TSP Elite
EBB - you are next.
First of all it makes absolutely no difference to me that your long standing Chart System has failed since it became a Premium Deal. It was an unfortunate coincidence - that no system could have anticapated. But you spent years gathering the data and comming up with a program that VERY MUCH PROVED ITSELF. I will always regard you highly and feel you have more than proved yourself over the years. I can't imagine anyone else having the slogan "30% or BUST" and being able to consistently show this year after year. Again I am able to completely dismiss the past 4 months - and appreciate the overall picture. Your atavar of the blowing raging bull - fits you perfect - that is what you are. And as I recall your responses during the extended length by which your system was freely offered - you never acted arrogant - but spoke with style and as a very confident player. You encouraged others in a meaningful and appropriate way. I see you as one of the biggest drawing cards that brought many to this site and because of that you have made this a much richer environment.
So please know - regardless of what the past 4 months have been like - I still regard you highly. I gave you the maximum money I could but I never go to your site. Please know that is not an insult to you - it was meant as a token of my appreciation and I would have given you more if a greater amount was available. But I like doing my own thing - and therefore will move on as usual. My greatest admiration was the popularity of your thread - which speaks volumes for you. So for the better and for the worst we are all in this together AND IN NO WAY HAS YOUR REPUTATION BEEN TARNISHED IN MY BOOK - as you will forever give all of us something bigger to strive for. I have never met anyone with a longer winning trend, and when you do win - you set record highs.
First of all it makes absolutely no difference to me that your long standing Chart System has failed since it became a Premium Deal. It was an unfortunate coincidence - that no system could have anticapated. But you spent years gathering the data and comming up with a program that VERY MUCH PROVED ITSELF. I will always regard you highly and feel you have more than proved yourself over the years. I can't imagine anyone else having the slogan "30% or BUST" and being able to consistently show this year after year. Again I am able to completely dismiss the past 4 months - and appreciate the overall picture. Your atavar of the blowing raging bull - fits you perfect - that is what you are. And as I recall your responses during the extended length by which your system was freely offered - you never acted arrogant - but spoke with style and as a very confident player. You encouraged others in a meaningful and appropriate way. I see you as one of the biggest drawing cards that brought many to this site and because of that you have made this a much richer environment.
So please know - regardless of what the past 4 months have been like - I still regard you highly. I gave you the maximum money I could but I never go to your site. Please know that is not an insult to you - it was meant as a token of my appreciation and I would have given you more if a greater amount was available. But I like doing my own thing - and therefore will move on as usual. My greatest admiration was the popularity of your thread - which speaks volumes for you. So for the better and for the worst we are all in this together AND IN NO WAY HAS YOUR REPUTATION BEEN TARNISHED IN MY BOOK - as you will forever give all of us something bigger to strive for. I have never met anyone with a longer winning trend, and when you do win - you set record highs.