Steadygain's Account Talk

Oil Crisis (real or false)

The head of exploration and production for the Saudi oil company, Saudi Aramco, is also an Oil Geologist. Since the mid 90s he's been studying data from the 250 major Oil fields producing most of the world's oil. His calculations showed Oil output leveling off about 2004. This production would plateau at about 85 million barrels a day about 15 years at best and then go down. Saudi Aramco is the world's largest oil reserve.

Usually higher prices spur Oil companies to invest more in exploration and go after more difficult to reach fields. But for the past few years - despite a sustained rise in price - global conventional output remains at 85 million barrels a day - WHICH IS WHERE THE HEAD CALCULATED OUTPUT WOULD BEGIN TO LEVEL OFF

This year Royal Dutch Shell's CEO, Jeroen van der Veer estimated "after 2015 supplies of easy to access Oil and gas will no longer be able to keep up with demand".

Last fall the INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY forecast the global rising demand for Oil will be 116 million barrels daily by 2030 and several oil company execs are convinced that even under the best of conditions 100 million is the best that will ever be achieved.

Worldwide output from existing fields is falling by as much as 8% a year.

By 2010 James Mulva, CEO of Conoco Phillips - states 40% of the world's daily output will have to come from fields that have not been tapped - or even discovered. By 2030 nearly all our Oil will come from fields not currently in operation.

Information is from Paul Roberts - author of "The End of Oil"
and "Tapped Out" - National Geographic/June 2008.

But what do any of these guys known??:confused: They are simply CEOs of the Oil Industries - OPEC Head of Production/Exploratoin and a notable Oil Geologist and little PEONS using the most up to date data imaginable.

OK - smoke em if ya got em - and don't forget the upcomming lecture on The Great Lakes - Fresh Water
Oil Crisis (real or false)

But what do any of these guys know??:confused: They are simply CEOs of the Oil Industries - OPEC Head of Production/Exploratoin and a notable Oil Geologist and little PEONS using the most up to date data imaginable.

OK - smoke em if ya got em - and don't forget the upcomming lecture on The Great Lakes - Fresh Water
I don't believe it Steady, not for a minute..these dudes are gonna paint the worst picture they can imagine the consumer (you and me) might swallow to justify their prices....Think about..If you sold fire extinguishers, you would be preaching fire and brimstone about everything you own could go up in smoke, so you'd better have a fire extinguisher handy..(a weak metaphor, but you get the idea)
I don't believe it Steady, not for a minute..these dudes are gonna paint the worst picture they can imagine the consumer (you and me) might swallow to justify their prices....Think about..If you sold fire extinguishers, you would be preaching fire and brimstone about everything you own could go up in smoke, so you'd better have a fire extinguisher handy..(a weak metaphor, but you get the idea)

That's funny - was drinkin' from my 34oz mug (got a 2 litter pepsi for 61 cents) and when I saw your response it made me laugh and almost spit it out.

Oh man - don't worry I hear those comments all over the place and I realize that's what most seem to think. Your point is well taken - but if the information is accurate then during our lifetime we will see the very hardest of times - and I honestly believe they are just barely getting started.
That's funny - was drinkin' from my 34oz mug (got a 2 litter pepsi for 61 cents) and when I saw your response it made me laugh and almost spit it out.

Oh man - don't worry I hear those comments all over the place and I realize that's what most seem to think. Your point is well taken - but if the information is accurate then during our lifetime we will see the very hardest of times - and I honestly believe they are just barely getting started.

Pepsi with a slice of lemon - yum!:p

But on the serious side, I have a friend who works in a huge oilfield that is almost pumped dry. You wouldn't want to believe the garbage that is being pumped into the earth so that the last few barrels of oil can be pumped out.:sick:

He's given me facts and figures about the overall oil picture over the years that totally agree with Steady's statements. Wish I could remember them now to share with you, but I've slept since then and when I sleep things leak out my ear!:cheesy:

I have a friend who works in a huge oilfield that is almost pumped dry. He's given me facts and figures about the overall oil picture over the years that totally agree with Steady's statements.

Thank you Precious,
I usually do a good bit of research before I make comments like the ones today. I concentrate mostly on who can really access the extent of the present oil supplies and equally know the extent of the untapped supplies. Interestingly - all of them agree that the biggest fields have been tapped (or are currently being tapped). The only ones left are harder to reach and much smaller in comparison.

Wish I could remember them now to share with you, but I've slept since then and when I sleep things leak out my ear!:cheesy:

Now I got a really good laugh out of this one. Memory is one of the fields I researched the most - because it is so central to everything we are. Anyway SLEEP is one of the most crucial aspects of memory.


You are such a delight - we're really lucky to have you ;):)
You all might not remember, but of which State I live in..the Oil capital next to Texas..I'm surrounded by friends and neighbors that work in the OIL fields and secondary line of it's business..There are 30+ year old wells around me and my hood, even at work on the Airport property..still pumping and not even close to full capacity..and hundreds if not thousands of untouched acres yet to be drilled...Unemployment is not a word in our local economy..Oil field jobs are booming right now as was the time in the early 80's.

nuff said.
You all might not remember, but of which State I live in..the Oil capital next to Texas..I'm surrounded by friends and neighbors that work in the OIL fields and secondary line of it's business..There are 30+ year old wells around me and my hood, even at work on the Airport property..still pumping and not even close to full capacity..and hundreds if not thousands of untouched acres yet to be drilled...Unemployment is not a word in our local economy..Oil field jobs are booming right now as was the time in the early 80's.

nuff said.
Not quite nuff.;)

A year ago I moved from a similar area to your neighborhood, Buster. That's where I met my friend I mentioned earlier. His oil field is booming too. Can't get enough workers. Can't get a hotel room because they're all filled with oil field roustabouts. I sold my home there for a mint because they still can't build houses fast enough there. Made me very happy.

But the oil field there is almost played out. And my friend showed me facts and figures that indicated there are many other oil fields in the same situation.

We'd have long discussions about the fact that we're too dependent on oil that's becoming scarcer every day (we're not making any more dinosaurs, to make more oil :laugh:). And then the discussions would always end with head scratching because a replacement energy source would probably need a new distribution infrastructure, and how do you do that in today's world.:confused:

Anyway, Buster, we may have to agree to disagree on this subject. But wouldn't the world be a boring place if we all thought alike!:nuts:

Not quite nuff.

A year ago I moved from a similar area to your neighborhood, Buster. That's where I met my friend I mentioned earlier. His oil field is booming too. Can't get enough workers. Can't get a hotel room because they're all filled with oil field roustabouts. I sold my home there for a mint because they still can't build houses fast enough there. Made me very happy.

But the oil field there is almost played out. And my friend showed me facts and figures that indicated there are many other oil fields in the same situation.

We'd have long discussions about the fact that we're too dependent on oil that's becoming scarcer every day (we're not making any more dinosaurs, to make more oil ). And then the discussions would always end with head scratching because a replacement energy source would probably need a new distribution infrastructure, and how do you do that in today's world.:confused:

Anyway, Buster, we may have to agree to disagree on this subject. But wouldn't the world be a boring place if we all thought alike!:nuts:

No disrespect intended, but Oil does not, or never did come from Dinosaurs, but rather it is from Vegetation that once thrived on the planet long before animals ever walked the Earth, a common misnomer from people that are not quite in the know and only rely on urban myths and half truths, makes me wonder how many other things you have been mis guided about...I agree, under the current well sites there is not as much oil as 30 or 40 years ago, but there are thousands of unexplored and undrilled areas yet to be tapped....once it becomes profitable again to drill there will be plenty for generations yet to come..

Think what you want or believe in..but as I said, NUFF SAID!:D
OK folks, from the agency that regulates and permits oil and gas exploration, drilling and production....staffed up with biologists, geologists, petroleum engineers, seismologists, etc.....chew on this. Actually, it's another such thing as "diotobes." They're diatoms, and they're one-celled animals. Lesson: don't believe everything the government says. And you think they're not dumbing down our kids???
How do they find the oil and natural gas? Is it buried in the ocean?
Scientists work with engineers to design new ways to find oil and natural gas under the ocean’s sea floor. Millions of years ago, the coastal region was under water, part of a rich coastal ocean. Water was full of tiny plants called diotobes. After they died, they left behind microscopic skeletons which pilled up as a thick layer on the sea floor. As the years went by, mud and sand pilled on top of the organism remains, and because the sea floor heated up, the organic materials were pressurized and slowly changed into tar, oil, and natural gas. In the last few million years, the region has been in a slow-moving geological collision. Sea layers were shortened, wrinkled, and broken. Oil in rock layers were trapped under folds. Eventually, oil and tar escaped to the surface creating a natural seep.
Here's a couple more with more accurate information on the theories:

Most likely oil is formed in many ways. Decaying plant and animal vegetation from millions of years ago, and perhaps a natural planetary process deep in the earth.
and your point is? diatomsaurus rex may be?...Splitting hairs now..Also the same crusty critter material we use in our swimming pool filters, call Diamateous earth..Poolman let's hear from you..

I'm not splitting hairs. My points are 1) that NOBODY really knows the whole truth about how the oil and gas in reservoirs/deposits were formed and I presented additional theories to illustrate that point; 2) There's no proof that it's only rotted vegetation; and 3) that the government continues to tell half-truths and dumb down public schools.

Don't take things so personally. I didn't say that you were wrong, just that it's not the whole truth - and presented additional theories. I'm just posting additional information, not trying to contest anything you say. Keep an open mind and we'll all learn something, Buster.;)

diatomaceous earth. Also used in yards, gardens and homes as natural pest control.:)
Since you mentioned dumbing down our kids allow me to relate a personal educational tragedy. When my daughter was in the sixth grade she attended a school that was shall we say racially overloaded - she was bused to this moronic place. She had a science class that had a book with 26 chapters and unfortunately during the school year the class only completed six chapters. This was basic stuff like clouds, minerals, plants, etc. To make a long story short I purchased the same book and tried to force her to at least read the material - but she was so programmed into the selfesteem mentality she refused. Later that year we transfered her with the help of a lawyer - the school board refused to allow one white girl to leave that school because it would up set their racial balance - frigging donkeys. When she was a freshman in high school she took a test that was required and I now forget which one it was - at any rate she did horribly. When I looked at her scores on reading and comprehension a light bulb went off. I told her to go get that 6th grade science book and each reading category followed each chapter as was listed in the book. You can't skip details and be successful - she eventually realized she was missing some valuable information and decided to read the book for fun. This is a girl that was eating and sleeping chemistry and physics with calculus and eventually graduated with a five year degree in chemical engineering and everyone says why are you in the Army. She is in the Army because she is my daughter and she recognized her responsibility as a patriot to her country. And she is a member of the GOP.
I think this makes more sence and as I've said before "THERE IS NO SHORTAGE OF OIL"!! View attachment 3952

Abiogenic petroleum origin

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The theory of abiogenic petroleum origin holds that natural petroleum was formed from deep carbon deposits, perhaps dating to the formation of the Earth. The ubiquity of hydrocarbons in the solar system is taken as evidence that there may be a great deal more petroleum on Earth than commonly thought, and that petroleum may originate from carbon-bearing fluids which migrate upward from the mantle.[more]

[FONT=Palatino, Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=+2]Discovery backs theory oil not 'fossil fuel'[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino, Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=+1]New evidence supports premise that Earth produces endless supply[/SIZE][/FONT]

[SIZE=-1]Posted: February 01, 2008[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]1:00 am Eastern[/SIZE]

[FONT=Palatino, Times New Roman, Georgia, Times, serif]By Jerome R. Corsi[/FONT]
[SIZE=-1]© 2008 [/SIZE]


A study published in Science Magazine today presents new evidence supporting the abiotic theory for the origin of oil, which asserts oil is a natural product the Earth generates constantly rather than a "fossil fuel" derived from decaying ancient forests and dead dinosaurs.
The lead scientist on the study ? Giora Proskurowski of the School of [COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif][COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif]Oceanography[/font][/font][/color][/color] at the University of Washington in Seattle ? says the hydrogen-rich fluids venting at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean in the Lost City Hydrothermal Field were produced by the abiotic synthesis of hydrocarbons in the mantle of the earth.
The abiotic theory of the origin of oil directly challenges the conventional scientific theory that hydrocarbons are organic in nature, [more]

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No disrespect intended, but Oil does not, or never did come from Dinosaurs, but rather it is from Vegetation that once thrived on the planet long before animals ever walked the Earth, a common misnomer from people that are not quite in the know and only rely on urban myths and half truths, makes me wonder how many other things you have been mis guided about
Aw-w-w, c'mon, Buster! It was a joke! That's why I inserted the :laugh: - you know, the smiley??

For over a decade I worked in an agency that delved into paleo flora and fauna in the oil field. I knew I was exagerating to make a point. I thought it was obvious enough that everyone else would know it too.

And you can cast aspersions if you wish. "Reputation is what others know about you but integrity is what you know about yourself." And I know who I am.

You are an intransigent friend, Buster, but I'd still like you to be a friend. Truce?:)

Hey, the both of you , back off..I feel like I'm getting gang banged here by a couple of biker chicks with hormone issues...You take everything I say so literally with all the snopes and google checks..why can't I for once point out something specific in error you said in your editorials?
Jeesssus, talk about double standards...<------insert :D
I think this makes more sence and as I've said before "THERE IS NO SHORTAGE OF OIL"!!
Abiogenic petroleum origin

The theory of abiogenic petroleum origin holds that natural petroleum was formed from deep carbon deposits, perhaps dating to the formation of the Earth.
Wow, Nnuut, I'd not heard of this theory before and will read the information with interest. Wouldn't it be great if it's for real?! And in your case, I'm more than happy to sit and learn at the feet of the master!:toung:

Thanks for sharing,
Hey, the both of you , back off..I feel like I'm getting gang banged here by a couple of biker chicks with hormone issues...
All Right!! I'm the woman who knows the correct pearls and proper shade of lipstick to wear with each coordinated outfit. I've never been called a biker chick before! That is so cool!:cool::cool:

My husband is asking why I'm laughing so hysterically. You made my day and maybe my week, Buster! THANKS!

Since you mentioned dumbing down our kids allow me to relate a personal educational tragedy. When my daughter was in the sixth grade she attended a school that was shall we say racially overloaded - she was bused to this moronic place. She had a science class that had a book with 26 chapters and unfortunately during the school year the class only completed six chapters. This was basic stuff like clouds, minerals, plants, etc. To make a long story short I purchased the same book and tried to force her to at least read the material - but she was so programmed into the selfesteem mentality she refused. Later that year we transfered her with the help of a lawyer - the school board refused to allow one white girl to leave that school because it would up set their racial balance - frigging donkeys. When she was a freshman in high school she took a test that was required and I now forget which one it was - at any rate she did horribly. When I looked at her scores on reading and comprehension a light bulb went off. I told her to go get that 6th grade science book and each reading category followed each chapter as was listed in the book. You can't skip details and be successful - she eventually realized she was missing some valuable information and decided to read the book for fun. This is a girl that was eating and sleeping chemistry and physics with calculus and eventually graduated with a five year degree in chemical engineering and everyone says why are you in the Army. She is in the Army because she is my daughter and she recognized her responsibility as a patriot to her country. And she is a member of the GOP.
Birch...I didn't say the GOP was dumbing down the public schools. I said the GOVERNMENT is dumbing them down. All-inclusive.

You and your daughter are special and I have the greatest respect for both of you. The same thing happened to my brother..he got caught in a "modernization" in 6th grade and promptly began to lose ground. I know exactly where you're coming from on this one, my friend.:)
All Right!! I'm the woman who knows the correct pearls and proper shade of lipstick to wear with each coordinated outfit. I've never been called a biker chick before! That is so cool!:cool::cool:

My husband is asking why I'm laughing so hysterically. You made my day and maybe my week, Buster! THANKS!

Remember one thing..I really am pulling your leg and having a good time bantering..I mentioned this in some other thread..I like to have fun and banter...I mean absolutely no harm...I love you all like brothers and I like to squabble accordingly..:D