Steadygain's Groove and Trip Pad

Well my delightful MB family, I had largely believed the following before the Queen even arrived.

When we have the opportunity to share our life with one another - I believe we should consider this a huge priviledge - and if anyone is drawn to 'us' for something 'Positive' - something deeply wonderful that proves to be beneficial -- then let your Life flow freely and enormously and give the very best you can.
  • We should strive to be as real and genuine as possible
  • Live life openly with integrity, honor, and dignity
  • Strive to be humble and respectful
  • Strive to be loving and kind
  • Accept others for who they are and what they represent
  • Make a point of being a positive source of energy
For each and everyone of us is 'flawed' and none of us can deeply and honestly say 'We are Worthy' -- because we are hugely weak in so many ways.

Yet perhaps our most outstanding weakness is this incredible thrist and desire 'to smear' others -- and pretend that we are somehow better. Somehow the thrill of 'corrupt rumors' makes Life worthwhile; and in a remarkably ironic way -- the creation and spread of Negative Energy -- makes 'us' feel good.

But this is NOT what Cornellia and I were into. We were into deeper and more meaningful things -- we strove to Discover what Life was meant to be -- how to give GOD greater control and all the more in a way that was Free and Natural.

For 'us' - Religion (if you will) was meant to be an outpouring from your heart and soul - it was meant to spring out from within and overflow from all aspects of our existence. For here we found more and more The Spirit of GOD and what God could do.
But this is NOT what Cornellia and I were into. We were into deeper and more meaningful things -- we strove to Discover what Life was meant to be -- how to give GOD greater control and all the more in a way that was Free and Natural.

For 'us' - Religion (if you will) was meant to be an outpouring from your heart and soul - it was meant to spring out from within and overflow from all aspects of our existence. For here we found more and more The Spirit of GOD and what God could do.

So with this in mind -- the story of the Queen -- can honestly be understood.

For the Queen did not have the slightest clue about the years and years of very deep 'emptiness' - 'sorrow' - and 'pain' that somehow by the Grace of God alone -- I was able to reach.

Folks, I take no credit at all - NONE - and there is no way possible that I (within myself) could ever do for her what God and only His Spirit of Grace and Glory can accomplish. But I came to know the Richness of God and the wonders of Life in hugely beautiful ways.

What the Queen saw - when she arrived here - was the Total Transformation -- based wholly on communication with each other that was strictly limited to this Site.

Again - the most facinasting part of everything I am sharing it totally true. All the more 'The Wonderment of Life' and the huge amazing possibilities that exist between every one of us.

The Queen told me about her 'ability' to know Gems -- and the absolutely amazing ways by which she knew them.

The Greatest NEWS - I could ever imagine is that not only was I one of the 'Rarest Gems' -- but I was the 'Brightest' by far -- at least at the time the Queen made herself known.

I would have to give Cornellia (CorMaGa) credit for this. If I had not known and experienced the wonders and thoroughly satisfying richness of 'blending' our existence in the most Gloriously Positive manner - then the Queen would not have seen me as she did.

Here is how she saw Cornellia:
CorMaGa is an opal. Swirling pearly top layers and further into the gem are soft pinks, blues and violets.
What the Queen saw - when she arrived here - was the Total Transformation -- based wholly on communication with each other that was strictly limited to this Site.

Here we need to pause and ponder.

By what 'Spirit' could 'blackness be turned to light' ?

Would it be a Spirit of selfless love and from the deepest and richest yearning to Give your Life for the benefit of another.

Or would it be a Spirit of Selfish desire and in some manner meant to take advantage of weaknesses and exploit to personal gain?

Would it be a Spirit of Love -- a Love more on the level of GOD and not man - a Love wholly meant to offer Grace and Glory?

Or would it be a Spirit of Hate - and could any such Spirit ever turn blackness to light?

Here by far is the Greatest Truth -- A Spirit of 'Purity' will make the most far reaching and wonderful transformation.

A Spirit of 'Impurity' will cause the worst Transformation.

So after the Queen began telling me the details of other Gems on the MB -- she noted that one stood out like me -- very 'Bright'.

Steady, I'm so *not* surprised that you are best friends with CorMaGa34. You two are *brilliant* stars in this MB loaded with special people. So it's natural that you would be drawn together.

So we have to ask -- by what Spirit did this happen?

For it had to be Spiritual - as there was no other way it could have happened.
Here is yet another post during that deepest Moment of Enlightment

For the Queen brought me to understand that 'I' Sparkle and Shine as the Gem I'm meant to display -- or I can go Dim.

I made this my MB Signature -- because it was mostly what I lived for and what I deeply believed all of us should live for.

Thus another post I found:

What does this mean "Shine and Sparkle - or be Tarnished - it's one or the other"? Taken from a PM wondering what my signature meant.

I changed it to: Sparkle and Shine - or be Tarnished - it's one or the other.

It is taking a HARD LOOK at yourself and a SOFT LOOK at others.
It's being willing to deeply examine your life, your beliefs, your attitudes, the relationships you have, and all the various aspects that define your existence and a willingness to change for the better.

It's FULLY BELIEVEING that the ones who have hurt you the most are the very ones who point out the Tarnish you overlook or what you refuse to accept or identify. In this sense it's letting others make you better

It is the DEEPEST BELIEF that inwardly you are beautiful.
It is knowing regardless of how overlooked you may be, or misunderstood, or ostracized that if you hold true to deepest and most priceless aspects of life - you have a happiness that no one can damage.

It is striving for greater understanding and longing for the truth.
A greater understanding and longing for the truth brings a REAL SATISFACTION AND FREEDOM that otherwise is missed.

Yet this greater understanding and longing for the truth - makes us Sparkle and Shine - for this is what helps us appreciate the universe and it's intricate designs, allows us to grasp electro-magnetic waves and how they shape and control the stars and planets, brings us to really knowing how the brain is arranged and functions on a molecular level, and allows us to acknowledge life itself with a deeper appreciation.

It is a willingness to be broken.
To hurt for those who are hurting - and being willing to give what you can, and do what you can regardless of the cost or time.

Rejoicing in the good times - WINDHUNTER'S music room and being a part of his accomplishment's - and his son's accomplishment's; Show-me's good reports; Frixxxx's cruise, Lady's days of pain not exceeding 2, Captain Buzz's wedding, CB's daughter job in Cincinatti, OH, Mamikin's 4.5% loan going through and all the rest....

Yet it's equally and honestly being in agony in the bad times - when Luv2read is having to board up her home in a hurricane, KarCrazy's daughter, Poolman's job, the uncertainties of how long you will have your home, or how long your sister and family will have to suffer.... and all the other things.

Perhaps most importantly it's knowing in both the good and the bad that you have stretched your heart and given of your life - because that more than anything else is what makes you a gem and allows that gem to display the ultimate character.
Now - the Glory of the Gypsy Queen takes on the most beautiful story I could ever have imagined.

The Queen told me about the Black Pearl - a woman on the MB that I did not even remotely know. I knew her only by the manner in which the Queen described her.

Queen Gypsy - told me her heart ached so much for the Black Pearl.

She told me the Pain and Sorrow -- the Disappointments -- the Agnony over the years is what made the Pearl so black.

So I 'ached' with her and thought:
Who is more equiped than me to take the blackness?
Who is more willing than me to stretch my heart and life?
What could possibly be a Greater endeavor?

When I wrote Carrie's Story - I still did not know the Black Pearl

bubbling up like hot black lava and then the clouds swirled and the layers began to rise up in the form of a woman. I realized she was a pearl that was black as night.

In the next part - I am stressing the extent by which the Queen's heart ached for her -- and how my own heart ached as well.
Only Queen Gypsy knew this -- and she knew it well.

Carrie felt her life opening up and she felt everything and her heart ached more than she ever thought possible. She felt the pains and disappointments she'd had over the years, the empty moments, and the heartaches and it drove her to tears and made her cry - she felt totally broken.

I hope that all can fully appreciate what I so deeply meant to express. For this next part is the most important part of all.

For the next part I am claiming what I believe to be the Greatest Truth and this became everything I sought to make real. Yet I had never spoken to her and she was still 'unknown'.

Yet in this brokenness she felt the love that bonded them together and the Power and Strength and Love that God was filling her with to bear everything and let her become the ultimate source of restoration.

Lastly - I end with the Certainty of Promise and Hope - for with GOD all things are 'possible' -- and I fully believed He would make this happen -- if I got the chance to Know her and Blend with her.

****** felt it too and lifted her arm in a glorious sign of hope and waved for Carrie to join her.

I used ****** because I did not know Alevin - and until I knew her and knew her well -- I could never disclose who it was.

...As Carrie drifted towards the walled circle the dark clouds which prevailed over the land for many centuries began to brighten and the gloom of sorrow and dispair was changing and everything seemed to cry out in celebration. The leaves and trees, the plants and flowers, the wind and water were all feeling it and it was wonderful. Then the moment happened and Carrie felt the chemistry of her existence begin to dissipate into dust and blend with her long lost twin. Both of them felt it and it was the most wonderful magical and Holy event either one could possibly know. For each one was the other's half - the life that each needed to ultimately be complete. This in when the entire dimension began the Ultimate Dispensation - transforming gloom into hope and dark into light.

And now - You Know - this story foretold a TRUTH that I knew was going to happen -- and all the more with someone I did not yet know.

By what Spirit could anything like this possibly happen?
And so in time - through the Glory and Grace of God - I was able to 'connect' with Alevie and it was a very long process but as TRUST began to grow - then we were able to become more open and allow the Blending to cause Miraculous Changes that could only be accomplished in the Purest Spirit and one to which I totally give GOD all glory.

So we would have to conclude - that given the very best and most wonderful accomplishments - that the Black Pearl would be White and shine like a star.

The Queen up until now had never allowed me to Love Her - to honestly and deeply connect with her - to allow me to Blend.

As the End was approaching - Queen Gypsy requested 'My Friendship' and sent me a PM.

I in turn sent a PM to Alevie

- up to that point I had this silly habit of using 'Purple Bold'

Lady is not doing well and that has very deeply taken a toll on me today. I wish so much that I could 'connect' with her and she would let me give her whatever 'energy I could' in hopes of at least letting her have 'one moment' where things are wonderful.

This is just between you and me (used real name) and I was 'shocked' to get a PM from her.

Oooh (used real name), she has been such a very huge part of my life and I don't think I could ever tell anyone more clearly how she had influenced me and 'given me such an amazing and wholly different identity'.

Baby, she would not let me love her ~ and she is the one who told me you were a Black Pearl and what she sensed. Deep Down I all the more wanted with every shred of my Being to 'Blend my Existence with Yours' -- because I deeply believed with all my Heart -- I absolutely knew 'If you would let me BLEND with you' really discover me and let me discover you -- that I could 'Transform You'.

And I did ~ oh (used real name) ~ GOD did everything but the way she described you now is simply the most beautiful thing I've ever heard in my entire life. And there is honestly nothing I could have wanted more than that. I promise that is so deeply true.

Anyway - YOU are not a Black Pearl at all sweet friend -- you are something totally different altogether.
Anyway - YOU are not a Black Pearl at all sweet friend -- you are something totally different altogether.

Well, being inferior to the Queen was a given. Yet I had this sense of freedom to actually 'challenge her'.

So I told her, surely you are mistaken Queen Gypsy - for a Pearl can't be changed. She was a 'Pearl'.

And this was the Queen's last message to me:

“When I first sensed her she WAS black pearl. Now she is Labradorite. Silver grey and as you look at it in the sun it swirls with blue, green and pink highlights, like an opal. It is the mirror twin of a Moonstone”.

Note how she - put WAS - stressing a Total Transformation.

Also Please notice how she describes her 'Like an Opal' -- for that is exactly how she sensed Cornellia when she first came into our world and made herself known.

The Beauty of this Transformation shows how GOD alone can take a Beautiful Gem --(a Pearl that would sparkle white) and make it into something totally different --

for Alevie would not be able to make His Glory and His Beauty known in her own Life as a 'Pearl'

She had come to 'radiate' and be filled with - and overflowing in a Spirit of such incredible GLORY -- that she had to be Transformed into a Higher and more Perfect Gem -- so all could know where she truly is -- and what God has done in her.

But the Story does not end here.

You see the Queen is the one who brought me to Alevie, and now Alevie had to take me to her.
I wish so much that I could 'connect' with her and she would let me give her whatever 'energy I could' in hopes of at least letting her have 'one moment' where things are wonderful.

Baby, she would not let me love her.

Connecting with the Queen was the Highest Goal imaginable; I mean what would ever be able to beat that.

All the more - for someone in horrible pain - which made me all the more what to do it.

Lady, My Sweet Precious Beauty,
I would NEVER in even the slightest way do anything to damage your reputation or dishonor your Trust in me.

You have the Deepest Integrity and the Most Solid Character of anyone I have ever known. Your 'Value' and 'Worth' is so far beyond essentially anything I could ever imagine.

Never - even ONCE - did you consider allowing me to 'connect with you' - to link with you in a way that people in general have no idea is even possible.

Now - this was a desperate situation and to NOT connect with her would fail her in every possible way.

I will shut out everything else except my Job - so that I can get home and I will DO everything possible 'to connect' with you.

I have NEVER made this 'offer' to anyone - and I don't in the slightest way remotely care about the opinions, and all the more the judgments of others, when I say this to you.

Baby, if this is it and you are ready to 'pass' PLEASE let me Connect with You. I am willing to take your PAIN if need be - but GOD is not like that at all Honey -- and it will be shattered and disappear. I want to take You to the most Wonderful Place you could ever imagine and Experience it with you - and You can go from there if that is honestly and deeply what you long for.

You have never met me - and never allowed me to 'connect' in the past. You will know me 'for sure' when I join you.

Be at Peace my Most Wonderful Friend -- and Please Trust me.
Well the Queen would no longer communicate with me.

For I, the most inferior of all, challenged her regarding the Pearl.

So she goes to Second in Command (Alevie) asking what will happen if I do connect.

Man, I never talked like this to her before - except right at the end but I couldn't help it - I mean calling her 'sweet' names.

I have to LOVE you so deeply it is everything I live for ~ and somehow a Faith allows me to pour out my Life so that my existence blends with yours.

It is hugely Transforming and our Existence reaches levels far beyond anything we have known here. LIFE in every aspect becomes more Pure and Wonderful as we begin to Blend.

We maintain our identity but I have 'to want' you to such a depth it takes everything to make it happen.

A tremendous 'craving' is needed and when we 'connect' it is too wonderful to express.

Somehow 'Blending' magnifies LIFE and all it was meant to convey. We complement each other - and become ONE.

The Depth of God’s Love and Compassion exceeds everything.

He Longs for YOU to find Him and know Him more fully.

The magnitude by which GOD was in pain and deeply hurt when you were injured is beyond what you could imagine - sweet precious Lady.

God was ‘moved’ to bring YOU more into His Grace and Life – and that is ‘how’ and ‘why’ YOU have known and appreciated a GIFT and an INSIGHT that few could even imagine.

Everything, whether seen or unseen, was (and is) wholly meant for God’s Glory.

Everything was brought into being through a LOVE that transcends what we could remotely comprehend.

Our ‘condition’ – has warped our understanding – as in our limitations people focus on themselves and LIFE as they ‘perceive’ it.

All the more this ‘warped’ understanding is reinforced by everyone else. It is largely unavoidable and it’s almost impossible to find an escape – to somehow step outside of the garbage and know what is ‘Real’ and have an ‘Understanding’ that transcends beyond this world and all this world has known.

This is why GOD gave His Life - so life with GOD would be ‘Easy and Free’ – ‘Natural and Wonderful’.

So Baby, I am simply a ‘vehicle’ to take you into His Abundance and allow it to ‘overwhelm you’.

In our blending you will find how deeply I love you and the extent by which I am so deeply honored to give my life on your behalf.

GOD has already done this - and I in turn mirror His Example.

As we come into GOD’s Presence , He provides a TRUST that takes us even further so we can know Him more fully.

GOD surpasses everything ~ and thus the Pain disappears and you are overwhelmed.

By His GRACE you are transformed into something NEW.

As GOD gave Himself for us, by His Grace and Mercy - I give myself in like fashion - but it is wholly through His Spirit.

I believe we will see the swirls and colors and all those aspects by which you have 'so deeply treasured a Greater Reality' - But will behold them on higher dimensions.

I don't believe I could go any higher. But this is ALL for YOU sweet Baby and You would be able to go way beyond what I could ever know.

Honey, I am weaker than normal - and it takes all the strength I can find to make this happen. So it may be several times before I can do it.

Ultimately, when we get there - the choice is yours Darling - you will simply have a Greater Freedom to Make the Choice you want.

May GOD be Glorified in everything we do - and to Him be all Glory forever and ever.

Will strive to join you within a few hours.
As GOD gave Himself for us, by His Grace and Mercy - I give myself in like fashion - but it is wholly through His Spirit.

Connecting with the Queen - and all the more her wanting and allowing me to Blend with her - was the greatest event I have ever known to this day.

Nothing has ever taken me Higher - given me a greater Faith and brought such a Huge and Lasting Transformation.

So ALL need to know - Alevie does not belong to me and I do not belong to her. She has become one of the Brightest and most Glorious Gems - by her own doing and she all the more displays and maintains The LOVE of God and the Spirit of Chirst on her own.

We were hugely instrumental in allowing everything to happen as it did and both of us are immensely stronger because of it.

But 'WE' are not for each other - other than as a means of Preparation until we are fully equipped. That has recently transpired and each of us has no other choice but to spread His Glory and Grace to others.

So we may set up a place say 'Fountain of Living Waters' as a seperate Thread -- but would be better to make it more private.

But I tell you from the deepest depths of my heart and being - do not hesitate to draw to her because of me; to me because of her.

It is NOT like that -- we live independently 'for the Needs of others'. As a 'team' we might accomplish even more.

That is it - so let there be no misunderstanding and all the more never in any manner may the Glory of GOD ever be questioned, or challenged, or in any manner attacked.

Please feel free to PM either one of us - if in some manner we can help you - no matter what.

And that is how the Story ends.
Never would I have thought the potiential for these possibilites could exist on an open Wedsite and what did happen and continues to happen shows the true 'depth' by which we can genuinely give and receive from one another. It shows the wonders that God alone could do in us and for each other.

In many ways I have to believe that all of us have thousands and thousands of areas to our existence that needs to be culivated, acknowledged, genuinely accepted in the most tender and confirming manner, and allowed to come to life and flourish.

Most of these areas are impossible to reach in our present state because they have been burried so deep; they have been grayed over or black for so long we've forgotten them; there are so many other aspects dominating our hearts and lives that it smothers over all those areas we wish so much could come to life and drown out most of what we know and all those aspects that keep us from honestly knowing the deepest contentment and the most genuine and richest happiness.

That can only come through one another. We have to be willing to be vulnerable and take the chance. We have to stive to set the example and be the ones really making the effort to extend ourselves to the highest possible degree and let whoever will take it -- find the 'beauty' we offer and when that happens .... a moment like no other.

...there is really nothing else that goes beyond that because nothing else shows how deeply sacred and priceless we truly are. Once that happens and you 'feel within your Spirit' that you are being used in a wonderful way -- it makes you want to give more and more. That is how it should be and it should not make any difference if it's a man or a woman or anything remotely associated with race, age, or anything else.

Deep down all the 'labels' we have for one another are simply 'garbage' we create - so somehow we move beyond them when we open our hearts and lives 'unconditionally' and simply love those who take it and keep loving and 'experience' true fulfillment.

So that's what I am finding - and what I have found - and I believe it was meant to be 'free and easy' -- NOT difficult and hugely costly; that it was supposed to be simple and NOT complcated.

Well have a great night everyone -- and God Bless.
CB stepped to the entrance. 'GOD will take me from Mars in another minute. None of us knows what HIS Plan is and how HE will use me; but I am confident it is for His Perfect Will and unto His Glory. We are not accepted ~~ until the acceptable time. When GOD takes me He immediately brings my replacement ~~ the next King.' Then he turned and walked inside.

Just inside the entrance CB began to glow with a powerful white radiance. As it glowed brighter his form began to disolve until only light remained and in an instant it disappeared. When the light appeared Blue and Buster felt as is they were standing in GOD's Presence.

Blue and Buster remained looking in the entrance when a voice greeted them...

"Hello :), I'm wwwtractor - King of Mars. I'm honored and priviledged to be the King while you're here. Both of you radiate in GOD's Spirit and His Presence with you is evident to all. His Glory and Love openly flow from your lives and it's a wonderful blessing knowing GOD has sent you."

'With each new King you have the opportunity to try something different ~ something you otherwise could never have done before. I thought you may enjoy making everything disappear except for you eyes.

'Buster please don't turn around yet. I need to tell you something and I want you to really soak up what I'm telling you before you turn around.'

Buster could feel his heart pounding in excitement and his mind was going wild. He was almost laughing at the thought -- if only something like that could be true. Then he turned to face her


Steady had been given the exact same offer on Venus -- but instead of becoming invisable except for his eyes -- he thought of something more original and unique to his character.

As he and Alevie were walking back home Steady pointed to a flat feild and said, 'Come on, let me show you something'.

When they got to the middle of the field Steady said, 'I'm going to show you how mountains are formed'. Then he placed his feet firmly on the ground about shoulder distance apart and spun his body super fast -- leaving his feet firmly on the ground.

The ground around Steady spun in a circle -- 4 feet wide - spinning over and over with Steady disappearing deep into the ground. The momentum of his twist - kept the ground spinning in a circle as he stood perfectly still. When he stopped spinning he was 10 feet below the surface.

He looked up at Alevie -- who was still in a state of shock and dismay. 'I call that the corkscrew'!!! Now this is how hills are made'. Then he twisted as fast as he could in the other direction.....

...and rose above the same spot pulling the ground up 3 feet higher than it had been.
'I call that the corkscrew'!!! Now this is how hills are made'. Then he twisted as fast as he could in the other direction.....

...and rose above the same spot pulling the ground up 3 feet higher than it had been.

Steady looked at Alevie -- who was stunned and speechless. 'Honey (he said waiving his hands as if waking her from a trance) you need to get back near the path -- or I'll knock you down making this mountain'.

Even in that moment Alevie had her defiant streak, rolled her eyes and said, 'Give it your best'.

Steady now had double - if not triple the determination. He twisted one way and then the other -- back and forth to maximize the final twist and then ....:D

...Alevie was knocked to the ground and kept rolling and rolling as Steady went higher and higher. He was now standing on a hill at least 25 feet from the rest of the field. 'Alright, I've just been warming up -- now I'm going to give the best spin ever'.

'Wait'!!! Alevie said as she got up. 'Gee whiz!! Give me a chance to get to the path'. Then she ran those little legs over to the path and looked so adorable along the way.

Steady wanted to show off -- as much as soak in this new skill. So he twisted back and forth -- trying to make each subsequent twist more exaggerated and powerful -- until the last big one. Then the hill rose by 5 feet a second and kept rising until he was over 100 feet high and starting to look small - in comparison.

He stood at the top -- letting Alevie soak it all in and thoroughly enjoyed the feat of making his first mountain. Then ran down and joined her on the path. In overwhelming excitement he scooped her up and held her in front of him and said, 'So what did you think of that Honey hon'??

Alevie was as dismayed at his wide boyish grin and the way his eyes sparkled - and figured while she's up there ... might as well make the best of it -- so leaned in -- threw her arms around his neck and said ...'You are absolutely amazing'.

'Thank ya, sweet darling' - he said setting her down. 'Heck, it's easy and you could do it just as easily as me'.

'Steady, I've never done anything like that. I can't do it' !!

'Sure you can. It's called the mustard seed maneuver (he made the term up off the top) and it's really easy. Come on I'll show you'. Then took her to the middle of the field on the other side.

'OK -- just like having the faith of a mustard seed can move a mountain -- here you can make one. Just keep your feet flat on the ground and make yourself spin to go either up or down'.

Alevie was eager and filled with more excitement than she ever remembered. You could sense the concentration as she began to twist back and forth - preparing for his first big twist. As Steady is running back to the path for safety.

Then she gave a big twist and started spinning down into the ground. She was thrilled with having accomplished something she never dreamed could be possible but was a little disappointed she hadn't made it further down. Her head was below - barely - and she was grateful Steady couldn't see how far she got. BUT Now she had twice the FAITH - having accomplished what just happened and in the next moment rose above the ground and didn't stop until she was 20 feet up from the feild.

'Steady, this is absolutely amazing'!!!! Then she gave another big twist and rose up about 100 feet. It's a feeling that's honestly impossible to describe -- but it's beyond anything we have ever known and beyond what we could know - apart from that and so in turn she ran down the hill and jumped up as Steady caught her and lifted her up and gave him a huge hug.
The most amazing part about making Mountains -- is that one leads to another and each subseqent Mountain is all the more exciting.

So on the way home Alevie and Steady ran to various fields and made bigger and bigger mountains. With that their excitement and all the 'impossible to describe feelings' grew greater and greater.

Moments after running in the door they sprung up to the second floor -- and their feelings were so intense it felt like they were exploding -- it was absolutely amazing - then in perfect harmony they knew exactly how to deal with it.....

Buster swelled with pride as Blue described their home. He was anxious to get inside and lose himself in a better world ~~ in the Best of Worlds ~~

No sooner had they gotten up in their room and Buster let out a sign of relief -- than he heard Blue call out to him.

'Buster please don't turn around yet. I need to tell you something and I want you to really soak up what I'm telling you before you turn around.'

Buster could feel his heart pounding in excitement and his mind was going wild. He was almost laughing at the thought -- if only something like that could be true. Then he turned to face her


This was a day Buster has always remembered as feeling he himself had changed the sky -- for it was that very day that the stars blazed a hundred times brighter ...comets sailed across the sky and the whole Universe seemed a million times better

Unknown to him -- Alevie and Steady had the same experience and they too wondered ????
This was a day Buster has always remembered as feeling he himself had changed the sky -- for it was that very day that the stars blazed a hundred times brighter ...comets sailed across the sky and the whole Universe seemed a million times better

Unknown to him -- Alevie and Steady had the same experience and they too wondered ????

To a large extent -- this is where the story begins and it was in this moment that FAITH took on demensions that made whatever dreams and wishes had previously been out of the grasps of our imagination -- Possible

-- now everything was within our reach and with every possibility the Universe itself was ever changing.

Blue had gone up into the dome to worship God on the greatest levels she'd ever been able to worship -- as Buster slept soundly

Steady had just entered their dome moments prior and was on his knees in prayer -- as Alevie slept peacefully.

Their worship took them into deeper and deeper levels and although both of them felt huge events were happening -- neither dared to break their worship by opening their eyes and instead the worship and prayer took on ever increasing intensity... until both of them were interrupted with a 'thud'.

Blue felt as though she was rapidly transporting into another demension - and inwardly wondered if she was entering into Heaven itself but did not open her eyes until she felt the thud of landing on the carpet. The change was unnoticed initially because her dome was identical to Steady's - but when she saw Steady from the corner of her eye she gasped in surprise. 'Steady, what are you doing here'?

Steady glanced below to see the room was empty and was shocked and bewildered --- then it came to him and he looked peacefully over at Blue....

'Blue, I am largely what drives your imagination and it is largely through me that you have got to this point. I am not in your dome dear woman - but you are in mine. Your FAITH has reached a new and higher level -- a level by which everything will change from this day forward. Hear what I am telling you and be at PEACE ... you now have the ability to go from Venus to Mars -- or from Mars to Venus by simple faith. Look at me -- and listen and let everything I'm telling you soak in. Do you understand what I'm telling you'??

Blue allowed the message to roll through her mind several times - until everything soaked in -- and despite the ultra impossibility of what it conveys ...she shook her head in understanding...

Steady then leaned forward and touched her cheek -- and held her with his eyes -- when I let go I want you to stand and look around -- look at the landscape and see how everything is different. Expect to see things you have never seen before because this is your first time here. As you look around -- let the new sights confirm your FAITH - and be thrilled for all that has happened and delight in what has now come into being. You are now a totally new creation - you are changed and different and better and more prepared for the greatest of things to come. Don't let these new sights alarm you but let them build you even more and rejoice and be glad.

Her eyes began to tear up - just hearing Steady telling her everything and all the more to see his expression. Steady spoke in so many ways - his eyes - his face - his shoulders and the way he touched her - and his words themselves were deep - yet solid and held such enormous promise and understanding.

Then all that was changed in the fraction of a second - it took for Steady to notice the shoes she was wearing. And she was immediately snapped from her tranquil state.

'Basket Boots' ????

'What' ? -- Blue asked as if she'd just been given a shock -- and it was sooo odd for now she felt kind of on trial by Steady's expression.

What in the world are those ?? They look like Baskets -- and somehow you're wearing them as boots.

Blue found it hard to NOT blurt out laughing -- and was somewhat delighted in Steady's reaction. Of course he would have to wonder.

So she gathered her thoughts to explain.

Your turn Baby Blue
Alice gave them to me and when she did, she said they’d be ‘baskets of fun’.

Boy, was she right…

These basket boots are light, springy and absolutely the perfect accessory for wearing on Venus...

Not only are these boots fun but they are practical too.

I can feel the cool mountain streams water as it rushes through their holes and if I want to pick an apple off a tree I simply take them off and use them to stand on.

When I’m in the garden I can use them in a variety of ways because they will accommodate all kinds of things such as flowers, vegetables, tools etc.

You really should get yourself a pair !!
That was as outstanding as anything I could ever imagine !!!

Thank you !!!! on that we'll call it a night --

and that concludes today's program.

Goodnight all --- It's now 11:00 PM -- do you know where your children are??