor…