Just saw where Sir Edmund Hillary died - a truly great and unassuming explorer.
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OK - so in conjunction with the previous post about the logical, purposeful design seen in the universe - I am the Lion - a LEO - with an August birthday - and I will not deny the traits; as many have been able to verify me as a LEO without me ever telling them.
Hi Steady,
I remember the good old days when I would be hit w/the famous line "What's your sign?", I would mislead them displaying traits that were not mine just for fun, and I enjoyed the expression on their face when they thought they had figured out my sign, but much more when I told them what their sign was without their telling me anything, just by talking about stuff or "trivia" as some may call it while I took notes LOL!!!Of course my friends would keep a very straight face while all this was going on, as they somehow knew what I was doing... Likewise, I always wondered how the universe was designed so that everything worked so together. Thanks for the previous post on how you became interested in this quest, it's a fascinating subject... and we are all ears...
But here I want to focus on the underlying rhythm which is THETA. Theta is the rhythm of Planet Earth - and underlies the workings of the ocean (which our circulatory system copies).
I also remember in the seventies when biorythms became popular, and I wanted to know more of what made the good and the critical days, and how that worked. I had a friend that let me use a program to get biorythms for a day, or cycles, and it was fascinating, I remember how I used to analyze the days that were rated as critical and my taking notes later on to compare them with the chart analysis. That was always a fascinating subject to me...
I published an article on this and used it for a lecture.
If and when you have time, we wouldn't mind reading it, or do you think it would go above our heads??
Anyway - I was able to show how God could use the Theta Rhythm to know all things and control all things. God would not have to read our thoughts - EVERYTHING THROUGHOUT THE UNIVERSE MAKES ITSELF KNOWN TO THE HIGHEST DEGREE POSSIBLE - and Theta is an incredibly clever design built into the universe and all life within - by which everything is known, controlled and functions.
So when I say August/Leo is my birthday - it is only a small part of the overall picture - yet a very real and significant part.
Alright, I am intrigued and will wait to hear more about the Theta rhythm and your findings. My birthday is September 7th, and though I've been told I exhibit Virgo tendencies, I don't really follow astrology.
I've said all I will say about the Theta rhythm. Mamikin, the reason I wrote anything related to the past few posts is because I don't follow astrology - and even though I have encountered others who knew "my sign" almost instantly - it is not something I'm into. If I see anything in it - it is the fact that it all points to the One that brought all things into being - and that it was all designed with logic and meaning. I wanted to make sure this area does not become a source of problems or confussion - to make known I see some undeniable element of truth in it - but that it all points to a greater truth, and that should be our focus.
Einstein was looking for the principle of life, which for him had to be logical and mathematical because everything was so precise, and God would not leave life open to chance.
Einstein's belief in God would not allow him to accept an undeniable truth that - because of him - many came to believe. He could not fit a major part of his theory into his belief system. It is hard to avoid being boxed in by our belief systems - but to be open minded to new ideas and new discoveries will often heighten our understanding and appreciation and honestly let us acquire a greater and deeper truth.
I am also awaiting the next acoustical song for our concert, and I believe that I speak for Cornelia as well, I believe that we are all that close.
I will send the song to you and Cornellia as soon as I'm able (done with my next patient)
Cornelia, I loved Peter, Paul, and Mary, too.
One of my fondest memories growing up is my bohemian parents bringing me one of their albums that they had found in the neighbor's garbage. Another really cool album that they found was Jesus Christ Superstar - do you guys like that one? By the way, I use the term "bohemian" as a compliment, I couldn't be prouder of my parents and my humble roots, though I had to learn that as an adult. Mamikin
When is your birthday? August/September?
Mamikin, welcome back!
Of course this is your concert, as you are the one who requested it, and I'm glad to be part of it.
Cornelia, I loved Peter, Paul, and Mary, too. One of my fondest memories growing up is my bohemian parents bringing me one of their albums that they had found in the neighbor's garbage.
I use the term "bohemian" as a compliment, I couldn't be prouder of my parents Mamikin
I would be very interested in reading more about this later on in life, when I really have time and can focus on something as deep as this. Thank you very much for sharing.
Just saw where Sir Edmund Hillary died - a truly great and unassuming explorer.
Cornelia, I don't know about you, but I think we should follow Steady's lead and not ask the specific details about the Theta theory. I, too, asked for more details.
To Steady, I have enjoyed the concert immensely and recorded the music so that I can enjoy it at work or driving. I can tell you that "You are the Gift" helped me immmensely last week to calm down and handle a matter at work that had me distraught. Even though I love all songs, I find "Born of the Spirit" really beautiful, I think it is the guitar that sounds almost like the wind or lapping water, it is very tranquilizing. And of course the words are completely inspirational.