Steadygain's Account Talk

The market is starting to see the writing on the wall. AIG deal is probably not going to happen. Bankruptcy tomorrow.

Jeff, I suspect you've had a long day and much has happened to slightly dull your SHARP - FRESH - MIND.

There is NO WAY POSSIBLE the USA is going to let the Economy collapse. They may let the "news out" on what appears to be a serious situation. But that news will always be:
There are KEY PLAYERS THAT CAN NOT FAIL; it's impossible without a total economic collapse. If these PLAYERS FAIL - then GOVERNMENT will take over. Bankruptcy is not an option for THESE PLAYERS and "pressure will be applied to the wound along with a bandage".

The economy can not fail - not now at least - so this is not the end; it's simply a phase we need to undergo due to our long standing conditions.
There is NO WAY POSSIBLE the USA is going to let the Economy collapse. They may let the "news out" on what appears to be a serious situation. But that news will always be:


The economy can not fail - not now at least - so this is not the end; it's simply a phase we need to undergo due to our long standing conditions. [/LEFT]

It won't be long before Americans start begging for government intervention. These bailouts still don't mean much for the average American. We're being led to the slaughter. First, everyone will complain about how these bailouts are costing us tons of money, so people will vote anit-Republican. Next, we'll have a serious economic meltdown, where unemployment numbers are skyrocketing. Then Americans will beg their government to save them with "An Even Newer Deal."

Why would the research have been done just recently on how Americans feel about increasing Executive powers? It sounds like the egotistical elitists want to show us how manipulative we all are. Today, we're against increasing powers, but tomorrow we'll be begging for it.

Poll: Public opposes increased presidential power
Americans strongly oppose giving the president more power at the expense of Congress or the courts, even to enhance national security or the economy, according to a new poll.
It won't be long before Americans start begging for government intervention.

I burst out laughing when I read this sentence.

THANK YOU for starting my day off in such a good way.

Perhaps you live in an exclusive area and only associate with the affluent - and therefore have no clue how the general population lives - OR WHAT THE DOMINATE AMERICAN MINDSET IS LIKE.

Government Intervention is the basis for the Disability Mindset that rules this society. It also feeds the "Law Suit" mentality and makes the 'Golden Apple' such a constant endeavor.

Trust me - Americans have done everything possible to make sure they can get whatever hand outs are available and will do everything possible (including refusing to work) to make sure they get it. Only in that sense do I see the 'Bright Spot' in today's economic turmoil - as 'Bogus Handouts' will have to stop. :D:D:cool:
:laugh: Well, I guess that's true, Steady. People have been begging for it for a while now. I guess I was just referring to the article that said Americans are opposed to more executive powers.
INSURANCE - is the thread that underlies any sense of stability in American Society.

WITHOUT IT - Many hospitals & doctors refuse to treat
WITHOUT IT - You can not get a loan or you will always live in fear of something happening to your home, or an injury on your property.
WITHOUT IT - You would lose your entire estate if you were responsible for even the most minor traffic accident.
WITHOUT IT - Banks and Financial Institutions have no security.

AIG and Fannie/Freddie are the PILLARS by which everything is built on and first we would need to repair the damage before we could reorganize.

The Insurance Industry is one of the most central features that needs addressed (and here I mean totally changed).
Alright everyone it's time to soak in the comfort and sing a song.

We'll break it up a little and have some fun with it.

OK - all the men sing:

What a day for a daydream...
Ladies: Ahhh Ahhhhh Ahhhhhh
What a day for a daydreaming boy
Ahhhh Ahhhh Ahhhhhh

There is no better Match than the BEAR and G Fund - it's like all of us have made the most harmonious marriage possible. :):laugh::laugh:

Alright everyone it's time to soak in the comfort and sing a song.

We'll break it up a little and have some fun with it.

OK - all the men sing:

What a day for a daydream...

Ladies: Ahhh Ahhhhh Ahhhhhh

What a day for a daydreaming boy

Ahhhh Ahhhh Ahhhhhh

Great song for today, my sparkling friend! Today is a "good" day and I'm enjoying it to the hilt!

I'm lost in a daydream
Dreaming 'bout my bundle of joy!!

Lady & Steady,

I agree, it is a glorious day. Just got back from a training toss with my troops (youngsters 6 - 8 months old) out in Sulphur Springs Valley (Arizona). 40 miles as the racing pigeons fly. Birds beat me home and now at work --- not quite as glorious. :)

Cramer was definitely wound up last night harping on how AIG had to be "saved." Guess he was "right."
Lady & Steady,

Please refer to "us" as 'LA-DY' as we are one when she's in my home.

I agree, it is a glorious day. Just got back from a training toss with my troops (youngsters 6 - 8 months old) out in Sulphur Springs Valley (Arizona). 40 miles as the racing pigeons fly. Birds beat me home and now at work --- not quite as glorious. :)

Cramer was definitely wound up last night harping on how AIG had to be "saved." Guess he was "right."

I know essentially every animal and most sea creatures (dolphins for instance) have an amazing capicity to BOND with humans and it's wonderful what those bonds can do in terms of healing.

Birds are unexplored territory for me - but it sounds like your youngsters are quite amazing.


Since this is your first time in my home the two of us would like to have you join us in a song.

I'm singing in the rain .....

singing in the rain ;):)

Peace, Love, Rock n Roll... wow man I'm drifting into clouds of magic mushrooms and velvet zebras... sounds are coming from various directions...some inviting..inticing..soothing and warm...others warning me...but it's cool cause I know the clown with the purple shoes is watching out for me....
Thanks for the welcome to your hangout,

I'm singing in the rain .....

singing in the rain ;):)

Great song and even better movie!

We can always use it out here (I'm in Sierra Vista) but no sign of it today.

Yes, racing pigeons are truly amazing athletes/animals. Usually, each year, I have a few of the hens mate/bond to me so that I can call them over to land on my arm or shoulder. The rest climb all over me when I have some spanish peanuts with me. Everyone can be bribed. :)

Friends are always amazed when I can call my guys out of the air to land whenever I want.

Wonder if this is a good spot to buy up some AIG?

Still on the pad here though.

Peace, Love, Noodles :D

As my younger brother I have to mention that I think you choked at the bottom - a classic move. This market is geared for a nice rebound - if not today then perhaps tomorrow, if not tomorrow then perhaps soon. All I can do is wait for the next journey to start.

Talk about Detroit, talk about Boston, talk about Pittsburg, PA.

This ain't no disco, this ain't no party


.....ah haaa

I ain't got time for it now

Birch - it's still too early to tally the savings
Lady, I'm heading home and want to leave with one more song.

Crystal blue persuation... ah haa

Crystal Blue Persuation

Tried and True - Crystal Blue

Crystal Blue persuation.......

OK - ya'd have have to lay in a cozy spot for this one - feel the healing

One Closing thought for the MB: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck?
GUMBY - has the answer.

Good night all
Lady & Steady,

I agree, it is a glorious day. Just got back from a training toss with my troops (youngsters 6 - 8 months old) out in Sulphur Springs Valley (Arizona). 40 miles as the racing pigeons fly. Birds beat me home and now at work --- not quite as glorious. :)

Cramer was definitely wound up last night harping on how AIG had to be "saved." Guess he was "right."

Did he say anything about being wrong!! calling the bottom in July?? I'm not a big Cramer fan.....:suspicious:
Sorry Steady, didn't mean to bring a loss of harmony to your thread. Inside I am singing the "G" song.....:D:D

I call them "Protectors" and you are definately included; they're "spirits or souls" that give a sense of warmth, charm, understanding, and a deeper meaning - somehow they connect in a way that's PROTECTIVE.

So you never have to worry about saying something wrong in my home. Crammer to me - is the guy on the Seinfield Show who somehow got a license plate that said "Assman" and that's the only thing I pondered on - how much I enjoyed the episodes related to that; he was like a teenager king - on top of the world.

Anyway - I like your "picture" (ativar) a lot - it looks great in my home - so stop by anything.
OK Folks,
Here's my overall view of our present situation: Today's lift is meaningless in that the Markets are not going to TANK 5% without a little bounce (regardless of how short lived it is).

The weakness in the Financial Sector which I kept elaborating on way back around April - and stressing how the Markets would have to DIVE - are finally coming to life. The Huge problem from my perspective is that they waited until everything was on the brink of total destruction before they let the news out and finally responded. So MARKETS aside - and not giving a thought to the huge dive it's taken - there is still a huge amount of damage and it's not like the economy is now in great shape - SO THERE IS PLENTY OF ROOM TO GO DOWN A BIT MORE.

Now a large part of me BELIEVES that this is no accident and was hugely scripted to coincide with "The Election" - This would also explain why they did not respond when the problems stood out back when I sounded like Mr. Doom and Gloom. SO there is a high probability that the MARKETS will in fact soar at least 15 to 20% because of the Election. The 2 HUGE factors favoring this are 1) It will look like the BOMBS have already exploded and things are under control 2) Both (M) and (O) are using the ECONOMY as their primary message and now the center of their campaign is CHANGE.

This OPTIMISM is what I'd been stressing in the past - and all the more I see it as "the Rocket Fuel" (as my brother puts it).

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No one wants to be accused of causing market panic. So, la la la, until the economy tanks. Uh oh, it's time for an election! Quick Quick, gotta look like we are doing something. "Unfettered" optimism was soooo much easier. Cue Nnut's little guy running around in circles, Congress and the Administration caught like the Emperor with no clothes. It was sooo much easier modeling faux fashion.:mad: Where oh where are the "fetters" when you need them? Late too late, the money's in faux clothes.