Steadygain's Account Talk

Thank you my friend. The feelings are mutual.

BTW - I hope my plans regarding the Prison System didn't bother you or anyone else working in (or with) the prisons. I simply thought of various changes I'd love to enact - with a mindset that all things are possible.

Honestly my friend, I believe I missed your prison reform ideas. Send me
the post link and I'll review them for content and contraband :toung:. I could
then give you my opinion concerning the changes you would like to enact.
I'll have some fun along the way ! ;)
I married the "S Fund" for better (or for worse).

The last Election the Wilshire 4500 went from 425 to over 500 in a few months.

The biggest and fastest gain coincided with Election Time (even before Bush won) but once momentum took over it kept going.

I'd like to see the dirt get packed down a bit - as the liklihood of a similar RALLY will not come to pass if we go up too soon. If history repeats itself (and this election has way more momentum than any previous election) the Wilshire 4500 could easily hit 650 or better.

People are NOT going into this election with Doom and Gloom. They are all going with confidence that their vote will squash the "unworthy opponent" and herald in "the real winner". To me it makes little difference (and I really mean that) - as long as the general sentiment is upbeat and the Markets coincide as I'm hoping then I will end the year on a very good note.

I walked in the wrong office; maybe even the wrong building, but there she was and I'd seen that look so many times before...

So I confidently locked in on her - communicated with the same expression - as I slowly made my way to greet her.

The energy was good and the connection was undeniable, but I quickly sensed this lady had a lot more than beauty - she was smart and extremely preceptive and so I knew exactly where to start...

What's your view of the drugs...the economy...

It was the perfect opening, but little did I dream she'd have so much to share. As she elaborated on her "heartfelt views" and the depth that she was in touch with these things I was swayed to follow her.

When she finished she asked if I'd ever considered the brain on a deeper level - especially the wiring and the unique aspects that made a woman different from a man. In the end she seemed as impressed with me as I was with her and I bid her a fair adieu.

I would encourage everyone to really dig down and find what each canidate believes and what they value. If any canidate stands out as "speaking your heart" and representing values that are majorly important to you - then you should vote for them regardless of what anyone thinks.
Too much - too fast is all I can think to explain this.

With falling Oil and a Stronger Dollar - I would have expected a better day. But it started so high - it could only go down.
I'm disappointed in the Markets, as I felt we were moving up too fast.

So I was hoping for a substantial sell off and for the Wilshire 4500 to drop to 585 and linger there for a little while. Kind of hoping a feeling of dread would permeate - because a "feeling of dread" would all the more set the stage for "enthusiasm and revival"

Today looks like a perfect day so far. The Wilshire 4500 is approaching 585 and that is good for me. If it settles in the area of 580 to 585 - that to me is an excellent sign and everything is going exactly as I had hoped back in May.

I still see all this as EXCELLENT - LONG TERM GAINS (3 to 4 months).

When the European Markets get clobbered - the dollar is getting stronger and the economy is getting ready.

I do not see the "job cuts" as anything to overly be concerned about as it's an inevitable consequence of the damaged Financial Sector.
Well, it's off to the Dog House. :embarrest::worried:

I'm just not into "the scene" - the bad vibes and the feeling we're swirling down the drain. So I've got enough to finish the day.

Birch - should you happen to come on; I'd love to get your insights on Fannie and Freddie.
"Huston, we have a PROBLEM"

The FRTIB is more than likely the only source to direct our concerns regarding Barclays' difficulties and them being in charge of "the TSP Fund". More than likely the bulk of us would agree to bringing TSP Fund control under US Jurisdiction.

1. Only the "3,000" recognize the situation at hand.
2. The "3,000" are known collectively as a source of trouble.

Humm, no idea how to handle this one folks. Any letter I could write would reflect "the 3,000" and therefore the only way to get anywhere is by finding a different avenue.

You all know way more than me. Is there a higher Branch in the Federal System that could make some changes. Here I would in no way be slamming Barclays, but rather respectfully point out the huge difficulties they are going through and my preferance for a Financial Institution directly under the Fed's Control.
DOL and Congress have oversight of FRTIB and TSP. Details are posted elsewhere on the MB, DOL site and can be googled easily.

I'm not exactly pleased with financial institutions under the fed's and government's control either, their management isn't anything to brag about with all those writedowns...say how about turning it over to Fannie or Freddie? Would those guys like to have our $350B to play with and churn?

What we need is ACTIVE oversight, effective controls, an elected not politically appointed Board, guarantees against fund manager mishandling of the TSP that violates the investment directives; these are just a few of the many "fixes" our educated MB participants have posted here.
DOL and Congress have oversight of FRTIB and TSP. Details are posted elsewhere on the MB, DOL site and can be googled easily.

I'm not exactly pleased with financial institutions under the fed's and government's control either, their management isn't anything to brag about with all those writedowns...say how about turning it over to Fannie or Freddie? Would those guys like to have our $350B to play with and churn?

What we need is ACTIVE oversight, effective controls, an elected not politically appointed Board, guarantees against fund manager mishandling of the TSP that violates the investment directives; these are just a few of the many "fixes" our educated MB participants have posted here.

I could certainly see "us" comming up with a lot of good plans... as we are so solidly in tune.
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......Humm, no idea how to handle this one folks. Any letter I could write would reflect "the 3,000" and therefore the only way to get anywhere is by finding a different avenue.

You all know way more than me. Is there a higher Branch in the Federal System that could make some changes. Here I would in no way be slamming Barclays, but rather respectfully point out the huge difficulties they are going through and my preferance for a Financial Institution directly under the Fed's Control.

Being one of the 3000,(Stupid Letter) and since I started watching the blossoming friendship of you,L2R, and SB, I have learned one thing: Research!

I suggested an advocacy:

But L2R seems to make sense on the new construct of a board. (See below)

I have always believed that the "L" funds somehow diminished the funds but was surprised to know that Braveheart (posted today) actually showed how the conflict directly with the "F" fund. SHOCKING!

Yes Houston, and the rest of America, WE HAVE A PROBLEM! Maybe a more "independent" oversight of funds or a split of two companies handlingour money is in order. (Don't fry me too bad on that L2R!)

We need more of a voice!:cool:
I started watching the blossoming friendship of you,L2R, and SB, I have learned one thing: Research!

I can honestly say that you've been making a very good impression and please don't ever think that "we" are excluding you.

My bonds with Birch and some others go even beyond what you see here. I'm pressed for time and need to rush to the hospital (sorry) but L2R, SB, and I simply have allowed our energies to blend and we have a unique abiltity to appreciate the various aspects.

But here I would say "jump aboard" and be part of the unconditional love and unity we offer.
Thanks Steady, I wasn't digging for that but it made my day.

I can't wait to see, where we will be, in two thousand twenty-three (my retirement year!)

Thanks Steady, I wasn't digging for that but it made my day. :cool:

I'm thrilled for that. ;):)

With my ongoing investigations into the problems with the "Federal System" - I thought about sharing my findings here. The more I found - the more I thought "everyone should know this" - but as time went on I was convinced that no one needed to know because there is nothing they could do to change it; and all the more this is the worst possible time to expose these things: AS GOVERNMENT IS AT IT'S ALL TIME HIGH.

Down the line the System will have to be trimmed down and thousands of "leaders" will disappear for the overall good; and for once "vacancies will not be left in their place". We simply do not need layer after layer after layer of leaders with a wide variety of tittles...but that's just the start and I honestly don't want to get into it.

I'm only sharing this because there are many other things we could talk about that are equally frustrating and disheartening.

For me Frixxxx - it all boils down to the same thing over and over; whether it's Barclays, the TSP, the Federal System, or where all of us will be in the year 2023. I have something deep within that goes beyond anything on this planet and all the "uncertainties" that's associated with our world. To me the most important aspect of life is knowing there is something Bigger - something Stronger - something more WONDERFUL than everything else put together. Whether it's real (or not) doesn't make any difference to me because I totally - completely believe that "I've found it".

So when I compare what I have found - and what I can always find when I search deeply enough - then I realize there's nothing that can really take that peace away. Somehow I think you know what I'm talking about - AND I'M GLAD YOU DO.

Have a great night Frixxxx - Mamikin (my forever strongest anchor) and everyone else.
"Huston, we have a PROBLEM"

The FRTIB is more than likely the only source to direct our concerns regarding Barclays' difficulties and them being in charge of "the TSP Fund". More than likely the bulk of us would agree to bringing TSP Fund control under US Jurisdiction.

1. Only the "3,000" recognize the situation at hand.
2. The "3,000" are known collectively as a source of trouble.

Humm, no idea how to handle this one folks. Any letter I could write would reflect "the 3,000" and therefore the only way to get anywhere is by finding a different avenue.

You all know way more than me. Is there a higher Branch in the Federal System that could make some changes. Here I would in no way be slamming Barclays, but rather respectfully point out the huge difficulties they are going through and my preferance for a Financial Institution directly under the Fed's Control.

Number 1: How do we educate the other 3 million plus that there may be a problem.:notrust: The more of us the more the FRTIB gets nervous.

Number 2: I wonder if the FRTIB is still monitoring our MB. If we the "3000" can see between the lines. (sorry I just feel like I am one in solidarity with the 3000) Who else is starting to look and listen???:confused:

May the force be with us.:cool:
Number 1: How do we educate the other 3 million plus that there may be a problem.:notrust: The more of us the more the FRTIB gets nervous.

Number 2: I wonder if the FRTIB is still monitoring our MB. If we the "3000" can see between the lines. (sorry I just feel like I am one in solidarity with the 3000) Who else is starting to look and listen???:confused:

May the force be with us.:cool:

It's great to see you're becoming such an active member and you have a lot to offer. It was only towards the end of yesterday that I got enough information to address your concerns.

TO NUMBER ONE: We do not educate the 3 million plus others; if anything it would be the other way around. They choose how they want to invest and stick with it. They have no doubt that their TSP is safe and that everything will work out for them. They are not of the mind set to challenge the System.

We would collectively sound like wild animals in a freenzy - driven by fear - and consumed with the wild belief that "the system is crashing and the TSP is disappearing".

That is a message the 3 million plus would not want to hear and it is one that would be guaranteed to cost you your job.

TO NUMBER TWO: If the sun rises in the East and sets in the West then I can absolutely guarantee you that THEY ARE monitoring this site.

But here - I do NOT see the FRTIB as my (or our) enemy.

1. DOL and Congress have oversight of FRTIB - that means on the highest level of Government they are protected and monitored.

2. They are a politically appointed Board. In the current Administration there are 3,000 politically appointed individuals in charge of the Federal System at various levels. APPOINTED by the PRESIDENT of the U.S.A. To challenge any of them is challenging the President himself; not a smart move.


SO the best advise I could give you (or anyone else) regarding both of your questions is TAKE A STAND AND KNOW BEYOND THE SHADOW OF ANY DOUBT WHY YOU ARE TAKING THE STAND YOU TAKE.

I myself am not about to challenge Congress, DOL, or the "Authority" who appointed the Board. FRTIB (in my belief) are going to operate in a manner that exemplifies INTEGRITY,TRUST and HONOR.
How would you function when your appointed to this position knowing Congress and DOL are keeping tabs??? And here I would say - even if I believe a fairy tale - please do not tell me BECAUSE it's way better for me personally TO BELIEVE the FAIRY TALE and be content and happy - than to not believe.

So even if I stand alone - that makes no difference to me because I know where I stand and why I stand where I do.

So if you're into POLITICS - then this tread is the wrong place because it's way over my head and I've got enough on my plate as it is. Sorry folks, but it's not my thing.
Quote.. And here I would say - even if I believe a fairy tale - please do not tell me BECAUSE it's way better for me personally TO BELIEVE the FAIRY TALE and be content and happy - than to not believe. UnQuote..

Steady on, Steady; I'm with you, all we have to do is keep the faith that protects us from the fear, it is HIS plan that counts, not ours. I do believe that life is a wheel, what goes around comes around. It is also important that some wheels, perhaps all wheels are larger or smaller and turn at different speeds. God bless you Steady, and all of us also.