Steady my friend..
Pardon my saying something about your brother..But, he needs his balls cut off and stuffed down his throat...Period..
If I may borrow your thread here..
One time in my very early life (preteen) I was accused by this kid name Charlie Sandburg that I had chopped on an old widow woman's prized apple tree..Needless to say when she confronted me with it and banished me from ever walking or playing in her yard again, I was flabbergasted and asked her where she got this bogus information..She told me Charlie told her, he seen me doing the chopping...
Some days later after the hurt of being falsely accused of something I didn't do, I got mad, then madder as I thought about it more...
A while later, I was able to corner the little bastard in the woods out back of his house where he had been hiding from me when I came around looking for him....Well let's just say, he never told a lie again about anyone..I didn't stop beating on him until he was coughing up blood from the broken tooth he swallowed..and that was after three other boys pulled me off him..I was blind with rage and I wanted him very close to death at that moment..He had ruined a wonderful relationship between me and that old lady, who always gave me a handful of candy on Saturdays when I would bring her mail to her from the mailbox..
Bottom line..Even today..My biggest and the thing that will set me off faster than a speeding bullet, it to accuse me of something I didn't say or do.....So look out, I'm afraid a knuckle sandwich is coming your way if you do..
Okay sorry, I digressed ...Breathe, ....Breathe....