You misunderstand my friend - I felt a lot of love - but this love could not protect me from those who wanted to kill me and all those determined to harm me. No I do not have a blog and this is the first time I have ever publicly shared about my life. I don't know what's getting into me - I guess somehow this MB is making me rip my life wide open and I have no idea why people are NOT telling me to shut up or why the ones in charge haven't shut me down. The acceptance and love I've received is simply incredible. The most interesting person I've met in many years is CorMaGa 34. I dreamily think about how wonderful it would be to drink a cup of tea with her in morning as the day begins. To travel the world - at a snail's pace and spend gobs and gobs of quality time with the locals (speaking their language) and soaking up their culture. Living life simply, being with real people and being real ourselves. It is not the big name people (the rich and famous) who let me arrive at my current viewpoint; it is people like you and especially people like CorMaGa34 - who somehow connect with me and in turn allow me to connect with them. Most of all it is recognizing that I have been richly blessed with a love that surpasses all understanding and striving to let my life be a blessing for others. My peace is not based on steadily raising markets and the quest for power and riches. I am rich already - with a healthy life and mind and have found a power far beyond the material world and what can be held or seen. May He richly bless you too my friend - and Thank You!! for communicating with me. You, and many on this MB, have been such a joy to me.
Hi, Steady,
Geee, I'm speechless... don't know what to say... I can only tell you that I am also enjoying the benefits of this MB that has made me richer in spirit by meeting people like you, wish I could get richer in other areas too, but...

LOL Just kidding, I know we are here for a reason and all I am doing is trying to enjoy the ride.
When I retire, got all kinds of plans... besides volunteering to do charity work, want to travel, for pleasure and also as sort of a UN ambassador (a la Evangelina Jolie :laugh:... LOL. I used to travel for many years because of a job I had with one of the international lending institutions in DC, I was still a teenager when I left home to work for a diplomatic mission attached to my embassy in DC, so I missed a lot of the crazy stuff teenagers now do, I had responsibilities as a teenager that people here maybe have in their 30s. Anyway, my love for languages started like this: Mother tongue is Spanish, father was a very hard working man who with mother raised 6 children, he wanted the best for us so he wanted all his children to learn and speak good English, so I went to THE American school with the best reputation, (private, not DoD related). In order to get in, there was an admission test we had to pass. We are talking I was 12 yrs old and going into secondary school, what you would call here 7th grade and up. To our surprise test starts on time and I thought someone must have fallen asleep while typing the test: it was in another language called ESPARANTO. They told us so, and we were to start with no questions asked. I was amazed at the fact that not having seen or heard of this language before I was able to read and understand everything! How neat can this be, another language sort of dead and not dead, I thought... So I am a perfectionist and I was one of the last ones to finish, my cousin, same age, was one of the first ones to finish but she did not pass. I went thru it over and over to make sure that I had not missed anything. So I went fm the 7th thru the 12th grade speaking nothing but English, we were not allowed to speak Spanish in the classrooms except for the local History, Geography, and obviously Spanish grammar, spelling, composition and Spanish literature which to date continues to be one of my passions. Anyway I thought I would let you know how my love for languages started, and from there at this int'l org there were 4 official languages we worked with so I signed up to learn the other two: Portuguese and French. I love music too, so how cool was it to sing all kinds of songs in 4 languages then??? priceless!!! Working at that institution went to many countries on business and took time for vacation and just fell in love with all of them, all having their own idiosincracies and unique beauty, from Mexico, the Caribbean, down to Chile and Argentina, but I just plain fell in love with Brazil and its people. ok hope that gives you and the MB a little bit more info about me and my background. I enjoy very much visiting and getting to know new people and places, an insatiable curiosity about how others live, think. I also find it easy to connect with people, regardless of their background. For example: life at times was very glamorous, but I also enjoyed a couple of weeks ago serving as a volunteer for a HOmeless Project (making the homeless reconnect with society), there I saw how much need there is in the world, even right here in the ole USA, and would not have thought of doing any different. Helping people to fill out forms, explaining to them that there was nothing to fear if they had a blood test, or going thru the medical camp and getting HIV tests etc., I took them all over the place, and saw how grateful they were at someone like me who had never met them and smiled and acted like the economic or social differences were not there at all, because really we all come from the same source, and we all have our karma (I also like metaphysics, been a student for many many yrs). Anyway, that's part of my life, and was very grateful that I had a chance to get to help some of the homeless and destitute.
Who knows what will be next, but for now God is good. Cheers!!!
I don't believe moderators will say anything, we can all talk about sailing, racing cars, Jimmy Hendrix, you name it, it's just fun and incredibly therapeutic!