Steadygain's Account Talk

I just finished my recert. for CPR - so was gone this afternoon. The last time we had a sizeable gain in the markets (an absolutely beautiful day like today) the markets went way down the following day and the gain was lost.

Even though many would advise jumping immediately to G or F on such an occasion (maybe feeling it would be greedy otherwise) the typical trend is more stable - and the following day will usually give at least a smaller gain. Also this is probaby the last month for a decent rally - so you need to take advantage of times like these to really get ahead.

This was a wonderful day for all of us in any type of high risk fund and I really appreciate all the fantastic feedback I've received.

As Jimi would say "Peace, Love, and Happiness to all"







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OK brothers and sisters of the mighty site, while driving home last night I felt 2 laws need to be Nationally implemented A.S.A.P.

1. Some songs automatically bring the crowds to stand up - it is the natural (and accepted) thing to do. From now on when ever the song "Knocking on Heaven's Door" by Guns and Roses plays it is mandatory that everyone stand if the song is broadcast at any public event.

2. Teg Nuggent's song "Free for All" must be cranked up whenever it comes on the radio. Police will be supplied with updated devices to monitor the volume of passing vehicles.

3. For country music lovers - the song "It's only Rock and Roll (but I like it) by the Stones will be updated with steel slide guitar with a sound that beats the original. That will replace #2 above since you're not listening to Rock stations.

If most of you agree with my inspired thoughts then when I get home tonight I'll tell my youngest daughter that I threw this idea out to the brightest minds throughout the country - business professionals highly focused on investments and retirement accounts - and they're ready to support this bill whenever it gets to Congress.
Although my previous 2 posts are possibly more meaningfull - it's only appropriate that I address the TSP for the most successful strategy.

As many of you know - I have strongly endorced Uptrend's style of investing and was convinced in the relatively recent past that he was in first place in terms of the annual percentage gain.

One of his main rules is: Don't be a Pig

I thoroughly agree with this strategy and have followed this rule way before either he or I became part of the MB.

I am presently $1,700 over the goal I set at the beginning of the year so I am still doing well. Striving for big gains in the present environment has been causing too much loss and now I'm ready to move to G and stay put. I typically would not advise others to invest like this: "Friends don't let friends buy and hold" but my conscious will not allow me to let anyone lose more than they have already by following my lead.

G by COB today.
Well there is nothing like the peace and comfort of G Fund when times are getting tough. I would imagine we will soon be hearing that the subprine mess is a thing of the past (and now we're over it) and the future looks bright. That's what the reports were saying with yesterday's big gain.

In the past few months I've been on the MB - I've seen a lot of enthuiasm about getting in on one fund or another only to have the fund go down 1 or 2%. No doubt some will make a killing by buying when the markets plunge, but in all liklihood their anticipation will be met with anxiety and disappointment. All of those holding the high risk have lost big time.

Best of luck to all in the weeks ahead.
Wow - I lost 53 cents yesterday. If the G Fund gives a penny a week, then I lost the equivalent of a whole year. That is absolutely amazing, and of couse that kind of loss will force me back in the game. :o
Steadygain: You are pretty upbeat in down times. I too have trouble sometimes keeping emotion at bay and following my own rules. Since I have been on the MB, I may be taking a little too much risk, and I am looking at that. Since I am way up for the year and over my personal goal, I am trading fairly aggressively, and that has caused a fairly large hit in Nov from the Oct gains. Sometimes the path is very clear - a slam dunk and other times -there is no direction. When the market was in a steady climb this spring, I could time the round trip to the 20 dma and made good gains. Now the market has turned from a lamb to a lion, and trades must swing widly and are very risky -big gains or big losses. We are in the midst of a very large storm, and the harbor is far away.

Thanks for making all of us on the MB see beyond trading and emphazise love, happines and culture friendships. :)
I can identify with the big loses of aggressive, high risk traders. Well, big to me personally. Since October 15, my personal high, I am down 17K. That's a pretty significant hit. In hindsight, if I had stayed as a 'Buy and Hold' member I would have loss less than that. Not to mention would not have missed the 2 big green days I did recently.

I have > 8 years to MRA and may need to be more conservative in the future as we know, TSP is a huge part of the crappy FERS system and needs to be respected as such.

May all your days be 'green'.

Steadygain: You are pretty upbeat in down times.

Thanks for making all of us on the MB see beyond trading and emphazise love, happines and culture friendships. :)

Thank you my brother and friend. Please know I am very human - very emotional - and when my TSP is plunging it is a very difficult time for me, especially when I have over time consistently gained. When I see others (like Mr. R) who are losing way more than money, it makes me realize how fortunate I really am. Sometimes in the harder moments I find it easier to congratulate the winners.

Anyway, be cool Uptrend - you've got a good heart and you definately have a winning style. :)
I can identify with the big loses of aggressive, high risk traders. Well, big to me personally. Since October 15, my personal high, I am down 17K. That's a pretty significant hit.

May all your days be 'green'.


Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone. You bring up a good point; whenever the markets become unstable and plunge everyone starts out at their maximun gain from years of additions and gains. So the loss (unfortunately) will be the greatest loss possible.

I sincerely hope we can all remain in safety as the great recession and depression become a reality and buy up the various aggressive funds for 8 to 10 dollars less than the current price. No doubt the Markets will reach new highs and when they really take off after a long recession - in the long run we will have way more than those who remained in high risk.
The markets are looking fairly decent, who knows some big money may be made for those willing to take the risk. I'm enjoying the cave - and am settling in pretty well. I like the fact I'm untouchable while in here and whether it's the penny or payday - the pot can only get bigger.

The best part is knowing a great day for the Markets has absolutely no bearing on the next day - the next week - or whatever. There is more than enough to solidly justify staying in safety and no place is safer than here.

Best of luck (which is largely what's needed at this point) to all.
Wow!!! What a change from how it looked when I made my last post. Nothing like the cave - when the sky is crashing

If the markets would continue this trend - especially 2% drops for say the next 2 weeks straight - then I may step in for just a day bounce.
In the cave I have time to reflect on some found memories.

During one year at the main college I attended I had all kinds of free time and could not deal with just sitting around. So as luck would have it I picked up a hitch-hiker and found the opportunity to mingle with the poor and wild. Over time they came to trust me and I became a part of their group. One day we went to Eugene's. He was probably in his early 20s, heavy, with a full beard and longer hair. His room was the messiest (sp) place I've ever seen. Clothes were strung all over the floor and room, trash was everywhere - all throughout the house. The stove was splattered with all kinds of junk which trailed down to the floor. So the first time I went I just tried to blend in and not drawn any attention. When I got home - I thought about Eugene and his environment and decided if I ever go back I will really clean the place up. A few days later I did go back - and this time started picking things up (asked if it was dirty or clean) - folded everything up and got his room nice and neat. The whole time (the rest of the crowd) were like "what the hell are you doing" but I figured as long as it didn't bother Eugene - I would just keep busy. I didn't go back. A year or more later Eugene got in touch with me and told me how his life had changed - really changed and his plans for the future. He showed me his new place and let me know that no one in the old crowd knows where he lives. I'm pretty sure he decided to become a pilot - or something really solid.

Anyway - to really appreciate this story - you had to have been there and seen this guy and the atmosphere and crowd that made him what he was. He was nobody - with no plans and without a purpose - and I lost touch and forgot him. Then out of the blue at least a year or more later he got a hold of me and the difference was literally night and day.
How is it you know Virgina and West Virginia ? Your location says midwest? ( Was reading your post to gphill)
Wow, another masterpiece, my friend!

It seems like you have a ton of "blue" in you - i.e., "amiable" on the personality chart, a peacemaker, a cup-is-half-full kinda guy. That's very cool. I saw a bumper sticker today that said "Real Men Love Jesus" and I thought about you - how your personality seems hooked up with how I read his to be. I think your transparency and encouraging nature is absolutely inspiring! :toung:

Hey, don't stay in that cave TOO long, okay? We're holding 25%-G and 75%-F, lookin' for a bottom in all of this RED lately, before jumping back in for more retirement gains. :nuts:
In the cave I have time to reflect on some found memories.

During one year at the main college I attended I had all kinds of free time and could not deal with just sitting around. So as luck would have it I picked up a hitch-hiker and found the opportunity to mingle with the poor and wild. Over time they came to trust me and I became a part of their group. One day we went to Eugene's. He was probably in his early 20s, heavy, with a full beard and longer hair. His room was the messiest (sp) place I've ever seen. Clothes were strung all over the floor and room, trash was everywhere - all throughout the house. The stove was splattered with all kinds of junk which trailed down to the floor. So the first time I went I just tried to blend in and not drawn any attention. When I got home - I thought about Eugene and his environment and decided if I ever go back I will really clean the place up. A few days later I did go back - and this time started picking things up (asked if it was dirty or clean) - folded everything up and got his room nice and neat. The whole time (the rest of the crowd) were like "what the hell are you doing" but I figured as long as it didn't bother Eugene - I would just keep busy. I didn't go back. A year or more later Eugene got in touch with me and told me how his life had changed - really changed and his plans for the future. He showed me his new place and let me know that no one in the old crowd knows where he lives. I'm pretty sure he decided to become a pilot - or something really solid.

Anyway - to really appreciate this story - you had to have been there and seen this guy and the atmosphere and crowd that made him what he was. He was nobody - with no plans and without a purpose - and I lost touch and forgot him. Then out of the blue at least a year or more later he got a hold of me and the difference was literally night and day.

Good morning, Steady,

Don't believe there could have been a nicer way to start this Fri. It's not even 07:30 and I am sitting here at my desk enjoying a cup of tea and I find this great story (another one!) from your college years. I sincerely believe that you have the gift to uplift everyone around you and to make us better inside and outside. Showing Eugene that you cared from the very beginning, getting to know him as a person and to care enough to continue visiting with him and his friends, and to pick up/clean up his place was an extraordinary act of kindness. This last act may have been what may have helped to change him, and to want to be like you. What an honor it is to have you here in this MB, you are one of a kind, and I appreciate your friendship, and your willingness to share so many personal and fond memories with us.

ok got to start this thing called "work", see ya later, and please keep them coming Steady, you are here to make this a better place, that's for sure, and I am again very glad to have met you at this MB. I thank God every morning as I get out of bed for "this day" and many other things, and you made this day start in the right direction, with feelings of hope and joy in our hearts. ;)
Wow, another masterpiece, my friend!

I saw a bumper sticker today that said "Real Men Love Jesus" and I thought about you - how your personality seems hooked up with how I read his to be. I think your transparency and encouraging nature is absolutely inspiring! :toung:

The posts today - basically bring me to tears and I am so grateful to all of you. I really hope my thread doesn't close down because His name was mentioned. To this day I have never met anyone who experienced the number of severe traumatic events I lived through growing up, and every one of them was deliberately inflicted upon me. To frequently be the last pick and made to feel like a freek - with everyone in the class calling you a name that makes you wish you could go to sleep and never wake up (and when others see how hurt you are - it stimulates the rest of the school to call you the same name). How could I not love the source that made me complete. That gave me strength to overcome my poor self image. That showed me a truth that is so far beyond the falseness of this world. That gave me the freedom to not only forgive - but way more than that - gave me a Spirit of Love and Compassion that goes so far beyond anything I'd ever know even to the point of overflowing and becoming a blessing to others. There is no way possible I could fully make known this LOVE you see. He is my reason for living. He is my everything. I would never be able to say enough on His behalf and I hope this doesn't create a conflict. You saw something, or thought you did - and I had to respond.

Thank you my friend - and I truely hope for you the deepest and most wonderful lasting happiness.

I also found your account of how you helped change Eugene's life very moving. I have enjoyed your posts immensely and hope you keep posting. You remind me of the hippie generation, aging baby boomers that strived to make the world a better place, and did in many ways. I was born a little later but relate very much to that generation. I also relate to being the child who was socially isolated from the others, and the cruelty and pain experienced but how that makes you a stronger person. I believe you previously posted that you have patients you see in your current position - so you continue to help others. Keep it up! I would miss your posts!
Good morning, Steady,

I sincerely believe that you have the gift to uplift everyone around you and to make us better inside and outside.

Your message means far more to me than you could ever know. On the whole it is simply my ability to completely accept people for who and what they are - that makes me a blessing. My greatest gift is being able to connect - and it is that feeling of being understood that usually brings so much joy and happiness to those I meet. For my patients, I am able to see them from a brain chemistry perspective and therefore I realize that a simple adjustment of this or that will immensely relieve their anxiety, depression, uncontrolled mood swings, voices, paranoia ... or whatever. So often times it is not so much me - it is more knowing what chemical will allow their brain to have more of this chemical - and it is that adjustment that really brings them to a more fulfilled life. I guess in part that perhaps my disposition hopefully convinces them that I truly do care for them and honestly long to help them. Maybe it's that connection - a real friendship, that gets them to take the medications that ultimately allows them to get the help they've longed for. Well anyway I extend to you my deepest and most sincerest gratitude and love - for expressing such encouraging kindness. There is something that naws away on me frequently - that happened years ago - I will hopefully be able to talk about later on.
Thank you !!!! for being so sweet and precious to me.