Despite Steady's willingness to be host, I'm not hijacking any more threads for political rhetoric.
Hey that's cool.
This needs its own forum/thread.
Naw - we'll be done before ya know it. Just having some fun - it can't be all Markets - all the time.
You're not pushing my buttons, because I'm not a PARTY person.
Sounds like we are definatley pushing your buttons. We're just pushing the wrong ones - but give us time we're both wired like wild mustang men. Soon you'll be begging for more:nuts:
You are very much a PARTY person - I could tell that right away. Oh yeal
The Dec/Rep crap is built into your wiring if you live in the USA. You can't get away from it babe - it's a combination of your Alpha and Delta Waves and now is very much a part of your wiring. So even if you say "you're not" - on a subconscious level you are definately more ONE or the OTHER.
You cast stones at heroes of the greatest generation
I guess it's possible to cast stones at Hendrix and the other heroes of that generation but why would anyone want to. "Make love not war" "Tune in - Get Experienced" "Sex, Drugs, Rock n Roll"
I reserve judgment on the candidates until I see
Playboy should be showing Hillary next month - and I'm sure the others will be in featured in other magazines.
I'm still waiting on my dark horse to save the day. Lone Ranger, where are you?