Steadygain's Account Talk

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Please fasten your seat-belts as we are in some turbulence.

Please note that the C and I winds are pushing their craft rapidly towards the bottom.

The F wind is still struggling to gain an upward momentum.

The S wind is the only one that has risen so high that even a downward turn still has the craft well maintained at 24,000 feet.

Weather patterns are sporatic - and can be dangerous - but the higher you are the better off you'll be.
Really it's better to go sideways today and breakout tomorrow!!! IMHO!:laugh:
I'm amazed at the volume S Fund had today - which is way more than it's had in quite awhile.

As long as F Fund has a downward projection - the day should end on a good signal. We'll hope for the best.
That's beautiful L2R,
An open life filled with love, acceptance, mutual respect and blending - that becomes deeply grounded over time - is probably the greatest treasure we could ever find.

With this comes a discovery that is rarely obtained - a discovery of your deep inner spirit becoming more complete and equally a discovery that gives you an undeniable awareness that you are uniquely making the other complete.

It's something we should all genuinely stive for and do everything possible to foster and we would probably be a thousand times more enriched if we allowed other doors to open. But somehow we are afraid this action will keep "the door" closed.

Life is complicated - because we make it that way - and this is probably the ultimate example. It is highly probable that the open door is by far the one that leads to the greatest blessings and allows life to be even more enriched - and makes us all the more prepared to be a blessing to all we encounter. But the fear of rejection, of disappointments, of misunderstandings have such an incredibly strong hold - it keeps us trapped and denies us the freedom to see the truth and discover even greater cimcumstances.

Thank you again, it's a very beautiful message.
Well folks,
Somehow I have the impression that many are holding their breath and crossing their fingers.

I would say in light of the EXCELLENT GAINS that have occured since 8/4 that we would need a day (or 2) of consolidation.

If last year was not a bear market - but a correction - then we can't expect continuous gains on the way back up. What we're seeing today is WONDERFUL - it's simply consolidation and not a huge drop with downward momentum. The fact that upward POSITIVE sentiment dominates is undeniable. The price of OIL is outstanding and I'm amazed it went to $113 - but that should largely drown out the other stuff.

I think this is an especially difficult time because most of us have been screwed by the Markets and it's hard to believe they are actually on the way up - and staying up. But at some point the correction has to end and only those fully invested will reap the rewards. I'd say the positive signals outweigh the negative ones. Therefore, as Birch would say "Be Right - Sit Tight"
Thank you for the words of wisdom, Steadygain, or would you rather Ferdinand? With only 15 minutes left to do an interfund transfer, my fingers were getting itchy, but now common sense prevails and "Be right, sit tight" makes more sense.
"Be right, sit tight" makes more sense.

IMHO, Tomorrow looks to be positive. NASDAQ just moved into positive territory. Fed is saying that rates will stay as they are for the short term. Russia decides to stop bombing Georgia (hopefully), Iran tones down its language..Oil is down hmmm....and the US is doing great in the Olympics..

Steady, I'm thinking (betting) that 100% C tomorrow is a good bet, but it's probably too late to complete the IFT.:D:D:D

Went for the BIG PLUNGE, 90G, 10C...I'm sorta convinced, but not wholly that were still pushing here goes nuttin honey..:D:D

Thank you for the words of wisdom, Steadygain, or would you rather Ferdinand? With only 15 minutes left to do an interfund transfer, my fingers were getting itchy, but now common sense prevails and "Be right, sit tight" makes more sense.

Mamikin, my previous post about finding good friends that allow you to believe and prosper - definately includes you.

To you and FS - I would say the climb up is usually always in a step wise fashion. The gains will always be followed by a slight fall back and then proceed higher with each consecutive gain.

We may still be in the "leveling off" stage of the game - which may mean a steeper drop; but still during a correction this is very good news - as a sustained step wise gain is far more likely to follow.

So Mamikin - If we go down more steeply than expected I would not bail, because that guarantees a loss and equally means you won't be in for the next move up. FS - I expect a "consolidation" to last a few days so you've locked in your gains.

GL to all
Can't help it that I'm a WILD and CRAZY GUY!!!!:D:D:D


WILD and CRAZY - is a good defination for musicians at heart who are thoroughly drawn into the beat and rhythm - who can effortlessly float within it and get lost in another world.

It's funny because I did a little research on Russian Spas today and realized how "perfect" that would be for me. And all the more I understand why it would be such a popular event. It is partly that "WILD and CRAZY" side experiencing a total freedom. Very Cool.

Anyway - I could go on and on - but the bottom line is: it sounds like we have a lot in common.
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I am an acoustic guitar musician...for 40 years now. Been playing Dylan, the Beatles, Neil Young, CSN&Y, Travelin Wilbury's, Clapton, and Tom Petty for longer than I can remember. I'm not an arpeggio kind of musician, mostly chords and straight forward acoustic leads (major and minor scales), but I love to play, and I can certainly relate to both your and Wind Hunter's love of all things muse..:D:D:D


I am an acoustic guitar musician...for 40 years now. Been playing Dylan, the Beatles, Neil Young, CSN&Y, Travelin Wilbury's, Clapton, and Tom Petty for longer than I can remember. I'm not an arpeggio kind of musician, mostly chords and straight forward acoustic leads (major and minor scales), but I love to play, and I can certainly relate to both your and Wind Hunter's love of all things muse..:D:D:D


And I'm a drummer ( THAT explains it, you say!) :D

I am an acoustic guitar musician...for 40 years now. Been playing Dylan, the Beatles, Neil Young, CSN&Y, Travelin Wilbury's, Clapton, and Tom Petty for longer than I can remember. I'm not an arpeggio kind of musician, mostly chords and straight forward acoustic leads (major and minor scales), but I love to play, and I can certainly relate to both your and Wind Hunter's love of all things muse..:D:D:D

I've played about the same time frame and pretty much the same groups along with others. My first electric guitar was a Gretch Country Gentleman (gold plated) - same as George Harrison's. The Beatles had a huge influence on me - in many ways (hair, clothes, freedom to evolve...) and then Hendrix came along. He played in a way that made him stand out and no one came close - it's like the guitar was a part of his being - linked directly to his soul. So he became my ultimate goal. Once I started writting my own songs I pretty much did my own thing from that point on. After I built a music room I felt I had evolved into Jimi - and was able to totally control feedback and distortion and do things without the slightest thought - I simply let one sound blend with the next and had a bunch of sounds I've never even heard him play - but I held a good beat to flow with and that's when I felt I'd reached the mountain top - when I had fully achieved what I'd set out to do. Mission accomplished.

The exact same thing happened in Karate - once I achieved my initial goal I walked away and never went back.

So I moved and the guitars were left untouched for years. Callouses on my fingers had disappeared. This summer when my family visited Sarah at her Mission Outreach - a big group that finished for the week were having a closing celebration. Sarah runs up (in desperation) and tells me the guitarist cut his hand and won't be able to play - and asked if I'd do it. So it was weird - because I started off MENTALLY (ya know more mechanically) strumming the various chords. Within a minute I fell under heavy conviiction and then played from my heart and soul. The group of workers really got into it and sang so beautifully - and according to my girls I really looked great - in the style I played. I'd say you have to know what I'm talking about - when it's from the heart and soul the mechanics are lost - as the music comes from you and not your instrument.
That's great Steady. Music is one of those joys that transcends us. When I'm in the groove playing music, I'm pretty certain I'm as Zen as a buddhist monk. What a great life..Thanks for sharing your experience..:D:D:D
