Steadygain's Account Talk

Google change. It means many things to many people. Politics are depressing. It's Friday...and I think we've hijacked Steady's thread enough on this issue. Chill.

We'll see how this goes. I just sent one the best PMs I ever wrote and could not get it to go through. My computer at home is really missed up.

Anyway - Luv2read - I thought about you quite abit over the weekend and appologize for blowing you off the way I did and altering your message instead of responding with more intellectually stimulating conversations. Part of the problem is that I'm in the Engine of the Train (while you're in the bar enjoying yourself). I'm use to being in charge - calling the shots - running the train. On the whole I know what I'm after and there are usually no real obstactles or distractions that keep me from staying on course.

So let me set the Engine on auto-pilot and come back to the bar to join you and we can go over this a little better. I will probably order 2 whiskey sours to help brake the ice (unless you want something different). We'll just sip and talk.

First thing you need to know about me is I do not see things as BLACK and WHITE - On the whole I see everything from the wiring of the Brain and that alone is what sets the stage. I am wired like a man 500 hunded billion percent and there is no way around that. Many woman I've met (even here on this MB) are wired as much like a woman like I wired like a man. But in between there is every shade imaginable and on the extreme some men are wired like women and vise versa - but the greater majority would probably lie more in between. So it is not GAY or STRAIGHT - MAN or WOMAN - but the overwelming bulk of the population are somewhere in between; and although we share the bulk of our traits (the 99.9% of our DNA) in common no matter what our sex (race/nationality) each of us is still 100% unique.
Steady my man,

No apologies necessary, no offense given, none taken - it's your thread. We can't all be scintillating conversationalists all the time.:D

Pull up a chair, join us for a lil good music. We're all friends here.:)
Ahh - you have no idea - music is in every fiber of my being; it is very much a part of everything I exist for.

But I do want to get back to the basis of my decision to support Obama for a moment. Along the lines of me not seeing things as Black and White - I equally do not see things as Rep. or Dec. - I find it very hard to accept the belief that any person should be voted as President simply because they belong to this party. That to me is a mindless - irresponsible - totally useless act or dicision. I also believe that many organizations (Consersative Christians for instance) would do anything possible to keep Obama from being elected because they see him as Pro Abortion - or Pro Gay - or in some manner standing for something they utterly reject. Here I am not saying that "we" should not have solid moral values and convictions - BUT NONE OF US COULD POSSIBLY KNOW OBAMA well enough to make these judgements against him; and if anything his willingness to be more all inclusive would be more of a strenght. I'm tellin you this - just so you can know that even groups I would be more alligned with - have little sway in who I pick. For me it's important to scan the board and really do your best to feel things out for yourself.

Is whiskey sour OK? or would you rather have a rum and coke??
OK - so movin along. We only have 2 real major players to pick from. McCain has been in the system for ages - I mean ages - and therefore he has to be a carbon copy of the others - which in general is a pupet to corruption. So if we as a country go with him - we will get more of the same and nothing will change.

In my heart of hearts I think the country is ready for REAL CHANGE
Hillary very much impressed me when Bill was in office. I think she is VERY SMART and would prove herself fairly well if given the chance. But as you said "She's got too much baggage"; and from my perspective she is way too drawn up "in the game" to be effective. She is now THE ULTIMATE POLITICIAN - which unfortunately means ultimate BullS***. In retrospect she is so obsessed with staying in the game (at all costs) that she's hurting the cause - and the cause should ALWAYS BE - WHAT IS BEST FOR THE COUNTRY. So I believe the best way she could really demonstrate STRENGTH and LEADERSHIP is by stepping down gracefully and making it clear that she loves her supporters - but she has to do what is best for the country and that would make her way more a drawing card in the future.

But I see Obama as the other player and so I have to concentrate on his potiential - his abilities - his intelligence - his thinking, goals, and plans.
So let's deal with your concern (which by the way is a Media ploy enacted by Hillary).

OBAMA is not seasoned enough.

To me this is the most central issue that should weigh on everyone's decision to vote. Who is the most SEASONED in all the varried aspects that are fundamental for a strong President and a REAL LEADER to prove they have what it takes to not only run things smoothy - but improve on them and make them even better.

The only way any of us can accurately assess a person's worth is by the testimony of others - especially the testimony of the most qualified individuals in the field of say Economics; Military... or whatever.

Instead of Obama talking abunch of crap like everyone else on how he is going to do this and that and how "I'm the one you can count on...blah blah blah... with the endless empty champaign speeches.


Economic Leaders and Nobel Prize winners (way beyond any of us) are solidly behind Obama - if they are convinced he is seasoned enough to publicly STAND BEHIND HIM and Support him...then who is a little nobody like me in comparsion to question?

Military Leaders - I mean these guys are the very best and there are a lot of them SOLIDLY BEHIND HIM. This is one of Hilliary's biggest weaknesses. She is too much on a power trip - ready to say "I'm the boss and this is how we're going to do it. Where as Obama has the very best seeing his plans and solidly supporting him.
So on this, I will stand and stretch. You now are seeing I'm fairly deep and well thought out. But fear not - I am very open to hearing your views and will respect them.

You've made a good impression; so I'm all ears.

I need to head back to the Engine for a moment and take a little stop along the way. Reflect on whatever your thinking - think about whatever you want (lunch...another drink...whatever). It is my train and all things are at your disposal.

So it you want to drop this subject - that's cool - we can do that. But you mentioned the "seasonality" - and here I feel the most solid support possible has been largely overlooked. Hilliary has voters behind her (as does McCain) - but Obama alone has the real authority comming forward and taking their stand - making it clear to all HE IS THEIR CHOICE.
Open discussions are so much fun.... I've not made up my mind yet. I've always looked at who the person plans on bringing into office with their candicacy. This will determine what can be accompliched, how much damage can be done or undone. Any thoughts on who's waiting in the wings to sit next to the thrne would be greatly appreciated.

Obama is about appeasement. Will he swear on the Quran.

That was a great joke, Birch!:cheesy:

Of course we all know that assuming Obama is a Muslim because of his name is like assuming because my grandfather came to this country from Scandanavia that I pray to Thor and Freya!:p

But I don't. :D

..and just why the heck not...?

I suppose this pandering plays well in the People's Republik of Portland, Or but it doesnt cut it here in the vast majority of the US.

"We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times ... and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK," Obama said.

"That's not leadership. That's not going to happen," he added.
That was a great joke, Birch!:cheesy:

Of course we all know that assuming Obama is a Muslim because of his name is like assuming because my grandfather came to this country from Scandanavia that I pray to Thor and Freya!:p

But I don't. :D

His father was Muslim:suspicious:

with one left to go..that make 58 states...maybe he meant 57 Islamic states..?

His father was Muslim:suspicious:

Yes, he certainly was. :)

When I was writing my previous post, I was reflecting to myself that I've heard Barak Obama getting a lot of flak lately because of his pastor's speeches, but none of the speeches sounded like Islam to me. :blink:

I have a friend who's father is a practicing orthodox Jew, but she is Episcopalian.;)

Open discussions are so much fun.... I've not made up my mind yet. I've always looked at who the person plans on bringing into office with their candicacy. This will determine what can be accompliched, how much damage can be done or undone. Any thoughts on who's waiting in the wings to sit next to the thrne would be greatly appreciated.


John, first I want to say it's good to hear from you again. We hope the kidney stones are a thing of the past. Alopurinol helps prevent them but CorMaGa34 probably has an even better way.

Speaking of CorMaGa34 - (Cornelia) It is very wonderful having both Cornelia and Buster back on the thread. It's very easy to imagine "Black Magic Woman" playing and having a great time.

Now onto - running mates - too early to tell John.
As far as Obama (reglion and race) go -

that is completely dependent on the mindsets of the individuals who are reflecting on Obama - and has nothing to do with him personally.

For instance my wife, and probably most strongly conservative Christians, would never support Obama if they think he is for abortion and supports the gays.

I have been a regestered Republican my whole life and you probably can't get more convervative than me - However I DO NOT see Obama as a person anxious to destroy little babies or having a disregard for life. I am convinced his overall message shows a sacredness for life in general and that he has a real heart for the general population.

West Virginia sees him as a "black man" - so there is no way in hell a "black man" is going to tell them what to do. I see him as equally half white - BUT HE HAS NOTING TO DO WITH HIS SKIN COLOR - and if anything I see that as a huge strength - someone who can solidly be viewed as standing up for everyone and trying to bridge all of us as "one people".

With regard to religion - He is solidly based in a Christian church with the emphasis centered on Christ - the risen Lord as Saviour. His background is wholly determined by the mindset viewing him. In my mind his exposure to the Muslim Faith (and all the more to the conditions of the poor) make him way more qualified to be sensitive to others and that should help foster an understanding to bridge us together with respect and acceptance. Another mindset would insist "that my way is the only way" - and thus cause greater division.

But in general if someone is looking for an excuse not to support him then all they have to say, "He is black" or "His father is Muslim" then you don't have to deal with his leadership capability - his insights and his plans.

You have a wonderful way with words, and I thank you for sharing your talents with us! {big bouquet of yellow roses}

And wouldn't it be a dull boring world if everyone shared the exact same opinions and we all thought the same cookie-cutter way. The diverse opinions of all my new friends on this MB have already become a special part of this colorful and varied world I enjoy so much!:)


You have a wonderful way with words, and I thank you for sharing your talents with us! {big bouquet of yellow roses}

And wouldn't it be a dull boring world if everyone shared the exact same opinions and we all thought the same cookie-cutter way. The diverse opinions of all my new friends on this MB have already become a special part of this colorful and varied world I enjoy so much!:)


Thank you my sweet. I love the roses (especially yellow) WOW!!

I get on tangents - so a lot of this is simply airing out my feelings. I honestly hope I'm not getting on a bunch of people's nerves. But I do think it's important to think for yourself and try to really be open minded and think things through.

I'll get a bottle of chilled champain and meet you in the observation room. It's one of my private cars on this train. Push numbers 762 on the box and the door will open. It's very plush and offers the best views for our Canadian Coast to Coast Adventure.

Don't forget the business meeting in a half hour.
TOPIC: Impending Doom versus Steady Growth.

Birchtree is speaking from the perspective that the Markets are unstable "the sky is falling" - "Bail out before the collapse".

Whereas I will be speaking from the perspective of looking at solid objective data instead of fearing the unknown. My talk will more reflect the solid growth in the S&P 500 - and regardless of "the news" flooding the Media - Stability is undeniable and Growth Continues.
Speaking of CorMaGa34 - (Cornelia) It is very wonderful having both Cornelia and Buster back on the thread. It's very easy to imagine "Black Magic Woman" playing and having a great time.

Now onto - running mates - too early to tell John.

Good morning, Steady,

First of all thank you so much for the warm welcome, but I was never gone, I was only temporarily absent due to some major issues I am dealing with right now. After all, I remember with fondness the days when I became and held the #1 position, and those memories are priceless! :D:toung:

Cannot believe what a prodigious memory you have, I once mentioned Black Magic Woman as one of my favorites by Santana and you still remember. We can go to your pad and dance to it during a Happy Hour, eyes closed and all ;) how's that?

Now, on more serious matters, the Obama situation is more complex than it seems. He would come with new blood, new ideas, new advisors, and may turn the economy around, bring our troops back, and leave Irak to the Irak people, concentrate on our domestic issues and try to make positive changes if we let him. It would certainly be nice to see the word SURPLUS for a change, vs. the DEFICIT that haunts us since we started spending trillions of US$ on a war and we are yet to find in Irak, after all the WORLDWIDE CASUALTIES supporting "our cause" in the COALITION OF NATIONS, what it is THAT WE WERE TOLD HUSSEIN WAS HIDING. The worst thing is, people from all over the world were and may continue to be punished (bombings, terrorism in general) for supporting us. Sorry for the rambling, but whoever stops this war and brings our troops back has my vote.

Hilary may have some baggage but she also has a good agenda, in her favor her brain wiring, experience, more first hand knowledge of how and when to pull the right people into strategic posts, and may also be good for the country.

In any event, seems like WE ARE ALL READY FOR A CHANGE, and may GOD BLESS AMERICA.

