Steadygain's Groove and Trip Pad

Hugs J

I’m so proud of ’US’

What better day than for that to happen…’Good Friday’, also known as ‘Great Friday’

There are so many different traditions across the world…but, my Mother country has for many years introduced its 7 am News broadcast on Radio 4 on Good Friday with a verse from Isaac Watts hymn "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross".

The words of “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” tell a wonderful story. They tell of the paradoxical beauty of sacrifice. They tell a story of pain and suffering woven together with joy and love. Who would have ever thought that these polar opposites could come together and form a paradoxical statement that on the face of it sounds ridiculous, but when taken to heart and pondered makes so much sense that even the simplest of minds can understand it?

Happy Easter Everyone

Blue J

...I got the messages :)
I think we all eat these on Good Friday. They used to be thrown into the streets to share but, I doubt that's done any more. Hopefully the splitting in two to share still is...enjoy!

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NB: Our Mothers knew what they were saying when they said "Don't play with your food!"

You sincerely do have many friends ~ in all walks of life ~ past, present and with 'him' ~

I don't know about that ~ but we would all like to believe something like that could be true.

Far above and beyond everything else I deeply believied that GOD Created me in an incredibly 'Beautiful Way' when I was a small child and nothing has ever come close to that image. Deep down I still believe that ~~ and it's only those aspects outside of that 'True Design and the Core Makeup' that have messed me up.

But dear friend ~ it is that Core which holds only beauty and if in fact others may see something attractive ~ or there honestly are some deeper friendships ~ it is wholly that Core which provides it.

The waitress said something like "Bye Darling, have a wonderful day" and I wished her likewise.

The waitress must have known 'our connection' -- and hence she would not only be compelled to call you 'Darling' -- but all the more to wish you a wonderful day !!

Can you tell I am flying to higher heights ??

Do you see how everything truely is connected ??

On my way out I was saw one more picture that I hadn't been in a position to see on my way in...

And if I had been there :rolleyes: ..... just as with the bench you so confidently stated wasn't there when we arrived :toung: .... I would have said, 'It was there all along ... but the moment wasn't right...'

BUT -- Now you had time to reflect and experience ...

It was a picture of a huge wave with a beautiful butterfly parting it!

Oh Steady, that has to be the best orange I've ever tasted...

The Butterfly ~~ more than anything else ~~ represents Transformation in the most 'Beautiful and Wonderful WAY'.

The WAVE is the Ocean of Life -- representing First the Deep Blue Path by which our Journey Started. Nothing is more 'Vital' to our existence and the existence of our Planet and all things known -- for all life has its deepest grounding in 'water' -- The Eternal Sustainer and Provider -- The Refresher and Cleasner.

No doubt -- you had the exact same thoughts !

Well, the 'Flower on the Down' - needs it's reaction...

and no doubt we will find it along the Journey -- in fact it is the essence of the Present Portal. Yet as the Butterfly parting the wave; first some other aspects need to be absorbed and incorporated within 'Our' existence ~~ before the meaning can be fully appreciated.

You have done well !!! Very incredibly well !!

Have a blessed and wonderful weekend !!
Thank too :)

Did you see my posts...we were writing at the same time.

What perfect timing !!!

Just as I was ready to shut everything down ...

.... no I did not see them ... but in HIS Greatness and in the Spirit of overwhelming Generosity and LOVE ... He allowed me another Glorious Moment .... in this Moment ...feel my spirit ... the hug and all it offers !!

I am totally NEW -- wonderfully transformed from the gloomy catapellar from yesterday -- for I am a Butterfly ...

.....just like you !!

Good Night all. ;):)
Now - we entered into the Greatest Transformation possible. The one that gives a Peace that never ends, a Hope that never fails, and a LOVE that builds us and sustains us ~ and Ultimately is the grounding of life and all our interactions.

It was in this journey the meaning of colors and the essential elements of 'balance' became known and LIFE itself grew another measure. For here the Tranquility of Blue ~ with its immense Peace and Calm allowed us into Red's active state of being. For in everything a balance is needed and here we found it. The Green provided the 'Perfect Blend' and through it Red became subduded and lightened by yellow and orange.

The bubbles themselves took on an even greater character ~~ dominating N, S, E & W ~~ and everything in between.

For within the bubbles was the presense and character of GOD -- the Fruit of His Spirit.

With them our minds were flooded with Galatians 5 ~ and though neither one of us had even glanced at these verses ~ somehow their meaning took on increasing importance and plugged us into a Greater Truth ~ whereby ~ an Electrical Current gave us a Purity, Strength, and Hope beyond anything we'd known to that moment.

Gal 5: 1 For FREEDOM Christ has set us FREE

:5 For through the Spirit, by faith, we await the hope of righteousness

:6 For in Christ, nothing counts at all, except only faith working through LOVE

:16 Live by the Spirit that you may overcome the lesser things

:24 For we have been crucified with Him

:25 We live in the Spirit and follow the Spirit

Here the Bubbles were the Living Fruit of God's Spirit and through them LIFE was brought to its Highest Revelation -- as LIFE is ultimately GOD revealing Himself to us.

:22,23 For the Fruit of the Spirit is Love, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Generosity, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self Control. Againt such there is no Law.

Our journey in the Portal of LIFE was something I was able to soak up - and LIFE was brought to the fullest measure --- but Jimi seemed incapable of receiving what GOD was offering. He is a Man, all Man, and the walls around him were far too great for anything to get through. Largely forced to always be looking - watching - expecting - a Lion tense and filled with rage ~ ready to devour anything that remotely posed a danger ~~~ especially to me ~~ for Steady ultimately saw himself as my protector ~ my rock and shield.

Somehow I had to break though -- Ultimately needed to help him tear down the walls -- and become 'Vulnerable'. For only in the Ultimate State of VULNERABLILITY could he receive the Fullness in Everything GOD was striving for him to have.

You sincerely do have many friends ~ in all walks of life ~ past, present and with 'him' ~

My words were unspoken. I could sense everything about him as his bubbles poured out -- and I found I could convey a far deeper truth through the bubbles pouring out of my hand.

Overcome by His Grace and consumed a Greater power than I'd known before a Spirit of LOVE poured though me and I heard:

I honestly hope and pray that during this time when you ~ unable at this time to find a way on your own ~ that you can allow GOD to deflect the negative energies that linger and find the strength to find the way.

'WE' have all taken a deep breath...and though it was pitch black with nothing even remotely visable...we are now in the splendor - and the bubbles have taken on even greater character.

I could feel the walls began to crumble ...

Here the Bubbles are the Living Fruit of God's Spirit and through them LIFE is brought to its Highest Revelation -- as LIFE is ultimately GOD revealing Himself to us.

[:22,23 For the Fruit of the Spirit is Love, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Generosity, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self Control. Againt such there is no Law.]

As the walls began to crumble an Electrical Current gave us a Purity, Strength, and Hope beyond anything we'd known to that moment.

Jimi -- Oh Jimi you need to find some inner peace ...make sure to really soak it in .... for this is far beyond you ... it might be a little difficult for you...don't worry - for only in losing your own strength can you find the strength you need .... abandon everything and find the freedom you so long for me to know ...

My hand on remained on his chest.

I chuckled for now I was freely able to use touch transparency.

I kept my hand on him and could feel his bubbles and he could feel mine and sharing in the other’s delight went far beyond our own.

Our communication was beautiful...

In this moment I was a vessel of GOD and with that His Spirit began pealing back the layers Steady had formed over the years .... and these layers ~~ wholly meant for his protection ~~ were the very walls that kept him from receiving what GOD longed for him to have.
This ‘Oneness’ is incredible.

With this was more than a HOPE -- Was way more a certainty that the layers would fall away and with that both of us would know the Ultimate FREEDOM


I realize you are totally in sync with everything and the communication is 'perfect'.

Everything that is ~ and Everything that ever was is wholly in the Universe of Blue ~ for this is the essense of my very being and all I am~ whether known (or unknown).

For the entire goal to is 'Set her Free' to be 'Transformed' ... and yet because we are ONE ... it is your walls that hold me back... so let it go Dear one .... let it all go

I could feel it sinking in ... but much of it needed repeating ... needed a to be reinforced before it sunk through ... and I stove all the more to pour out my heart -- so he could hear it from the very depths of my being ...

In my Universe there is nothing but total freedom~~and the entire Universe is my very being.
I'm back in our 'Oneness' and ready

I could feel the layers falling off -- but there seemed to be no end and there were far more layers than I dreamed anyone could have...

Words began to pour out -- but they were not my words ....

Yet they were exactly what was needed ....

'Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled! ~ Matthew 5:6

You had to get messed up ~ Look at all you went through

You had to feel somewhat betrayed ~ but GOD never betrayed you

You had to lose your vibes – and float off somewhere dull and empty – you had to lose your colors.

At this point in time I know you...So, don't worry...I am not afraid

More than anything ... I am patient.

I know you want to protect me but, I'm safe and will be here for you.[/QUOTE]
Jimi was so close ... but even 1 or 2 layers ... were like a million and somehow they had to come down.

Whether it was 'Inspiration' ~ or more woman's intuition ~ or both; once the idea struck me I knew it was perfect. :D

I got behind him and pressing up held my arms around him and let the bubbles flow as much as possible. 'Jimi, I'm going to play a song you never heard before. This is a song that will let you fly and be totally free. Please get Black Beauty and let your imagination soar'.

Was amazing .... that no words had to exchanged .... for all thoughts and sounds and ideas were known and expressed in completeness.

Let go of everything and listen -- I will play this so it sounds like a record playing....

Then after a few moments of silence .... came the beginning ... faintly in the background .....

I want my ....

I want my MTV .......

I want my ....

I want my MTV ......

When the guitar started -- Jimi went wild -- it was the perfect song for him

Now look at them yo-yo's that's the way you do it
You play the guitar on the MTV
That ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Money for nothin' and chicks for free
Now that ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Lemme tell ya them guys ain't dumb
Maybe get a blister on your little finger
Maybe get a blister on your thumb

We gotta install microwave ovens
Custom kitchen deliveries
We gotta move these refrigerators
We gotta move these colour TV's

See the little faggot with the earring and the makeup
Yeah buddy that's his own hair
That little faggot got his own jet airplane
That little faggot he's a millionaire

We gotta install microwave ovesns
Custom kitchens deliveries
We gotta move these refrigerators
We gotta move these colour TV's

I shoulda learned to play the guitar
I shoulda learned to play them drums
Look at that mama, she got it stickin' in the camera
Man we could have some fun
And he's up there, what's that? Hawaiian noises?
Bangin' on the bongoes like a chimpanzee
That ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Get your money for nothin' get your chicks for free

We gotta install microwave ovens
Custom kitchen deliveries
We gotta move these refrigerators
We gotta move these colour TV's, Lord

Now that ain't workin' that's the way you do it
You play the guitar on the MTV
That ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Money for nothin' and your chicks for free
Money for nothin' and chicks for free

by Dire Straits

The beat -- the sound -- the fun of the lyrics -- was everything Jimi and what he blended allowed the greatest stretch of his imagination and in it he 'Found the Freedom' to break the last few layers...

Far above and beyond everything else I deeply believed that GOD Created me in an incredibly 'Beautiful Way' when I was a small child and nothing has ever come close to that image. Deep down I still believe that ~~

Hi Steady :)
Hi Buster ;)

I can't stop long but, wish I could.

I put your quote above because I have so much proof on how special you are and I really want you to hear several things. However, I don't have long on the computer currently as I have outside tasks to tend to.

I will try and find time to post before you get on tomorrow. If not, don't worry, I will post eventually.

I have a few minutes but, am so excited about what I want to tell you it probably wouldn't come out quite right. Plus, I haven't stopped thinking about the picture and you and our story since Friday, so there is too much to try and condense. Sooo, that can wait. (btw - I have been wondering if all these long posts are hurting the sites bandwidth - any separate thoughts on that)

It's great hearing how happy you are. That makes me happy too. And...when I finally tell you what else has been going on since you posted the monika pic you might need an extra sticky pair of Birchs' sticky pants!!!

Let me know if you prefer to carry on with the story or just come straight out and try telling you in one go.

Also, tell me if you want it here or pm'd. I think you'll get it but, others might think I'm quite mad!

Either way is fine with me.

I have to go now and won't be back for hours.

Night guys

Blue :)
Let me know if you prefer to carry on with the story or just come straight out and try telling you in one go.

Also, tell me if you want it here or pm'd. I think you'll get it but, others might think I'm quite mad!

I totally believe in the spirit of openness and transparency ~~ and that is the essence of this entire story and all it represents. The more everyone sees this ~~ the better.

You can always add it as simply an exchange -- and everyone will easily detect where the story resumes.


Now, as the story is taking on greater depth, it would be good to see how some of Jimi’s quotes and interviews provide a much richer appreciation into his music and life. With this we could all the more see how the bubbles flowing from GOD would touch him on the deepest and most comprehensive levels.

He saw music as something far beyond notes – and way beyond the cluttered garbage of our thoughts and words.

Music in its purest form was rhythm and motion.

Technically he did not see himself as a guitar player but rather felt the guitar allowed him to express ‘truth and emotion’.

Never let your brain play the guitar but let your feelings guide your fingers.

He saw music as a safe type of high – felt music was the way things were supposed to be.

He wanted ‘his sound’ to go into the soul of the audience, and awaken some little thing in their minds ~ because he felt many were largely sleeping.

He felt music had a definate meaning – and it’s getting more spiritual. He saw politics as a big ego scene and was convinced it’s more an art of words with no meaning or substance. In comparison music, or the arts, were deeper and people could more rely on music to get some peace of mind, satisfaction, or direction.

Knowledge speaks but wisdom listens – and therefore listening to something far deeper and letting that flow through you was the essence of life.

You have to give people something to dream on ~ and towards that endeavor when things get too heavy, think of him as helium, the lightest known gas to man.

Ultimately he felt when the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace – and that was the essence of all he lived for.

So with these things in mind ~~ we could more appreciate the change Jimi is about to undertake ~~ for these are more than mere words ~~ but a deeper expression of his life and the message he ultimately strived to convey.
The song finished and with it the guitar vanished. Now for the first time ever was the Greatest Freedom imaginable and with that an openness -- and a vulnerability -- that had never been so complete.

Let your mind and heart and spirit be renewed for He is Risen and all things are under His control. Allow Humility to fully consume you for only then can you see yourselve as He sees you -of infinite worth-worth the life of His Son-

Not because of anything we are or do in or of ourselves,

but simply because it is He who places that value on us.

The message began in the deepest realms of their existence and spread everywhere; like a light penetrating the darkness and thoroughly overcoming it. Whatever shread of darkness (or disbelief) may have been was totally changed as only God could do.
And this my dear friend is where we are in our story…ready to continue our journey of give and take …having survived the ‘magic holes’ and their auras we were now traveling through the dark…

Having recently learnt that looks can be deceiving we were ready to listen. ‘WE’ believed we could achieve all that lay before us.

Steady and I were still both independent bubbles yet entwined with each other mutually dependent on each other - through each others’ differences we thrived. We floated and span together each taking in views and transferring opinions to each other.

Although virtual reality was a thing of the past - Birchtree had come because he knew Steady so well. He knew Steady needed not just extra-sticky sticky pants but, a complete sticky outfit from head to toe. So, I had Alice sit with him and taking care not to waste any material he made the best sticky outfit ever.

CountryBoy, Buster and many others were also floating in their bubbles. As we are all just ships that pass in the night – each with their own universe to discover – so we floated. This after all was just a very small part of the Universe and not everyone came this way.

Steady didn’t know why he needed the sticky outfit but, was happy to put it on because it was so colorful.
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Blue knew Steady and had proof how special he is but, wondered if he himself knew.

She wondered because She alone had seen that the ‘flower on the Down’ (although connected to the flower that she had found at the end of the purple path) was different and its reaction had been the slice of orange.

Steady had failed to see the reaction because it was during their separation.

In reality there were two reactions – there was one reaction when the slice of orange first appeared -during the time when Steady was most happy and was busy reaching into the East ‘magic hole’ and there was a second reaction known only at this time to Blue. This second reaction troubled Blue because she knew it inevitably had it's own reaction!

Only United could they know the truth. Both blamed themselves for having separated from the other and for letting the chaos in. Blue felt bad for on his own Steady was too enthusiastic and forgot to place himself in a positive place with full senses before taking on his tasks. He forgot because although he was very worldly and experienced he was still a Man and the exact physical nature of the earth energy was beyond his scope. He knew it resembled a magnet and knew about power centers yet somehow in his search for the unseen his enthusiasm made him forget to align himself properly and he opened himself up to those who were often too troubled. In turn, Steady felt bad because although Blue had infact been protected he personally felt like he should have been the one to protect her.
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This was 'The Great Awakening' -- for no matter how well you know yourself and regardless of how wonderful your own self image may be ~~ there are always some lingering doubts and it's impossible to shake some of the uncertainties. BUT - Discovering the other on an even greater Depth is totally the opposite for this is the most powerful way we can be 'Awakened' to the total beauty and richness of LIFE and all it has to offer

While listening to the concert we saw the picture that Monika had provided and together we began to see its story…we laughed because we were both thinking the same thing at the exact same time – which made it even funnier – because we were thinking “Here we just left ‘Alice in wonderland’ and now we appear to be in the ‘Twilight Zone’.”

Steady shared some of Jimi’s quotes and interviews which provided a much richer appreciation into his music and life.

With this we could all the more see how the bubbles flowing from GOD touch on the deepest and most comprehensive levels.

There is simply no way you can even begin to imagine what it is like without 'Living it' ~~ without experiencing everything on the level of the moment ~ for in the moment all things hidden became perfectly known and all mysteries are revealed.
Blue knew Steady and had proof how special he is but, wondered if he himself knew.

The Greatest Truth he ever learned is why he had to put his Trust in GOD. For GOD alone is Pure and Perfect and from Him springs the Deepest and Richest LOVE.

Steady allowed GOD's LOVE to Transform him and the Power and Presence of GOD became a 'Living Reality'.

It is only through this Transformation that Steady found a PEACE that none could take -- a HOPE that could never fail -- a FAITH that surpasses any doubt -- a STRENGTH that enables him to endure all things -- a SHIELD that would stand against all storms -- an UNDERSTANDING which held him above all confusion -- a WISDOM revealing the deepest and most sacred aspects of Life and the Universe -- a TRUTH that overcomes deceit, lies, and falseness -- a LOVE that overcomes all wrong and hatred.

GOD designed and created his life with Meaning and Purpose.

Steady is 'special' only because GOD gave him life and the ability to reflect GOD's Glory.

GOD alone could have brought Steady to know these things on the Deepest levels. For the world ~ and people throughout the world ~ had shown him just the opposite.

Both blamed themselves for letting the chaos in.

Steady knew that chaos was everywhere and would eagerly seek him out ~ but hoped to escape it by creating his own world through an unrestrained imagination.

Yet he knew if misunderstandings occured they would be brought against him; that negative elements would largely dominate the thoughts and feelings of others -- and with that anger, resentment, hostility, suspeciousness, and mistrust --- for this is human nature (which feeds upon itself and grows stronger).

Blue felt bad for on his own Steady was too enthusiastic and forgot to place himself in a positive place with full senses before taking on his tasks.

Blue 'inspired' Steady in a way that very few ever could. As a New Member -- Steady had unrestrained FREEDOM with a woman that could fit a character with boundless potiential.

He forgot because although he was very worldly and experienced he was still a Man.

Steady knew it was impossible to not be in the world ~~ because he is a Man. For he entered the world, challenged it, and was overwhelmed. Was anxious to escape; if only through his imagination.

in his enthusiasm he opened himself up

Steady opens himself every time he makes himself known and this is inescapable ~ for once a misunderstanding or disagreement occurs ~ then negative elements often dominate the thoughts and feelings of others -- and with that anger, resentment, hostility, suspeciousness, and mistrust --- for this is human nature (which feeds upon itself and grows stronger).

Our only Hope is something Greater than ourselves.

In turn, Steady felt bad for Blue and personally felt like he should have been the one to protect her.

Steady was thoroughly convinced from the onset that bringing an 'Active Member' ~~ a woman ~~ into his unrestrained imagination and creating for this person any role of his choosing ~~ established an extremely volatile situation. In so doing he 'opened her' to the unrestrained suspecions, mistrust, anger, and resentment of all who came to this Site. Any (and all) negative reflections ~ either direct ~~ or indirect ~~ was his responsibility.

Yet for the sake of something more beautiful than all the ugliness in the real world; for the potiential of projecting a positive that surpasses all negatives; for the unquenchable desire to create a story that exceeds a world full of hardships and despair ---- Steady remained undaunted.
Please know that I am thrilled to have had the opportunity to create this story ~ and will undoubtedly complete it ~ for the best is yet to come.

First and foremost -- I extend the deepest and most genuine heartfelt gratitude for 'playing the role' so incredibly well and Inspiring me the way you have.

Hi Steady :)
In my Universe there is nothing but total freedom~~and the entire Universe is my very being.
I'm back in our 'Oneness'

Secondly -- You were the only one that could have taken me out of a very Dark and Difficult moment.

and ready to tell you about my Today... reinforce 'he' really does work in mysterious ways

Thirdly ~~ the fact that something wholly from 'my imagination' flowing off wherever ...

That it could in Real Life --- Inspire and Create the following is way more a Testament to its Beauty and a Confirmation of its Worth --- and for this moment alone it was 'Priceless and Irreplaceable'

Ruby Tuesday was just ending on the car radio ~ which has:

She just can't be chained to a life where nothing's gained and nothing's lost...

Catch your dreams before they slip away. Dying all the time, lose your dreams and you could lose your mind ~ and life unkind...

So the Song itself was 'Perfect for the Moment'

I picked up the menu and was suprised to see

'Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled! ~ Matthew 5:6

Which made you think 'of me' --

That is an incredibly beautiful 'Priviledge and Honor'

I sat down at a table facing a garden. It wasn't just any table though...

It was one decorated in colorful geometric patterns. Within some of the patterns were bubbles and some bubbles were joined.

Here -- what I believe is wholly meant to be the most beautiful story I've ever written -- is coming to LIFE for a character forced into a role beyond her influence or control.

On the walls were different types of ocean pictures and some type of metal art work depicting marine life such as sea horses, turtles, manatees, assorted fish etc.

So it seemed ... my imagination was literally blooming to life

My food came ~ with something else that transfixed me!...

and there on my plate...

was a slice of orange!

it looked like an upside down smile so, I turned it around and let it smile at me while I ate!

On my way out I was saw one more picture that I hadn't been in a position to see on my way in...

It was a picture of a huge wave with a beautiful butterfly parting it!

Oh Steady, that has to be the best orange I've ever tasted...

Hopefully you know there is no way I would trade any (and all) garbage for something as 'Perfect' as that.

Same to you buddy..God bless...I luv you..:)

BTW..Your Daughter is still in good hands...

For even this last part -- everything was totally worth it !
Our story created quite a few posts as separate off-shoots. Most were videos (not just on the music video thread) and I know you don't get to see them during work.

Please have 'no doubt' that the story is getting better and better and will have a very beautiful ending.

The story is 'mine' - and I purposely installed a man (Jimi) and a woman (Blue) that were totally meant to display all things 'Masculine' and 'Feminine' --- for these characters were meant to be each other's perfect design and ultimate fulfillment. It is 'only' in a 'perfect blending' that either can be complete -- and hence GOD has been Central throughout.

Even if I did have video -- would not go anywhere until the story was finished -- it's a quirk I guess.

I feel like you've missed out on some of the experience (bad, good, funny etc.) because there have been posts with hidden meanings floating around.

I haven't missed out at all ~~ Please know that.

For me this is a work of art and I honestly can not afford to even in the slightest way be influenced by others (even for the good). It has to be unhampered -- totally 'pure' from my imagination.

Your input ~~ thus far was the only exception ~~ because you allowed me to use you as the central character and therefore I have remained totally open

Perhaps upon rethinking that ... it was best you didn't see them as they sprouted because they start out very confusing.

However, They have grown and I wish you could see the videos.

Have a nice day! Blue

Blue, I am extremely sensitive ~ and I would imagine you can tell I'm also very deep. The story itself will stand up over time and whatever opinions (or feelings) others may have will fade away. In the end a beautiful story will remain.

Deep Down -- what seperates me from all the others (and here I mean in general) is my Integrity. This ~ more than anything else ~ is why I am successful and this is what honestly makes me stand out.

If this story has in any manner been awkward for you ~ I seriously appologize ~ but for the story I created I needed everything to be as it was. This has been a very wonderful moment for me and I extend my deepest gratitude.

the ‘flower on the Down’ is yet to come

Again -- a million thanks for everything !

Our story created quite a few posts as separate off-shoots.

'Our Story' indeed.

For the entire story is wholly based on the incredibly profound influence a woman can have on a man.

Blue has the deepest and most far stretching Creative skills to fully allow Steady to capivate his far reaching thoughts and acquire his greatest potiential.

In addition she demonstates 'Insights' ~ 'Understanding' ~ 'Love and Compassion' ~ along with the most amazing wit and charm -- by which ONLY a woman possesses -- and by which Steady is both Influenced and Transformed.

Blue knew Steady and had proof how special he is but, wondered if he himself knew.

This is the underlying Key to the entire story.

Steady was broken and empty ~ and had been millions of times before. Restoration ~ and the recognition of him being 'special' was impossible however, due to numerous walls he created for protection and his deeply driven belief of always being on guard and ready to fight.

Only United could they know the truth.

And for this very reason the Story was born. For Steady needed Blue to help him remove every wall and put aside all his defenses.

Both blamed themselves for having separated from the other and for letting the chaos in.

Here the story takes on greater depth. For 'being together' is not enough to stop the chaos from seeping in and wreaking havoc. This is why the 'UNITY' is central for everything -- and the underlying theme.

Blue felt bad for on his own Steady was too enthusiastic and forgot to place himself in a positive place with full senses before taking on his tasks.

Yet he started the Journey with total confidence of achieving the Hope and Trust that lay ahead ~ though in a 'Broken and Empty State' -- it was beyond his reach.

He forgot because although he was very worldly and experienced he was still a Man and the exact physical nature of the earth energy was beyond his scope. He knew it resembled a magnet and knew about power centers yet somehow in his search for the unseen his enthusiasm made him forget to align himself properly and he opened himself up to those who were often too troubled.

Here we see the human condition with all its failings and flaws ~ and deeply realize unless we align ourselves properly ~ we remain open for trouble and failure.

In turn, Steady felt bad because although Blue had infact been protected he personally felt like he should have been the one to protect her.

This in turn largely defines the entire story. For a man often makes things worse by taking on the 'Protective Mode' that dominates his exixtence.

Ultimately we find 'Her Strength' is far Superior to his strength ~ and in fact 'Her Strength' proves to be exactly what he needs.

This was 'The Great Awakening' -- for no matter how well you know yourself and regardless of how wonderful your own self image may be ~~ there are always some lingering doubts and it's impossible to shake some of the uncertainties.

This Truth is the grounds on which the story is based.

BUT - Discovering the other on an even greater Depth is totally the opposite for this is the most powerful way we can be 'Awakened' to the total beauty and richness of LIFE and all it has to offer

This is what Steady and Blue find in the end.

This should be our most central endeavor in Life.

For ultimately we all the more see how the bubbles flowing from GOD touch on us on the deepest and most comprehensive levels.

There is simply no way you can know this without 'Living it' ~~ without experiencing everything on the level of that moment ~ for in that moment all things hidden became perfectly known and all mysteries are revealed.

Steady and I were still both independent bubbles yet entwined with each other mutually dependent on each other - through each others’ differences we thrived. We floated and span together each taking in views and transferring opinions to each other.

For this is the Basis of LIFE and why GOD designed Man and Woman ~ and the Masculine and Feminine Traits which give them their characteristics.

The Story reveals ~ the more they Blend and Compliment one another ~ the Richer and more Colorful LIFE Becomes.
The Intermission is Concluding

The Story is not about Steady -- the story is about Blue

Everything that is ~ and Everything that ever was is wholly in the Universe of Blue ~ for this is the essense of my very being and all I am~ whether known (or unknown).

For the entire goal to is 'Set her Free' to be 'Transformed' ... and yet because we are ONE ... it is your walls that hold me back... so let it go Dear one .... let it all go

In Steady's never ending quest to fully discover the Universe of Blue ~ he encountered obstacles far beyond his ability to overcome.

This is where he Ultimately Discovered he had to rely on Blue. For if he was to 'Set her Free' to be 'Transformed' ~~ FIRST he had to find his own Freedom and Transformation through Blue's Life and all it offered.
I have to admit, I had a pretty major set back today which kind of screwed my mind Blue Bird. Somehow I got messed up -- lost the vibes -- and floated off somewhere empty and dull ~ the colors got washed away Blue.

Steady tried within his own strength to move ahead, but his efforts failed.


The water has been poisoned ~ I can't do it and I don't want to say. So I need to give it some time and I don't know how long it will take. Seriously ~ I deeply regret it had to end this way ~ but I need to walk away and let the poison seep through and leave.

Steady had to learn he had neither the power or the strength to fight against it ~~ and all the more that walking away was not the answer.

For in the Universe of Blue he found a greater Strength and with it the Colors returned ~~ his Dreams were brought to Life and the Journey was close to completion.

Now they were entering into the Greatest Transformation possible. The one that gives a Peace that never ends, a Hope that never fails, a LOVE that builds us and sustains us ~ and Ultimately is the grounding of life and all our interactions.

Blue was ready to soak in everything --- but Jimi seemed incapable of receiving what GOD was offering. As a Man the walls around him were far too great for anything to get through. Largely forced to always be looking - watching - expecting - a Lion tense and filled with rage ~ ready to devour anything.

Blue had to break though -- Ultimately needed to help him tear down the walls -- and become 'Vulnerable'. For only in the Ultimate State of VULNERABLILITY could he receive the Fullness in Everything GOD was striving for him to have.

The layers we all form over the years ~~ wholly meant for our protection ~~ are the very walls that keep us from receiving what GOD longs for us to have.

Blue helped Jimi peel away the many layers that surrounded his life over the years. The last few required a far greater sacrifice and with that she poured out her life and inspired him to find the Ultimate Freedom through his Music.

Here we find ourselves back in the Universe of Blue ~ with her bubbles pouring through him ~~ playing a song that gave Jimi the Inspiration and Strength he lacked.

The guitar - the sound - the beat - the lyrics - and everything about the song 'Money for Nothing' by Dire Straights --- had Jimi playing beyond his wildest dreams.

The song has finished - The walls are gone

and we are back in the Portal of GOD.