TSP Elite
My wife fully understands .
She is totally content
and has left that decision totally up to me
Then you are in GREAT SHAPE and in an Ideal Situation. At this point it's not worth even thinking about short term gains; I would say the best you can do is leave things alone and ride it out.
Not knowing your situation - I did not want any strains reflected from me; and your comments made me realize that MY WIFE would be more at ease by moving to safety. So thank you!
Heard from another thread you pulled out of the market. Sorry to hear that...I know you rode it down,:blink: Hope is not lost, but I am waiting on the election to pass. I need that last kick to show me it is ready to engage for the long haul.
Peace Brother, you have 45 minutes to change your mind, but I think it's made up.
Well first - thanks for coming here for the REAL SCOOP....cause ya know the other Threads may just be spreading rumors

Please know - there is nothing to be sorry about. Had I kept everything in G Fund over the years I still would have less than I have now. I rode the bulk of it down because POLITICS distorted the "real picture" and so I viewed it as a trivial correction. Instead it was a BEAR and it's water under the bridge.
I now believe it will be referred to as a RECESSION - and that things are presently about as bad as they can get. Mega banks will emerge and huge changes will take place (and huge changes have already taken place).
Please don't feel for me my kind hearted man of faith. This is the first time my heart kind of stings when I look at all I have. I have no outstanding bills, no debt other than the house, and if anything happens to me my life insurance will more than cover my family for the duration of their lives; let alone my house and other assets.
BOTTOMLINE: I'm not losing anything; I'm gaining peace and trust for the next year and giving 'peace of mind' during times of strain and uncertainity - so I'm very content with my decision.