I woke early this morning with this on my mind - right after some solid hours of hard sleep - when my mind is in the freshest and active state.
I will move to G Fund - out of honor and respect for my wife and as a contribution to our relationship and, if you are following my lead, I would advise you to do the same.
We have already LOST what we lost; but that is no big deal since we don't need it now and are not going to use it in the near future.
But with a woman - TRUST AND SECURITY - are way deeper and more meaningful than they are to us.
So at this point I feel the very best move we can do is "Go to Safety" and plan on staying there for at least a year. Then assure your wife that over the long run it would not have made any difference whether you had kept the money in high risk or in total safety - as for the next year the Markets are bound to go through a lot of volitility; but with her in mind - you decided to put everything in safety (G Fund) until the dust settles and the Markets finally regain their strength. That will show her that you honestly do respect her views and that what she thinks and how she feels is important.
Please know it is rare that I have the mindset I have now when I come on the MB. Usually I'm in the middle of a lot of things and often only comments like: "Obama is gathering the most racist individuals and the very worst criminals to form his cabinet", "the only way to GUARANTEE GAINS is constantly shifting your funds twice a month" and so forth STAND OUT TO ME. Sometimes it will be just the opposite "something really cute and delightful" LIKE - well if that's the case then I hope he holds me in bondage another 8 years. So a lot of my stuff are just quick fire thoughts...with little contemplation.
But this is different - here we are dealing with your wife (which is more important than the TSP). We are NO WHERE NEAR A BOTTOM and a BULL MARKET is impossible in the near future. Therefore, I believe it's better for us to wait in safety (to honor our wifes) than remain in high risk. When things turn around in another year or so; we'll be glad we stayed in Safety and we'll know when to get back in.
PEACE my friend - "Listen to your Heart"
Sorry Lady - just saw your post and have a patient waiting...... GOOD MORNING my wonderful delightful beauty