I realize that you obviously do not need any kind of review ~ for you are totally in sync with everything and the communication is 'perfect'.
Yet a review may be needed all the same..
Everything that is ~ and Everything that ever was is wholly in the Universe of Blue ~ for this is the essense of my very being and all I am~ whether known (or unknown). For in this story we come to acknowledge that just as in the Universe all of us share in common -- everything we have ever seen ~ or known ~ or even remotely understood only represents 4% of the Universe.
So with this background ~ For the entire goal to is 'Set her Free' to be 'Transformed' ...
I'd like to share ~ so, later ... but, before we travel too much farther I will share some remarkable parts of my 'Today'
For now... it seems appropriate to leave you with this...
I realize that you obviously do not need any kind of review ~ for you are totally in sync with everything and the communication is 'perfect'.
Yet a review may be needed all the same..
Everything that is ~ and Everything that ever was is wholly in the Universe of Blue ~ for this is the essense of my very being and all I am~ whether known (or unknown). For in this story we come to acknowledge that just as in the Universe all of us share in common -- everything we have ever seen ~ or known ~ or even remotely understood only represents 4% of the Universe.
So with this background ~ For the entire goal to is 'Set her Free' to be 'Transformed' ...
I'd like to share ~ so, later ... but, before we travel too much farther I will share some remarkable parts of my 'Today'
For now... it seems appropriate to leave you with this...