Steadygain's Groove and Trip Pad

In my perfect world, hmmm, barring the start of my own "groove and trip pad" three constants come to mind:

1. The world would spin slower,
longer days (to spend with my wife),
longer nights (to be wrapped up with my wife),
longer sunsets (to dance a celebration to the end of the day),
longer sunrises (perfect kissing and cuddling time)!

Well like I said - in your perfect world Ketchup is probably the last thing I'd ever think about.

My thinking is pretty much along the same lines and as time goes on I believe that is the very best we can do - and be. I call it the Ultra Completeness - and I believe it's a rare occurance because it honestly takes a higher level of maturity - and it most certainly takes an openness and willingness that few couples achieve. Probably more than anything is the Chemistry involved and the ability to totally give and keep giving - to wholly absorb and keep absorbing; to come to life as only that wonderful person has ever let you experience and knowing beyond the shadow of a doubt that you do the same.

Once you've been granted the priviledge of having this experience it is definately something you would want to go on indefinately; something you cherish more than anything else; and something that's impossible to grow tired of or take for granted.

When I looked over Lake Superior and felt 'Nature Abrorbing Me' and the beauty of being one with Nature - I thought how wonderful it would be to have the 'Ultra Completeness' in a house with the view of the Lake and bringing that experience in with it. So that's my Ultimate Goal in life and I can't imagine anything going beyond it.

I'm happy for you Frixxx, and I'm happy for your wife as well.

2. No one would be allergic to animals.

Somehow - all would learn to be more like Ella and Nina until we achieved 'unconditional love' on their level.

3. Nobody wants, and everyone gives unselfishly.

Or maybe everyone finds the Ultra Completeness - and finds it on the level that I did - so they absolutely want for nothing more and they know beyond the shadow of any doubt that nothing else could even remotely compare. What could ever go beyond bringing someone else to the richest and fullest life possible and soaking in the Chemistry and Energy that provides.

Well I need to run - but I'm doing my best to plan for the future and on the whole I'm convinced that 'Your World' is highly possible and all the more one that can endure for many years - if not the duration of your life.

In comparison everything else is meaningless and hopefully we will be increasingly immune to the trival aspects of life surrounding us.
What is the worst part about the Global Economic Hardships and the strains it has had on the lives of the MB?

I'm finally comming to recognize the worst parts are not any particular changes we have been forced to make. The worst part by far is the endless 'Garbage Dumb' that everyone feeds into.

Whether it's any politician, or any policy someone is trying to put in place, or any foreign country - eventually it's one piece of garbage after another. Now on a rare basis it would seem some comments would be worth reading. But what happens when there are too many Chiefs and not enough Indians. Chiefs are those who firmly believe they have the intelligence and authority to point out all the faults around them. They are the 'know it alls' who somehow think they're above all the garbage and by Pointing this and that out to everyone else - somehow that's going to change things - or at a minimum put them in a better light.

Now I can appreciate that - especially in the beginning - and I can all the more appreciate the sincereity by which these things may have initially been expressed.

As more and more take on this role and eventually almost everyone - without exception - is making slam after slam -
AT SOME POINT it all runs together and no matter what is expressed it basically flows in the garbage 'Unnoticed'

So for everyone who thinks they know what's going on and has something 'valuable' to share with everyone else - read through the bulk of posts and honestly evaluate if what you have to express has not widely been expressed already.

For anyone really looking to add something Positive and Valuable - be willing to stand out from the rest and say something Positive.

Has anyone seen my little brother's smile lately?? Look at Squalebear's recent pics and look how great he looks - how his eyes twinkle, the color in his face and that beautiful smile. Then look at Kelly and see how easy it is to envision her turning into a Teddy Bear. Last - but not least - look at my beautiful little lady who is pure and perfect.

Eventually the warmth and glow may start to fade - but hopefully that will take awhile. But if it does fade then put yourself in Frixxxx's place and read this:
1. The world would spin slower,
longer days (to spend with my wife),
longer nights (to be wrapped up with my wife),
longer sunsets (to dance a celebration to the end of the day),
longer sunrises (perfect kissing and cuddling time)!

Well I like to end the day with something beautiful

Good night everyone and enjoy the good that's all around you

Digging in my first-year veg garden as the light grows dim in the cool of the evening, waiting for little green plants to pop up where I'm done digging, seeing an old friend haven't seen for a year (lives on east coast now since retired), being able to offer constructive ideas to her on where/who to job hunt in her new area for supplemental professional retiree income. Putting young plants into the ground donated by another friend who had excess (I'll think of her whenever I harvest a mature plant).
Mmmm... standing on a beach watching the sun set, and giving thanks for the day. I get it.

That reminds me of watching the sun set over the Painted Desert; Bryce Canyon at dusk; but for some reason when I'm at a river with waterfalls - or fast rushing water - no matter where I am when I sit and take it in with 'eyes closed' it has a deep healing quality.

Digging in my first-year veg garden as the light grows dim in the cool of the evening,

Ahhh ... hmmmm

waiting for little green plants to pop up where I'm done digging,

Getting fresh produce from the garden and savoring every bite.

Using the thin slicer with one or two cucumbers and filling a bowl for a wonderful snack.

seeing an old friend haven't seen for a year (lives on east coast now since retired),

She is adorable ... isn't she ;)

Having someone who was hugely wonderful in the past - somehow reconnect after a long absence. Maybe it's just knowing that sometimes you really did mean as much to them 'as you hoped if not even more'

Discovering 'Real Friends' are real and lasting - even when you goofed a bit in the past.

being able to offer constructive ideas to her on where/who to job hunt in her new area for supplemental professional retiree income.

Bringing someone into the fullness of God's Love and Grace and watching the entire transformation. Letting that Love extend to someone else and enjoying the whole process of discovering - binding and growing - and becoming stronger and more complete.

Putting young plants into the ground donated by another friend who had excess (I'll think of her whenever I harvest a mature plant).

Realizing that the most valuable possessions we have (no matter how small or valuable) are those given to us in the true spirit of love and happiness.

Made my day HB. I haven't heard that in many years.

Stevie Nicks - and the memories of the blue lights slowly flowing down like snowflakes - when I was driving home awhile back. The overwhelming feelings of love and delight and feeling like my life was totally open to everything good and wonderful.

Good Night everyone

It was a beautiful day today - THANK YOU ALL !!
Whoops, don't overdo there Steady. Sometimes old friends are just old friends/coworkers, nothing more, no need to be more. Retirees come back on short-term contract too, not just to visit. See Lady for details.;)
Whoops, don't overdo there Steady. Sometimes old friends are just old friends/coworkers, nothing more, no need to be more.

Totally agree !! BUT old friends/coworkers are like the greatest miricles because they are old friends and the special quality remains over 'all these years'

More can make things complicated and maybe even damage what was meant to be beautiful and lasting.

We're on the same page my friend I'm just am letting everything fly

Retirees come back on short-term contract too, not just to visit. See Lady for details.;)

Have a great night - this time I'm really signing off :cheesy:
Digging in my first-year veg garden as the light grows dim in the cool of the evening, waiting for little green plants to pop up where I'm done digging, seeing an old friend haven't seen for a year (lives on east coast now since retired), being able to offer constructive ideas to her on where/who to job hunt in her new area for supplemental professional retiree income. Putting young plants into the ground donated by another friend who had excess (I'll think of her whenever I harvest a mature plant).
I know what you mean...

Edit: Spaf: In an effort to keep pages from loading slowly on the board, please try to reduce the sizes of the images you post whenever possible. Much appreciation."
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I met about 10 patients over the years that honestly benefited immensely from Cannabis - and none of the prescription meds even remotely worked in comparison. For these individuals that are able to achieve a higher quality of life - which for them is barely where most of us are - and it's not the recreational drug that plagues the globe I have no problem with it and fully support them using it.

These Plants are BEAUTIFUL and back in the late 60s (maybe early 70s) when I grew a crop I found them so beautiful. It's too bad we can't use them as house plants - strictly for decoration and nothing more because they really are attractive.

Well if we're dealing with deeply 'happy thoughts' lets try to stick with those of a wholesome - natural - quality. Experiences that go far beyond the artificial highs or drug induced world - to something on a far higher level. Often it seems we were instrumental in enriching someone else's life and equally had someone enrich ours. It may be a much Higer Source.

Birch had mentioned way back 'The beauty of the woods after a good snow' - those are the kind of moments we all can relate to and these are the best by far.
Medicinal purposes even my pastor supports, nothing against utilitarian uses and I can just see my dad lighting up now-NOT.:nuts:

Meanwhile, I can see my garden has a long ways to go to be as lush and beautiful as Buster's photoshop.:cheesy:
You guys talking about that Mary J. Wanna again?

Man, if you guys are getting
again, I'm telling!!!!!:laugh:
ready just in time for 4 of july party:laugh:

Wow !! Thanks for the great memory - I totally forgot.

OK - well I'm in high school and a girl in my neighborhood and I wound up going to the Stadium in Baltimore, MD. So we're sitting outside in this big parking lot - with a bunch of others around the place - waiting for the fireworks.

Well there's few black dudes sitting near by with the lovely herb and they had some papers but apparently none of 'em knew how to roll. Well -as occured on more than one occasion - my friend is straight as can be and quietly but scornfully says some garbage to me about these dudes.

Oh let me pause for a moment. Have you ever noticed when a white guy is talking to others about an event like this they stress 'black' dudes - like that puts it on a different realm. Where if it were just a few white guys sitting nearby I would have said 'a few dudes were sitting near by'.

Had I been Black - I would have said a few 'white' dudes.

Anyway - I wonder why we do that - I mean what the F difference does it make??

Well anyway so I'm watching these guys way more than anything else because they got a decent bag and obviously are anxious to smoke a few but everyone of them is afraid of looking like an idiot by rolling 'for the first time'.

So I'm like a dog at the table - just waiting for the opportunity. Well finally one of 'em looks in my direction - cool looking dude and gets this comfortable feeling that 'I'm the man'. So he motions me over like a genuine invitation and of course I'm right there within another second.

So he asked me if I knew how to roll - which I confidently replied and the whole group was thrilled to pieces. He asked if I'd roll 3 or 4 for them and then stressed I could roll a few for myself. It's funny because he's really being nice - but at the same time making it pretty clear that he and his group aren't about to smoke anything my lips have been on. :cheesy::D

Of course I'm thinkn' the whole time - man you gotta be kidding me. I'd a thousand times rather have my own; smoking just the way I want and have a blast.

I'd have to say - looking back on that - that was one of those unexpected super great times. Here I went with this neighbor friend cause she wanted someone to go with her - but we were not dating or anything I mean we're just friends. I was basically someone she felt she could call on - so I'm cool with that.

Here I'm a white dude ... longer hair :p ... encountering these total strangers.... It was good ... very good.

Well good night all