Steadygain's Groove and Trip Pad

Alice gave them to me and when she did, she said they’d be ‘baskets of fun’.

You really should get yourself a pair !!

'I'm bound to get a pair when we get to Venus -- but for now please let me introduce you to Mars'. Then Steady waved his hand for Blue to look out from the dome unto the Mars landscape.

For Blue it was a bit overwhelming, as this was her first time ever being teleported from one far distant Planet to another in the twinkling of an eye -- and now seeing a new landscape, new buildings, and an entirely new race was quite an adjustment....

'Don't be overwhelmed Blue, for truely this is your ultimate destination and it's a confirmation of everything you have deeply longed for and all you have treasured'.

'Try to not to see everything as brandnew -- but look at the commonality and find your peace in that. The landscape itself may be slightly different but largely it is the same -- the ground is what houses are built on and -- though our houses may look a little different -- their use and function is wholly identical. Look at the people -- how they walk about and interact -- the animals -- and see how deep down all things are the same. Then think of the Creator and acknowledge how He gives to all equally and how in the deepest sense -- everything is His doing'.

Hearing Steady tell her these things as she looked over Mars was very comforting and somehow he gave her a sense of peace. Blue was in another world - totally different from anything she had known before and the strangeness was 'unsettleing' - but Steady made the 'newness' exciting and full of Hope and Promise. 'I am in awe Steady, and don't know what to say'.

'You don't have to say anything precious princess. Just soak it up and take everything in -- and as you're adjusting to a new and bigger and better reality I'll explain everything'.

'The landscape here is largely contaminated by the way the people live and regard one another. On this planet - the color of a person's skin makes all the difference in the world and their beliefs have been so deeply grounded -- generation after generation -- those at the TOP believe they belong there because they are dark and those at the bottom believe they are 'equal' but never have a chance to make that known - because their light skin flagged them as flawed and inferior. Everything is established to reinforce this -- the businesses and schools and all services established for the people at large -- give the dark the very best and the light have little to nothing.'

'That's terrible Steady, but what does this have to do with the landscape'?

'The trees and animals reflect the peoples' lifestyles - much as planet Earth before it was destroyed. Yet even before it was destroyed the sacred aspects of Land, Water, Air, and Life were largely poisoned and ruined. On Mars the trees and animals have learned the ways of men - how they think and behave - and have adapted themselves to stand against them.'

'What are we to do' ?

'We are here to make His Glory known - to return the landscape and all life back into His Grace. We are here to repair the damage and allow Nature to wholly reveal His Spirit of Perfection and to turn the people to fully recognizing this TRUTH and in turn cherishing the Land and all this is -- and regarding each other as brothers.'

Blues' appearance took on a Glory that would have been similar to the Glory -- Jesus Himself beheld -- she glowed in a Spirit of Life and Love and was filled with a Faith to boldly deal with anything and the Hope and Promise of knowing His Strength could never fail her. 'I am ready - how do we start'?

'We start by being of ONE Spirit - ONE Heart - ONE mind - and with that I must allow HIM to change me how ever that needs to happen and be willing to let HIM wholly transform me until we are ONE. You may also have to be open to HIM transforming you to be something less than you are -- because I don't know that I am fully capable of reaching to where you are - but we must be ONE'.
'We start by being of ONE Spirit - ONE Heart - ONE mind - and with that I must allow HIM to change me how ever that needs to happen and be willing to let HIM wholly transform me until we are ONE. You may also have to be open to HIM transforming you to be something less than you are -- because I don't know that I am fully capable of reaching to where you are - but we must be ONE'.

'Should we start by praying together'?

'No, it would be too distracting for me as you are full of His Glory. We need to pray apart -- until both of us sense a blending - GOD joining us as ONE. You pray here and I'll pray on the other side -- that will all the more fill the entire dome with His Presence and be a sign for all to see and acknowledge'. Then Steady went to the other side and knelt in prayer.

Blue knelt down too - leaned her elbows into the cushion - held her hands together and began to pray ...

Although they prayed in silence -- occasionally they could hear each other -- and the inspiration that induced brought their prayer to greater heights -- which somehow allowed them to hear each other more frequently -- and this cycle continued until they spoke aloud 'in silence' as a 'unified prayer' ...which led to a song

There were bells on a hill
But I never heard them ringing
No I never heard them at all
Till there was you

There were birds in the sky
But I never saw them winging
No I never saw them at all
Till there was you

Then there was music and wonderful roses
They tell me in sweet fragrant meadows of dawn and dew

There was love all around
But I never heard it singing
No I never heard it al all
Till there was you

Then there was music and wonderful roses
They tell me in sweet fragrant meadows of dawn and dew

There was love all around
But I never heard it singing
No I never heard it at all
Till there was you

Till there was you
(the Beatles)

When the song had ended -- they knew their time had come and everything felt perfect. Spiritually they were ONE and Life sprang from them with a radiance of Glory and Grace -- as they had never known before.

The Dome lit with a brillant radiance and all on Mars looked in awe at what had happened.
The Dome lit with a brillant radiance and all on Mars looked in awe at what had happened.

The change was absolutely enormous - and all encompassing and neither had ever felt more prepared to accomplish the goals at hand...

'Oh Steady, this is brillant !!! This is everything and I feel His Power in ways I never dreamed were possible. I have nothing but the greatest confidence and I know HE is with me and I can do all things in HIM and through HIM. Are we ready now', Blue asked with eager anticipation.

'We are much closer than either of us has ever been before dear woman - and there is no doubt now that we have completed this stage the other stages will be much easier. The most important aspect is the Spiritual Connection -- and that alone allows all other aspects of LIFE to be in proper allignment. This is something we have to keep flowing out of us -- like a Spring of Life -- a fountain always offering the purest and most refreshing drink to all we encounter. This is how it all starts -- it is the deepest and most important foundation -- but it is LIVING and must be given the Greatest LIFE possible. We are the branch and HE is the Vine and everything stems from that. So you and I need to keep this flowing and let our branch get bigger and stronger as time goes on - and only then can we achieve what HE has called us to accomplish'.

'Do you feel this welling up from within you - filling you - flowing through you - and pouring out of you'?

'It is like nothing I have ever known before -- it totally consumes every part of my being and wholly defines my existence. I have never been more completely HIS -- have never known my place and where I belong and how everything was meant to be more than now. YES !!! It is the core of my being and I do feel it flowing and overflowing -- my cup runneth over -- it's everything'.

'This is where others have lost their perspective Blue. They somehow saw this as 'The End' instead of the Beginning -- they allowed this moment to be their all n' all - and in finding and acknowledging This Connection -- RELIGION has been reduced to a ticket to be grabbed and Faith largely fades with a contentment that their ticket is with them. The Spring itself is forgotten and all that defines you now -- becomes meaningless.'

'As amazing as you feel - even in this moment - it is a bare trickle that is meant to become a flowing creek - that is meant to become a raging stream - that is meant to become a mighty river'

'This is just the beginning - no - we are not ready. We need to go down and complete the rest before we go out to Mars'.

With that they entered the room below.
With that they entered the room below.

'WOW!! This is beautiful', Blue said as she looked over the room.

'Thank You, I'm honored and very glad you like it.'

Blue was standing next to the huge bed and Steady gracously asked her to sit for a moment. He found the basket boots largely distracting and the moment she sat he knelt down pulled her boots off and set them aside. Then he stood extended his hand out for her and invited her over to an area more designed for visiting.

They sat in comfortable chairs and Steady began. 'As good as you're feeling and all the more because of the source by which your LIFE and Happiness spring - I need you to know that others will rise against you and they will hate you and despise you. You have to know this and you always have to expect this - over and over - and to expect it to come in every conceivable manner. The more you live for HIS Glory - is all the more they will come against you. As they rose against HIM - they will surely rise against you. Your friends will likely deny you -- as it is easier to turn on you -- than to become a target of animostity - distrust - anger - resentment -and hatred. Before you can do anything you need to make sure your grounding is SOLID - and that is a huge undertaking'.

'How can I prepare for everything you describe' ?

'Greater is HE that is in you - than he that rules this world' but God has sent you a helper and that is the essense of my existence. Our Helper is the Spirit of GOD and the LIFE that conveys -- but you have a chemistry that is perfectly designed for me - and me for you and somehow we need to blend them in perfect harmony. The problem with this is that we are physical beings in a material world - and somehow I need to find a way to overcome this -- until we have reached that ultimate state of harmony.'

Blue was amazed at Steady's depth - and deeply pondered on everything ... then looked over in delight. 'Steady, if by some miracle I could become invisible but yet everything about me remained the same..... would that help? ;):)

'Your thoughts are perfect -- yes that would help immensely -- but it all comes down to perspectives and acknowledging everything in the light it was meant to be acknowledged'. Steady briefly squeezed her hand and thanked her for her thoughtfulness.

'I'll be right back', Blue said - standing and walked in the bathroom.

A few minutes later the door opened and Steady looked over in anticipation but no one came out. Actually Blue had come out but covered her eyes so Steady couldn't see them. She thought about getting behind him and touching him :nuts: but realized it would probably give him a heart attack -- if not scare him to pieces.


Steady looked around from where the voice came -- and was baffled. Since the door was wide open he approached the bathroom and asked if she was alright.

'Steady, I am absolutely on top of the world and have never been better. I acquired a gift on Venus -- and I can become invisible at will -- but I have to either close my eyes or cover them -- cause ahhhh well they don't disappear when they're open'.

'OHH MY GOSH - That's got to be the coolest thing I could ever imagine!!!!' Steady said and started walking back and forth filled and overflowing with excitement. His voice began to change and he spoke more rapidly and was getting more and more like a little kid.
'OHHH MAN !!! Well can you at least open your eyes' and all of a sudden he was perfectly still -- as though the slightest movement may somehow break the spell.

Blue opened her eyes and Steady forgot the possibility of breaking the spell with movement. Instead his excitement grew by leaps and bounds....

'STEADY!!! CALM DOWN !! Golly don't forget what this is all about' !

'Oh yeah', he said sheepishly. Then he tried taking some deep breaths in and out -- but it was impossible to adjust to an invisible woman out in the open on the other side of the room. 'Give me just a minute - I'll be back in a few' - he said as calmly as he could possibly speak and walked in the bathroom closing the door behind him. Then he got on his knees and began to pray -- that GOD would take his excitement and help him to be calm; that he could really use this experience to allow everything to be as perfect as possible. In a few minutes he stood and walked out to greet her.

Blue was tickled with Steady - how he had asked her to keep her eyes closed and he would come and find her.
Blue was tickled with Steady - how he had asked her to keep her eyes closed and he would come and find her.

Steady and Blue spent 4 years 156 days 2 hours 14 minutes 37 seconds * finding the extent of their chemistry until harmony reached a stage of perfection. Then they were ready to go throughout Mars.

* - Mars time
(2 months, 19 days, 16 hours, 47 minutes, 23 seconds - Earth time)

That concludes this Chapter ---
because of the source by which your LIFE and Happiness spring - others will rise against you and they will hate you and despise you. You have to know this and you always have to expect this - over and over - and to expect it to come in every conceivable manner. The more you live for HIS Glory - is all the more they will come against you.

Steady somehow thought his words of caution made him a little better prepared - kept him more on his toes - but he was totally man and far more susceptible because of that. A woman would have taken just a sip - to get a sense of the flavor and see if she likes it. A man is going to fill his mouth and gulp it down in a second flat.

They left their home feeling fully confident - basking in His Glory and very much in harmony with all things deeply sacred and beautiful. It was a beautiful day and they began by walking into a general store - where people largely gather to visit and socialize.

Steady had been here many times before and it largely felt like home and he was thrilled to bring Blue into an evironment to ease her way into feeling comfortable on Mars. They walked up to the counter with a air of confidence and before Steady could introduce Blue to the crowd -- a young man handed Steady a glass and told him it was a brand new soft drink - the best so far - and he poured it just for him. Soooo Steady -- holds it upside down and finishes it in 3 huge gulps.

1 cup of Alcohol on Mars is equal to at least a full bottle of whiskey on Earth. Steady has ZERO tollerance - he does not drink - it's something he simply never got into - so one tiny sip would be like 8 beers.

Steady - is seeing spots - is lightheaded - and it's like everything has been washed out of him and he's like a piece of air. He can't think and he's doing his best to comprehend where he is and what is going on.....

....the store owner looks across the counter and gets Steady's attention and says, 'Tell us about Casey Jones'!!!

'CASEY JONES !!!' Steady says slamming his glass on the counter.
'was a SON OF A ____'
He said this with anger and rage -- as though he was a Railroad owner and one of his engineers ruined him.
'He DROVE that engine in ____ House DITCH'!!!
'Damn that rascal -- he ____ed 98 until his ____s got blue'
Steady stepped back from the counter holding himself. He was anything but steady in that moment.
'Then he backed off' Steady stepped back knocking items off a shelf behind him '____ed off and ___ED THE OTHER TWO!!!'

Everyone in the store was going wild -- hooping and hollering and clapping their hands... and having the time of their lives....

Everyone except for Blue that is -- who could see Steady's legs beginning to buckle and realized he was as drunk as a skunk.

Blue rushed over and got Steady to lean into her and held his arm over her shoulder. 'Come on Steady, it's time to get you home'.

Then Steady began laughing and saying all kinds of weird things that somehow made him laugh even harder. Everyone in the store started laughing too -- and some were falling on the floor holding their stomachs.... For Blue, this was awkward and humiliating and somehow this anger gave her a strength beyond what she would have had otherwise and she managed to get him home.

Steady woke the next day about 11 am ---

Steady woke up on the first level of the house - laying on the floor. When he came to his senses - he looked around and asked, 'Whoa, what am I doing down here'??

'You've been sleeping there Steady'.

'Wow - that's crazy, I've never slept down here before' and got up then jumped up to climb up to the bedroom. His hands were holding on the opening and he felt Blue grabbing his ankles and climbing up his legs.

'What are you doing'??? Steady asked in surprize

'You're not leaving me down there' Blue responded as she entered the bedroom.

Then Steady climbed through and saw Blue heading to the bathroom. 'Oh my gosh!!' -- 'I swear I'll use the sink if I have to'!!

'OK - but hurry up!!!'
because of the source by which your LIFE and Happiness spring - others will rise against you and they will hate you and despise you. You have to know this and you always have to expect this - over and over - and to expect it to come in every conceivable manner.

Steady was absolutely devasated with the realization of all that had transpired. He felt he totally shattered his witness for GOD and he deeply felt bad about himself -- but his shame for Blue was so overwhelming -- he was largely paralyzed. The pain he felt was everywhere and he was completely LOST and had no idea where to even start.

'Blue, I have never been drunk before -- ever -- and I honestly don't remember anything after leaving the house and feeling happier than I've ever felt - EVER - and having the greatest thrill of making you known to everyone'. He began to cry when he looked over at her and gave the deepest and most sincere appology imaginable.

'Steady, it wasn't your fault. You had no idea what was going on. You were told it was a new soft drink -- the very best ever -- and the glass was poured just for you'. Blue felt for him -- he was truely broken - and deeply needed restoration.

She took him next to her and held him. 'Steady, don't lose sight of HIS Grace and Power by putting all your focus on your weakness. This is something you were tricked into -- but you are bound to have your own weaknesses that will strive to surface over and over. Your weakness is NOTHING compared to HIS GREATNESS. It is NOT your Strength we need to depend on but HIS STRENGTH. You have NOT let me down -- so Please - I beg you don't start now - by looking within yourself and letting a simple mistake ruin all we have accomplished'.

Steady was amazed at her depth - and how far reaching her insights were. She had a KNOWLEDGE that surpassed everyone else - She had a STRENGTH he could deeply depend on - She had a FAITH that sustained her and somehow was transforming and sustained him as well - She reached places that GOD Alone could reach and in this he was able to see things and know things in ways that moved him far beyond his own strength and all the more beyond any weakness or mistake that transpired -- and rise above it - through the HOPE and PROMISE of something far beyond himself.

'Thank you Blue -- may we learn from this and let our journey all the more be done in such a manner that gives us greater strength and allows our witness to ever increase. From this day forward neither one of us will drink or eat anything offered to us from anyone else; but we will decline everything in the utmost Spirit of Grace and humility - lest any be offended'.
That was one of many mishaps randomly occuring in their relationship - but they had such an immense respect and devotion for one another that they NEVER had the 'roller coaster ride' so many others are plagued with. The harmony they maintained was absolutely incredible and with that harmony was the greatest assurance of a deepening TRUST that gradually shattered the many insecurities and doubts that crept in their lives at various moments in the past.

Blue could not have known she would be teleported from Venus to Mars in the snap of a finger -- and had only the one outfit she arrived in. Steady's closet was filled with a wide variety of clothes and her closet was empty -- which made her awkward. She hadn't said anything -- but she didn't have to -- Steady seemed to know her through and through.

There was a knock on door below -- and someone entered the house.

'Fabric man !!!', he shouted. 'Got a wide assortment of fabrics'!!!

'Who is that' ?? Blue asked in low voice -- her expression filled with concern and wonderment.

'That's the man who brings all the fabrics -- so you get whatever kind of clothes you want. It's pretty cool cause they can make them within a couple of minutes.'

'REALLY' ???

'Yeah, it's amazing -- and they've got some beautiful stuff'. Within 10 seconds they were both below - with the fabric man.

ummm - I'm a little foggy here.....

tell me about the fabrics -- and the dresses and stuff you got
“Oooh, Steady, I’d be more than happy to show you, not just tell you. Come with me to my closet and I’ll show you the wonderful variety of outfits I now have.”

As we made our way to the closet I filled Steady in on a few details…

“I kept the reason for ‘Us’ being here my number one priority and made sure the Fabric man paid attention to what I wanted. He did a fantastic job and all my outfits have been designed using materials that the light skinned people predominantly supply and they are made from materials that Nature is capable of providing, yet currently is unable to produce in abundant quantities.”

“I’m hoping my outfits will be a great opportunity for me to make His Glory known because I hope to be identified as one who is unique, which will no doubt create quite a bit of social interaction. In turn, I hope more and more people will gradually want outfits like mine, which will help return the landscape and all life back into His Grace.”

We got to the closet and Steady listened intently as I proceeded to explain and show him exactly what it held.

“The outfits are plain, simple and modest, which means they are inexpensive and that my body will be well-covered. They are very well made and look great.”

“I have several head coverings – this one is a prayer cap, which I’m sure you are familiar with; and this one is for summer because it’s made from cotton that is light and breathable; and this one is for winter because it’s made of flannel.”

I knew I was getting excited as I showed Steady the wonderful variety of my new outfits and I could see him smiling as he totally enjoyed how happy I was.

“This fleece shawl will keep me toasty warm and this bonnet can be worn over any head coverings!”

“I’m sure most of the stores will never have seen the likes of my undergarments or dresses because I had them made with longer hemlines and the dresses are designed to hang looser than those created for today’s modern society.”

“These are my summer dresses and these are my winter dresses – all of which can be worn every day or for church and when they get old they will make wonderful housedresses. Oh, and I have a couple of aprons – see?”

I proceeded to show Steady through each piece of clothing and when I was finally done, I sighed happily, turned and smiling broadly, I thanked him...

“Thank you sooo much Steady. I am confident that I have clothes for every occasion and that I will be dressed in a manner that pleases GOD, which makes me feel absolutely fantastic.”
“Thank you sooo much Steady. I am confident that I have clothes for every occasion and that I will be dressed in a manner that pleases GOD, which makes me feel absolutely fantastic.”

I had never seen her more full of LIFE -- in fact I had never seen anyone that glowed with such radiance and deeply genuine happiness. I lovingly picked her up and held her in front of me. 'Blue, there are over 200 Trillion chemical reactions LIFE offers -- yet most live their entire lives knowing less than 1 million.'

'Really'?? Blue paused ...'Why is that'?

'For most LIFE more consists of building up layers -- or walls -- to protect the Life within. They know the sacred treasure within them and the priceless quality of their existence -- so they quickly learn to protect it ... and keep protecting it .... and keep protecting it ... until it's largely forgotten. The most precious LIFE is burried so deep it never has a chance to come out - to flourish and be thoroughly enjoyed - sooo the LIFE that was deeply intended NEVER comes into being. People get use to the 'Layers' and actually derive a contentment ... with the Greatest LIFE -- the fullest LIFE -- and the LIFE of overwhelming abundance -- totally unknown and absent'.

Blue was 'melting' - somewhat in awe looking in Steady's eyes and gazing at his expression as he shared these things. It felt like millions of butterflies deep within had come to life and were fluttering around -- lighting up her insides....

'Now is the time to let the 200 Trillion reactions come to LIFE. I can feel those butterflies and I know why they are lit up -- why they are full of LIFE -- and all they long to know and enjoy. I have the same butterflies fluttering in me -- so for now -- we will allow the blending to flourish and for everyone of them to find their home in each other and this will bring the next million to LIFE - until every last one has found their home and we are totally complete.'

'Ooooh my gosh'

'Everything is totally HIS design and everything that could ever be known is wholly because of HIM. As all within us Springs to LIFE and we find the greatest and most enduring FULFILLMENT -- let everything bring us more fully into HIS Grace -- so that all see and know HIS Glory in us'.

'Ooooooh Steady'... (sighs)

'LIFE is meant to be FULL -- is meant to be overflowing with the greatest LOVE imaginable -- with a PEACE that is far beyond all understanding -- with a JOY that GOD alone can give - and we are deeply meant to know HIS Strength and be Held by HIM so that our HOPE is FULL and our future knows nothing but the richest PROMISE. Everything is meant to take us more fully into HIS GRACE and ALL is meant to reveal HIS GLORY'.

'Now is the time to peel those layers away and Discover!'

'Now is the time to let LIFE flow -- and keep flowing'
'Now is the time to let LIFE flow -- and keep flowing'

Often terms become so deluted -- so watered down -- that their true meaning remains largely unknown or forgotten. In the Universe of Blue this was not the case and in fact 'Unity' was known in ways that defied what most would believe is even possible.

They were united and they found a unity in that moment and allowed that moment to run its course. Both were totally overwhelmed and had no clue how to express the wonderful changes that were soooo rich and deep and full. BUT they glowed and they saw the glow in each other. Initially these changes brought forth such 'excitement' it was hard to adjust - to know how to handle it all - but then they allowed themselves to relax and simply give in to it and found The PEACE. In this Peace they were moved to prepare for the journey.

They simply looked at each other and neither one had to say a word. Then they got up and Steady jumped up and held to the opening above and Blue climbed up into the Dome and Steady joined her and they began to pray.

Prayer can become an activity in which you totally lose yourself and this is how it was for them. At times Blue spoke out and at times Steady did -- but most of it was 'private' - though unified and magnified through each other. Together they ended with comments of gratitude and felt they were ready. The Dome was blazing brighter than ever and those close to their home had to sheild their eyes.

'Blue, in my prayer I had a vision of some of the animals on Mars giving us a greater ability to make HIM known. So I'd like to start there'.

'Wow, that's amazing Steady. He gave me a similar vision but it dealt with the trees'.

'Now that we are ONE - my gifts are yours and yours are mine. I can become invisible or teleport to other places. You will be able to make mountains -- and somehow we will use these gifts in wonderful ways -- but for now let's go into the fields and find a herd of animals'.

Blue wore one of her new outfits and Steady was totally amazed with how perfect everything was in that moment.
'As good as you're feeling and all the more because of the source by which your LIFE and Happiness spring -

I need you to know that others will rise against you and they will hate you and despise you. You have to know this and you always have to expect this - over and over - and to expect it to come in every conceivable manner.

The more you live for HIS Glory - is all the more they will come against you. As they rose against HIM - they will surely rise against you.

'Greater is HE that is in you - than he that rules this world' but God has sent you a helper and that is the essense of my existence. Our Helper is the Spirit of GOD and the LIFE that conveys --

'The Universe of Blue' - is the title of this Story and it is wholly the Story of the many facets of a LIFE that is Beautiful and Perfect because that LIFE was wholly Designed and Created by GOD - who alone is PERFECT in every way.

This Story is jam-packed with numerous Truths -- and it in many ways is the story of many -- if not all -- of our lives.

Steady is ultimately helping to peal away the many layers that have kept Blue from knowing and enjoying the LIFE God fully intended for her to Know and Enjoy.

As these layers are torn away and Blue comes more fully into the Grace of God and lives in His GLORY -- Steady is all the more filled and moved by this Grace and makes God's Glory Known.

NEVER - is the Story about Blue (or Steady) - but the Story is about GOD - His GRACE and GLORY - and how that is evidenced in a LIFE that comes ever bound by the True Heart of GOD.


09-17-2009 10:24 PM

You would be wrong, my name is Rick. I have been a male all my life, married (a few times) an Emergency Room RN (past 15 years, have done many things). DrScooter, is a nickname as patients sometimes assume I'm a doctor (I'm old) and often I arrive at work on either my Sportster or my Scooter. The picture is from Kill Bill-

so how's the good dr. doing today? and the little scoots and scaboodles?

see visitor messages for this user.

maybe, maabee6 not.
Join Date 04-08-2010 Total Posts 16 Blog Entries 0


Showing 6 of 23 Friend(s)

wow, 23 friends with only 16 posts? interesting company you keep there.

maybe, maabee6 not.
Join Date 01-22-2010 Total Posts 288 Blog Entries 0

Showing 2 of 2 Friend(s)
hey, i like myself too. i'm my own best friend, or is that my own grandpa?
oh these are some interesting stories you got there, and that's how you treat your friends?

blue = sad
henge = unhinged

i don't know what else to say, the whole episode leaves me a little sad and unhinged.

excuse my while i take a little break, i think i need to go hold my breath until i turn blue.
so how's the good dr. doing today? and the little scoots and scaboodles?

Matt, my LIFE is at an all time High - and I have never felt more blessed and more hopeful about the most promising future for the remainder of the days and years ahead.

It's absolutely amazing !!! I choose a different path from the majority. I did not force my wife, and the mother of my child (or children) to have to be a 'user' to try to deal with living with her husband -- and then force her to flee and have to run off -- for what about the chid (the children).

When things did NOT turn out as I may have hoped -- I built layer after layer of protection and made the very best with what I had. For my children's sake - they deserved the very best we could possibly provide.

My children are absolute WONDERFUL !!! I would love to share the details of each and everyone of their lives. The last one will finish High School in another week.

This is my FIRST real opportunity to find and enjoy and flourish in the happiness and fulfillment GOD most surely meant for each and everyone of us to know.

So I am finding a FAITH that is taking me further than I'd been before. Somehow GOD is using the most 'Perfect Creation' I've ever encounterd to strip away all the layers that accumulated over the years and I am now at a place I've never been before.

How is your life --- really truely -- and your child ??? Is there a deep and wonderful fulfillment in your life ??

There is in mine !!!!!

My LIFE is getting better and better --- but then I did everything possible to give my wife and children the best with what I had. Now it's my turn Matt - now it's time for me to find a deeper fulfillment and I am very much finding that NOW!!!
hey, i like myself too. i'm my own best friend

Matt, I feel for you my dear precious man. Of course you're going to feel majorly obligated to attack me -- to somehow do whatever you can to tear me down in some manner -- when my incredibly deep and endearing friend lets me know 'We're good'!!

Why would that bother you??
Why would you feel threatened by that??

The very saddest TRUTH is you don't like yourself and I understand that to a very large degree. You, me, and Birch all have this HUGE glass container in our hearts filled with the Blackest Poison - that reflects hatred and resentment and is the most destructive aspect of the entire Universe. I understand where yours come from Matt - I know what childhood traumas and traumas throughout the school years are like. I very much know how it is to be beaten down in every possible way - to be the brunt of others jokes - to be abandoned and have what may have a light of hope and good taken over and over. So I totally understand what it means to make it alone - to be forced to deal with things on your own.

That is where 'Your BLACK Poison' comes from -- to the largest extent and that more than anything else is keeping you from deeply experiencing the PEACE - HAPPINESS - and FULFILLMENT -- you were meant to know and deeply enjoy --- because that keeps you from knowing LOVE from the core of your being and knowing LIFE in the greatest measure.

We have a lot in common Matt -- and I strived to be your friend - but when I told you Friendship to me is 'stretching each other - to be better' you responded very negatively.

The BLACK Poison of my big brother comes from Nam - and what he saw as an abandonment from GOD. His is also in a glass container that no one can get to -- just like yours.

Most of mine comes from the Service as well Matt -- because I used the pre-existing BLACK Poison as a source of Destruction - of Powerful Energy and the Government arranged for that to flourish in such a way that mine got worse and worse -- I was given opportunities of immense outlets and in the end the 'BLACK Poison' was all I knew.

I lived for it - I kept it charged and full and it was everything that defined my life. In the deepest sincerity 'IT ENSLAVED ME' - 'IT CONTROLLED ME' - 'IT DOMINATED EVERYTHING ABOUT MY LIFE' - and only after I left the Service could I discover that I did NOT Live for it -- but IT TOTALLY CAPIVATED ME!! AS LONG AS IT DOMINATED MY EXISTENCE THEN I WAS UNDER ITS POWER.

Matt, I'm not yelling at you -- and MB -- I use the caps simply to stress something very deep and huge.

As long as that 'POISON' is filling your life -- there is 'no way' you can like yourself Matt --- and you are most certainly you're worst enemy as long as it's taking charge.

I have been striving over and over to deal with the POISON in my life Matt and THAT is wholly the basis of me finding and keeping the wife I have. That more than anything else is what has led to the friends I have made here on this site.
these are some interesting stories you got there, and that's how you treat your friends?

Let's start with Lady - She was the only person to ever give me the 'identity' she did give me - and it was (and will forever be) the greatest identity I could ever imagine. My friendship is totally from the heart and with that is the greatest devotion and committment I can give.

When I honestly believed she was 'dying' -- I sought GOD with all the FAITH I could possibly manage to acquire and I pleaded over and over for GOD to take my life and use it 100% for her welfare. I considered every possibility that could happen and I gave and kept giving until I felt GOD had taken everything - then I collapased and woke the next day.

I was challenged the next day -- remember -- how she was a 'Lier' - 'How she made a promise and she broke it' -- and it was 100% in defending her character -- that it later came out she died. Had anyone 'asked me' I would have said 'I don't know' -- How could I know???

On the Highest Level - that is how I treat my friends !!!

Frixxxx and I had (and still have) a very deep friendship. I thought he was a 'woman' too -- because our friendship 'felt so wonderful'. When I found he was a 'man' - we totally kept the channels wide open and I started his thread with 5 stars.

Squale - is another man I would give my heart and life for.

Alevie - Use to be a 'Black Pearl' -- Matt -- and that was largely for same reason you and I had so much 'Blackness'. So I stretched as much of my heart and life as I could Matt -- and she totally changed into something as beautiful and anything I could ever imagine.

That is how I treat 'My Friends' Matt -- I give them the very best and I give as much as I can possibly give. There is nothing more sacred in this LIFE -- this life right now -- that allowing someone deeply 'qualified' to take every little speck of your LIFE and make it totally wonderful.

That is where My LIFE is this very moment -- because I know the Truest Source of LOVE and LIVE -- and that changes everything. But NOW way beyond that -- is knowing there is another 'Blue White Diamond' who totally has the ability to take me far Deeper into HIS Grace and thoroughly cherish and delight in 200 Trillion chemical reactions along the way.

Fear Not - my friend - I am NOT taking anything (or anyone) from you.
Intermission is over -- Ladies and Gentlemen please be seated.

The Ass-Rays looked like zebras, but larger with huge rear ends. If annoyed, or sometimes if simply in the mood, Ass-rays could hit people with paralyzing rays that shot out from their rears. The people noted, that when hit by their rays, it felt like a strong electric shock -- which then left the victims totally paralzed for several minutes.

If angered, or provoked, the Ass-rays would often further their attack on the paralyzed victim by making deposits and expending gas while the victim is helpless. :sick: People throughout Mars stated that was the worse part ~ as you are totally aware of everything that's happening and all your surroundings ~ but frozen in time.

The gas from an Ass-ray is identical to a skunks ~ the odor is very strong and remains for days.

Blue wore one of her new outfits and Steady was totally amazed with how perfect everything was in that moment.

Steady and Blue were filled with excitement - and glowing in an energy and radiance that could only come from GOD. They had the total confidence in His everlasting Power and Strength and were eager to carry out HIS plans.

Almost immediately they saw a huge herd of Ass -Rays gazing in a large field and Steady's eyes got big with excitement.

'Come on Blue, that's the vision I had and we're supposed to move them off this field -- just like moving cows back on Earth'.

'Are you sure Steady? They look pretty huge and none of them seems the least concerned we're approaching them :worried: if anything I get the impression they think we're crazy'.

'I'm absolutely positive this is the vision and that tree was in it too. In fact that tree is about the biggest part of it'.

The tree was 4 feet wide and reached up 100 feet. It was dead but had the base of huge branches still attached.

'Steady, please tell me what's going on. Look at all the people beginning to gather -- all of them looking and pointing at us.'

'These animals have special powers and they will be able to demonstrate the Power of GOD like nothing else. In my vision a group of them surrounded us and we lifted our hands in praise and prayer and they filled us with their power. I in turn was able to use that in a way to make HIS Power known. These people do not know the matchless and infinate name of the LORD and we are here to make it know.'

'I have total confidence that your vision is true and it makes my certainly in the Lord greater and it all the more confirms the vision He gave me. None of these animals seem remotely concerned about us approaching them and I wonder how we're to scare them off'??

'Oh that's easy. First they surround us and give us the power and then I'll use the tree to scare them off'. :nuts: Then Steady started yelling at them telling them to get off the field.

All the Ass-Rays gawked in amazement - then looked at each other and back at Blue and Steady. Steady did all the talking and as he got closer he kept yelling at them -- waving his arms - telling them to get away. Blue quietly walked along with a look of grace and contentment. Then they were right among the first large group they came to. Steady then pushed on various ones in the group and asked them if they would rather him hurt them one by one or the whole group at the same time. They responded by forming a large circle around them. 14 Ass-Rays all had their huge butts ready to go and Steady and Blue raised their hands in praise and began to worship and pray. All the other Ass-Rays in the field gathered to watch -- there were 67 in all.

The rays from all 14 made Blue and Steady -- light up with a radiance and brightness that has never been seen before. Instead of being paralyzed -- they waved their arms and hands and when the rays ended they shouted praises to GOD.

Everything stood perfectly still -- every Ass-Ray and every person watching. Blue continued to sway in delight and Steady walked out from the circle - threw his arm and open hand out towards the dead tree and shouted 'Behold the Power of GOD' - the force of their collective rays shot out like a lazer beam - hit the tree at the base - made it explode with fire and the tree crashed to the ground.

Then Steady looked at the Ass-Rays and said, 'Would you prefer one by one -- or the whole group at the same time'. And the entire herd fled from the field as though they were running from a wildfire. ;)
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