Steadygain's Account Talk


As my younger brother I have to mention that I think you choked at the bottom - a classic move. This market is geared for a nice rebound - if not today then perhaps tomorrow, if not tomorrow then perhaps soon. All I can do is wait for the next journey to start.

As my younger brother I have to mention that I think you choked at the bottom - a classic move. This market is geared for a nice rebound - if not today then perhaps tomorrow, if not tomorrow then perhaps soon. All I can do is wait for the next journey to start.

Well my dear friend - we have to take occasional hits by getting into the broad Markets. I have no problem riding the waves of "Corrections" and more often have gained during volitile times.

But as a Professional BEAR HUNTER - That is something I would avoid when I'm convinced it's starting. I suspect the Housing Sector; increasing unemployment; the actual number of jobs already lost in the recent months; inflation; and continued weakness in the Financial Sector will likely herald in a true BEAR MARKET unlike anything we've seen so far. If what I see comes to pass then I'd a thousand times rather be in G Fund throughout the course.

I'm fine where I am Birch - so if the Markets would actually have a substantial sustained rally I'd be thrilled for you. IF NOT - you will simply DCA to the bottom and I'll join you there.
Steady, I believe that if you are patient, the "rally" you missed today will pale in comparison to how cheap you will be able to buy stocks in the next 6-12 months. Too bad Birch won't sell high and buy back lower...classic "choking at the top" :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

You can always fall back on the old 50/200 moving crossover method (or 100/200 EMA as I prefer). We are nowhere near a crossover with those methods, so take your time!

You don't realize that I have several personal accounts that I invest my money into. This year I sold many of my commodity type stocks on their highs making really nice profits and bought many, many banking stocks on their lows. My TSP account has always been a long term buy and hold approach which has usually been very successful over time. As you get older perhaps you'll seek the profits that are available in the wider arena of investing as your cash weightings improve. It does take money to make money. I can assure you that you wouldn't want my capital gains obligations for next year.
Steady, I believe that if you are patient, the "rally" you missed today will pale in comparison to how cheap you will be able to buy stocks in the next 6-12 months. Too bad Birch won't sell high and buy back lower...classic "choking at the top" :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

The news of Fannie/Freddie being finalized is way more significant to me than today's Market reaction and I'm thrilled everything is out in the open and it's largely over.

I don't want to beat a dead horse - and I've made my position on things pretty clear. The fact is: If the economy is like a 'growing child' - MONEY is the blood that keeps it healthy. The loss of blood over the past year is tremendous - way bigger than the Media is projecting - and we've barely seen the symptoms emerge because few of us are directly connected to the BANKS - to the COMPANIES forced to close down - The HUGE number of Job Cuts - and the DEBT LOOMING over everyone. So I agree with you; for me it is way better to not let your assets decline at the begining of (and through the course of) a TRUE BEAR MARKET.

But I admire Birch immensely and in some ways he's got an advantage of not having to wonder how the Markets are doing from one day to the next - and in the long run (years down the line) he'll do well. For the TSP - I should come out ahead if things pan out as you and I see it.

Oh good - I'm glad you said something Birch. I've just been slowly collecting my thoughts and doing a few previews as I write. Listen my brother (and mentor) I doubt anyone on the MB has a better grasp of your financial condition and the outstanding accomplishments you've made - more than me. But strictly from a TSP Perspective - the G Fund is meant for BEAR MARKETS - and I honestly see it comming.

You don't realize that I have several personal accounts that I invest my money into. This year I sold many of my commodity type stocks on their highs making really nice profits and bought many, many banking stocks on their lows. My TSP account has always been a long term buy and hold approach which has usually been very successful over time. As you get older perhaps you'll seek the profits that are available in the wider arena of investing as your cash weightings improve. It does take money to make money. I can assure you that you wouldn't want my capital gains obligations for next year.

Right...I'm sure you make money rotating out of sectors and such...I'm just a 100% TSP guy with the goal of beating the market. I don't have time for all those individual stocks and it would consume me. I like keeping it simple.
I like keeping it simple.

Me too Corepuncher; so let me say this as simply as possible.

Please don't use my thread to pick on Birch - and then he won't have to respond. Of course his style is hugely different from 'ours' but I love him like a brother and that's rare for me.

S&S - you're the one exception (as you're probably even closer than me).

You never seem to want to be a believer. Go back through my posts and you will see where I've posted a good many of my sales and purchases. As an example I peeled off shares of my MOS (Mosaic) at $94, $110, $122, $131 and finally liquidating the entire position at $145. It had previously run up to $160 but I was close enough to the top. That particular stock today is trading at $88. Some of the other stocks I sold on their highs were: TRA, AGU, LNN, CSX, BAYRY, CNX, WLL, CF and a few I'm probably forgetting. But when you deal in multi-hundreds of shars to include a few thousand the money realy adds up fast. I'm not a bit concerned about my temporary downside in my TSP account because I have no plans for the money until years from today.
I'm not a bit concerned about my temporary downside in my TSP account because I have no plans for the money until years from today.

Very few are in your situation my brother and friend; but still I'd rather see you hold on to what you have and not lose anything over the months to come than to have wait years to gain it back.

SugarandSpice: Forget the Market stuff for once and ignore any of the stocks. This is the time to reflect on far greater things. Driving home the other week Stevie Nicks came on the radio and immediately I was carried away into a far greater world.

It was like I was floating in outer space - in the wide open with no boundries; no walls, ceiling, or floor. Little blue specks of light drifted down like a light steady rain - but they traveled more the speed of snow. When they touched you - they vanished in air and you didn't feel them - but the whole atmosphere was perfet - incredibly tranquil and Stevie Nicks' voice and music set the tone.

So EVERYONE JOIN ME - this is my world and these are the kind of things I'll drift away in for awhile. I'm now in "retirement mode" for the TSP - so it's time to just chill and enjoy.
Stevie Nicks' voice and music set the tone.

So EVERYONE JOIN ME - this is my world and these are the kind of things I'll drift away in for awhile. I'm now in "retirement mode" for the TSP - so it's time to just chill and enjoy.

"To the gypsyyyyy that remainnnnnns, that
faces freedommmmmm with a little fearrrrrrrr,"

Your in the comfort zone my friend,,,,good to see ! Peace of mind is as
under rated as the (G) Fund is, in a Bear Market. Lighting a Candle is
acceptable, but we'll have no chanting ! :toung:
I guess Bulls**t is impossible to avoid.
What can I say: Whatever becomes our endeavor seems to take priority and we go forward in an endless persuit to launch attacks on Barclays, FTRIB, Every politician and any relative (or associate) they could have, and everything else under the sun or in the universe that may annoy us.

Somehow - we're convinced that others will join us and maybe our voice counts for something. But on the whole Bulls*** is just that - and I really don't care.

So let me remind everyone that each and every one of us is equally important - and we all can make this a great place (or we can make it like a battlezone).

The G Fund is guaranteed to never go down in value and I have given what insights I can for everyone's benefit.

Peace, Love, Rock n Roll
My good man - look at the price of oil today. It's down $4.44 to $101.97 - it's time to rejoice. Better days are coming. All this negative market sentiment is just what the bull ordered - the fewer on the bus the faster the bus can travel.
Wow Steady,

Where'd that come from? A post, the board, what? I moved to the "G" yesterday, and I did it solely on the advice of 350Z, whom I miss. Anyway, throw on some Doors, maybe Riders on the Storm, to ease back into the groove!!!

Here's to you~Stay:cool:

Wow Steady,

Where'd that come from? A post, the board, what? I moved to the "G" yesterday, and I did it solely on the advice of 350Z, whom I miss. Anyway, throw on some Doors, maybe Riders on the Storm, to ease back into the groove!!!

Here's to you~Stay:cool:


Sorry man,
My work is way busier than any of you could realize and it's been hectic.

I do need to chill - THANKS.

Birch, I am afraid we are entering a new era and leaving the correctional waves of the past - where one day things are down and the next we can expect a rebound. I honestly believe a real BEAR is taking control and to be outside of G Fund in a BEAR MARKET is a mistake. F Fund will look good for a moment - but only G guarantees no loss - so I am in for quite awhile.

I do hope you the best - in fact I hope the best for everyone.
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Driving home the other week Stevie Nicks came on the radio and immediately I was carried away into a far greater world, where the sexiest and most soothing voice takes over.

I was floating in a space that was wide open with no boundries, walls, ceiling, or floor. Little blue specks of light drifted down like a light steady rain - but they traveled like snow. When they touched you - they vanished in air and you didn't feel them - but the whole atmosphere was perfet - incredibly tranquil and her voice and music dominated everything.

If this is a BEAR MARKET - how will we as a group move forward; especially if it goes on for months. With C -3.41%, S-3.82%, and I -3.24% on a farily regular basis - it will be an experience I've never had here before. Hopefully a real BEAR MARKET will help us all to see how trivial other things are in comparrison. I am thrilled the TSP has a guaranteed Fund for even the very worst of times and to be blessed in so many ways.

Thanks Norm, will always try to leave on a good note.:)

Have a great night everyone.