Steadygain's Account Talk

Quote of the Week
I for one am thrilled that the Constitution is Christian based.

Reflects heart felt feelings.

One just needs to read up on Sharia Law (Muslim) and their eyes would really be opened. Of course with Sharia Law, Hollywood would cease to exist at least in the form that we know, the crime rate would be reduced to nothing and well for those who aren't happy with their wives, would be able to get rid of them, almost as easy as snapping your fingers. The US was founded because of the religious persecution in England and Western Europe, but those religions and practices back then was a walk in the park compared to Sharia Law.

Reflects a deeper knowledge of what we have; by having a broader understanding (and an appreciation) for other religions.

Christians are far from perfect, just forgiven, that's the reason God allowed his son Jesus come to earth, die and arise from the dead was for our sins.

Reflects an accurate understanding of God and the Human Condition.

But that's just my beliefs and I would never even attempt to convert anyone to Christianity or whatever you want to call it,

Reflects the most central message imaginable; what you call it is meaningless unless it comes from deep within and forms the basis for your personal convictions and the subsequent interactions you have with others.

cause that's between you and God and I just worry about me and mine. Religion is even touchier than politics. Acts 2:38

Well done CB !!
I saw that from CountryBoy, too, Steady. My only question that I held in was, "How is the Constitution Christian-based?" I can see it being based on good intentions by Christian people.

The golden law from Jesus was to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength -- and to love your neighbor as yourself. We are free to do that within the legislation of the Constitution, but it does nothing for encouraging those most basic Christian ways. Besides, I don't need a government to tell me I am free to love my enemies. I have that freedom, no matter what country I live in, even if that country says I do not have that freedom. It's difficult to love my enemies, no matter what country I live in.

I'd say the Constitution is humanist-based. "WE the people", not the LORD thy God.
I saw that from CountryBoy, too, Steady. My only question that I held in was, "How is the Constitution Christian-based?" I can see it being based on good intentions by Christian people.

The golden law from Jesus was to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength -- and to love your neighbor as yourself. We are free to do that within the legislation of the Constitution, but it does nothing for encouraging those most basic Christian ways. Besides, I don't need a government to tell me I am free to love my enemies. I have that freedom, no matter what country I live in, even if that country says I do not have that freedom. It's difficult to love my enemies, no matter what country I live in.

I'd say the Constitution is humanist-based. "WE the people", not the LORD thy God.

Thanks for the Props Steady,

I sure don't deserve them, others here have said more profound things than what I said, but I appreciate them anyway. :o

Fab, i agree with your comments and should have said by God fearing people, with the Golden Rule being their guide and to tell the truth I fall way short of loving my enemies.

Me too, CB. It's a huge struggle and I always lose my focus by getting all caught up on some tangent.

I'm sure all of us stuggle with this.

Some of the worst things imaginable - I wonder how could anyone do this (or that) - and I have to remind myself HE was on the cross for that injustice as well.

The Grace of God is so far beyond any thoughts or deeds that make us (or anyone else) an enemy in some manner. The best we can do is let this Grace consume us - breath it and live in it until it becomes the core of our existence. This can only be done by daily making this our focus.

CB, my Quote of the Week is given as I see fit.

If I give it - you deserve it (but I appreciate your humility) and humility is a mighty strong feature to have.

Well on that - Good Night to all and to all a good night.
Well Folks - I am protecting the TSP - going 100% G Today.

To me the overwhelming evidence stongly shows the Markets are in for a very hard time and what we've seen over the past year are the underlying symptoms of marked weakness. America's Debt is like an all consuming cancer that is spreading into every possible sector.

The Financial Sector's weakness is way beyond (in my belief) what the Media projects. With the extreme attempts to salvage Fannie and most of the other Financial Institutions; there has to be a high price to pay and therefore I see this as the beginning.

This was my announcement of the BEAR MARKET on 9/5

NOW the day to day stuff makes no difference. The overall picture and the processes and interactions are what matters.

Markets took a HUGE DIVE (as expected) - and subsequently they have risen slightly. But it's never a STRAIGHT DROP - rather it's always a step like process. Every HUGE DROP will follow a brief pop to form "a step" - before the next drop.

For anyone ready to invest fully in the Markets - I hope the very best for you and all the more hope you're in safety before the next big plunge.

Friends - what has happened has happened and we can point fingers and throw rocks in almost any direction - but be grateful for what you have and be very glad you're not a part of it and one of the many who is paying the toll of having no job, losing your home, and struggling with every once of energy to survive. I believe many days like today will continue over the months to come and for day to day individuals it will look very promising.

God's blessings to all - have a wonderful weekend - and stive to be content in your TSP decisions irregardless of what's happening.
Short Term Relief ,,,,,,,,, Long Tern Grief (I should write that one down) ;)

Thanks SB - That's a great saying; I'm honored it's here.

As usual - I have a habit of checking out the charts towards the end of the day.

TODAY - I thought 'WOW - Look at the I FUND' (then the 3 month chart told the real story)

Well it's been an outstanding week for me - in many ways and this is one of those moments in history I relish the Lilly Pad.


I'm expecting the Markets to finally get in line with the true economic conditions next week - and should all the more Make a Bundle - By avoiding Loss.

Looks like we're ending on a good note - Markets are GREEN :)
BEAR MARKET announced on 9/5

We are use to unlimited trades and while that priviledge held SHOW-ME made roughly a 13% Increase in probably the most difficult month to get ahead (12/07).

On the whole we (the MB) are use to VOLITILITY - and during standard Market Volitility I usually do outstanding. But POLITICS has largely intervened and now we are in the reign of SMOKE & MIRRORS (First keeping the facts from reaching the public as long as possible, BAIL OUTS that appear as 'Miriclous Cures' and RATE CUTS - yet numerous other Smoke & Mirrow tactics have also blurred the picture.

I suspect this will probably be a difficult time for many MB Members who are convinced "When everyone is thinking BEAR - then expect the BULL and get in now".

I will remain in G FUND as I am convinced it is the best possible investment in a true BEAR MARKET.

So far everything is coming out EXACTLY as we (my smaller group)knew it would; and I suspect this week will bring many more to believe a REAL BEAR MARKET is here to stay.

I won't be posting as much this week for several reasons. 1) I got basically everything out in the open last week. 2) There is little more to share. 3) I have a book "The SHACK" by William Young to fill my time and 4) All the NEWS coming out this week is old news to me. So I'll stay in a cosy spot in the background and try to keep up with the happenings here and there.

Braveheart, I forgot:
Thanks I saw that link but it doesn't explain where the $$ went unless it was spent by the Fed for Freddie & Fannie on some purchase. It did not go into the market, Oil or Silver-Gold etc so anyday out of the blue the F Fund could drop and this would be the only explanation not even rate increases or cuts or inflation. We are taking a ponding from everywhere.

"Thrift Savings Plan participants are among the winners in the U.S. government’s takeover of mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac."
"But that move is a positive one for the TSP’s F Fund, which carries more than $5 billion in mortgage-backed securities issued by Fannie and Freddie, according to the plan’s latest available financial statements."

READ THIS CAREFULLY - and the answer is clear. More than $5 Billion is only a paper figure until it's cashed in and as a result because they are guaranteed TSP F Fund investments THEY HAVE to be put in the F Fund.

As least that's how I read it.
Decided to split my investments to C/S/I - 30%/35%/35%

at some point in the future :p:cheesy:

that'll probably be a few months down the road :nuts::laugh:
I'm sorry if I've sounded uncaring, condescendng, or even worse (like I'm tooting my horn).

While you're surfing on a great wave you can't focus on anything else during the ride, and that's how my life has been lately.

This is my first BEAR MARKET since becoming a Federal Employee.

There is nothing beyond a guarantee that you CAN NOT possibly lose and equally the guarantee that you have to win. The penny gains aren't nearly as thrilling as days like yesterday and I am sorry for all who lost (especially the 99% of buy & holders) but being sheilded from the BEAR is wonderful.

With the Over Seas Markets taking a pounding it would seem likely that the US Markets will continue to fall. I find Alan Greenspan's and the Chief Market Analyist's comments (Lady shared on her thread) to be solidly in line with my view. For those seeing this time as a good entry point I wish you the best.

FTRIB, Barclay's, and the limited IFTs have been a huge source of frustration for the MB and I hope for everyone's sake that future changes are acceptable. My guess is either a percentage of your total balance (or the total amount transferred) will be charged for every IFT enacted and this portion will subsequently be lost forever. In this manner you will need gains exceeding that cost to get ahead. This is how every other financial institution has done it throughout history. Thus IFTs would be encouraged and the press would likely emphasize "adjusting your accounts". However it's handled I hope we can move on and put things behind us.

GL everyone.
Decided to split my investments to C/S/I - 30%/35%/35%

at some point in the future :p:cheesy:

that'll probably be a few months down the road :nuts::laugh:

Seriously, in the FUTURE, my friend!!!!

1. I'm sorry if I've sounded uncaring, condescending, or even worse (like I'm tooting my horn).....

2. This is my first BEAR MARKET since becoming a Federal Employee.
You can't be any of those in #1 if you care and are showing your position in this bear market.

As for #2, I can't believe the drops I've seen. I remember that cold Oct day in 1987 when the markets tanked, but I was still a teenager then!

You let us know when you start to get "frisky" and want to jump in again. I'll do the same.

Keep the faith, my friend!
You let us know when you start to get "frisky" and want to jump in again. I'll do the same.

Keep the faith, my friend!

Thank you!! for the vote of confidence.

It's a tough call for someone like me - who's usually thilled with catching little bounces along the way down.

IF my warped and delusional mind is RIGHT - and the TRUE Bear Market began on (or near) 9/5 we'd expect:
1. A rapid fall (which we've been getting since then)
2. New Market Lows (which we're now achieving)
3. An extended Decline - (lasting possibly several months)

As much as we'd like to believe that the Markets are ready to Spring back to life and take off - which is generally how we all view these rapid losses - on 9/16 that is highly unlikely; especially as the INDICATORS are only now really coming to light.

We should expect days like yesterday (with 4% losses) to spring back; form a step (or plateau) - and then plunge again. The sell off over the next week or two will likely be the greatest, followed by a mild lowering that lingers awhile, and then another more rapid sell off similar to our current situation. I'm not into projecting "numbers" but I would think we'd fall below 1,000 before it's done. If the BEAR follows the course I'm expecting then the LAST MAJOR SELL OFF will be my signal to BUY no matter where we are. All we can do now is watch it play out: if things continue to go as I expect them to - THEN our entry point will be standout like 4th of July fireworks.
"The Bush administration’s seizure of Fannie/Freddie led to a sharp drop in the companies’ stock prices Monday and left American taxpayers as guarantors of nearly $6 trillion in mortgage debt"

Iraq War is another $6 trillion (only stressing the cost)

A 1 day move - equalls the entire cost of the Iraq War for American Taxpayers.

That $12 trillion does not take into account the trillions America was already in debt, the billions and billions in bail outs and the economy stimulus package, nor the increasing cost of energy needs and food prices. I wonder if America honestly knows the situation it's in?

Here we need to expect the Financial Sector to do everything possible to recover their losses. I'm trying to be as realistic as possible (to project future Market conditions).

Weighing everything out - there is nothing that compares to this during my life.
Congratulations on getting out of the market before the fall! It's hard to sell at the exact top, but I'm sure you are happy with your move now. :)

October could be a scary month. Lets just SAY the the fed extends a bridge loan to AIG. Fine, but it's only a LOAN...and if house prices continue to decrease, AIG is just delaying their own screwing. What about Lehman? 400 Billion on assets will suddenly flood the markets...driving prices down I assume??

I fully expect a few rallies based on oversold conditions...but a nuke has just gone off and people are still stunned. Oil prices going down so much is actually bad for many funds. Ripples are coming.

As long as we are in a bear market, I will continue to only go in for a percent or two...then back out into G. I will do this until the 100 day EMA moves above the 200 day EMA. Obviously if you sold back in January when the long term moving averages are sitting pretty.


Further, if you sold once the lower bollinger band was broken (early September), you are also in an enviable position. I'm gonna keep using these methods until they fail.


The night we met I knew I needed you so
And if I had the chance I'd never let you go
So won't you say you love me
I'll make you so proud of me
We'll make 'em turn their heads
Every place we go
So won't you please

(Be my be my baby) Be my little baby
(I want it only say) Say you'll be my darling
(Be my be my baby) Be my baby now
(I want it only say) Ooh, ohh, ohh, oh

I'll make you happy, baby
Just wait and see
For every kiss you give me
I'll give you three
Oh, since the day I saw you
I have been waiting for you
You know I will adore you
Till eternity
So won't you please

(Be my be my baby) Be my little baby
(I want it only say) Say you'll be my darling
(Be my be my baby) Be my baby now
(I want it only say) Ooh, ohh, ohh, ohh, oh

So come on and please
(Be my be my baby) Be my little baby
(I want it only say) Say you'll be my darling
(Be my be my baby) Be my baby now
(I want it only say) Ooh, ohh, ohh, oh

To really get the most out of this song - you need to forget everything else, believe the song is YOUR SONG and stretch it out.

Sorry forgot to mention: by The Ronettes​
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What good times those were. :)

FYI AIG down 44% after hours, broader market down about 1% suggesting a give back of today's futile rally.
What good times those were. :)

FYI AIG down 44% after hours, broader market down about 1% suggesting a give back of today's futile rally.

The market is starting to see the writing on the wall. AIG deal is probably not going to happen. Bankruptcy tomorrow.