Steadygain's Groove and Trip Pad


Meanwhile back on the Ranch .... upon arriving on Mars, Blue and Buster encountered the total opposite senario. A rugged man - weather beaten tough face - dressed like a piece of rough rawhide steps up and says, 'I'm CountryBoy, King of Mars ~ but folks call me CB'.

He was friendly with Buster and they exchanged their greeting with a firm handshake. Then he glanced leerily over at Blue ~ and back at Buster ~ sort of nodded his head and said, 'Follow me'.
The Queen took a closer look at Steady and then at alevin. Alevin was looking around in amazement. Nothing was like what she'd heard about Venus. It wasn't hot at all. In fact, there were cool mountain streams running everywhere and snow on the mountain tops. Apple trees were blooming and bees were buzzing. And the voices of the women singing was like crystal as they carefully swept up the apple blossoms for birds to carry up to the clouds where they could come down again as misty rainbows.

alevin's eyes shown as she realized what a wonderful place Venus was, and how all the talk about how hot it was, was meant to keep people from wanting to come and bring chaos to their land.

She thought about asking the Queen if she could stay there with them for the rest of her life. The Queen heard her thoughts and said, yes, you may, if you want. But why don't you stay awhile before making a longterm decision. As for Steady, the Queen said, well, the women all live in a communal hall, and there are no facilities for men at the moment. We have longrange plans to allow that someday, but first the potential for chaos needs to disappear. Its so easy for men and women to get confused with each other, since they speak different languages.

I've pulled together a panel of linguists who are working on a translation program, but since they are a combination of courageous men and women willing to live outside their comfort zones, I've developed a place for them to work out on the 3d moon where they won't be interrupted in this critical task. Alevin, do you think that is something you'd be interested in helping with while you're visiting? I think you may have some of the skills that are still needed to fill out the team. Steady, I'm not sure if you would fit into that group or not. You tell me.
Steady, I'm not sure if you would fit into that group or not. You tell me.

Steady was stunned by the far reaching insights that Alevie displayed ~ an Intuition he'd always marveled at ~ and how strange it was (to him at least) that her ideas and solutions were not the quit 'fix it and patch it' type of thoughts that dominated his own life. Instead it often seemed women were more complicated ~ and had a huge difficulty thinking of the 'Present Moment' -- because for some reason they were caught up in this very long range plan.

The more he dwelled on that the more he could see -- yes their language was incredibly different -- and her idea was perfect because this was NOT a situation that needed a 'quick fix' -- indeed this was of paramont importance and needing something very deliberate ~~ well thought out ~~ that would span the years.

BTW -- that was great stuff you added - Thank you.

Reminded me about Iceland and Greenland ~ which the Vikings really did name to give people the wrong impression.

Anyway -- Buster, Blue, Alevie, and everyone else -- please join in and bounce off one another -- as it makes the story a million times better feeding off each other.

Well have a great weekend everyone !!
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Venus was nothing like Alevie had heard about. It wasn't hot at all. It was beautiful and enchanting and she marveled over the rolling hills with green meadows dotted with colorful flowers. There were cool mountain streams running over rocks that flowed from the thawing snow capped mountains.

The air was brisk ~ fresh ~ and clear. Apple trees were blooming and the cherry blossoms were at their peak. No matter where she turned, in many places it appeared like large groups of flowers were purposely arranged to highlight a wide variety of color and styles.

It seemed life was everywhere. The bees were buzzing and butterflies danced their funny patterns going here and there. Deer were grazing in the fields and everything was amazingly peaceful.

The women moved gracefully and sang with voices like crystal as they carefully swept up the apple blossoms for the birds ~~ who carried them to the clouds where they could come down again as misty rainbows.

Alevin's expression revealed what a wonderful place Venus was ~ and realized how all the talk about how hot it was, was meant to keep people from wanting to come and bring chaos to their land.
Meanwhile over on Mars - CB was showing Blue and Buster around…

Hand in hand Blue and Buster followed CB. Blue noticed that CB had a reddish appearance and took that as a sign that there were plenty of outdoor places to explore. Looking around she could see volcanoes and wondered if they were still active.

“Don’t worry” CB said “Be happy for they are inactive and you will find many different types of volcanoes to explore with Buster. We have the tallest known volcano and mountain in the solar system. We also have the largest canyon. You are perhaps already familiar with our basins as that is where Earth people keep sending probes trying to find our water supply. We have two moons that we captured and you will be able to explore those too.

CB could see the awe on Blues face. He turned to Buster and said “You will need to learn how to operate the rovers and spacecrafts in order to explore some parts of this wonderful planet. For now though why don’t you take your lady for a little walkabout while I go round up some of the guys. When you find a spot you like I’ll have the guys build you a cabin.”

Hand in hand Buster and Blue set off to find a place for their cabin…
Alevin thought about asking the Queen if she could stay there with them for the rest of her life. The Queen said, ….the women all live in a communal hall, and there are no facilities for men at the moment. We have longrange plans to allow that someday, but first the potential for chaos needs to disappear. It's so easy for men and women to get confused with each other, since they speak different languages.”

Queen Kymtngal then said, “I've pulled together a panel of linguists who are working on a translation program, but since they are a combination of courageous men and women willing to live outside their comfort zones, I've developed a place for them to work out on the 3d moon where they won't be interrupted in this critical task….”
alevin and Steady turned and looked at each other. They exchanged a private smile. The smiles widened into grins of delight and then turned into heartfelt laughter. Queen Kymtngal was bewildered. "Why are the two of you laughing? What is so amusing?"

alevin gasped and sputtered, and then regained control of her laughter enough to speak coherently. "Queen Kymtngal", she said, "We’re not trying to be rude. There is no way you could have known this, but Steady and I are very familiar with the chaos of which you speak. That is the reason the angel Frixxx told us to come here.

You see, Steady is a reknowned chaos-healer in his own world. He is so gifted that many women on his world will not talk to any other male healer on the subject of chaos when they need healing. As for me, I’ve studied the issue of chaos and gender misunderstanding for nearly 50 years, learning through trial and error life experience. When he and I met years ago, we talked about this problem and resolved to find a solution to chaos that would meet the need in any culture anywhere in the Universe of Blue.”

Steady added, "We've worked together for years now with our friends Blue and Buster, to find a way to avoid and heal chaos. We ultimately discovered something even more important than a translation program is needed, and that is helping people bring the fruits of the spirit into any communication effort. The angel Frixxxx came to us recently and said it was finally time to go out into the world and share what we’ve spent so many years learning.”

Alevie spoke again, “Dear Queen, Steady and I cannot possibly fulfill our mission here if we separate. We now see how deep the need here is, for what we have brought to share with you. How wonderful that your people are already working on a translation program to eliminate chaos between men and women. Still, from what we’ve found, allowing the fruits of the spirit to grow in people’s lives first, is as important, if not more important than the technical aspects of any translation program.

Steady went on, “ We (Alevie and I, together with our friends Blue and Buster) have found that the fruits of the spirit, when turned on in a person’s heart, ultimately make any translation effective beyond what can otherwise be accomplished. The fruits of hope and love and faith, joy and peace are essential to any effective communication effort, together with faith, hope and love. The synergy created between the fruits and your translation program, could allow men to come live on Venus with minimal or no chaos far sooner than you ever dreamed. We've discovered that other fruits of the spirit also materialize when the translation between men and women works exceptionally well-fruits such as joy and peace, and chaos naturally fades away. The effects last for days and weeks and months afterwards.”

As Steady said this, a butterfly rose out of the nearby rose garden and gently perched on Kymtngal’s hair, forming a shimmering living crown for the Queen.
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Kymtngal went silent, deep in thought at what she'd heard. She looked up at last and said, "I would like to know much more about these fruits of the spirit and how they can help my people so that men can come live with us more quickly. You may both stay until you have taught us fully on these matters, but you'll have to sleep in the garden under the brightest of stars and the tree frogs will sing in your dreams."
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Excuse the interruption


In respect of Saturday’s events

Today I mourn

RIP Loved Ones (Everywhere)


Meanwhile over on Mars - CB was showing Blue and Buster around…

CB said ““You will need to learn how to operate the rovers and spacecrafts in order to explore some parts of this wonderful planet. For now though why don’t you take your lady for a little walkabout while I go round up some of the guys. When you find a spot you like I’ll have the guys build you a cabin.”

Hand in hand Buster and Blue set off to find a place for their cabin…

Mars was nothing like Buster or Blue imagined it would be. Somehow they had hidden all but a barren desert to all those on Earth; yet that was the smallest and most insignificant part of the entire planet.

It wasn't hot at all; nor did it ever get uncomfortly cold. It was beautiful and enchanting and they marveled over the rolling hills with green meadows filling the valleys that were dotted with colorful flowers. Cool mountain streams conveyed a serenity and a tranquility with the beauty of their sound and flow. To gaze at them and to soak in the charm of the atmosphere gave a peace that removed any trace of inner chaos.

The air was brisk ~ fresh ~ and clear. Apple trees were blooming and the cherry blossoms were at their peak. No matter where they turned, they found large groups of flowers arranged by nature itself to highlight a wide variety of color and styles.

It seemed life was everywhere. The bees were buzzing and butterflies danced their funny patterns going here and there. Deer were grazing in the fields and everything was amazingly peaceful.

The volcanoes, which formed the background of the distant mountain ranges were far taller than Mt. Everest --- and way more majestic in their apearance.

They came to a place where the men moved gracefully and sang with voices like crystal as they carefully swept up the apple blossoms for the birds ~~ who carried them to the clouds where they could come down again as misty rainbows. These men were so in touch with all that Nature and Life provided. The deer, and other animals, came to them freely and they interacted in harmony.

Buster was overwhelmed and in a constant state of tranquility. He gazed over at Blue and said, 'Let's build our home here ~ for this is the essense of heaven itself.'

They were sitting on a hillside, taking everything in. Blue layed on the groud and gazed at the sky then pulled Buster beside her. The sky was the deepest blue with large puffy white clouds slowly drifting by. Still holding his hand Blue said, 'Buster, let's consider this place as a lifelong goal, a place that we can consider a reward for achieving all that GOD has called us to accomplish'.

Buster was soaking in her words as she continued. 'Too often people want the biggest and the best without first doing all things possible to earn their reward. In the end you have many that live in the most beautiful and sacred places ~ with the most amazing homes and luxuries ~ not because they earned it but simply because it was available to them. This is exactly where we are, for CB has let us choose any place we desire and they have offered to build us our home'.

Blue allowed her words to sink in before she continued. 'If we build here then we send the message to everyone else that we live here because we are priviledged. Then others will see us as the ultimate goal of what could be obtained; yet in so doing we force them to realize how their standard of living and what they have achieved ~ or could obtain is far below where we arrived. In the end we create walls of discontentment and force the general population to see how much they lack in comparison.'

'Buster, I'm just wondering. Do you think we might be better to build our home where the general population lives. To strive for the middle ground ~ where we can reach the population at large. Then, if we truely fulfill what GOD sent us here to accomplish, we could earn our way to a place like this one. Somehow I believe we would be amiss to take the greatest reward imaginable without first doing the work and accomplishing all that GOD entrusted us to fulfill.'
Buster was delighted with Blue. Not only did she have a beauty that went beyond everything they collectively marveled over, but she was amazingly intelligent and possessed insights and wisdom that gave her such incredible solidity.

'That's the deepest and most perfect plan I could imagine Blue. Let's find the middle ground and build our home where the population tends to have its greatest concentation; not at the bottom ~ nor at the top ~ but somewhere in between'. With that Buster jumped to his feet and pulled Blue up to join him. Then they set off to find the total opposite of what they had deeply marveled over. For instead of a quiet beautiful place ~ far removed from the masses ~ they wanted to be right in the center of society itself and make their start as one of them.

In the end they found the homes of the general population were simple; but adequate. The shapes and designs varried slightly ~ but overall were largely identical. Every home was maintained and displayed a certain air of dignity and worth which revealed the inner pride the owners had and the graditude they revealed for having what they did.

Buster and Blue found a spot in the very center to build their home. Both of them felt their hearts swell in delight at the opportunities that lay ahead.

CB was surprized by the spot they decided on and pointed out some nicer homes in the distance. 'I live over there and there are plenty of places left in that area. In our society it is not an 'Us versus Them' mentality that determines where a person lives or what they have. Here everything is a progression and the more you recognize and achieve your God given potiential ~ the higher you rise. I did not become King because others elected me ~ it is a status we obtain when we truely find our greatest potiential and allow that potiential to florish. For only then do we come to know GOD in the highest terms and recognize our design and all we have is wholly through GOD's power and perfect plan. Then, and only then, can we regard one another as we are meant to regard them and live our lives accordingly. Thus in the end we become a spring of LIFE and HOPE that reflects the true Glory and Grace of God. So our Society is set up that all may stive to find a Greater Truth, to live their lives in such a way that thay can also become Kings.'

Blue marveled over CB's words. 'Then let us build our home right here ~ that we may spur this desire even further. For here those towards the bottom will see we are not that far and thus they will strive all the harder to reach a higher level. Those that are here will all the more be driven to rise even higher and the quest to be like a King will override the contintment to settle for anything less.'
Kymtngal went silent, deep in thought at what she'd heard. She looked up at last and said, "I would like to know much more about these fruits of the spirit and how they can help my people so that men can come live with us more quickly. You may both stay until you have taught us fully on these matters, but you'll have to sleep in the garden under the brightest of stars and the tree frogs will sing in your dreams."[/QUOTE]

Steady and Alevie found the garden offered them a union with the Spirit of GOD ~ and through the Spirit came guidance and comfort.

The following morning they arrived in the center of the bulk of where the civilization lived. It was the middle ground ~ and was the mirrow image of what Blue and Buster had found.

Steady told them exactly how the house had to be built ~ for the tree frogs provided the unmistakeable dreams and God's Spirit confirmed them.

The house was a 12 sided circle -- representing the 12 pure tribes of God's People -- and the 12 called by Jesus. Each side was meant to represent a Gate to GOD and each in turn was to highlight and magnify an aspect of GOD's Character ~ to more fully display his Glory and Grace.

Steady lifted Alevie so she could stand on his shoulders and raise her arms over her head. He then then told them that the first floor was to have a ceiling where Alevie's hands reached. It was to be made of the same material all other houses used. The second floor is to be of the same height -- but here the materials need to be made of the second most valuable resource available. It should be Tanslucent from the inside -- but not from the outside. On the top should be a dome made into a perfectly rounded globe. This has to be made from your most valuable resource and it also needs to be translucent from the inside but not from the outside.

With these instructions conveyed, Kymtngal took Steady and Alevie to another area where they were to strole and take in everything while their home was being prepared.
Buster was amazed with the feeling the home provided. The first floor felt wonderful ~ it was wholesome, pure, and beautiful. He also thought it was incredibly wonderful how easy it was to lift Blue to his shoulders, or her to lift him to hers, and how they had to depend on each other to not only make it to the second floor ~ but all the more to gain entry and enjoy it.

Blue held on to the second floor opening with her outstrectched arms ~ while Buster climbed up her body and went inside and then pulled her on through. Then they closed the opening and marveled over everything. Buster was happier than he'd ever been before and was bursting with love and admiration. Blue could sense this and said, 'Wait my love, we need to start at the top'.

Without the slightest hesitation Buster lifted Blue to enter the opening to the dome ~ and quickly went inside and pulled her through. After closing the opening Blue held Buster's hand and they gazed at the beauty and splendor it beheld. From there they could see every home on Mars.

'Buster, this is GOD's place - and all things have to start here. Only when we are fully alligned with His Spirit can we in turn enter our own place. Then when we enter our place we have to allign ourselves with each other and only when that has been fulfilled can we enter to where we in turn share our lives with others ~~ on the main floor and throughout.'
Blue got on her knees and began pouring her heart and life out to GOD. Buster joined her with the deepest and most heartfelt gratitude and began to openly praise GOD for the qualities that made GOD so wonderful. Only after thoroughly acknowledging GOD's Glory and the Grace and Love and Perfection by which GOD is known did he move to begin praying for others. He prayed for CB and gave thanks for the example he displayed and for his dedication and persistence in striving to obtain the ultimate honor of rising to be a King. He prayed for Elgallo, Coolhand, Whitemingo, Gumby, Nasa1974, Christopher, and Kar Crazy ~ for they were the ones CB called to build their home and each of them worked and did all things to the highest dedication and fullest potiential they manifested.

From one area to another ~~ they remained in prayer until they were in full allignment and then they rested and soaked all things in ~~ as GOD poured out His Spirit.
From one area to another ~~ they remained in prayer until they were in full allignment and then they rested and soaked all things in ~~ as GOD poured out His Spirit.

When they finished they were glowing with a Life and Happiness that neither had ever known before. Buster lifted his arms in delight and with open hands said, "I am ready to give forth His Glory and fulfill our calling". Then he held onto the opening so that Blue could climb down to the next level.

After Blue lowered Buster so he was standing before her she said, "Buster this place is for you and me and here we are meant to allign ourselves with one another. If you thought the place where you had imagined building our home was heavenly ~ that is nothing compared to what you will experience here. For heaven is an inward state of being and that is why we have each other. Here I am to bring everything about you to the fullest life possible and everything that makes you uniquely you and all the masculine traits you have will totally be brought to life and allowed to blossom and radiate as they were fully intended from the moment you were designed. Now that you have alligned yourself with GOD ~ it is time to allign yourself with me ~~ and me with you".

Buster swept Blue into his arms and opened himself to giving her as much LIFE as he could possibly pour out and he in turn was filled with her LIFE as it flowed through him and surrounded him...
You see, Steady is a reknowned chaos-healer in his own world. He is so gifted that many women on his world will not talk to any other male healer on the subject of chaos when they need healing.

When they had entered into their own sacred place Steady told Alevie, 'I within myself have nothing to offer and within my own power there is nothing even remotely special about me. I have known chaos on the deepest and most far reaching levels. I have been allowed to fall into many traps that were designed to destory me. I have faced death itself on a variety of occasions and essentially everytime it was a deliberate circumstance enacted by another. I have been despised and rejected and have known many periods of deep humiliation and long periods of pain and isolation.

As a result of the chaos I was driven to find something far deeper than my own flawed condition ~ and it was here that I found the GOD and Creator of all LIFE. It was here alone I came to find GOD's design was far above my own -- that what GOD could do in me and through me -- more than made up for whatever weakness I had and that the chaos was nothing compared to HIS Grace and Glory.

It is only because of my own chaos --- that I can reach to the greatest depths of chaos others may have -- but way more than that it is only because of GOD that I can see the sacred design in others and only by GOD's Grace and Power that I have even the slightest capacity to bring any healing.

Yet this is why we are here and why we just alligned ourselves so perfectly with His Spirit just moments prior.

Now I need you to take whatever chaos I can't reach ... for I am powerless to either find it or do away with it ... it is for this very purpose that God designed you the way he did and why in fact I am designed in like manner. For all things are totally meant to make His GLORY known and in this we find His GRACE on the highest and most perfect levels.
Thank you Steady, Blue and Alevin for including me in your story..I'm really liking the way things are going for Blue and the same time also, I'm afraid my crude, rude sociably unacceptable manner would not do your story justice..I prefer to remain silent, only to enjoy and let the story unfold in yours, Alevin and Blue's rendering...Please keep on..I can't wait till you get to the good parts about Blue and me once we get the master bedroom built..........ooops, sorry..see, there I go again, letting my manly lusts get the better of me..:o:D

BTW...Can I assume they have Home video cameras on Mars?......for recording the construction of the house of course...Why?..what did you think I meant?:rolleyes:
At the very moment that Steady and Alevin worked through the chaos together and Buster swept Blue into his arms - a butterfly rose out of the nearby rose garden and gently perched on Blue’s hair.

“My name is Cathy and Queen Kymtngal has sent me here to remind you of Jimi and all he taught you. For this is how Buster will best learn about the fruits of the spirit.

Blue went silent, deep in thought at what she'd heard.

She reflected on Jimi’s words and remembered how he had waited with every passing moment for this day to arrive. How he had filled the Universe – making it right.

Stretching my arm around Buster I lightly rubbed his back. “Blue, it feels like you’re touching my skin”, he said dreamily.
I am touching your skin Buster ~ I put my hand on his chest and my fingers went through as if his shirt was a vapor. I chuckled for I was about to teach Buster touch transparency.

Buster smiled.

I kept my hand on him and waited until I could feel his bubbles and he could feel mine and sharing in the other’s delight went far beyond our own. Our communication was beautiful - The ‘Oneness’ incredible.

It was simply amazingly how beautiful and complete our communication was ~~ for we knew each others' thoughts ~~ but way beyond that we felt all the emotions and discovered the fullness of each other’s beauty.

This was 'The Great Awakening' -- for no matter how well you know yourself and regardless of how wonderful your own self image may be ~~ there are always some lingering doubts and it's impossible to shake some of the uncertainties. BUT - Discovering the other on an even greater Depth is totally the opposite for this is the most powerful way we can be 'Awakened' to the total beauty and richness of LIFE and all it has to offer. As this reality set in we saw each other from a different perspective and smiled and laughed as we soaked it all in more deeply...
Buster, my dear friend, you may speak freely or remain silent; for either way the story itself can not be changed or altered.

Perhaps now is a great time to reflect on what this story is meant to counter.


This STORY is largely meant to counter the Negative Energy that consumes so many and springs to life - growing deeper and stronger.

Many may honestly resent both the LOVE and BEAUTY in the LIFE of this Story yet at the Core of their Existence they are equally 'Beautiful People'

Yet the emphasis is without the LOVE of GOD ~ and without the TRUE evidence of GOD's SPIRIT bearing the FRUIT of Love, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Generosity, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self Control ~ then the STORY itself has 'No Meaning' -- and LIFE itself is largely empty and has little to no value.

My Story is very different from the expressions and feelings that most convey and therefore would have to be mocked ~ since it goes against the grain.

'Negative Energy' is often projected in Hated and Mistrust ~ which in turn dominates the reactions of others EVEN to something as Beautiful as what this STORY represents. But that's OK for we live in a harsh world.

This STORY -- represents the abolute Deepest and Greatest BEAUTY that I could possibly create. It stems from the Depths of my Soul and encompasses the greatest extent of all I sincerely BELIEVE and equally extends to the furthest reaches of my imagination.

The worse thing I could possibly do is tarnish the 'Reputation' of BLUE or ALEVIE -- and no one should ever have to take a stand on their behalf as a result of 'My Story' or anything to do with My Life. They are totally 'Spotless and Pure' -- and anything I reflect in this Story is wholly meant in their HONOR. All the more -- everything is all the more meant for the Glory and Honor of GOD.

So to all who come to read my story ~ strive to read with an open mind and honestly allow the scenes and people and everything come to life and really flow with it ~~

~~ it will take you somewhere very wonderful; a place that has the richest beauty and the deepest and most far reaching love.

Now we are entering a new segment of the Story. To have even the vaguest appreciation ~ or the slightest understanding ~ to what the story is conveying it is CRUCIAL to realize that in the Universe of Blue:

Blue and Buster are perfectly matched ~ as are Steady and Alevie.

They are NOT - perfectly matched by their choosing - but are perfectly matched by GOD's Deliberate and Purposeful Design - for 'They' from the moment they were brought into being were meant for each other.

So Blue & Buster (Steady & Alevie) represent a marriage and they have been married for ages and will remain married for ages to come.

For in the Universe of Blue -- MARRIAGE is not a random event that may last so long and fizzels out -- but in her world everything is Deliberate - Purposeful - and wholly designed for Eternal Perfection.

With this in mind Buster and Alevie are each having to learn 'The Great Awakening' -- and only through this can either of them reach Blue and Steady on the depth they need.

Jimi largely demonstrated this process in his music and thus all of us have to follow that example.

With this we could all the more see how the bubbles flowing from GOD would touch him on the deepest and most comprehensive levels.

He saw music as something far beyond notes – and way beyond the cluttered garbage of our thoughts and words.

So Buster -- don't be deceived by a crude, rude, or socially unacceptible manner ~

And Alevie -- don't let the perceptions of others distract you

For chaos is in each and everyone of us -- it is something that is unavoidable. The chaos is due to a mal-allignment with GOD and each other.

Music in its purest form is rhythm and motion.

So it is with LIFE itself -- therefore make it simple

He did not see himself as a guitar player but rather felt the guitar allowed him to express ‘truth and emotion’.

That is what what Blue & Buster (Steady & Alevie) are doing at this moment in the story.

Never let your brain play the guitar but let your feelings guide your fingers.

These feelings - however - must stem from the depths of your 'Purest' and most 'Sacred' deep underlying design. Then they are pure - natural - uninhibited.

He saw music as a safe type of high – felt music was the way things were supposed to be.

Yet this 'high' - or 'Great Awakening' can only be accomplished without the 'Chaos' and 'Clutter' - for IN it and THROUGH it is the Ulimate Freedom.

It is complicated -- only because we live in a world that is very confused and the Fear of being Misunderstood -- of making things more complicated largely blocks our ability to express the deeper and most significant truths.
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I can't wait till you get to the good parts about Blue and me once we get the master bedroom built.....

BTW...Can I assume they have Home video cameras on Mars?

Gosh ~~ how careless of me ~~ Blue and Alevie -- please except my deepest appologies for not elaborating more fully on this before.

Buster, the room you and Blue are in ~ is way beyond any master bedroom you could ever find on Earth. Your experiences are equally a billion times beyond the crude and shallow ways that limit our ability to know and appreciate one another on the highest and most deeply intimate levels.

In this STORY -- Everything is Deeply Spiritual -- and only by the Spirit of GOD's Grace and the LOVE, PEACE, and JOY that we find in the Deepest FAITH that GOD alone can bring to LIFE --- do we find the FREEDOM to LOVE and KNOW LIFE as GOD intended.

Otherwise everything expressed will fall under judgement and condemnation. There is NOTHING in this entire story that will leave any room for others to judge and condemn. For from the moment the Story began I knew the tendency to Judge and Condemn would dominate the hearts and minds of others.

It is impossible to avoid ~ for our world ~ and all we have known has largely made it impossible to either recognize the Truth or accept it.

Yet what I'm describing here goes trillions of light years beyond the crude mechanical aspects of how men often regard women. In the Universe of Blue there is no intimacy until a person is first in perfect allignment with GOD ~ Totally transformed in GOD's SPIRIT ~ for only then is the capacity to be in Perfect Allignment with each other possible.

That is what is happening now:
Buster smiled.

I kept my hand on him and waited until I could feel his bubbles and he could feel mine and sharing in the other’s delight went far beyond our own. Our communication was beautiful - The ‘Oneness’ incredible.

It was simply amazingly how beautiful and complete our communication was ~~ for we knew each others' thoughts ~~ but way beyond that we felt all the emotions and discovered the fullness of each other’s beauty.

This was 'The Great Awakening' -- for no matter how well you know yourself and regardless of how wonderful your own self image may be ~~ there are always some lingering doubts and it's impossible to shake some of the uncertainties. BUT - Discovering the other on an even greater Depth is totally the opposite for this is the most powerful way we can be 'Awakened' to the total beauty and richness of LIFE and all it has to offer. As this reality set in we saw each other from a different perspective and smiled and laughed as we soaked it all in more deeply...

Then the most beautiful music filled the air ...

Buster was totally absorbed in the beauty of the melody and the music soaked through him and he was totally captured with its rhythm and motion ~ and through it he found the ultimate truth.

Alevie had the same experience ... and caught in a blissful rapture ... began to float and Steady floated with her.

Buster and Alevie - strove to understand what was happening and for the slightest moment began to get overwhelmed...

...when Blue said (...when Steady said) ... in the Universe of Blue whenever you reach the Ulimate State of Completion -- when The Great Awakening brings you into the highest dimension -- then Music fills the air and allows you to float in the deepest freedom.
The most beautiful music filled the air ...

Buster was totally absorbed in the beauty of the melody and the music soaked through him and he was totally captured with its rhythm and motion ~ and through it he found the ultimate truth.

Alevie had the same experience ... and caught in a blissful rapture ... began to float and Steady floated with her.

Buster and Alevie - strove to understand what was happening and for the slightest moment began to get overwhelmed...

...when Blue said (...when Steady said) ... in the Universe of Blue whenever you reach the Ulimate State of Completion -- when The Great Awakening brings you into the highest dimension -- then Music fills the air and allows you to float in the deepest freedom.

Buster (and Alevie) were bursting at the seams. Never had LIFE ever been more Full ~ more Blessed and Complete.

In a soft and loving voice Blue (and Steady) spoke reassuringly:

"I am but a humble servant ~ wholly meant to honor you and do all things possible to help you know ~ believe ~ and live LIFE to the very fullest.

It was a long journey and a slow progression. First I had to take the right paths -- and remain on the course I had chosen. For the slightest deviation could throw me in another Universe altogether and I would in turn have been lost in confusion. But I persisted on the paths and in turn found the Presense of GOD.

Only after this -- and only in recognition of GOD's SPIRIT - and finding the Depth of GOD's GRACE and LOVE -- and the Fruit of GOD's SPIRIT dominating my existence did GOD bring you forth. For you are my Match -- someone perfectly designed for me (and me for you). It is only in this GOD inspired Knowledge that either one of us could convey to the other who we honestly are and what we are meant to represent.

Both of us are largely broken -- yet it is this brokeness that makes us perfect for one another -- and only through this can we know how perfect GOD is -- in all HE alone has provided and will continue to provide. For GOD designed us for this very purpose -- to heal the brokeness in each other so we could be complete.

I am honored to the highest possible degree that you are at long last finding who I am and knowing me and loving me as you do."

With these words the Allignment was Perfect -- and all brokeness was healed and any form of chaos disappeared.
Buster (and Alevie) were bursting at the seams. Never had LIFE ever been more Full ~ more Blessed and Complete.

With these words the Allignment was Perfect -- and all brokeness was healed and any form of chaos disappeared.

In this moment Blue and Steady also found the Perfect Allignment and were equally full of LIFE ~ Blessed and Complete.

ALL - were deeply soaking in the moment - and in the richest and most far reaching satisfaction and adoration Buster (Alevie) asked more to themselves ....

... more outwardly reflecting how Perfect LIFE had become ...

... how can LIFE be this beautiful ?

Blue (Steady) responded in a manner that was sobering ...

Every person was meant to experience what we are experiencing this very moment. For deep down we are no different from anyone else and no better (or worse). For GOD alone is the Creator and Designer and each and everyone of us is equally made to know LIFE in the fullest and most complete and comprehensive manner. We were wholly designed to be in Perfect Allignment with GOD and bear the Fruit of His Spirit ~ and we were specifically designed to Fulfill one another and make each other COMPLETE.

For this is what LIFE was meant to be -- it is what GOD intended and what GOD deeply desires for every person to know and enjoy.

But people got lost in the chaos ~ and they lost sight of who they are and what they were meant to be. In their confusion they turned to themselves ~ and in so doing ~ society became as it did. The powerful few became more powerful ~ divisions were established and with these divisions people became increasingly defined by the way people came to regard one another.

In the end ~~ our view of ourselves and others ~~ was so deeply grounded that chaos and distortion dominated everything.
