Steadygain's Account Talk

I'm just glad he's not scrutinizing my mental health. Talk about living in a day dream... :rolleyes:
Come on, KevinD. Our friend Steady has a unique and special way of coping to stay sane in an insane world. It works very best if you take a deep breath and roll with it. If you can catch the wave it takes your blood pressure down. :cool:

Maybe you can pour me a glass of your kool-aid.

Okay, here are a few sips just for you, Kevin. Please enjoy. :)

“When you realize how perfect everything is, you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky.” - Buddha

“We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once. And we should call every truth false which was not accompanied by at least one laugh.” - Friedrich Nietzche

“To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children…to leave the world a better place…to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

How about a few choice words from a friend of Robo's Steve Kaplan. "To state outright that a gain of at least 50% over the next year is virtually certain for most major equity indices and funds would be considered as insane as suggesting a year ago that the S&P 500 would slump by more than one third (actually 42%). And yet I see that as the only possible outcome, given concerted bank rate cuts and the very heavy insider buying. Similarly, very few will make money over the next year because they will be obsessed with how bad the worldwide recession will become, while it has likely already achieved its period of sharpest contraction." A recession at least of the magnitude of 1982 is quite likely. The recession that ended in 1982 lasted 16 monthgs - twice as long as the 1991 and 2001 recessions - and saw the unemployment rate rise to 10.8% from 7.2%.
Ahhh. All better now. Thanks.

I'm sorry it's taken so long to get back. Over the weekend I was on just long enough to upload a picture and this morning (along with at least 3 admissions) I spent every spare minute writting my daughter's story.

OK - as for last Friday - I had 8 admissions that day, in addition to many outpatient visits and other things. By the time I finished everyone else had left hours before and I was totally burnt out. I'm probably more thorough than I need to be - but documentation to me is very important and so I spend a long time making sure all the details are listed and everything is done just right. I pretty much set the example and therefore have to elaborate at length everything that transpired. Psychiatry has largely been reduced to a pill pushing (non committal and uncaring business). So the doctors spend only the amount of time neccessary to detemine if more of this or that needs to be given or if some other medication needs to be added. I refuse to work in that kind of manner and am thoroughly convinced that what the patient needs more than anything else is quality time - someone who will actively look at them and really listen to what's going on. Someone who will take the time to interact and communicate in such a manner that convinces the patient he fully understands their situation. So when I finally finished the last chart and was ready to sign off I got this overwhelming random desire to do something totally bizarre and completely insane. And thus the "Pansy Alert" - so I went to see who was on line and blindly picked someone that I had no clue about and decided to use them WHICH MADE MY ACTION A MILLION TIMES MORE BIZZARE AND TOTALLY INSANE. So thanks for being available, and as you can see you probably got more good out of this by having these beauties showering you with delicate and wonderful attention.

ONE PROMISE I CAN MAKE: If I ever have a need to do something crazy like that again - I'll never use the same person twice.
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How about a few choice words from a friend of Robo's Steve Kaplan. "To state outright that a gain of at least 50% over the next year is virtually certain for most major equity indices and funds would be considered as insane as suggesting a year ago that the S&P 500 would slump by more than one third (actually 42%). And yet I see that as the only possible outcome, given concerted bank rate cuts and the very heavy insider buying. Similarly, very few will make money over the next year because they will be obsessed with how bad the worldwide recession will become, while it has likely already achieved its period of sharpest contraction." A recession at least of the magnitude of 1982 is quite likely. The recession that ended in 1982 lasted 16 monthgs - twice as long as the 1991 and 2001 recessions - and saw the unemployment rate rise to 10.8% from 7.2%.

Birch - this stuff and politics kind of go hand and hand to me; I honestly don't dwell on it anymore. I will say that over the weekend they showed some clips of Sarah on SNL and I thought she looked great just being a woman and being herself. Damn to hell the politics destroys her - but to see her dance around and have fun - well now I was kind of impressed with that aspect.

As for the BULL - whatever - I'm not dealing with it my friend; these Markets have burnt me out TOTALLY - COMPLETELY - so I'm just chillin' and waiting for the next year or two to bring whatever they do. For me it honestly doesn't matter because it's just numbers; but I'm not drawing any TSP Funds for at least another 10 years.

If we do hit 50% or better over the next year, then I'll probably come down and grill some T Bones on the grill in your backyard and we'll celebrate.
This year has been extremely complicated for all of us in the habit of making (or striving for) fast gains. Unfortunately the bulk of evidence shows that "Market Timers" USUALLY LOSE. This would all the more be true when your daily thinking and subsequent transfers are based on the 5 preceeding excellent years.

Overall I have found that those I considered the highest experts are the ones who have lost substantially this year and I believe it would be unrealistic to place the bulk of that loss on the 2 IFTs/month.

I would admit that placing limits on our Transfers feels like an enormous burden (but I was extremely surprised to find that making these transfers involved NO costs). This was the only time I could ever lock in Gains and continue building those gains through fairly frequent transfers and never have to pay for it. So to the largest degree I believe we have been unfairly spoiled from the very beginning and once 'free hand outs are given without any limits' no one would want that to end. BUT if someone had to pay for those transfers then I believe one responsible for shifting the Funds should pay the price (and again I am amazed I did it as long as I did and as much as I did and never paid a penny).

FOR NOW - It's impossible to not know that our Economic Situation and Conditions have been difficult. Last night my wife asked me how much we lost this year? (at supper with Carrie). I told her $____ thousand dollars; and she asked if the money was now in safety; to which I said no. "The money is in the International Fund" which has lost substantially below 30%. This is not the time to move and keep money in safety it is the time to buy and keep buying".

I am typically NOT a BUY and HOLDER - but this is one of the best buying times in the history of the Markets. We will likely have marked Volitility for months to come (and even touch new lows) but over the long run those fully invested will more than make up for their losses. Don't lose your faith in the Economy - keep your cool.
That's funny, my wife said the same thing. "Why aren't we in the G fund". Because I don't want to buy back our $12.00 shares for 15 or 16 later. Now is the time to hold if youv'e got caught like me. Thanks Steady!
Ka Seraaa Seraaaaaaaaa

........What ever will beee

.........................will beeeee

The future's not ours you seeeeee

Ka Seraaaa Serrrr....raaaaaaaaaaa
She was a cutie, in some of her flix's, I wanted to kick Rock Hudson's butt
for being so lucky. Since Rock could limp wrist me to death, I decided to
fall in love with a girl in my class. That is, until she kicked my butt in the
school yard. I was getting my head handed to me for 15 more years until
I met my wife. Now I'm happy to say, I no longer have to go looking high
and low to get my butt kicked. It simply waits for my arrival home. :nuts:
{jesting of coarse}
I wanted to kick Rock Hudson's butt for being so lucky.

I didn't even realize it was Doris Day who sang that song; but I certainly remember her as a beauty to behold.

It's really strange about Rock Hudson - in that he is one that I more wanted to be like; to strive to become (at least what he represented on TV). "Tall, dark, and handsome" - but it is my genetics and only by the Grace of God that I turned out as I did. I saw Elvis Presley in a very similar light and stove to become like him as well (and would indeed serenade quite a few). Of course you already know about Jimi - but that was more a total giving over to let his spirit reside in me. Albert Einstein was another.

There aren't a whole lot of human pillars that shaped my life overall but these guys certainly gave me something to aspire to. With Rock and Elvis - it was way more their manner of bringing women to life and the tender and loving display of affection.
She was a cutie, in some of her flix's, I wanted to kick Rock Hudson's butt
for being so lucky. Since Rock could limp wrist me to death, I decided to
fall in love with a girl in my class. That is, until she kicked my butt in the
school yard. I was getting my head handed to me for 15 more years until
I met my wife. Now I'm happy to say, I no longer have to go looking high
and low to get my butt kicked. It simply waits for my arrival home. :nuts:
{jesting of coarse}
Squale, that was hilarious! Thanks!

Here's my recipe for a great evening:

Take one Doris Day movie. Stir together with a Rock Hudson. Add popcorn with peanut M&M's sprinkled on top and enjoy! Note that a Cary Grant may be substituted for a Rock Hudson, but only if you like a touch of mink with your popcorn! :D

That's funny, my wife said the same thing. "Why aren't we in the G fund". Because I don't want to buy back our $12.00 shares for 15 or 16 later. Now is the time to hold if youv'e got caught like me. Thanks Steady!

I woke early this morning with this on my mind - right after some solid hours of hard sleep - when my mind is in the freshest and active state.

I will move to G Fund - out of honor and respect for my wife and as a contribution to our relationship and, if you are following my lead, I would advise you to do the same.

We have already LOST what we lost; but that is no big deal since we don't need it now and are not going to use it in the near future.

But with a woman - TRUST AND SECURITY - are way deeper and more meaningful than they are to us.

So at this point I feel the very best move we can do is "Go to Safety" and plan on staying there for at least a year. Then assure your wife that over the long run it would not have made any difference whether you had kept the money in high risk or in total safety - as for the next year the Markets are bound to go through a lot of volitility; but with her in mind - you decided to put everything in safety (G Fund) until the dust settles and the Markets finally regain their strength. That will show her that you honestly do respect her views and that what she thinks and how she feels is important.

Please know it is rare that I have the mindset I have now when I come on the MB. Usually I'm in the middle of a lot of things and often only comments like: "Obama is gathering the most racist individuals and the very worst criminals to form his cabinet", "the only way to GUARANTEE GAINS is constantly shifting your funds twice a month" and so forth STAND OUT TO ME. Sometimes it will be just the opposite "something really cute and delightful" LIKE - well if that's the case then I hope he holds me in bondage another 8 years. So a lot of my stuff are just quick fire thoughts...with little contemplation.

But this is different - here we are dealing with your wife (which is more important than the TSP). We are NO WHERE NEAR A BOTTOM and a BULL MARKET is impossible in the near future. Therefore, I believe it's better for us to wait in safety (to honor our wifes) than remain in high risk. When things turn around in another year or so; we'll be glad we stayed in Safety and we'll know when to get back in.

PEACE my friend - "Listen to your Heart"

Sorry Lady - just saw your post and have a patient waiting...... GOOD MORNING my wonderful delightful beauty
Doris Day was my first big crush, I think. .....Or was it Tinker Bell? Guess I was in love with both of 'em. :D
Mine was Barbra Eden..aka Jeannie

I woke early this morning with this on my mind - right after some solid hours of hard sleep - when my mind is in the freshest and active state.

I will move to G Fund - out of honor and respect for my wife and as a contribution to our relationship and, if you are following my lead, I would advise you to do the same.

We have already LOST what we lost; but that is no big deal since we don't need it now and are not going to use it in the near future.

But with a woman - TRUST AND SECURITY - are way deeper and more meaningful than they are to us.

So at this point I feel the very best move we can do is "Go to Safety" and plan on staying there for at least a year. Then assure your wife that over the long run it would not have made any difference whether you had kept the money in high risk or in total safety - as for the next year the Markets are bound to go through a lot of volitility; but with her in mind - you decided to put everything in safety (G Fund) until the dust settles and the Markets finally regain their strength. That will show her that you honestly do respect her views and that what she thinks and how she feels is important.

Please know it is rare that I have the mindset I have now when I come on the MB. Usually I'm in the middle of a lot of things and often only comments like: "Obama is gathering the most racist individuals and the very worst criminals to form his cabinet", "the only way to GUARANTEE GAINS is constantly shifting your funds twice a month" and so forth STAND OUT TO ME. Sometimes it will be just the opposite "something really cute and delightful" LIKE - well if that's the case then I hope he holds me in bondage another 8 years. So a lot of my stuff are just quick fire thoughts...with little contemplation.

But this is different - here we are dealing with your wife (which is more important than the TSP). We are NO WHERE NEAR A BOTTOM and a BULL MARKET is impossible in the near future. Therefore, I believe it's better for us to wait in safety (to honor our wifes) than remain in high risk. When things turn around in another year or so; we'll be glad we stayed in Safety and we'll know when to get back in.

PEACE my friend - "Listen to your Heart"

Sorry Lady - just saw your post and have a patient waiting...... GOOD MORNING my wonderful delightful beauty


My wife fully understands that by staying in for the longhaul is probably best since we still have plenty of time to make up losses in the next 12 years. She is totally content weather we are in or out and has left that decision totally up to me, which can be quite burdensom at times. I also believe that this market will not recover anytime soon but believe we will see a relief rally soon and at that time I will most likely go to safety for a while. I still believe that I can recoupe some losses in the near future and think getting out right now would not be the best move. But then again I don't know for sure. This is a desicion that I can't make in a few hours but will need some time to think about. I certainly appreciate your opinion and will fully consider going to the G fund and waiting for a better time to jump back in.

Heard from another thread you pulled out of the market. Sorry to hear that...I know you rode it down,:blink: Hope is not lost, but I am waiting on the election to pass. I need that last kick to show me it is ready to engage for the long haul.

Peace Brother, you have 45 minutes to change your mind, but I think it's made up.
