TSP Bear Cheerleader
I picture me being a cheerleader like I picture Birch, CB, and Buster being 'Flying Ballerinas'
BUT on this SITE any thing can happen.
Jobless Numbers are expected to exceed 3 million by mid 09.
Everything up to this point has mainly been done to salvage the Financal Sector 'in hopes of keeping the Economy going' and avoiding a PAINFUL RECESSION.
A Recession would not be OFFICIAL until the present quarter. Over 500,000 jobs lost last month. 32,000 something involving the Financial Sector. Now Citibank is expecting to let over 50,000 go.
Look at jobs evaporating; consider the BROAD CONSUMER CONFIDENCE BEING SHATTERED; Watch how consumer spending dwendles; watch the GDP.
Above everything else look at the underlying FUNDAMENTALS and honestly see if things have changed for the better or the worse over the past year (the rate going from over 5% to 1%). Well over $ 3 Trillion in bail outs already. BUT LOOK HOW MUCH THE MONEY FOR BAIL OUTS HAS INCREASED SINCE 10/08.
So RAH RAH RAH - I have no doubt that we have desperately needed a REAL BOTTOM and have not come close to where the BOTTOM NEEDS TO GO. Are we over sold?? Of couse we are - BUT THAT DOES NOT MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE. The only way the Markets can honestly take off from a firm foundation is by letting the Markets go to the BOTTOM that the FED, Treasury, and Global Governments have done everything possible to avert.
So I will shake my pom poms and cheer the BEAR :toung::nuts:
For now I'll sit back and wait for 620 - 650 and clip my heels togehter, close my eyes and say "There's no place like G, There's no place like G, There's no place like G"