Steadygain's Account Talk

By including me into your talent, you honor my name ! :)

Squalebear, you are my brother and a gem. There is no way I could leave you out of my story. I will also include some others, but there is no way I could include everyone.

Those who were detemined to be "Gems" from my significant other are central to the theme of my entire story. I have no idea how she does it and I don't question her ability - all I know is I believe her and she has greatly influenced how I perceive things.
Thanks Steady that helps a lot. I've alway had a sense of guilt about being sent to Germany instead of going to Nam with my unit. Being a Medic and not being able to do anything for the ones who didn't make it still hurts.

I wish I could give you a good hug and pat on the back. I work with veterans - it is hugely my life's Mission. Many of the veterans under my care have this "surviror guilt" you're talking about.

I can't imagine a pain that would be worse than that. I don't believe it is possible to more attached to any person than those in your unit; that includes wife, kids, mom, dad...whatever. So it seems the most difficult encounters I have are those who somehow avoided death when everyone else was killed.

This is what I tell them and ALL THE MORE I WILL TELL YOU. You went where you were assigned AND THAT WAS NOT YOUR DECISION. So don't feel bad; you followed orders and you did exactly what was expected of you. THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE - not whether you were in Nam (or how many other Missions you may have been assigned and accomplished). So PLEASE GIVE YOURSELF THE CREDIT YOU DESERVE - YOU WENT WHERE THEY ASSIGNED YOU AND SERVED YOUR COUNTY IN AN HONORABLE MANNER. You are every bit the Veteran that I am - or anyone else. I love you Bro. Thanks
Thank you on behalf of all of us who have been told over the years we weren't "real" veterans because we never did "anything"

A Platoon Sgt over me acted like that. He had a habit of telling me he was going to give me an Article 15; just to remind me that he's over me and make himself "feel" better.

Listen - forget all that garbage it's simply part of the game and that is BS you don't need to remember. The same guy I'm talking about is the very same person who would tell me about new Missions assigned to me from way over him and where I was to be picked up to start them. Oddly enough he had to admit with each Mission that all he knew was what level is was: Company, Unit, Battalion, Division, or Global and where my pick up point was.

So bear that in mind my friend; don't let the idiots that were around you take from the truth. If you were in and served your duty in an honorable manner then you're every bit the Veteran I am. It's not how many lives you snuffed; it's whether you were accountable and served your committment as expected.
Thanks Steady, most people don't realize the cost to family, friends and your own self serving in the military requires. One of the highest divorce rate occupations. We love our country and that's why we do it. So all you active duty folks THANK YOU FOR SERVING!! You now have the watch. Us old guys appreciate you. Some of wish we were still young enough to play.:D
My brother's first marriage foundered on the military life within 2 months, second marriage survived the following 10 years of military life and 3 different postings with multiple separations-peacetime. My dad was Korea, he came down sick with pneumonia at Ft. Belvoir and was in the hospital when his unit got shipped out, almost none of them ever came home. He doesn't talk about it, but I suspect the survivor guilt nailed him pretty hard at some point. I would never ask him. After all these years, I suspect the sg is buried pretty deep but still there. If he'd gone over and not come back, he'd have left a brandnew wife and me and my bro and sis would never have been born. I honor their service, glad their still-current marriages survived the downside.
Thanks so much Steady, you have a gift for words that really bring a sense of peace to me, on a day that we remember those unpeaceful times when we did the job we were assigned. Thanks again!--Ron
I wish I could give you a good hug and pat on the back. I work with veterans - it is hugely my life's Mission. Many of the veterans under my care have this "surviror guilt" you're talking about.

I can't imagine a pain that would be worse than that. I don't believe it is possible to more attached to any person than those in your unit; that includes wife, kids, mom, dad...whatever. So it seems the most difficult encounters I have are those who somehow avoided death when everyone else was killed.

This is what I tell them and ALL THE MORE I WILL TELL YOU. You went where you were assigned AND THAT WAS NOT YOUR DECISION. So don't feel bad; you followed orders and you did exactly what was expected of you. THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE - not whether you were in Nam (or how many other Missions you may have been assigned and accomplished). So PLEASE GIVE YOURSELF THE CREDIT YOU DESERVE - YOU WENT WHERE THEY ASSIGNED YOU AND SERVED YOUR COUNTY IN AN HONORABLE MANNER. You are every bit the Veteran that I am - or anyone else. I love you Bro. Thanks
My dad was in Korea,and was in the hospital when his unit got shipped out, almost none of them ever came home. He doesn't talk about it.

My beautiful darling friend,
It is something you can not talk about. There is just no way possible anyone can know what it is like without being a soldier throughout your bone marrow. It is everything and everything you live for. From the moment you wake until you fall asleep you are on full alert and ready for service. The days where drill sgts use to demand 50 push ups are way in the past; you do 50 push ups on your own throughout the day because it's in your blood and it makes you what you are. Deep down you long for hand to hand combat; it dominates everything because nothing is more fulfilling. It's a strange world my love and one too sacred to share. I could never tell you what I did or where I went; I can only say Mission Accomplished. For your father it feels like Mission Failed and that would be the hardest thing to bear. It would be way better to leave the matter alone. Thank you for sharing and he has my deepest respect.
Well for those in G Fund it's a beautiful day.

AIG made news again and of course the 'bail out' is much higher than originally projected (or where the orginal projections deliberately downplayed?) - honestly makes no difference as REALITY will eventually be faced.

Now we are FINALLY hearing more and more about the businesses letting jobs evaporate in desperate attempts to survive. Bankruptsies continuing to dominate much of the business news.

Gas down to $1.77 (pump price) WHO WOULD HAVE EVER THOUGHT THAT COULD BE POSSIBLE - when less than a few months prior it was well over $4 dollars.

All this - along with reports to lengthy to deal with - convince me we are IN A RECESSION and things will continue to crumble.

The important thing to consider is: 'Given the information currently available and the conditions by which businesses are operating around the world - does it appear we are at a BOTTOM - or are we heading to one.'
Last night Carrie got her story 'The Magnet' bound together like a book.

Table of Contents

1. Grounded in God - page 1-4
2. The Elevator – page 5-7
3. The Ocean –page 8-13
4. Norvatai –page 14-18
5. The Warriors – page 19-26
6. The Supreme Event – page 27-28
7. CoMaGa34 – page 29-32
8. Mountain of God– page 33-38
9. The Hawk –page 39-42
10. The Deer –page 43-46
11. A Woman's Heart –page 47-48
12. The Playground –page 49-51
13. The Pool –page 52-53
14. The Song –page 54-57
15. The Cross –page 58-59
16. The Giant Beast –page 60-61
17. Silverbird –page 62-65
18. Time to Discover –page 66-71
19. Flying Ballerinas –page 72-73
20. Sunshine –page 74-77
21. The Cave –page 78-81
22. The Transformation –page 82-83
23. West Virginia –page 84-90
24. A Woman's Glory –page 91-92
25. God's Perfect Design –page 93-96
26. Lessons for God's Ultimate Blossom –page 97-98
27. Underground –page 99-102
28. Squalebear –page 103
30. Luv2read –page 104-106
31. Adventures –page 107-110
32. The Bridge –page 111-114
33. Taking Off –page 115
34. Becoming the Ultimate Warrior –page 116-117
35. The Gem of Gems –page 118-120
36. The New Earth –page 121-123

I thank each of you from the bottom of my heart for the opportunity to discover the bonds that have developed over the past year and how I was able to draw on those bonds and make such a wonderful story for her. She was very excited last night and it sounds like the most perfect story I could have written for her. She got to where she met 'The Raccoon Man' as she calls him (Steady) and very much looks forward to telling her own kids this story years to come.

As for the TSP stuff - I'm sorry for everyone who's convinved we are at the bottom and can only go up. At this point there is nothing to indicate stability has arrived and solid growth is taking off. I lost way too much but have subsequently spared a much greater loss by getting out. GL to all.
Don't be a stranger Steady, at least PM me if you're going into "hover" mode.


I hope your daughter enjoyed the gift, you truly are an original.
Don't be a stranger Steady, at least PM me if you're going into "hover" mode.


I hope your daughter enjoyed the gift, you truly are an original.

Several major events took a toll on my life. The first was losing one of my closest friends to a sudden freak accident as he was cutting firework for God's Honor and Glory. Another very good friend went to see him in the hospital and was so stunned as he walked back to his car he stepped out in traffic - got hit - and is still in the hospital with ongoing complications. Both of these men (along with their wives) had weekly Bible Studies with us at our homes.

AFTER THIS OCCURED - I wondered if God was perhaps telling me something - wondered if this was a sign. I began having "black out" spells and some unexplained symptoms that made me seriously question if God was taking me home in the near future. THIS IS THE ONLY REASON WHY I CAME TO BELIEVE MY TIME WAS SHORT. BUT IF THAT IS HIS PLAN - THEN TO HIM BE ALL HONOR AND GLORY.

Then Carrie asked me to write her a story for her 16th Birthday. Thinking my time was short (and honestly thrilled for Him to take me) - I was all the more convinced the story needed to include the many people on this MB so I could honor them - and feel I had a good closure. That's why so much was centered on Birch (because he's been my big brother from day one). But of course you and many others were also extremely meaningful and it was quite a challenge to include so many and keep the story going. Also I put way more energy and time in to the story than any of you could know. In addition I just found out at a big Staff meeting that my work in the VA Medical Center yeilded the highest results in the entire country. So have been very busy here as well. Also got another raise and my yearly evalution was amazing (the Chief is trying to throw in another bonus). But I very much enjoy what I do and so the extra hours are well worth it.

There were a few misunderstandings that hit me like a huge bomb at a moment when I was exhausted and just as I was completing the story - so I've needed time to reflect. Anyway I'm good now and Carrie LOVES the book. She is barely at the beginning as she's been busy in school but every few pages she reads let's us know how much she is enjoying it.

On another note altogehter Hillary Clinton as Sec. of State is way more significant to me than her as a V.P. Many of the people he has lined up PROVE he has every intention of doing what he says and for the first time in my life we may actually have a President who is not just hot air and crap.

Well I hope all is going well for you (and everyone else). Unemployment claims (record high) needed urgent Congressional Action. Lots of trouble is brewing and a V Bounce is highly unlikely. We simply WILL NOT suddenly emerge in a sustained BULL MARKET in the midst of one of the worst economic disasters in history.

Have a good weekend everyone.
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Several major events took a toll on my life. The first was losing one of my closest friends
Time heals all wounds and you will be reunited one day!!!
AFTER THIS OCCURED - I wondered if God was perhaps telling me something - wondered if this was a sign. I began having "black out" spells and some unexplained symptoms that made me seriously question if God was taking me home in the near future. THIS IS THE ONLY REASON WHY I CAME TO BELIEVE MY TIME WAS SHORT. BUT IF THAT IS HIS PLAN - THEN TO HIM BE ALL HONOR AND GLORY.
Patience, my friend The Lord works in his way!
Then Carrie asked me to write her a story ......
It is refreshing to hear you share your creativity with your family instead of bottling it up!

In addition I just found out at a big Staff meeting that my work in the VA Medical Center yeilded the highest results in the entire country. So have been very busy here as well. Also got another raise and my yearly evalution was amazing (the Chief is trying to throw in another bonus). But I very much enjoy what I do and so the extra hours are well worth it.
Congrats!, Those who dedicate themselves to such an honorable devotion, reap the hugest rewards!! Way to go!
There were a few misunderstandings that hit me like a huge bomb at a moment when I was exhausted and just as I was completing the story - so I've needed time to reflect. Anyway I'm good now and Carrie LOVES the book. She is barely at the beginning as she's been busy in school but every few pages she reads let's us know how much she is enjoying it.
I knew she would!

All the other stuff is fluff, have a great weekend, enjoy your family, enjoy your life. Enjoy the Lord! I will have a great weekend and you do the same!
Job cuts cast dark cloud over economy

Widespread announcements of corporate job cuts deal chilling reminder that economy likely to worsen before it recovers.

This means way more to me than the BIG 3 Auto Makers. I'm not trying to down play the importance of the Auto Industry BUT IN MY HUMBLE OPINION:

The WIDESPREAD JOB CUTS currently underway and that are inevitable over the months to come will likely be seen as the most painful aspect of our Recession and take the Markets down further.
Bless you Steady! We share your pain and your joy! You were of great help to me in dealing with my survivor guilt that hit me a little harder this veterans day. Now I would like to reach out to you and share a monastic prayer that has given me solice.

"Prayer of the Hours"​
Oh Christ our God, at every season and every hour, in heaven and on earth, You are worshipped and glorified.

You are long-suffering, merciful and compassionate, loving the just and showing mercy to the sinner; calling all to salvation through the promise of blessings to come.

Oh Lord, in this hour receive our supplications and direct our lives according to Your commandments.

Sanctify our souls, hallow our bodies, correct our thoughts, cleanse our minds. Deliver us from all tribulations, evil and distress.

Surround us with Your Holy Angels, that guided and guarded by them, we may come to the unity of the faith and to the knowledge of Your unapproachable glory, for You are blessed unto ages of ages. Amen
Several major events took a toll on my life. The first was losing one of my closest friends to a sudden freak accident as he was cutting firework for God's Honor and Glory. Another very good friend went to see him in the hospital and was so stunned as he walked back to his car he stepped out in traffic - got hit - and is still in the hospital with ongoing complications. Both of these men (along with their wives) had weekly Bible Studies with us at our homes.

AFTER THIS OCCURED - I wondered if God was perhaps telling me something - wondered if this was a sign. I began having "black out" spells and some unexplained symptoms that made me seriously question if God was taking me home in the near future. THIS IS THE ONLY REASON WHY I CAME TO BELIEVE MY TIME WAS SHORT. BUT IF THAT IS HIS PLAN - THEN TO HIM BE ALL HONOR AND GLORY.

Then Carrie asked me to write her a story for her 16th Birthday. Thinking my time was short (and honestly thrilled for Him to take me) - I was all the more convinced the story needed to include the many people on this MB so I could honor them - and feel I had a good closure. That's why so much was centered on Birch (because he's been my big brother from day one). But of course you and many others were also extremely meaningful and it was quite a challenge to include so many and keep the story going. Also I put way more energy and time in to the story than any of you could know. In addition I just found out at a big Staff meeting that my work in the VA Medical Center yeilded the highest results in the entire country. So have been very busy here as well. Also got another raise and my yearly evalution was amazing (the Chief is trying to throw in another bonus). But I very much enjoy what I do and so the extra hours are well worth it.

There were a few misunderstandings that hit me like a huge bomb at a moment when I was exhausted and just as I was completing the story - so I've needed time to reflect. Anyway I'm good now and Carrie LOVES the book. She is barely at the beginning as she's been busy in school but every few pages she reads let's us know how much she is enjoying it.

On another note altogehter Hillary Clinton as Sec. of State is way more significant to me than her as a V.P. Many of the people he has lined up PROVE he has every intention of doing what he says and for the first time in my life we may actually have a President who is not just hot air and crap.

Well I hope all is going well for you (and everyone else). Unemployment claims (record high) needed urgent Congressional Action. Lots of trouble is brewing and a V Bounce is highly unlikely. We simply WILL NOT suddenly emerge in a sustained BULL MARKET in the midst of one of the worst economic disasters in history.

Have a good weekend everyone.
Thank you !! Ron and Frixxxx

Was just told I had 17 days of Annual Leave I needed to use up before the end of the year. So the Chief and her Secretary just made it 12/1 through 12/23.

Wow talk about unexpected surprises ;):laugh:

Also just noticed Phillyfed's avatar (which is the best paint job I've seen in ages) :nuts::toung:

I may not get a chance later to wish you the best so here it is now. Have a great weekend and enjoy the holidays.
Thank you !! Ron and Frixxxx

Was just told I had 17 days of Annual Leave I needed to use up before the end of the year. So the Chief and her Secretary just made it 12/1 through 12/23.

Wow talk about unexpected surprises ;):laugh:

Also just noticed Phillyfed's avatar (which is the best paint job I've seen in ages) :nuts::toung:

Go somewhere warm and enjoy.
If we thought the $700 Billion bail out was a big deal, what about another $800 Billion on top of it.

The Federal Reserve and Treasury Department on Tuesday unveiled a plan to pump $800 billion into the struggling U.S. economy in an attempt to jumpstart lending by banks to consumers and small businesses.

Hum do I see trouble brewing??

Home prices in record decline

Case-Shiller survey shows 16.6% annual decline in summer months as housing picture continues to deteriorate.

Way beyond the election - I bet everyone on Earth will be glad when this Recession is finally over. It just goes on and on.:sick:
An Essential Review

The country is entering a Painful Recession

The SEVERE FINANCIAL CRISIS began over a year prior with rising defaults of subprime mortgages. The losses the financial institutions suffered caused banks to stop making new loans. The huge loan losses caused multiple failures and takeovers, resulting in the biggest upheavals in the financial system since the Great Depression.


Think of the numerous RATE CUTS and BAIL OUTS over the past year.

But things got worse: A BLANK CHECK - to Fannie Mae because they could not afford to let it known how much it cost.

After this a "MONEY FREEZE" - requiring urgent Congressional Action with $700 Billion and now another $800 Billion to get things moving.
