TSP Elite
Hi Steady; I am confused,
With me - that would be very easy my friend and I sincerely appreciate your honesty.
I thought you had just made the decision to go back into 100% S fund.
I am back in 100% S Fund and will likely remain there for a long time. I'm not sure how often you read my posts - but the more you read them the easier it is to keep up with everything I'm doing; as I don't know anyone more OPEN than me.
I swear, I never can understand what the heck it is you're saying., other than when reciting 30 year old lyrics (at least that's my generation).
I would guess the PROBLEM is way more that perhaps you are focusing on TSP Account and my specific IFTs. What I post about my various views are usually easy to follow and it's rare that anyone would not grasp exactly what I'm conveying.
The ONE EXCEPTION is when I talked about 2 Diamonds blending and how the Laws of Physics and Chemistry rule over everything. I'd received some PMs on that - and explained it. That was more of a parable (which I did not expect anyone to understand). Subsequently how that was interpreted was totally different from what I meant to convey.
One second you seem to be preaching doom,
I have known about much of the DEPTH of the Financial Sector for quite some time - and over the course of the past year, repeatedly expressed how 'BAIL OUTS and RATE CUTS' would drive the dollar lower and do nothing to change the underlying problems.
So that is where my preaching Doom started.
Then more recently I "for the first time" told everyone THE BEAR is here - GO TO G FUND and do it now. (This is probably what you're referring too - when you say one second...)
the next praising Mr. Birch and beating the "we're at the bottom" drum.
I praise Mr. Birch - because he is my older brother and mentor; someone I truly love and admire even though our views on many things are essentially 'night and day'.
He is one of a kind - the only one on the MB that nevers goes to G or F and always remains fully invested. So when the Markets suddenly shoot up 8% (the biggest 2 day gain since 1987) Mr. Birch is guaranteed to never miss out on such gains.
What is your (current?) stand?
My current stand is The BEAR has largely been pushed back with the Government Take Over of Fannie/Freddie/AIG; and the last of the "Fall Out" - which comes to $700 Billion has finally made itself known. EVERYONE KNOWS - what is happening and what needs to be done - but Congress has to play games reflecting the anger and concerns of the public... BUT I honestly believe we are at (or near) a BOTTOM and once the USA clears 'the Package' - it will strongly send a signal we are dealing with this in the strongest manner possible and are moving forward - STRONGER THAN EVER BEFORE. This should result in a very Optimistic Outlook for Me and Mr. Birch.
Well I hope that helps... and thanks for being real.