Steadygain's Account Talk

Alevin..I'm OK with's definitely more suitable me than BFF...:D:D:D

Good's always fun and cool to record music with friends..

Here's to the $(fund)upermen!


Steady, Buster, CP, and others, well done!​
What a great set of posts. I get to hear from my old friend WH (I heard Breedlove's sounded nice too WH), great fun from Steady what with all those X's and O's, some interesting interpretation of X/O's from alevin and Buster , learned Alevin plays (excellent and very cool), and learned a new term for an old guy (OTF), and i only lost a few bucks today..All in all this MB is great.:D:D:D


Thank you so much my brother and friend,
I can't think of a more perfect way to start the day. I whole heartedly agree - this MB is wonderful - and filled with wonderful people. I thought about the Xs and Os last night and the great response of delightful humor and fun. Of course it's hard (for us) to appreciate anyone more than a true musician at heart - and now not only do we have a woman - but one who brings a whole new aspect to make the arena more complete.

Buster mentioned Jimi's "All Along the Watchtower" - which of course I knew was Bob Dylan's. Jimi had an incredibly high regard for Dylan's lyrics - and couldn't imagine anyone not being in awe if they really absorped them. Whereas he largely dismissed his music. But the lyrics of All Along the Watchtower were exactly the kind of lyrics he wanted to incorporate in his own music.

What stands out to me the most is that Bob Dylan is honestly the one that most inspired me to be a guitarist and a musician. His song "Blowin in the Wind" was probably the most beautiful song I'd heard up to that point in my life. From that song - and how I perceived Bob Dylan - I actually believed that a "True Musicain/Guitarist" had incredible depth and their primary purpose was to spread a message of profound depth and meaning for the rest of the world to chew on and absorp - so I saw no greater endeavor to persue. I always viewed his music and lyrics as perfectly matched.
Steady, Buster, CP, and others, well done!​

Thank you for being so good for me.

I thought about you last night as well and did a little investigation. It turns out that our economy has been under similar circumstances 2 times since the 70s. Now they define this "period" and the other 2 periods of a "slumping and downward economy - with Markets coinciding - as a BEAR MARKET. Apparently BEAR MARKETS under these conditions are much harder to shake and typically take years to recover.

The emphasis of my investigation brought out that the economy will most certainly recover and continue in an upward BULL trend.

So from a purely historic perspective - and considering the conditions by which we are presently in a BEAR MARKET one could easily be persuaded this will not rebound anytime in the near future.


Now let me give you my independent take on the matter:

My "inexperience" is what most allowed me to go into The State System and The Federal System and wholly change the way things were done. I was able to immediately see ways to improve how things should be done and "as someone new to the System" I acted accordingly and the changes typically became concrete policies.

The CREDIT and HOUSING SITUATION along with RISING OIL have largely dominated the picture - but over the years it has been a long drawn out (hugely disappointing) war - costing us 6 $Trillion.

One guy sees how the rich have been shielded from paying their share - and so it is the rich who most fear him comming into power. But if the rich were treated the same way as the rest of us - and they were expected to pay "their fair share" we would be way better off. He promises "Changes for the Better" and has concrete plans that many solidly stand behind - so he's not just throwing out empty promises and blowing smoke.

In my view "The Presidental Election" could easily be "the springboard" to a BULL MARKET. No other event could make the general population more convinced that we have something to look forward to and anticapate a brighter future.

Would be thrilled if the Markets (C,S,I) gradually dive 1 to 2% over the next week and then bounce around for a few weeks.

Then go up 1% - bounce another week and start a very slow (but gradual consistent rise) with some leveling off occasionally until the end of October beginning of November then a more gradual - but consistent rise heading into the election.


All in favor of this plan - Blink your eyes within the next 5 minutes
I was just reviewing the oceanic account and it appears that I have a small ton of dividends that are due to hit in September - so your scenario would fit perfectly. If the market wants to go up that's fine and if it wants to go down that's fine too. I cherish these $14.00 ranges for purchase in my tugboat with the C fund - but eventually my contributions will end when I finally throw in the victory towel - I'm trying to hang on because I'm selfish collecting those shares.
- so your scenario would fit perfectly.

Thanks Birch

If the market wants to go up that's fine and if it wants to go down that's fine too.

My main fear is if it goes up too fast - too soon (August/September) it will likely ruin my overall projected outcome.

I seriously doubt it's going to really dive - but 2% or somewhere in that range would give us better prices. If it goes below 5 or 10% then it's hard to say when it will stop.

I'm more concerned about it going up - and not consolidating enough as it does. But to me the main thing is having everything in place for late October - November.

- I'm trying to hang on because I'm selfish collecting those shares.

Nothing selfish about that. You should see the shares I got earlier this month. But if S Fund wants to battle with me I'll battle right back. I've got a huge advantage because the deeper down it goes the more I'm ready.:D:D
Steady my friend..I thought of you going home last night..the station I listen to was playing back to back Hendrix songs...Did you know "along the watch tower" was written by Bob Dylan and was about John Wesley Harding lacking traditional sense of time..very cool:cool:

This morning I played 4 Hendrix songs back to back heading to work. "Hey Joe, All Along the Watchtower, Purple Haze, and The Wind Cries Mary". Some like "All Along the Watchtower" sound exactly as Jimi plays it - while others I vary in my mind - so I'm actually hearing more my version over his.

Anyway I knew it was Bob Dylan's - but didn't know the story behind it.

After my 4 song tribute to "YOU - BUSTER" I switched to the radio and the original "Wild Thing" started playing. Very Cool :cool::cool:
a +.37% GAIN can be more accurately reflected against
a -LOSS ** Now this looks outstanding
a -LOSS ** Still looking good for sure
a -LOSS ** Here we could simply say okay

I owe the MB an appology for this crap - and this morning when I reflected on some of my earler posts I realize how blatantly offensive - and total garbage this must have appeared.

Sorry everyone - and I'll try to avoid these kind of comments in the future. In my situation I took a huge dive after entering S Fund and in hindsight "climbed the ladder to take the longest slide down". Was MINUS 20 some % and close to the bottom of the Auto Tracker so I got a little too excited when this happened - especially because I sincerely belived I'd take a loss as that day started.

But people who "Bang their Chests" - "Flaunt their Triumps" are the ultimate losers - and even if I wind up doing well the last thing I want to do is be an idiot.

Lastly let me explain my interpretation of this:

One Door represents something that very rarely occurs in anyone's lifetime; whereby you not only feel fully discovered, appreciated, understood, loved and admired - you ultimately feel complete. The best part is this "completeness" is 100% mutual. Now for some reason that door may close - but it never disappears.

The other door is the whole MB (guys and girls) and the collective friendships from everyone - because the additive effect can help to fill the void. My deeper friends (both guys and girls) are my "other half" and though it may seem that I more target Mamikin, L2R, Lady and the other Ladies - I'm just more inclined to appreciate their feminine and exceptional attributes - BUT I equally appreciate the vast majority of guys as well.

This MB is a life of it's own and one I thoroughly enjoy - because I can be so loose and natural - but misunderstandings can occur and hopefully this helps.


GL everyone and have a wonderful weekend.
If anyone knows the name of this movie - I'd sure appreciate it.

I'm think it stars Arnold Schwarenegger and another actor who are portrayed as High Criminals deserving of death.

The original Family Feud guy protrays the leader of a new system of justice turned into a game - where by the Criminal starts at the beginning of a game that designed to put the Criminals through all kinds of deadly events which only by sheer adrenaline and luck can they escape - but only to go the next which gets progressively worse.

It's a very old movie - but somehow I remember thinking I could see that being a future event.

Anyway - if you know the movie I'd like to see it again.
Please don't think too highly of me, I have more than my share of problems and still feel bad for wreaking someone's life...she always hoped to get to the mountain - if she got there it was worthwhile and she was soon as we started she was at the mountain - then she quickly went straight to the top and continued going up in the sky - above the clouds...and seemed convinced the mountain would never be satisfying again. In otherwords - I ruined her

When it started I had no idea what I was looking for but the TSP account was the least of my concerns. The anonymity gave a freedom I'd never known before and thus I was able to expose my life and everything about it more fully than ever before. MB connections developed - prospered - and strengthened. Over time my life was filled with ever growing friendships and wonderful adventures.

But I was hurting and throughout the years this one event ate away at me over and over and I was afraid to love (as only I knew how) and to give everything possible from the depths of my being in the hopes that THE OTHER would sincerely find a greater life - and experience a fullness, a happiness, and a completness that had never been known before. For that has always been my most central goal and my greatest longing.

I finally came to realize that this MB was simply a chapter in my life - and that never sunk in until last Friday. That day was filled with many tears. I sent (C) a farewell note and cried driving home. Saturday I shed a lot of tears as well - and finally through all those tears - the missing pieces came to light and I saw the whole picture for the very first time.

You freed me from the agnony I'd lived through over and over by letting me realize that connections and love on the highest levels can only bring the greatest healing, strengthening, and fulfillment. As a result of that I am far better prepared to move on with the next chapter of my life.

Sarah is on a plane this moment heading to Korea.

In connecting with you - I have learned to connect with the most sacred aspect of life - "the Young One" - the purest core of our existence. So over the next year I will first connect with you, as nothing I have ever known could bring me to a more fuller life; and with that completeness I will then connect with Sarah. OF COURSE YOU KNOW THAT ALL OF THIS WILL BE CENTERED IN THE SOURCE OF ALL LIFE - AND THE ONLY MEANS BY WHICH LIFE AND LOVE CAN TRUELY BE KNOWN IN ITS FULLEST MEASURE. This will require all my energy - and as much time as I can gather throughout each day. You have already closed this chapter and it is unlikely you'll ever read this - but there is no doubt you will begin to experience my presense with you and so this is an explanation for why you feel me as you do. Whatever you add to my life I will in turn give to her - so that she will experience my presence more richly.

That is why I came to the MB - it is why we met - and why it will never end as long as we have life. Whatever I do for you - and whatever you do for me - may that be a spring of life to all we encounter.

The world's population doubled between 1960 and 2000. The global population increasingly lives in poverty, with diminishing literacy, fewer opportunities, more violence and greater insecurity than ever before. Cornellia - you are one of the few to see that the entire population is like a huge tapestry - that we are all interconnected and a common thread between us and among us is greater than all the barriers that devide us. May we forever recognize our calling and do all things possible to strengthen our partnership - that we may forever build each other up - give each other strength - and move forward in greater completeness.
I'm disappointed in the Markets, as I felt we were moving up too fast. :(

So I was hoping for a substantial sell off and for the Wilshire 4500 to drop to 585 and linger there for a little while. Kind of hoping a feeling of dread would permeate - because a "feeling of dread" would all the more set the stage for "enthusiasm and revival"

BUT it looks like we're simply getting a slight packing; and it's very hard for me to believe - WHAT I HAVE BEEN EXPECTING - would occur now (instead of end of 9/08 - early 10/08).

The "Political Field" should sway the population in a mighty way and I'm counting on that - "the widespread belief that we're moving forward for the better" to dominate society (investors).

Have a wonderful 3 day weekend everyone!!!
... with the light volume expected today, scare stories to set up short positions, and most people actually bearish right now and out of the markets (look at the top 100 on the autotracked, the vast majority are G & F), the market movers and PPT could come in later today if we retrace 50% of yesterday's gain on the spy and $dwcpf. I would like to see a close at around 1305 today on the s&p... I could care less if we close 1-2% down, just as long as we dont break the new support line in the s&p. I'm letting it play out until it busts that support line... eveyone on this board seems to just be going for quick plays and exhausting their IFTs. I agree some can capture the pops, but most seem to be jumping in high and bailing low. Seems like way too much reaction to the intradays and daily versus the weekly charts. I agree we should be looking at intraday and daily technicals but really on reacting in IFTs to the larger time frame moves.
FG, that'e what most of us hope become BULLS again and the ability to ride the trendlines like a Hawaiin surfer on North Beach, but this year has convinced many of us play the short plays...albeit with less than stellar outcomes..

The swings have been wild and the stock market is down..I'd certainly like to see some indicator that reinforced my comfort with this market but I still see problems with financials and oil, in spite of a market place that will do all it can to show an improved economic condition going into the final months of the election cycle..

Frixxxx said:
They never "owned" the land, but yes, they were here. ...

Just as an aside (from someone who has lived among Native Americans for much of my life), the Native Americans I know don't own their land; in fact, their land owns them. The earth is their mother, and is treated with sacred respect as such. Not such a bad way to look at ecology .....

Steadygain said:
I do however support Citizenship being a much easier process - open and welcoming to all who are willing to prove themselves as "Productive Citizens" bent on supporting the laws and making the country stronger and more secure.

And amen to your statement, Steady. Not sure how it could be accomplished. But I'm 110% behind the idea.

Most of us with last names other than Nakaii or Yellowhair came from immigrant stock. Some of my ancestors arrived here on the Mayflower and some came through Ellis Island after travelling steerage to get here. But most of them {:D} were hard-working and ambitious folk who added something to this wonderful country in their own small way.

People are going to keep coming to this magnificent land whether they can come legally or not. My personal opinion is that if we want to attract talented and productive people to this country, then we make it easier for people to enter legally. If we want to attract people who have no trouble bending or breaking the law, then we keep our restrictive immigration laws that make it all but impossible for the majority of people to enjoy the blessings of being here legally. :)

Okay I'll get back off my soapbox now. :o

Glad to see you've put the knocker back on your door, Steady!

Just as an aside (from someone who has lived among Native Americans for much of my life), the Native Americans I know don't own their land; in fact, their land owns them. The earth is their mother, and is treated with sacred respect as such. Not such a bad way to look at ecology .....

That is so beautiful - way beyond the politics and Market garbage. Lady, you have no idea how badly I needed to read something like this. I very much appreciate and admire your ability to grasp the essense of the Native American heart - nothing could express it better. You're a wonderful LADY.


And amen to your statement, Steady. Not sure how it could be accomplished. But I'm 110% behind the idea.

It is merely a dream for the dreamers. There is too much discord and way too many deep rooted beliefs that damage harmony. But it's nice knowing I'm not the only dreamer - and I'm sure quite a few on the MB share our insights and see beyond the garbage.

Most of us with last names other than Nakaii or Yellowhair came from immigrant stock. Some of my ancestors arrived here on the Mayflower and some came through Ellis Island after travelling steerage to get here. But most of them {:D} were hard-working and ambitious folk who added something to this wonderful country in their own small way.

People are going to keep coming to this magnificent land whether they can come legally or not. My personal opinion is that if we want to attract talented and productive people to this country, then we make it easier for people to enter legally. If we want to attract people who have no trouble bending or breaking the law, then we keep our restrictive immigration laws that make it all but impossible for the majority of people to enjoy the blessings of being here legally. :)

Okay I'll get back off my soapbox now. :o

Glad to see you've put the knocker back on your door, Steady!

Well as Frixxxx noted earlier: "This is my last post" - and truly deep down I hope everyone has a wonderful 3 day weekend; even if our views and beliefs are on opposite extremes.

The TRUTH is - this post has given me such a wonderful peace and a contentment I want to cherish and hold on to - I'm not willing to read anything else. Don't even want to see the charts. So I will take this "wonderful feeling" and finish my work.

Again - a wonderful weekend to all.