TSP Elite
Alice gave them to me and when she did, she said they’d be ‘baskets of fun’.
You really should get yourself a pair !!
'I'm bound to get a pair when we get to Venus -- but for now please let me introduce you to Mars'. Then Steady waved his hand for Blue to look out from the dome unto the Mars landscape.
For Blue it was a bit overwhelming, as this was her first time ever being teleported from one far distant Planet to another in the twinkling of an eye -- and now seeing a new landscape, new buildings, and an entirely new race was quite an adjustment....
'Don't be overwhelmed Blue, for truely this is your ultimate destination and it's a confirmation of everything you have deeply longed for and all you have treasured'.
'Try to not to see everything as brandnew -- but look at the commonality and find your peace in that. The landscape itself may be slightly different but largely it is the same -- the ground is what houses are built on and -- though our houses may look a little different -- their use and function is wholly identical. Look at the people -- how they walk about and interact -- the animals -- and see how deep down all things are the same. Then think of the Creator and acknowledge how He gives to all equally and how in the deepest sense -- everything is His doing'.
Hearing Steady tell her these things as she looked over Mars was very comforting and somehow he gave her a sense of peace. Blue was in another world - totally different from anything she had known before and the strangeness was 'unsettleing' - but Steady made the 'newness' exciting and full of Hope and Promise. 'I am in awe Steady, and don't know what to say'.
'You don't have to say anything precious princess. Just soak it up and take everything in -- and as you're adjusting to a new and bigger and better reality I'll explain everything'.
'The landscape here is largely contaminated by the way the people live and regard one another. On this planet - the color of a person's skin makes all the difference in the world and their beliefs have been so deeply grounded -- generation after generation -- those at the TOP believe they belong there because they are dark and those at the bottom believe they are 'equal' but never have a chance to make that known - because their light skin flagged them as flawed and inferior. Everything is established to reinforce this -- the businesses and schools and all services established for the people at large -- give the dark the very best and the light have little to nothing.'
'That's terrible Steady, but what does this have to do with the landscape'?
'The trees and animals reflect the peoples' lifestyles - much as planet Earth before it was destroyed. Yet even before it was destroyed the sacred aspects of Land, Water, Air, and Life were largely poisoned and ruined. On Mars the trees and animals have learned the ways of men - how they think and behave - and have adapted themselves to stand against them.'
'What are we to do' ?
'We are here to make His Glory known - to return the landscape and all life back into His Grace. We are here to repair the damage and allow Nature to wholly reveal His Spirit of Perfection and to turn the people to fully recognizing this TRUTH and in turn cherishing the Land and all this is -- and regarding each other as brothers.'
Blues' appearance took on a Glory that would have been similar to the Glory -- Jesus Himself beheld -- she glowed in a Spirit of Life and Love and was filled with a Faith to boldly deal with anything and the Hope and Promise of knowing His Strength could never fail her. 'I am ready - how do we start'?
'We start by being of ONE Spirit - ONE Heart - ONE mind - and with that I must allow HIM to change me how ever that needs to happen and be willing to let HIM wholly transform me until we are ONE. You may also have to be open to HIM transforming you to be something less than you are -- because I don't know that I am fully capable of reaching to where you are - but we must be ONE'.