The Donkey Party has now developed through the 1970s and 1980s a foreign policy philosophy, that in most respects, has become the antithesis of what Democrats had stood for under Roosevelt, Truman, and Kennedy. This began to change in the 1960s around the war in Vietnam. A new view has taken root in the Donkey Party. Rather than seeing the Cold War as an idealogical contest between the free nations of the West and the repressive regimes of the communist world, this rival political philosophy saw America as the aggressor - a morally bankrupt, imperialist power whose militarism and inordinate fear of communism represented the real threat to world peace. It was John F. Kennedy, who promised in his inaugural address that the United States would pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and the sucess of freedom. Far too many Donkey leaders have kowtowed to the new philosophy and that includes Barack Obama. He is for appeasement and contrition. Let him kiss Slobodan Milosevic and his campaign of ethnic slaughter - which he surely would have done. The new Donkey Party argues that the Soviets and their allies were our enemies not because they were inspired by a totalitarian ideology fundamentally hostile to our way of life, or because they nursed ambitions of global conquest. Rather, the Soviets were our enemy because we had provoked them, because we threatened them, and because we failed to sit down and accord them the respect they deserved. In other words, the Cold Was was mostly America's fault. John McCain understands something that too many Donkeys seem to have become confused about lately - the difference between America's friends and America's enemies. No people in history have ever survived, who thought they could protect their freedom by making themselves inoffensive to their enemies - is that what you want with Obama? Give up your freedoms and be subjugated to Islam and the muslim truth.