Hugs J
I’m so proud of ’US’
What better day than for that to happen…’Good Friday’, also known as ‘Great Friday’
There are so many different traditions across the world…but, my Mother country has for many years introduced its 7 am News broadcast on Radio 4 on Good Friday with a verse from Isaac Watts hymn "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross".
The words of “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” tell a wonderful story. They tell of the paradoxical beauty of sacrifice. They tell a story of pain and suffering woven together with joy and love. Who would have ever thought that these polar opposites could come together and form a paradoxical statement that on the face of it sounds ridiculous, but when taken to heart and pondered makes so much sense that even the simplest of minds can understand it?
Happy Easter Everyone
Blue J
...I got the messages
I’m so proud of ’US’
What better day than for that to happen…’Good Friday’, also known as ‘Great Friday’
There are so many different traditions across the world…but, my Mother country has for many years introduced its 7 am News broadcast on Radio 4 on Good Friday with a verse from Isaac Watts hymn "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross".
The words of “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” tell a wonderful story. They tell of the paradoxical beauty of sacrifice. They tell a story of pain and suffering woven together with joy and love. Who would have ever thought that these polar opposites could come together and form a paradoxical statement that on the face of it sounds ridiculous, but when taken to heart and pondered makes so much sense that even the simplest of minds can understand it?
Happy Easter Everyone
Blue J
...I got the messages