Steadygain's Account Talk

I'll leave everyone with one closing thought for the weekend:

There's nothing you can do that can't be done...

.....nothing you can sing that can't be sung....

..........nothing you can do - but you can learn how to be you in time's



Hi everyone, hope things are going well.

As for me, I'm still flying fairly high and had a wonderful weekend.

OK - As for the MARKETS

We have entered Historic Record Level Events with the Housing Situation and the Credit Crisis and Financial Sector stuff.


But that's the way it is and there is no way in hell anyone will ever expose the ones at the top of the Political Circles and Financial Structures who are ultimately responsible.

But it makes no difference BECAUSE IT'S ALL BEHIND US.


In the process we PLUNGED into what I expected to be a fairly substantial BEAR MARKET - but Government responded so strongly that we had the 'greatest 2 day yeild' since 1987.

I expect the next few weeks to have a lot of Volitility and therefore will not be on the MB nearly as often - as it's pointless to watch too closely. I have increasing responsibilities (but with that increasing rewards) and so my time is becoming incredibly limited. So my plan is to come on occasionally - but try my best to basically forget the Markets - SO I DO NOT OVER REACT. I went 100% S Fund and am confident a positive momentum will more than cover my loss; then I'll later to go G Fund when I convinced we've run the rally.

GL to all.
Steady, I'm surprised you went 100S. I thought you were quite bearish. Well I wish you luck and may you see a nice bounce to 1300.
Steady, I'm surprised you went 100S. I thought you were quite bearish. Well I wish you luck and may you see a nice bounce to 1300.

I had NO DOUBT the Markets would substantially crash when I announced the BEAR. It fell so fast - and the news was so incredibly bad that I expected it to go much lower.

The 2 Biggest factors which seemed to stop the bear from my perspective was 1) The Financial Mass Destruction was hugely downplayed - and the seriousness of the overall situation I believe was largely drarfted by "RESCUE" Government intervention. 2) With Treasury - FED - President all making it clear we are hitting this hard and hitting it now - We had the largest 2 day gain in many years at the end of last week.

So it appeared a "bottom was much closer than I anticapated".

I beleive OIL and other factors will always be BS stuff we'll have to deal with - but last week fully convinced me that Government has the power to not only "take control" but it will actually turn things around. So at this point I am optimistic and counting on a Bull Market to last for at least several months.

Politics has to involve a bunch of garbage and both sides are equally guilty - so at whatever point in history something pressing like this occurs the other side will ALWAYS pull some stunt. I believe the overall urgency will push 'needed package' through quickly and the Markets will respond.

Honestly - unless you are only looking for a quick entry point like last Wed. the Markets are low enough that for longer term plays any day is good.
Well my dear family,
I certainly understand everyone's disappointment - when 'The TRUTH' comes to light and we find that it is only through the heartache and pain of the masses that our country can survive and overcome the hardships bestowed on them from those in charge.

Over the years I've told many friends (and family) - if anyone knew the extent of corruption that exists at the highest levels and the hidden operations around the world were known - "It would be too much for most of us to bear".

So what we are seeing now, in all sincerity, is but a reflection of what has been over the years. All we can hope for is a more transparent government in the future; and all the more to expose the corporate mentality that makes slaves of most of the world's population. I would a thousand times rather THIS BE JUST THE BEGINNING OF TOTAL EXPOSURE - than put the few guilty ones in jails and close the lid on everything else.

Maybe - just maybe - the population will demand "liberty and justice for all" - and that can only be done by making everything more and more transparent.
Baaaa Baaaaa I am the Black Sheep of the MB family

1. When I read the Financial Briefs over the weekend for this week:
Monday was listed as Congress approves Bailout.

PERIOD - that's it - and that is what I fully expected.

So it doesn't make any difference to me who is at fault and what should happen to them. If the top Financial Analysists in the Country are all in agreement we are on the brink of the worst Financial Crisis in History then I say: Fix it now and deal with the bad guys later.

2. Credit Cards should always be used instead of cash for all typical daily purchases - because you get 5% off and $300 cash back per credit card (2 x $300 = $600). That's why we always use our card for gas, grocerices, or medications.

Our long standing belief has been: It's only used in a manner reflecting activity in our checking account - so it's always paid in full and no extra charge has ever been applied.

The $600 cash we get back a year - is a small part of the interest others pay. Honestly I'm not saying this to pick on anyone here, but if a Credit Card is used in the right way it brings a decent reward.

OK - I'm off the soap box now. Thanks for listening and you'll find refreshments in the back. Don't forget to fill out your evaluation forms and leave them on the desk. Have a great day!!
Thanks Frixxx,
I'm just a kid, and my older brother seems a lot smarter than me and maybe he really does know the truth and I don't. :confused::confused:

But he's convinced the Dems (donkeys) are responsible for all the bad stuff that's happened: which makes me wonder:

1. If McCain and Obama announced this has all been a trick to test Party Loyality and the truth is McCain is a "donkey" and Obama is an "elephant" - SO IF YOU VOTE REPUBLICIAN - you vote Obama and IF YOU VOTE DEMOCRAT you vote McCain.

Would my big brother vote for Obama? and would all the others who are Party Loyal stick with their party??

2. Is it not mainly Political Endeavors that bring them all to where they are; and if that's the case - then throwing out "appealing and attractive aspects" and "hiding the bad ones" will always remain the most central aspect regardless of what party they belong to.

3. If corruption and deceit are the "norm" - then to get ahead you learn to play the game.
There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It it the middle ground between light and shadaw, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge.

This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area we call the Twilight Zone.

Today we will travel to a Planet called Earth, where the global population has long believed that the ruling parties are in place for the general interests of the whole; where "a representation by the people and for the people" has forever convinced everyone that the good of all has always been the measure to achieve and in fact has always been the underlying measure by which government ran. And so we begin our episode with warm fuzzy feelings - and the underlying belief that all is good...peace and safety prevail.

But throughout the years those who rode to power on the hopes of the general population found themselves stiving for more power and what they found in the end was the 'ultimate power' was yielded by the Corporations - and in reality the reigning top officials - were puppets to the Corporations which largely controlled everything that transpired - so overtime the interests of the Corporations overshadowed the global population. As time passed the Corporations became increasing rich and powerful and with more power came increasingly cleaver schemes to get richer and even more powerful. But like a balloon - it could only get "so big" before it got too big - before it was on the verge of popping. When it reached this point the population lost their warm fuzzy feelings and began to recognize what things were really like.

And that brings us to the beginning of our story. The Corporations need the certainty that AMNESTY will be granted and those at the top will finish with endless wealth. The ruling officials know they must grant their wishes and give them $700 Billion (minimum) to resolve the crisis - but now the population is drawn into the picture and so it must be done is such a way as to persuade the general population that everything is being done for the interests of the whole.

So sit back and let your imaginations stretch - and watch as the reigning highest officials stive to accommodate the Corporate Wishes and somehow quell the fears of the population and restore their general sense of peace and safety.
Oh Boy! I can't wait to hear the part about the great messiah that has all the answers and rides in on the Unicorn to save all mankind from the corporations.

Get to the part about the messiah! Please? Pretty Please? :nuts: :laugh:
Oh Boy! I can't wait to hear the part about the great messiah that has all the answers and rides in on the Unicorn to save all mankind from the corporations.

Get to the part about the messiah! Please? Pretty Please :laugh:

You asked for it - YOU GOT IT !!

This is a Continuation of my previous post - you have to start there. Thanks

The World sticks with the U.S.A.


To get even deeper into the sentiments that dominate "my thinking" please view SugarandSpice's Thread - for her thought provoking and stimulating input. :D:D
Steady: You laid all this out a few weeks ago. Dude, send me one of those crystal balls..your comments were right on. And as far I can tell, the decisions is already made except for the hand-ringing and shouting, but that will be over soon..

It's pretty clear from the newspapers and tv reports that we all hate that the government is doing this but the experts keep pointing out that the alternatives look even worse. Hmmmm...probably so since I didn't live when the Great Depression occurred... so let's hope they come to a quick decision on a bailout bill with adequate oversight and protection measures to minimize further pain and suffering and get this economy moving forward again..PPPPLLLLLLEEEEAAAASSSEEE!!!!:D:D:D

Steady: You laid all this out a few weeks ago. Dude, send me one of those crystal balls..your comments were right on. And as far I can tell, the decisions is already made except for the hand-ringing and shouting, but that will be over soon.

Often my BIGGEST FEAR is that I will be seen as "Knowing too Much" and the MB will somehow resent me for this.

Perhaps I've been a little more in tune with 'Reality' over the years and so the the Economic Interactions are HUGELY predictable; in fact they stand out more and more.

I've been largely perplexed over the past year BECAUSE what should have happened did not come to pass and that left me very confused??? BUT THEN THE BAIL OUTS AND RATE CUTS ALONG WITH SUPRESSION OF THE TRUTH - stood out as "putting a veil over everything".



get this economy moving forward again..PPPPLLLLLLEEEEAAAASSSEEE!!!!:D:D:D


FS, my dear friend (and all the others who read this)

FEAR NOT - truly the Powers have largely dealt with most of the major issues along the way. Fannie and Freddie are fully under Government Control and the $700 Billion 'corrective action' is a neccessary part of correcting the larger fall out "that remained unseen".

We will move FORWARD - without "The Greatest Depression" and largely WITHOUT "The Great Depression" sting of the past. It will be difficult - but the stain is well worth it - knowing the very worst should be over towards the end of 2009. In the meantime the strength of the Economy will stand as a measure of comfort that stands above the general financial stains society faces.
Thank you Birch !

That's a huge compliment (especialy coming from you) :)

From strictly a competitive perspective I would strongly advise everyone to go immediately to G Fund and stay there the remainer of the year. ;):nuts:
Emergency TSPTalk Break
Forget the Market stuff... the Political Garbage and everything else

Driving home the other night, 'She's Got the Looks That Kill" by Motley Crue came on...

SO I HAD TO SET THE CRUISE... Walk out on stage lookn' like Jimi and started playing all kinds of stuff on top of it.
Now listen up
She's razor sharp
If she don't get her way
She'll slice you apart
Now she's cool, cool black
Moves like a cat
If you don't get her game
You might not make it back
(up to this point I'm building it up...getting stonger)
She's got the look's that kill
That kill
She's got the look's that kill
That kill
She's got the looks that kill

(this is where I go crazy... everything comes out)
Now she's bullet-proof
Keeps her motor clean
And believe me, you
She's a number thirteen
The church strikes midnight
She's lookin' louder and louder
She's gonna turn on your juice, boy
So she turns on the power
She's got the look's that kill
That kill
She's got the look's that kill
That kill
She's got the looks that kill

Excellent sound system required; music must be cranked and a vivid and wild imagination...:cool::cool:
Hi Steady; I am confused, I thought you had just made the decision to go back into 100% S fund. I swear, I never can understand what the heck it is you're saying., other than when reciting 30 year old lyrics (at least that's my generation). One second you seem to be preaching doom, the next praising Mr. Birch and beating the "we're at the bottom" drum. What is your (current?) stand?
Hi Steady; I am confused, I thought you had just made the decision to go back into 100% S fund. I swear, I never can understand what the heck it is you're saying., other than when reciting 30 year old lyrics (at least that's my generation). One second you seem to be preaching doom, the next praising Mr. Birch and beating the "we're at the bottom" drum. What is your (current?) stand?

Steady's a spiritual guy and sensitive to the vibes. When you're surfing, you have to ride the waves that come. Nobody's permanent, except mr. Dennis, permabull. :D