Steadygain's Account Talk

Remember one thing..I really am pulling your leg and having a good time bantering..I mentioned this in some other thread..I like to have fun and banter...I mean absolutely no harm...I love you all like brothers and I like to squabble accordingly..

Thats it Buster,,,,,,I'm tell'n MOM ! :nuts:
This is a girl that was eating and sleeping chemistry and physics with calculus and eventually graduated with a five year degree in chemical engineering and everyone says why are you in the Army. She is in the Army because she is my daughter and she recognized her responsibility as a patriot to her country.

Wow - I just got home and look at all that's happened.

Birch, we can't get around the BS in the world and that's just the way it is. Now they've got this "No child left behind" - so as long as you blink and move you make it through. We came out to one of the best known schools throughout the years and my daughters wound up getting a good education - but a lot of it was dreadfully boring because they had to keep reviewing what they'd already done so everyone could keep up.

Your daughter knows a whole lot more about life than 99.99999% of the entire population because everything boils down to CHEMISTRY and PHYSICS - so she is most definately the top of the top.

You got that bassackwards my friend - SHE IS IN THE ARMY BECAUSE SHE RECOGNIZED HER RESPONSIBILITY AS A PATRIOT TO HER COUNTRY (and that is wonderful and I deeply respect her for that) - and BECAUSE SHE IS THE DAUGHTER OF YOU AND YOUR WIFE. We can't leave big mama out - cause she had a big influence as well.
When Buzz was in the eighth grade my wife allowed her to skip Algebra I against my wishes. I forced her to take Algebra I, Geometry and Trigonometry at the same time when she was in the ninth grade - I had to see what she was made of. The guidance counselor at the time sent me a message that I was pushing her to fast - we were simply catching up to the other kids that were future oriented toward good colleges. She realized she had a knack for math and liked the idea of immediate satisfaction when arriving at a correct answer. She ended up taking every honors and advanced math class that was offered. She said to me the other day on the phone that she took courses no one wanted to take and now has opportunities that only a few can achieve. All I said was that father knows best.
All I said was that father knows best.

No argument from me on that one - I'd say you did a great job.

Now let's delve in my speciality for just a minute. Buzz is primarily the way she is due to Genetics - way more due to that than anything else - and the wonderful wiring of her brain. Math (and the extended field of math comes easy for her). She has tons of potiential and YOU made sure she sought it out and lived up to it. THAT'S THE BEST WE CAN DO.

It's not that Ann and I are pushing our kids to make straight A's or graduate with a 3.9 or better - it is that we have made them realize from the very first day that they should do the best they can and live life to the fullest - SEEK OUT YOUR POTIENTIAL AND STRIVE TO PUSH IT AS FAR AS YOU CAN.

So my guess is - it is not the fantastic grades that made us so proud of our wonderful daughters - it the inner character with mountains and mountains of strength and the determination they have to hold to what they are and prove themselves to the world.
Remember one thing..I come from where you have to be tough as nails to survive and there were no pansy assed punks to show me a softer example - so I have a good time bantering..I like to kick ass...I mean absolutely nothing but harm...if anyone gets in my I like to squabble accordingly..:D

Wow Buster, that is beautiful.

I'll put it to memory - and rattle it off at the next big biker convention - so they'll think it's for real - then I'll just walk around and glare in stranger's faces.

Thanks man - very cool !!
Father does know best - unfortunately there are too many kids in this country that don't have a live in father. Some will still do fine but too many young males end up serving their country with the Department of Corrections providing jobs for those that monitor them. We need to further tweak the welfare system to stop encouraging illegitimacy. The military is now accepting individuals that do not have a high school diploma and are making wavers for those that do not have a clean record - it's an opportunity for a new start for many.
Wow Buster, that is beautiful.

I'll put it to memory - and rattle it off at the next big biker convention - so they'll think it's for real - then I'll just walk around and glare in stranger's faces.

Thanks man - very cool !!

While your'e at it Steady, don't forget the chicks:

Hey, the both of you , back off..I feel like I'm getting gang banged here by a couple of biker chicks with hormone issues...You take everything I say so literally with all the snopes and google checks..why can't I for once point out something specific in error you said in your editorials?
Jeesssus, talk about double standards...<------insert :D
Father does know best.

Sorry Birch but I have to disagree BIG TIME on this one.

As a rule a mother has bonds that go way beyond what most men in general even begin to develop. By their wiring women have a huge advantage over us because they feel with their whole beings and they are very "relationship" oriented. So I would say on the whole a mother knows best and it would be very rare for a father to supercede her.

In my experience (what I have witnessed over the years) - men have a very easy time "making children" - but when it comes to developing bonds and being an intricate part of their lives from birth through elementary school and beyond THEY FAIL MISERABLY.

I'd say you are a rare example Birch - and for what you're expressing YOU ARE RIGHT. That is certainly the way God intended it to be. The man should be the ultimate source of strength and love and give the grounding and support for the wife to feed off of and in that kind of environment the child gets the very best.

Unfortunately I see men as being pretty lazy - non committal - and letting things just float where ever until the S*** hits the fan.

While your'e at it Steady, don't forget the chicks:

Never would forget the chicks my love. Already cleared it with WIND HUNTER.

Let me tell ya something darling - if you ever thought a song penetrated into your being and caused you to dance - and you are just moving (beautifully) without the slightest thought. THAT'S NOTHING COMPARED TO WHAT YOU'D HEAR WHEN HE AND I START JAMMING. We will have you moving like never before - you'll be under our spell my love - and loving every minute.
Originally Posted by Buster
Remember one thing..I come from where you have to be tough as nails to survive and there were no pansy assed punks to show me a softer example - so I have a good time bantering..I like to kick ass...I mean absolutely nothing but harm...if anyone gets in my I like to squabble accordingly..:D

Wow Buster, that is beautiful.

I'll put it to memory - and rattle it off at the next big biker convention - so they'll think it's for real - then I'll just walk around and glare in stranger's faces.

Thanks man - very cool !!

Somethings not quite right here:suspicious:
Nothing to support any shift to high risk yet.

The news is all garbage - looking for something to flag as a big deal to explain the big swing up - but it dies back down.

Voo Doo Mentality is now more alive than ever - if I go in the Markets will drop.

Have a good night everyone - and be cool.:cool:
Cornellia, my love,
Over the past week I've spent every spare moment in deep thought regarding the subject you asked me to write about: BREAKING DOWN CULTURAL BARRIERS. I would call this BECOMING A PLANETARY SOCIETY.

I am convinced that in order to become a Planetary Society science would need to rise to biomolecular, computer, and quantum revelolutions. THE GOOD NEWS is the most fundamental building blocks needed to achieve this is already underway. The biomolecular revelolution will give us a complete genetic description of all living things. From this knowledge we will be able to cure almost every known disease and easily feed the expanding population. We will undoubtedly be able to create unique life forms that will be able to transform chemical toxins and pollutants into useful materials. (this I can give you more details on later) The computer revelolution will link the peoples with a powerful global telecommunications system and form a unified economic network. Artificial Intelligence, that will far surpass all human intelligence combined, will insure stability and growth throughout the underlying fundamental sectors. The quantum revelolution will provide the power and the materials needed to build a planetary society and will transform the 3rd World regions to advanced centers.
...The BAD NEWS is our civilization is largely in a state of infancy. We are hopelessly fractured into bickering, jealous nations and deeply split along racial, religious, and national lines. Our civilization is so new that even 100 years ago we still got most of our energy from burning wood and coal.
...Our present population rose and exploded with the introduction of new technology and science that brought in "The Industrial Revelotion". AND NOW WE NEED SIMILAR REVELOTIONS FOR THE NECESSARY CHANGES TO GO FORWARD. So we are young enough to be like a spoiled child, unable to control its self-destructive temper tantrums and outbursts. Our immature history is deeply seated in the brutal sectarian, fundamentalist, nationalist, and racial hatreds over the thousands of years.
...We are just now beginning to really see a tendency towards a planetary civilization on several fronts: the rise of a global economy, the decline of nations, the rise of an international middle class, the development of a common global language, and the rise of a planetary culture. UNFORTUNATELY - MY DEAR SWEET LADY, WITH SUCH A GOOD HEART AND WONDERFUL ASPIRATIONS - I WILL SHOW YOU THAT THIS CAN NOT HAPPEN UNTIL THE END OF OUR CENTURY. And since this century is just getting started it means none of us will live to see it - but at least I can show you how the present civilization will be the ones to undergo the biggest changes the population has ever faced.

I need to take care of everything I did this morning and get ready for this afternoon. Anyway I honestly don't remember any message I sent to anyone yesterday because everything was a total blurr. Please know the barriers that devide the nations and the cultures will most definatley disappear in the years to come. And be content with that my love, because IT WILL HAPPEN. But under the present conditions - there is nothing I can write (or we can write together) to tear them down. The conditions that underlie our civilization first need to change through the Revelotions mentioned above - then and only then will the climate our society be sufficient to allow the changes to occur.
Cornellia, my love,
Over the past week I've spent every spare moment in deep thought regarding the subject you asked me to write about: BREAKING DOWN CULTURAL BARRIERS. I would call this BECOMING A PLANETARY SOCIETY.

I am convinced that in order to become a Planetary Society science would need to rise to biomolecular, computer, and quantum revelolutions...

Brilliant, Steady, just like everything you write!

This is possibly one of the ways we can all start raising awareness of the need to all become one nation, one country, undivided. There will be no need to request that schools teach certain students in different languages nationwide - Spanish, Ebonics, will be a thing of the past. And any person of any color, race or creed will not raise eyebrows if she/he becomes a presidential candidate.

Steady, multi-cultural integration/breaking multi-cultural barriers is more complex than it seems, as there are sociological obstacles due to the idiosincrasy of its people, but it is not an impossible feat.

For example, we are at the era of globalization, a markedly economic term to build bridges, and to draw near under the same umbrella, in theory, all countries. To date we can see positive and negative results, and I personally have mixed feelings about the whole system, as the most powerful nations do continue to take advantage of the less relatively developed countries. This subject in itself would take days to discuss but this is only to make a point.

We cannot assume that globalization will have the same effect be it negative or positive, in all nations. Evident example of this would be the European Community, united today by the Euro, but in which all countries operate and handle themselves according to their own values and idiosyncrasies.

All countries south of the US border down to Argentina and Chile, speak the same language, except for Brazil (Portuguese), and Haiti (French). Economic integration programs have been implemented since the latter part of the last century (NAFTA, and and there is an agreement with Caribbean countries, its name escapes me right now), as well as new agreements signed since the beginning of the current century,which are currently being considered for implementation in the near future. It is possible that a multinational integration may take place, and it is through the written and spoken word that the human race still communicates with one another. The language called Esperanto, created by Dr. Zamenhof in 1887, with the hope that it could be used as the universal language was the first attempt at universal integration, linguistically speaking. - You may remember my experience with this language when applying for admission to secondary education 7th-12th grade, it was the language used throughout the whole exam. - Now that would really be interesting, to integrate the Western, East and Middle East countries for them to communicate in one single language. This linguistic relationship would involve and include student exchange programs (which you already are working on, and I have in the past), the creation or re-creation of a universal language to unite all countries for a better understanding of its people.

I totally agree with you that some day there will be a PLANETARY SOCIETY, but for now we can start teaching our future leaders to have respect for other cultures and their people, to be open minded to a different mindset in the knowledge that because we think or learned something differently, we are not necessarily better than them. Right here at the MB, one member’s name is made up of two words in Portuguese and English, and I wrote this person asking if she/he was Brazilian. Indeed she/he was and we became friends. Imagine how many people worldwide are breaking barriers today just by the miracle of the internet communication.


Steady, thank you so much for this article on breaking multi-cultural barriers. I thought you had forgotten about that conversation we had a while back, and I was so pleasantly surprised to see you remembered, and as everything you write, insightful, eloquent and with lots of good feelings towards the whole wide world.

Your friend,

TSP Investments 101

Good Morning Class,

Today we will go over the importance of AVOIDING LOSS

To Maximize your TSP:
Use the G Fund when it is obvious that the Markets are going down.
The G Fund is guaranteed to never lose and when all those in High Risk are losing 1+% for consecutive days - week after week - your value remains strong and can not be damaged.

In the end you have more to invest when the Markets go back up.

Example - $100,000 to start (shift to G Fund)
Markets go down 3% or more.

Then Stabilize - $100,000 back to High Risk - it goes back up 3+% - You have a 3+% Gain
.We are just now beginning to really see a tendency towards a planetary civilization on several fronts: the rise of a global economy, the decline of nations, the rise of an international middle class, the development of a common global language, and the rise of a planetary culture.

The Greatest Obstacle to a planetary civilization is the fact that Political power resides with jealous nations - and this is where we are. The Era of Nations dominates everything and a whole lot will need to transpire before that changes.

Amazingly, Nations are a relatively new phenomenon which largely sprung from the Industrial Revelution and the rise of capitalism.

One of the main reasons there is so much strife and turmoil in the Middle East and Africa is that they were carved out the "Great Powers" - especially Britian and France. Typically the regions were sliced up according to a divide and conquer strategy, which made them easier to govern from London or Paris. Unfortunately - these artificial "political boundries" were often chosen TO INCREASE THE BICKERING BETWEEN ETHNIC GROUPS - and thus set the stage for the rest of the world to enjoy. Later on I can go over Iran's history - which is fascinating - because the Media has so much fed into what everyone believes. But if you knew how the people indigenous to this country were taken captive and made to work for the Great Power that took all their oil and left them with nothing; then you'd better understand how OVER TIME they saw how wrong that was and decided IT IS THEIR LAND AND THEIR OIL. But that is not the story anyone believes - everyone is led to believe they are all a bunch of crazy "Muslins" who hate foreigners. They are trouble and "We" are going to straighten them out.

I certainly believe that many will come to believe that a planetary civilization is the best thing for everyone and undoubtedly I would be able to prove that on many levels - but for now we are trapped by the jealous nations.
Markets are going down - but likely have a little ways to go.

I wish we had 3 ITFs a month - because for my typical strategy I (and probably most of us) only end up with 1 - real ITF to gain and then it's back to safety.

If we see a few more really good drops this week I'll probably move to high risk. It would be extremely unlikely for the Markets to go down another 3% without a bounce back up. So even if the Markets eventually reach a new low - some sizeable bounces can be grabbed along the way.

For me - the biggest problem is knowing we only get ONE real chance a month - so I'd be thrilled if it tanks another 5% about mid June - and then stay in high risk the rest of the month.
S&P Going Higher

A sluggish, but not disastrous, economy should provide a decent backdrop for equities and should allow inflation fears to calm," Doll said in a report on Monday. BlackRock, which manages about $1.1 trillion in assets, is one of the world's largest publicly traded investment management firms.

I would say Doll knows what he's talking about. That means this year should actually pan out well for those willing to take the risk.
Good Morning Everyone,
Yesterday the computers went down so I had no way of being with the MB Family and was going through withdrawals.

Well the Financials are getting clobbered but the general public will be largely shielded from "the unpleasant news" because they now go directly to the FED for more money without the "BAILOUT" news that hit Bear Stearns.

Still - the problem is there but not to high degree that initially hit the economy to force the "Cuts" and "Bail Outs". Unfortunately the Major Players behind everything are now having to admit that the near future will not be easy - but the worst of THE WORST is over.

Our standard "Go in on the weakness mindset" would suggest now is a good time to get in - but with the recent news of Lehman Bros and another Major Bank - I'll wait a little longer.

When I do go in I'll go a combo of C and S (and maybe a little I)
Looks like the first real evidence of stability and a likely upward short term trend

As all Funds are going up by essentially the same volume - I'm giong S 100% by COB Today

Typically GAINS from S/I>C.

The upbeat Markets should brighten everyone's moods and bring us to sing:


