LOL, well thanks, enjoy the lava lamps. The things is, every time the FED goes in this mode, there is a major letdown, if not a soft or hard recession. A full blown recession can take as much as 40% of the value off of the stock market. They cut the rates for A REASON, it speaks to a weakness, and in this particular cycle, their rate cuts do not provide the solution. The problem is more complex than I have the ability to write, but it has to do with transparency, credit, and housing. A FED rate cut does not help the typical homeowner with a problem because their loans are not owned by BANKS as home loans were in the days of yore. The loans are now sold into secondary markets, who in turn are doing all sorts of fancy money moves that make understanding true value difficult if not impossible. This problem needs to be corrected ASAP. Housing makes up something 5% of the economy, so there is plenty of room for other sectors to hold the line and keep us above water, but the stock market can be fiercly skiddish and it doesn't take much at all to send the whole market and the whole economy into a tailspin, even on nothing but perception alone. 7 out of 10 people think the economy is "bad." Whether the chicken or the egg comes first isn't relevant once that happens. I'm just saying we have to be VERY careful. It's possible the unbelievable growth of the world economy provides enough of a buffer against US housing issues that we get through this without serious harm. I actually think thats a strong possibility, but I just reiterate that you have to be careful and position yourself well on any given day.