Steadygain's Account Talk


Every galaxy has a central core - THE HUGE BLACK HOLE - which is like the hub of a giant wagon wheel. And everything moves to a certain rhythm - the galaxies spin; the stars and planets have their movements; the ebb and flow of the seas; the changing of the seasons; the changing patterns that every form of life has acquired ALL OF THEM FLOW IN LINE WITH AN UNDERLYING DOMINATE RHYTHM. Everything throughout appears to work as a whole - and everything has its purpose - it all flows as a coesive (sp) whole. THERE IS AN UNDENIABLE AND PURPOSEFUL PATTERN STRUCTURED THROUGHOUT THE UNIVERSE - AND HERE I WOULD PURPOSE THAT A DEVINE AND ULTRA SUPREME BEING (WHICH I WILL HENCEFORTH CALL GOD) WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR BOTH CREATING THIS DESIGN AND SETTING IT IN PLACE.
Are you trying to suggest that the FED will lower rates as much as .75%?:rolleyes:

WOW!!! What a joy to break the tension of my hectic day - trying to type the patient's concerns at the speed of lightening and then move on to hopefully talk about something in easier to understand terms.

I think the FED will lower by .50% this go around - which may spark a brief rally (as it did before) but the overall dynamics will continue to put the majority in a fearful state combined with an ever increasing weaker dollar which the FED continues to fuel with giving more and more Billions. Although I would rarely (if ever) use Mr. R as an example - his suggestion of going GOLD is hard to ignore because GOLD will have to go up as the money from the FED continues to flow out at increasing rates. That being said I wholly disagree with putting all your eggs in 1 basket - including gold. Consumerism is largely what drives the economy - and this year the Markets have taken a substantial dive. Although the age old investors like Birch - Uptrend - myself and many others on this MB see opportunities even in these trying times THE GENERAL PUBLIC WILL GO IN PROTECTION MODE - LARGELY JUSTIFIED BY INCREASING BAD NEWS AND SPENDING WILL DECLINE ALONG ALL SECTORS. Thus any rally will be short lived and we will finally be able to dive to a real bottom and not a FALSE CORRECTION.

In what ways could this underlying rhythm be used as a tool:
1) The source of all information - by acknowledging the vastness by which Theta works within the brain - every thought and every action would fully reveal itself through theta's activity. Thus God would not have to wearily strive to deeply enter into the head of each and every person - trying to determine their emotional, hormonal, and various states - but rather THETA WOULD SCREAM OUT ALL THAT IS HAPPENING - and thus it would be the most effective tool imaginable for monitoring everything - in the most precise detailed manner. And this would apply to everything throughout the universe.
2) The ultimate controlling tool - by having one major underlying tool that sets (and keeps) all things in motion - the universe thus becomes easier to maintain - and everything throughout the universe is sending out its own source of information.
3) Where is the beginnig point and the end point? If this design is deliberate - and it most certainly has to be - then all this information is going somewhere and the only thing that remotely makes sence is that it is going to the SOURCE THAT BROUGHT IT INTO BEING - WHICH IS THE BEGINNING POINT AND ALL THINGS ARE FULLY UNDER IT'S CONTROL - TO BRING ALL THINGS BACK TO THE SOURCE THAT KEEPS IT ACTIVE AND MAINTAINS ALL ASPECTS BY WHICH IT IS MAINTAINED AND FUNCTIONS.

Here I would say the brain has incredible potiential that we (as a race) have largely missed. If we consider the Earth's design in conjunction with our Brain - then limitless possibilities exist. For instance the Earth itself would serve as a huge conductor - and anyone on the Planet could free their brain to link up with someone else - anywhere - and at anytime - as long as both parties are open to giving and receiving each other's frequeny. Communication on this level would be far beyond our typical level of communication which is always based on the last little bit of information that filters to our conscious state. Here communication would be on a subconscious level - involving all the brain's activity and thus the end result would be a sharing of one another's being on a level far beyond anything we could know otherwise. This involves a purposeful - deliberate - concentrated action on the part of both parties - and when enacted THE EXPERIENCE OF BEING TOGETHER WOULD SURPASS the ordinary conscious state. I would say this is the basis for the overwhelming reports of communication that has been known to exist between people seperated by large distances; people who have been close for years (both genetically and by bonding relationships). By taking advantage of this knowledge we could spend QUALITY TIME TOGETHER even when seperated by large distances.
In what ways could this underlying rhythm be used as a tool:
1) The source of all information - by acknowledging the vastness by which Theta works within the brain

Hi Steadygain,

Thank you very much for taking of your valuable time,and all the energy spent writing in understandable terms all these postings re Theta Rhythms. I was familiar with their role in meditative state and other brainwave functions i.e., alpha, beta, etc, and obviously regarding biorythms that were so popular in the 70s, but never to the depths you touch in these postings. I just logged in after a very busy afternoon, and they look written for the layperson, which is even more appreciated.

Thanks again, looks like "continuous education training" will continue after retirement.:)



Like Cornelia, I appreciate you taking the time to express your thoughts and theory in layman's terms. I saw your postings yesterday and looked at them but I must confess, I will need to reread them again and absorb them with more time, to see if I can fully grasp the implication. You seem to work with a lot of intuition coming from within, which is similar to how I work, and most likely our beloved kindred spirit, Cornelia. Thanks again for taking the time to post during your busy day. I saw the note from Nnut (much appreciated for his humor and wisdom!) and your response - what a relief to laugh and lighten up a little. Well hopefully you can do some of that today, too!

I saw your postings yesterday and looked at them but I must confess, I will need to reread them again and absorb them with more time, to see if I can fully grasp the implication. You seem to work with a lot of intuition coming from within, which is similar to how I work, and most likely our beloved kindred spirit, Cornelia.

What a relief to laugh and lighten up a little. Well hopefully you can do some of that today, too!

Mamikin - you are so sweet and thoughtful; THANK YOU! for all the joy you bring to both of us :)

I had a busy day yesterday and so I just wrote off the top of my head in between patients. It may be too much to absorb; and unfortunately what I've expressed is from a mindset that has researched these things at length and so I probably can not really convey it adequately - because as I'm writting it makes total sense to me - but then again I've pieced a lot of concrete things together with very abstract thinking. Anyway if it does tie together then you will come to appreciate why we are made the way we are and how our makeup is perfectly matched to the universe in which we live. Beyond this you will acknowledge that only God could come up with such a logical design and how it serves God's purpose. And finally as kind of a fluke - I realized that we can utilize this discovery to broaden our relationships.

As for the light moments - and being able to laugh and enjoy - it is only (and mainly) through special friendships like this that we can do this. In these trying financial times - with the Markets tumbling, I am very grateful half of my TSP is in G Fund - BUT MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE I'M GLAD A LOSS OF MONEY DOESN'T KEEP ME FROM THE HAPPINESS OF DISCOVERING TRUE LOVE AND LASTING FRIENDSHIPS.

Getting burned is not nearly as bad when half is in safety :p. I realize that the PROS see this as a bottom with stable Markets ready to spring - and I will leave the other half in to pick up what any short rally brings - then going G all the way and taking a far more cautious stance in the future.
BRB – be right back
BIO – going for bio break (washroom break)
AFK – away from keyboard (I am gone for a few minutes)
BTW – by the way
KK – OK (commonly used by online gamers to acknowledge that a message has been received)
TTYL – talk to you later
BFN – bye for now
TTFN – ta-ta for now
CYA – see ya (or it could also be: cover your a*s)
CUL8R – see you later
IBTL – in before the lock (for when you post a message prior to the administrator locking the heated discussion thread)
IMHO – in my humble opinion
IMNSHO – in my not so humble opinion
FMV – fair market value (for selling items online)
LOL – laughing out loud
MT – mistell (commonly used by online gamers to say that they made a mistake and mistyped their last message)
NWT – new with tags (for selling items online)
NWOT – new without tags (for selling items online)
OOAK – one of a kind (for selling items online)
PMSL - P*ssing myself laughing (a common UK expression)
ROFL – rolling on floor laughing
ROFLMAO – rolling on floor laughing my a*s off
RTM – read the manual
RTFM – read the f***ing manual (to show frustration at someone's ignorance of basic knowledge)
GG – good game
THX - thanks
TX - thanks
TY - thank you
NP - no problem/you're welcome
PLZ - please
W/E - whatever
ASL – age / sex / location?
RL – real life
IRL – in real life
Thanks 12% ;) is deeply appreciated!

Well it's certainly been a very strange year. Most have fallen by a significant margin and the Markets over the past 5 years have more than convinced everyone that the drop can only go so far until we see a bounce to balance it out. This has been the pattern over the years - and we know of nothing else - so our money continues to sink. What's even more amazing is that anyone who went ULTRA SAFETY - OR SAFETY IN GENERAL - are now towards the top in our ratings. Of course seeing some overall significant pros like Griffin and others way down with me is to some degree comforting - IT NO LONGER HELPS BECAUSE WE CONTINUE TO LOSE - and turning this back around and ending in the TOP 10 - now seems too far off to even imagine. So I am truely humbled at this point and may reduce my risk even greater in the near future.

I don't want to be in the Top 10 - to make others look bad - but that is my goal for the year and hopefully things will turn around. So GL to everyone - give it your best and stive for 1st Place.
Mamikin, my posts are unfortunately too disconnected to really understand what I'm talking about. I think a little more information is needed. OK - here we go. My first endeavor was to find the part of the brain responsible for Spiritual Enlightenment - that process associated with UNDENIABLE AND THOROUGH LOVE IN COMBINATION WITH OVERWHELMING FEELINGS OF TRUST. Call it "born again" "finding faith" "discovering God" or whatever - but the bottom line of LOVE and TRUST were the most prominent aspects and research here was thoroughly discovered. A part of the brain called the Caldate Nucleus LIT UP BRIGHTLY when LOVE and/or FEELINGS OF TRUST were the dominate characterists - THE ACTIVITY HERE TOOK CONTROL and the subsequent sensations of LOVE and TRUST found completeness. The Caldate Nucleus works in union with another part called the Putamen and they form 1 of the 2 major cores by which the brain functions. This is the final core - where the entering information has been largely refined by other areas - but once inside it is heavily refined down to the final pieces that remain in the brain. It is the Theta Rhythm that ultimately keeps the gates closed while the REFINING OF INFORMATION is taking place - and it equally determines when the gates are opened and only lets THE RIGHT AMOUNT OF INFORMATION TO LEAVE.

From the Caudate Nucleus - I began tracing every connection that went out and went in - until I knew every possible connection research provided. ULTIMATELY THIS LED ME TO THE FIRST MAJOR CORE - THE HIPPOCAMPUS - where the Brain acquires "The Hippocampal Theta Rhythm" - this works in union with another part called the AMYGDALA and it is the union of this core that is largely responsible for EMOTIONS - MEMORY - AND UNDERSTANDING. Disruptions in this core are responsible for ADD; ADHD; Autism; and numerous other Mental Health Disorders - which will vary according to the disruption. The Theta Rhythm largely controls all the activities noted throughout this region and everything associated with it. I was so struck by the degree the THETA RHYTHM controlled the overall operations by which the brain functions THAT I WAS CONVINCED ANYTHING THAT DOMINATE WOULD HAVE TO BE A UNIVERSAL FINDING - THAT IF I REALLY DID RESEARCH IN OTHER AREAS I COULD PROVE THE THETA RHYTHM IS SUCH A DOMINATE ASPECT OF THE UNIVERSE (AND ESPECIALLY PLANET EARTH) THAT ALL FORMS OF LIFE ON THE EARTH WOULD HAVE TO HAVE THIS FEATURE INCORPORATED AS PART OF THE FOUNDING MAKEUP BY WHICH THEY CAME INTO BEING.

OK - stand up - stretch - take a brief walk and come back :cheesy:
Mamikin - this should make it easier to put together.

1) Every animal/creature on Earth has the Theta Rhythm dominating brain activity

2) Other forms of life (plants, trees....) have dominate Theta Characteristics - which regulate the cycles

3) I found how the Earth was structured - Biosphere/Atmosphere and all the Electro-magnetic Waves which are exactly in sync with the Brain Waves - BUT ULTIMATELY CONFIRMED THE THETA RHYTHM WAS "THE BASE RHYTHM OF PLANET EARTH"

4) This led to researching the OCEAN - which brought forth numerous designs matching our characteristics - and it was easy to see how the Theta Rhythm could control the variety of complex activities.

5) This led to researching the SUN - if I could find and prove similar activities that matched the OCEAN - I could extend it throughout the UNIVERSE.

Ultimately I would be able to prove it is an extremely logical and purposeful design - functioning for a specific reason(s) and thus it has to be an intentional design - planned out and put in place by God, which undoubtedly serves as a powerful tool.

Hopefully with that info. - if you go back through the previous notes they'll make more sense. If not - you can use this as evidence that I am psychotic and delusional and simply ignore it. :embarrest::p

Now don't do this because you have to; do it because you want to.

In order for me to give you professional medical advise on your nephew I will need some type of payment.

So send me a hug ( which is looks like this 0 )
And send me a kiss ( which looks like this X )

Send as many as you want and I will tell you what I think in regards to those medications. You did an excellent job describing his life and condition - and that is very important. OO XX O

Dearest Cornellia,
This is a message from yesteryear - it seems like ages since I wrote this - as so much has transpired from then until now. Perhaps I can explain (the above message) better now; THE BRAIN is the most central part of my life and as you already know it was what I determined would be my lifelong goal "knowing the brain through and through" way back in high school. Everything I do today is part of that goal - and every encounter I have ESPECIALLY IN MY PROFESSION relates to this. So when you asked me something as intimate to the brain as SEROTONIN - it reached to the absolute deepest layers of my being. My perceived connection with you at that time was wonderful - very strong - but of course compared to today it was just taking root. And so at that moment I threw this out to express something much deeper; I think what I was saying was something like "If I am to tell you the mysteries and specific details of the brain then step into my life and become part of what I am." But I was too dumb to know how to express it - and somehow came up with what I did - I guess as a window of opportunity (maybe hoping that deep down you wanted a better connection) just in case there were other things related to the brain you may be curious about. Well needlesss to say a lot has happened over time and now I am more than willing and ready to tell you anything; PLEASE FORGIVE ME FOR TAKING SO LONG TO GET TO THIS POINT.

I will answer your question thoroughly - when I have a free moment.
THE BRAIN is the most central part of my life and every encounter I have ESPECIALLY IN MY PROFESSION relates to this. So when you asked me something as intimate to the brain as SEROTONIN - it reached to the absolute deepest layers of my being. My perceived connection with you at that time was wonderful - very strong - but of course compared to today it was just taking root. And so at that moment I threw this out to express something much deeper; I think what I was saying was something like "If I am to tell you the mysteries and specific details of the brain then step into my life and become part of what I am." But I was too dumb to know how to express it - and somehow came up with what I did - I guess as a window of opportunity (maybe hoping that deep down you wanted a better connection) just in case there were other things related to the brain you may be curious about. Well needlesss to say a lot has happened over time and now I am more than willing and ready to tell you anything; PLEASE FORGIVE ME FOR TAKING SO LONG TO GET TO THIS POINT.

I will answer your question thoroughly - when I have a free moment.[/quote]
Good morning, Steadygain,

I did all the research on serotonin levels I could possibly absorb, and more than that may have gone above my head, but I was satisfied with what I learned in 1996 due to a relative having depression problems.

That same yr a 13-yr old niece I was raising was diagnosed with ADD and I discovered 5HTP when she was prescribed some type of medication. First I read the literature enclosed and found out that it had terrible secondary effects, i.e., could have convulsions if she forgot to take it or if she took it twice a day, or something like that. When I advised the psychogist I wasn't going to give her that medication she advised of 5HTP and of the good results an Alt. Med. Dr. had in the area. So I did more research on that one and I liked it, she took it for about 3 yrs and all I can say is that it worked.

So, please don't worry about that previous message, seems so long ago & it may be OBE by more research I did before and after the fact.

Now, if you really want me to ask questions on the brain, talk to me about ambidextrous people, where their left is their right, and their right is their left. Unless they make a special effort, they go right when they are told to go left, and go left when they are told to go right. I have always found it a fascinating subject, how their thinking is affected by having their wires crossed :nuts: which I don't know if it happens simultaneously when processing information, or if using the logical and the emotional parts of the brain is a separate function altogether, even though in this particular case it all falls together when making decisions, after thoroughly analyzing all parts of a particular situation. To add to it, that same ambidextrous person can also write backwards with the left hand, you can read it perfectly against a mirror, even though she can write with both hands, writes more efficiently w/the right hand (as a result of training, I guess??).

Thanks for getting back to me on that previous message, you don't forget anything do you??

Thanks and please take your time on this one, there's no rush...


Now, if you really want me to ask questions on the brain, talk to me about ambidextrous people, where their left is their right, and their right is their left. Unless they make a special effort, they go right when they are told to go left, and go left when they are told to go right. I have always found it a fascinating subject, how their thinking is affected by having their wires crossed (or their wiring) :nuts: which I don't know if it happens simultaneously when processing information, or if using the logical and the emotional parts of the brain is a separate function altogether, even though in this particular case it all falls together when making decisions, after thoroughly analyzing all parts of a particular situation. To add to it, that same ambidextrous person (has unique and incredibly special abilities... for instance they)can also write backwards with the left hand, you can read it perfectly against a mirror, even though she can write with both hands, writes more efficiently w/the right hand (as a result of training, I guess??).

Thanks for getting back to me on that previous message, you don't forget anything do you?? Things that are important to me are rarely forgotten. In some ways it makes me extra special - in the sense of how I came to view myself and life in general as I was developing into a child with reasoning and understanding. And I guess it is good in the sense that once I really decide what I want to do "like making the brain my life goal" - it is something I never seem to give up. But in some ways it may have it's drawbacks - as in my ultra committment to Jimi Hendrix - which many would think I should put behind me and say that was a childish endeavor and you were just a kid when you made that committment. But oddly enough that is not how I see it at all - I see it as THIS WAS MEANT TO BE and there is no way I will fail in this endeavor. Anyway - in some ways I'm probably pretty strange (and misunderstood) - but THANK YOU.

Thanks and please take your time on this one, there's no rush...


To do this right - I will have to really cover numerous aspects - but I will do my best.

Have a wonderful day!! and thanks for getting in touch. ;)
TSP Accounts

Major shifts ongoing with the Major Pros moving to safey TODAY

Birch is unmovable - but does he have his limits??

Cornellia, I included a message in your quote (maybe easy to miss)

Have a great weekend everyone and as Jimi would say:

Peace, Love, and Happiness to all.
Hopefully with that info. - if you go back through the previous notes they'll make more sense. If not - you can use this as evidence that I am psychotic and delusional and simply ignore it

Dear Steadygain,

I would never think you psychotic or delusional - I have no doubt that in your area of expertise, brain research, you are at the top. You may be correct in your earlier post about the Theta rhythm being difficult to explain without experience and years of accumulated knowledge, but I did go back and reread your posts and it starts to make some sense to me. I thank you for taking the time to simplify and try to explain it at my level. You are kind and patient.

What you wrote about the core and disruptions leading to disorders was of immediate interest to me, as my daughter has ADHD and is currently taking Ritalin. I have seen improvement in her behavior and schoolwork and so has the school, but unfortunately I remain locked in battle with my ex-husband over her treatment, because he doesn't want her on it. Say a prayer for me because I am truly fighting evil with him - I could tell story after story but I won't, not here in this forum. At any rate, bless Cornelia once again, she recommended the 5HTP and I will ask the doctor about it. Please, don't feel that I am asking you for medical advice for my daughter, I am just explaining why this is of such interest to me. Plus, I may be ready for my next nervous breakdown - do you practice anywhere near Denver? Just kidding!

At any rate, in addition to caring for my children and working full-time, I start school again next week, so you may not hear from me as frequently. I am trying to learn another language. That doesn't mean that I'm not on this site reading, trying to decide what to do next with my TSP account. I don't post in the autotracker so you wouldn't know that I went 50 F, 50 G last week, and boy am I glad about that. The economy does not look good, and I can't help but think we are in for more bad times before the market rights itself. I believe that you wrote about that previously.


Wow, I just went through all the MB Ratings and the results are just incredible. The most traggic part is that "the real leaders" need to make up for a huge loss before they can make a dent in getting ahead - which of course means their only option is go High Risk as much as possible - in hopes of getting a bounce. Of course it also means they will plunge even lower.


It only makes sense that Ben should become the ultimate target of attack - as though he is personally responsible for the dilemma our economy is facing - when Alan himself repeatly made it very clear that Ben has nothing to do with it (and that Alan) never had to deal with the situation we presently face. Although I guess this rock throwing - finger pointing behavior is hard to avoid - when you're needing someone (or something to blame) when things get tough, but I am really surprized by the ones making such postings. Ben is one of the smartest guys you could ever know when it comes to understanding the economy - and our recent condition is in no way associated with him being weak or stupid. It really seems that no one wants to do their homework - that everyone is convinced the Markets are only meant to go higher and higher and when the Markets go against our Belief Systems - we lose it. Here we lose more than money - we lose our ability to really understand what is going on - and refuse to accept our faulty beliefs. So if you're convinced the Markets will soon sky-rocket to record heights then stay 100% High Risk - but don't blame anyone else for that decision.

Anyway - that is how I see it. I think many of us really need to get a grip and stop looking for a scapegoat (or even worse a Super Economy Savior) who can magically turn this completely around overnight.