Steadygain's Account Talk

Purple represents the highest level on the spiritual plane, it is also represnts royality(sp) Color can also define a personality type. I forget what they all represent except red is leadership and action, blue is laid back, more like the partying type, green is analytical,(sp) and yellow is more artistic.
Debbie and Wind Hunter - thanks a million for your responses. ;)

At this time I began my major plunge into brain research and was working at a large center for the mentally retarded. Mental retardation involves many different levels from lying like a fish making weird expressions - but not able to walk, eat, dress or do independent daily needs to the higher functioning individuals - some of which are socially in horrible shape. When I became in charge of the higher functioning - a group of them stood out to me because they seemed like they should express themselves way more than they did. I believe they were mistreated in the previous years - and it scarred them both physically and emotionally. One lady had burns over her arms and side where the skin melted and dried in a distorted mass - covering a large portion of her arm. Another had no evidence of physical trauma but never smiled - NEVER.

Well I'm very much a free spirit and creative. When in the music room listening to Yanni's Reflections of Love - I would completely transform to the music and fly like a bird - moving around the room flapping my arms to the music (or whatever else came to my mind). It was all spontaneous - totally spontaneous. So I finally thought how revolutionary this room and music could be for many of these patients. So I brought a group - maybe 5 or 6 - along with a psychologist and another staff to monitor and help. Here you have to realize that the retarded are the most perfect people in the world to be free of inhabitions and no one could more fully follow someone like me - who really lets themselves go. So as the music played I would describe what the music was expressing (the bird flying) and I would flap my wings and fly through the room. All the patients did exactly what I did and the psychologist was dumb founded by the extent the burned patient and the one who never smiled responded. THEY WERE ALL FREE - TOTALLY FREE - TO STRETCH THEIR IMAGINATIONS AND EXPERIENCE A HAPPINESS THEY HAD NEVER KNOWN BEFORE. It was wonderful - and that more than proved to me my music room really was a work of art comparable to Micheal Angelo or De Venci - or anyone else. Please don't misunderstand me, I am not saying this to brag - or for you to think anything of me. I am simply saying the end result - when the music room was finally complete went way beyond what I could have hoped or dreamed.
You Are the Gift
This is my first song from the music room, which is more upbeat and has kind of a Spanish flare to it (at least I felt it did). I sent it to everyone who responded to the first song.

If anyone else is interested in this song just send your email address to my private message box.

These are all songs from my heart - acoustic stuff.

I guess what I play on electric is from my soul - still incredibly deep but different altogether. I don't have anything recorded - it's all spontaneous.

Peace, Love, and Happiness to all :cool:
Steady, this is a wonderful labor of love you did for your patients, what a service you provide, going beyond what is expected, it's wonderful!

Well I'm very much a free spirit and creative. When in the music room listening to Yanni's Reflections of Love - I would completely transform to the music

Steady, I still listen to Yanni's Reflections of Love and others, they are some of the most soothing music pieces I own to date, I fell in love with Yanni's live concert video at the Acropolis.

- when the music room was finally complete went way beyond what I could have hoped or dreamed. [/quote]

I don't believe that things happen by chance, your inspiration and guidance you received from above to create that music room had a purpose you never dreamed but it was accomplished when your patients reacted to it. Congratulations!
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I don't believe that things happen by chance, your inspiration and guidance you received from above to create that music room had a purpose you never dreamed but it was accomplished when your patients reacted to it. Congratulations!

Wow! Thank you Cornellia - my beautiful and wonderful retired friend. It's been awhile and it's really great to have you back. You pick up things that no one else ever has - this is a little scarey - I mean it's really strange - like you see right through me and know these things when there is no way (that would seem possible) you could know them.

I found a stack of songs and poems I'd written after the music room was complete and "the inspiration and guidance from above" really was amazing. I think in part WV-girl had it right with the color Purple being the most dominate color - but it wouldn't have had the impact without the others. Yet - I will explain later it was one of the hardest times in my life - and that probably forced me to long for God's comfort - guidence - and protection - like never before.

Anyway, it's great to have you back - and THANK YOU.
I've skipped a few chapters of my life by going to the music room and need to cover these briefly. My first job out of school was in Orthopedic Surgery. This was in Danville, VA - which is very close to NC. Southern accents in Danville are out of this world - really cool - and I loved it. According to a few who lived there, this was the last place to give up slavery. Up to this point I had come to believe that people were people and it made no difference the color of your skin or if you had freckles or were from "the north" or "the south" or tall or short. On the whole I felt we had nothing to do with any of that - that it was simply what we were meant to be. In school Orthopedic information lacked - and down the road if I ever encountered Jean again and she shared something about carpel tunnel syndrome, putting a cast on, or many other specific muscle or nerve root problems I wouldn't have been prepared. So I went into this job largely to learn - to be more fully balanced. My first patient was a heavy set black lady - who had some family with her. Well this is my first job - so of course I'm going to go the highest extent to do the best job possible and thus I treated this lady as if she were a queen. I did such a thorough exam on her knee that I was able to show her the tendon that had snapped and in need of surgical repair. It was a strange encounter because the lady keep looking at me and responding to me like she was shocked and surprized by the way I treated her. During part of the exam I hurt her and I guess her son was comming to stop me - and she told them to back off that I'm doing everything right. Apparently this patient and her family were expecting to be treated poorly and disrespectfully - and meeting me was very unexpected. So at the end of my encounter I got another provider to confirm my assessment and help arrange the surgery. Well the head doctor was furious - and dumbfounded that I would waste my time giving a good exam to a black person. He did not want their business - he wanted nothing to do with them - and I never saw another black patient come to their clinic. So I failed my first test - and failed so miserably that now I was a no good #$$%)) loving yankee and the main doctor wanted me out and others felt they could get ahead by helping in this endeavor. It was a stange and awkward 3 months - but I learned a whole lot about Orthopedics and never gave them a valid reason to fire me, so after hiring a new Orthopedic Surgeon - they simply said I was no longer needed and my job ended.
Almost heaven - West Virginia

My heart has always been in West Virginia where my mother and father were born and raised and where I spent every summer growing up. I lived in 6 different places in WV - which covered the state. After the Orthopedic Surgery job I went to a small coal mining town which was established by the Coal Company and later the company left and so the people were left with nothing. Gary, WV is rural Appalachia - with steep mountains way out in the middle of nowhere. Very poor area in need of services. The administrator told me that people in this area did not warm up to strangers easily and encouraged me to be patient. He did not know I had a very easy time with patients - and it made no difference where we were. People in this area were largely like the bottom group of students I went through grade school with - VERY NON PRETENTOUS - DOWN TO EARTH - TRUE - WARM - GOOD - LOVING PEOPLE - and so we really hit it off. About 3 months later the administrator called me up to his office and told me my patients already outnumbered all the previous providers before me. It's a natural process - if your doctor treats you warmly and makes you feel better you tell your family and friends and they in turn come when they need help. After awhile it got difficult due to jealousy (resentment). When I saw a patient often they would ask if they could come back to me - and of course I always warmly accepted them and let them know I would always be open to helping them - well this caused many to abandon another doctor in favor of me... and so there was some strain; but on the whole it was one of the best times ever and a very valuable experience. I became very grounded in General Medicine/Family Practice - and left WV with the same love and enthusiasm I always had (for that state) when I left a few years later.
TSP Account
Forgive me for boring you with this stuff but I've got years to make up for any losses and so nothing makes any difference to me (at least not in the long run). For now I am going with the King of Bizarre Market Climates the One and Only - SHOW ME - who has sailed through the past 3 months like it was the best season ever.

On a MB this size someone will stand out from time to time. Down the line it may well be me - but for now I will follow the Master - and if I lose it's no big deal - but so far he has prevented further loss by putting me in G. So I will do my 50/50 split to C/S - by COB.

I just want to say you have done well in this market. Pulling out in late December and not getting too greedy was a fantastic move. It shows you have a pretty good feel for the market right now. I am glad you are moving back in at a time when there is lots of fear. Like Griffin said this morning. " This is not for the faint at heart" I will be watching your moves as well. I have rode down another reversal and will stay unless we move below 1375 and then I will make a decision based on some of the more knowledgeable folks on this board. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.
OK - just one little chapter to go and then we're to the music room era. I left WV mainly because my daughter was getting older (3 years old) and I did not want her to grow up in a socially/educated deprived area. I don't mean this at all against WV - it was just the specific location where we were - and I desperately needed to get her a much more solid foundation. So we went to NC - and I worked in Family Practice for a year before working for the State of NC at their large center. It's funny because the doctor I first worked with told me, "The people around here don't warm up to stangers very easy and it will take awhile to build up some patients" - WHAT A LAUGH - BOY WAS HE SURPRIZED - ANYWAY IT WAS WONDERFUL - BUT MY GREATEST LOVE ALL ALONG IS PSYCHIATRY AND DEALING WITH THE BRAIN AND NOW I FELT FULLY GROUNDED - WELL ROUNDED - AND READY TO GO.

I just want to say you have done well in this market. Pulling out in late December and not getting too greedy was a fantastic move. It shows you have a pretty good feel for the market right now. I am glad you are moving back in at a time when there is lots of fear. Like Griffin said this morning. " This is not for the faint at heart" I will be watching your moves as well. I have rode down another reversal and will stay unless we move below 1375 and then I will make a decision based on some of the more knowledgeable folks on this board. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

Thank you WIND HUNTER - but I feel undeserving of any praise regarding most of my TSP activity over the past 3 months.


For now I have no problems trying to hit a brief bounce here and there - but like I say - I really have nothing to lose.
I just looked at the Markets and it reminded me of a song

"I believe in miracles, where ya from you sexy thing"

Ohh yeal... nothing like diving in when it's falling hard
Thank you for the YOU ARE THE GIFT song, I loved it, part of the music reminded me somehow of a song by Peter, Paul and Mary, one of my favorite groups back when... Thanks for the memories!!!

Thank you for the YOU ARE THE GIFT song, I loved it, part of the music reminded me somehow of a song by Peter, Paul and Mary, one of my favorite groups back when... Thanks for the memories!!!Cornellia

Memories like Peter, Paul, and Mary are hard to beat.... Leaving on a Jet Plane, Monday Monday and many more...

What goes around .. comes around .. and now you have me thinkn' of a song by the Byrds "To everything TURN TURN TURN, there is a reason TURN TURN TURN ...a time for....." The song was part of Old Testament scripture, but I forget where (surely the poetic section). Anyway - you are very welcome - I'm thrilled you enjoyed it and thank you for the memories you just brought to me. This tune will likely play on a little while longer. ;):laugh:

WIND HUNTER - speaking of thanks - I played the No More Tears CD driving home recently and listened to "Road to Nowhere" . Wow man, thanks - I really enjoyed it - even replayed it. You are definately a very cool dude :cool:

I am listening to You are the Gift as I write this - very INSPIRATIONAL! The words ring beautiful and true and moving! And the music is moving and beautiful as well! Thank you!

I am listening to You are the Gift as I write this - very INSPIRATIONAL! The words ring beautiful and true and moving! And the music is moving and beautiful as well! Thank you!

Mamikin - you are the one who requested the acoustical concert and that is the main reason why I looked so hard to find the CD with songs from the music room. I'm thrilled you like it and all the more thrilled you find it inspirational. Music from my heart is very deeply felt and the Love and Life of His Spirit are an outpouring of His Grace and Glory - all of which filled my heart at that time.

I will send one more - so we can call it your concert.:nuts:
When is your birthday? August/September?
OK - this is going to take a little while to answer and I will have to fast forward to the present for you to really understand. Shortly after finding God on the deepest imaginable level (and many will know what I mean) - the moment where you were joined with the Spirit of God - When you came to realize you are now a new person altogether - one that is empowered with God's Presence - that is experiencing first hand God's Grace and Glory and in turn you are filled with a Love that only God could provide. This is the ultimate moment of TRUTH - whereby you realize God rules over everything and has the power to make something great out of your life - no matter what you're like; this is the moment where you realize there is no handicap (or weakness) within you - that GOD CAN FULLY USE YOU JUST AS YOU ARE - and has just proven you worthy to join and forever be part of the SOVERIGN - HOLY - AND ABIDING PRESENSE.

It was shortly after this experience I wanted to know "How does God know our thoughts?"; "What method does God use know everything?"; "How does God tick?" - IN OTHER WORDS I WANTED TO KNOW GOD MORE DEEPLY THAN EVER BEFORE - but when I asked others these questions I was told, "NO ONE KNOWS THAT" - to which I replied "Then no one has sought hard enough to find the answers". My reply make it very clear -IT IS NOT UNKNOWABLE - IT IS SIMPLY THAT NO ONE HAS TAKEN THE TIME TO SEARCH DEEP ENOUGH - and with that I set off to find the answers.

Got a patient - will get back later.
Broken down to the finest elements
It was with this realization that my understanding of life, the universe, and God became more complete. Einstein, Stephen Hawking, NASA, and many others helped me to see and understand the underlying principals and properties by which the Universe is structured - and by which it operates. There is an undeniable LOGIC to the overall design - that is purposeful and no doubt intentional. It is this LOGICAL - PURPOSEFUL - DESIGN - that brings the association of various traits during various seasons. To prove the design is both intentional and logical - a pattern is formed and the traits assocaited with specific seasons are consistent and undeniable. Yet this is only ONE PIECE of the entire puzzle - and if we focus on that one piece - we miss the overall picture. THERE IS AN UNDERLYING RHYTHM BY WHICH THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE OPERATES - and this is the major key to understanding.

With the Physics/Chemistry mentality - come to know the entire body on a cellular/molecular level and you will find how fully and purposefully every organ was designed. The more you know - the more you will be amazed. By far the most facinating area of knowledge and discovery comes in understanding the brain. It is only as you come to appreciate the various layers of cells - how they are structed with one another - the chemicals and channels that interplay with each other on a molecular level that you can really discover many of life's mysteries. This is how I came to find the answers I had long sought to discover; I was able to see how one corelated with the other (the universe and the brain).

another patient - in fact a few more
OK - so in conjunction with the previous post about the logical, purposeful design seen in the universe - I am the Lion - a LEO - with an August birthday - and I will not deny the traits; as many have been able to verify me as a LEO without me ever telling them.

But here I want to focus on the underlying rhythm which is THETA. Theta is the rhythm of Planet Earth - and underlies the workings of the ocean (which our circulatory system copies). Theta is the rhythm that dominates brain activity and is crucial for it's functioning. In all likelihood it is the same rhythm that controls the various layers of the Sun and the one that dominates the activities throughout the universe. I published an article on this and used it for a lecture. Unfortunately when you are the one to piece things together - and it is thus a brand new theory - many would have a hard time believing it's true or being able to understand it. During this lectue some medical students were quick to challenge me and demand to know my sources - which were listed on the article. Being new information - they had a very hard time believing the concept I was presenting and thus said they would check them out and do their own research TO PROVE ME WRONG. The psychiatrists who had years of experience were more convinced that my findings were accurate. The medical students later showed me immense respect - and PLEASE KNOW I AM NOT TELLING YOU THIS TO GET YOUR APPROVAL. Anyway - I was able to show how God could use the Theta Rhythm to know all things and control all things. God would not have to read our thoughts - EVERYTHING THROUGHOUT THE UNIVERSE MAKES ITSELF KNOWN TO THE HIGHEST DEGREE POSSIBLE - and Theta is an incredibly clever design built into the universe and all life within - by which everything is known, controlled and functions.

So when I say August/Leo is my birthday - it is only a small part of the overall picture - yet a very real and significant part.
When is your birthday? August/September?


Alright, I am intrigued and will wait to hear more about the Theta rhythm and your findings. My birthday is September 7th, and though I've been told I exhibit Virgo tendencies, I don't really follow astrology.

I read the biography on Einstein, the recent bestseller, and though I can't pretend to understand all of his theories, I do recall the constant theme throughout the book, that up until his death, Einstein was looking for the principle of life, which for him had to be logical and mathematical because everything was so precise, and God would not leave life open to chance.

I am also awaiting the next acoustical song for our concert, and I believe that I speak for Cornelia as well, I believe that we are all that close. Cornelia, I loved Peter, Paul, and Mary, too. One of my fondest memories growing up is my bohemian parents bringing me one of their albums that they had found in the neighbor's garbage. Another really cool album that they found was Jesus Christ Superstar - do you guys like that one? By the way, I use the term "bohemian" as a compliment, I couldn't be prouder of my parents and my humble roots, though I had to learn that as an adult.
