Bless you Steady! We share your pain and your joy! You were of great help to me in dealing with my survivor guilt that hit me a little harder this veterans day. Now I would like to reach out to you and share a monastic prayer that has given me solice.
"Prayer of the Hours"
Oh Christ our God, at every season and every hour, in heaven and on earth, You are worshipped and glorified.
You are long-suffering, merciful and compassionate, loving the just and showing mercy to the sinner; calling all to salvation through the promise of blessings to come.
Oh Lord, in this hour receive our supplications and direct our lives according to Your commandments.
Sanctify our souls, hallow our bodies, correct our thoughts, cleanse our minds. Deliver us from all tribulations, evil and distress.
Surround us with Your Holy Angels, that guided and guarded by them, we may come to the unity of the faith and to the knowledge of Your unapproachable glory, for You are blessed unto ages of ages. Amen
Several major events took a toll on my life. The first was losing one of my closest friends to a sudden freak accident as he was cutting firework for God's Honor and Glory. Another very good friend went to see him in the hospital and was so stunned as he walked back to his car he stepped out in traffic - got hit - and is still in the hospital with ongoing complications. Both of these men (along with their wives) had weekly Bible Studies with us at our homes.
AFTER THIS OCCURED - I wondered if God was perhaps telling me something - wondered if this was a sign. I began having "black out" spells and some unexplained symptoms that made me seriously question if God was taking me home in the near future. THIS IS THE ONLY REASON WHY I CAME TO BELIEVE MY TIME WAS SHORT. BUT IF THAT IS HIS PLAN - THEN TO HIM BE ALL HONOR AND GLORY.
Then Carrie asked me to write her a story for her 16th Birthday. Thinking my time was short (and honestly thrilled for Him to take me) - I was all the more convinced the story needed to include the many people on this MB so I could honor them - and feel I had a good closure. That's why so much was centered on Birch (because he's been my big brother from day one). But of course you and many others were also extremely meaningful and it was quite a challenge to include so many and keep the story going. Also I put way more energy and time in to the story than any of you could know. In addition I just found out at a big Staff meeting that my work in the VA Medical Center yeilded the highest results in the entire country. So have been very busy here as well. Also got another raise and my yearly evalution was amazing (the Chief is trying to throw in another bonus). But I very much enjoy what I do and so the extra hours are well worth it.
There were a few misunderstandings that hit me like a huge bomb at a moment when I was exhausted and just as I was completing the story - so I've needed time to reflect. Anyway I'm good now and Carrie LOVES the book. She is barely at the beginning as she's been busy in school but every few pages she reads let's us know how much she is enjoying it.
On another note altogehter Hillary Clinton as Sec. of State is way more significant to me than her as a V.P. Many of the people he has lined up PROVE he has every intention of doing what he says and for the first time in my life we may actually have a President who is not just hot air and crap.
Well I hope all is going well for you (and everyone else). Unemployment claims (record high) needed urgent Congressional Action. Lots of trouble is brewing and a V Bounce is highly unlikely. We simply WILL NOT suddenly emerge in a sustained BULL MARKET in the midst of one of the worst economic disasters in history.
Have a good weekend everyone.