Steadygain's Account Talk

Something I said must have made you feel that we have this great connection and that I am your #1, that's ok as long as you do not want or expect me to do or say things I do not want to say or do. Calling me #1 and sweetheart was kind of cute and I thought I would play along. I grew up too fast with a lot of responsibilities when I became a member of the workforce at the age of 17. ok, I have finished 2 cups of tea while writing (and doing work), so have a great day Steady, and yes, call me #1 or sweetheart, but not honey ok??

GGal - has this quote "Women and cats do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea."

You see the similarities in their expressions. They are wired like women - 100% - just as I am wired as a man. I understand how a woman is wired and that makes a world of difference from those who don't. To the largest degree I am seeking the same thing a woman seeks - a solid connection that is rooted in trust and understanding; that allows the other to fully be who they are and finds increasing joy as their acceptance becomes complete. A woman is a very strong willed individual who must have the freedom to do her thing and be as she believes. GGal is right, if men in general would foster this - accept it - and be in harmony with it - then the world woud be so much better off and honestly the men would be so much happier. Anyway - Cornellia, if in some measure I provide a nice break from your busy - hectic life - that is good. I would never want you (or anyone else) to say or do anything that you are not fully determined to do. As I mentioned before "If I take you out of your comfort zone - that is unacceptable" and you will find that belief heavily influences everything I say and do - yet I am always for real and never try to pretend to be something I'm not. So to answer your question - and satisfy your curiousity - the energy was already in me and had been nurished over the years to a huge source of power. I was laying on my stomach with my head turned to the wall - the covers over me. In my eagerness to confront my offender I was ready to turn over, draw the blankets down and confront my offender. My energy would not let me do this - because I would be too vulnerable to an attack while getting out of bed - and plus it insisted I be fully charged. My entire body becomes like a pulsating magnet drawing energy - that is how I do it. One second it draws in all the energy it can (and energy is everywhere) - and the next second is goes throughout my body and builds up like an expanding ballon. At some point in time you can not draw in anymore - you are completey full - and when that happened I saw my greatest opportunity to limit the vulnerability was pushing my body up about 5 feet and to the left another 4 feet - this way I would be on my feet and totally ready. I am certain that David saw me as a pansy assed pussy - trying to hide under the covers - saying "Please mommy - make this bad boy go away." I would have spang out of bed so fast that he barely saw a blurr - and the next split second I am standing next to him armed and ready. So for the first few seconds I understand why he just stood there - his mind was trying to process how I got from laying in bed to standing next to him without moving - how did I get from THIS to THAT. Definately not something you see everyday, especially with alcohol in your system. Anyway - we will drop this subject if you are satisfied.
Sorry if I misled you, but I am not the one who weighs 300 to 400 pounds.

On the alpha state of consciousness: I am sure you have heard about it being familiar with meditation: Mystical states of consciousness happen in the alpha state ... The Alpha State also occurs voluntarily during light hypnosis, meditation, biofeedback, day dreaming, hypnogogic and hypnapompic states."
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif, Baskerville Old Face]Dr. Lee Warren, B.A., D.D.[/FONT]

I was concerned about your health - but I would not have said anything. Anyway I'm glad you don't weigh that much.

The Alpha state originates - in the brain????? No! - but that would have been a good guess since it is associated with the Brain's Alpha Rhythm. The origin is from the Earth's electomagnetic waves which of couse are in sink with our frequencies. The underlying Rhythm of our planet is Theta - and not surprizing that is the most dominate Rhythm controlling the brain's various functions. Interestingly - this also creates the source by which I can free my energy (my frequency) to be in tune with yours (if you were open to accepting it). The Earth serves as a huge conductor - which lets this advanced connection occur throughout the globe. I am really not into meditation - other than deeper reflections and prayerful states.
TSP Investments
Obviously many are still in the habit of making almost daily transfers - trying to avoid this dip - and seize that gain - but in the end I expect those who stand strong will come out winning.

I had noted in Tom's comments that due to the strength/weakness in the Dollar the I Fund will only give half the return it yeilds and indeed that day it only gave about .6% for the 1.2% gain it acquired. But I may have misunderstood. It was hard for me to believe this could be a consistent finding and yesterday the FV was very good and somewhat made up for the loss. I have no doubt that Tom knows what he is talking about and see him right there with Griffin - as a stable source of knowledge. If I ever make a comment about Tom - I mean that as "wow did you know that..." not as any kind of derogatory comment - in regards to him.

I previously put 100% in I Fund and decided to leave it there and hope for the best. If in fact the I Fund does only give half of what it gains then I will move to 100% S Fund. For now I am trying to limit my transfers as much as possible and am anxious to see how I do in comparison to others. But then again to me it is no longer a game of competition - it is simply having consistent gains until retirement.
Energy begats energy be it positive or negative. Try light as your source of energy as we are children of god whose light are beacons to those less fortunate who have not found him yet.
Energy begats energy be it positive or negative. Try light as your source of energy as we are children of god whose light are beacons to those less fortunate who have not found him yet.

Wow! What a beautiful response. Nothing could be more perfect or true than the energy that radiates from God. If you look over the previous posts you'll find many reflecting the source of this Light. "In the beginning was the Word" - which in the original greek is the word Logos. I wrote an essay on the word "Logos" for a college class and it represents so many things it took weeks to complete. Logos is the original light (Christ Jesus) that sprang forth from God - the Light that overcame the darkness - bringing illunmination and understanding - throughout the entire creation process. He is in fact the very Word that brought all things into being - and now in His glorified state (after His resurrection) He is what holds all things together. He is the basis for all life. Debbie - please visit more often and help us all to shine that LIGHT more fully - so that we can be a beacon for everyone (both the high and the low, the rich and the poor, the stressed and weary as well as the lazy and complacent).

Thanks again! I hope everything is going well in WV.

Debbie (WV-girl) mentioned energy - which is a concept that has many meanings. A picture of Einstein is on the door to my office; I have studied his works and the works of many others (such as Stephen Hawking) over the years. To these individuals ENERGY represents everything from the smallest (quantum physics - nanotechnology) to the biggest (Theory of Relativity) where ENERGY (mass) bends space/time; which largely explains the design of the entire universe

For those in the highest levels of karate - they understand ENERGY in its purest form (as a force that controls everything); but they have mastered ENERGY on multiple levels so that ENERGY itself is fully under their control. That is the lesson in "To Kill Bill 2" - the fibers that hold the board together are under energy's control and the Master knows this energy can not possibly resist him and so he easily redirects that energy - and his fist breaks through. He can in turn make himself as light as a feature - letting energy sustain him as he walks on her sword - or redirect his energy to block her kick with an unseen force that holds her and tosses her to the ground. I was not prepared for someone to ask me about karate - yet the most central key is understanding energy itself - and the very first lesson is learning how to use the energy from your entire body and direct this energy (as an ongoing force out of your fist). Karate is an art that reveres and respects all life - it is designed to protect; not to harm. The underlying message of my training was "End the Threat" - and do not prolong the fight. It is ultimately a tool of health and safety - designed to keep us in harmony with all life and with nature itself - not as a form of warfare to inflict harm. I will end my discussion on Karate (on my next post) with the underlying thought of KUNG FU - which is one of the purest forms of karate and wholly deals with energy.
All creatures - the low and the high - are one with nature.
No life is insignificant!
If we have wisdom to learn; all may teach us their virtures.

From the crane we learn grace and self control.
The snake teaches us subtleness and rhymic endurance.
The praying mantis teaches us speed and patience.
The tiger teaches us tenacity and power.
From the dragon we learn to ride the wind.

Between the fragile beauty of the praying mantis
and the fire and passion of the winged dragon there is no discord.
Between the subtle silence of the snake
and the eagle's claw there is only harmony;
and no two elements of nature are in conflict.

So when we perceive the ways of nature
we remove the conflict within ourselves
and discover a harmony of body and mind
in regard to the flow of the universe.

The rabbit heals rage, the tiger pity, the dragon pain.

Life sustains life and all living creatures need nourishment;
Yet with wisdom the body learns to sustain that all may live.

Perceive the way of nature and no force can harm you.
Do not meet a wave head on - avoid it.
You do not have to stop force, it is easier to redirect it.
Learn ways to preserve rather than destroy.
Avoid rather than check; check rather than hurt;
Hurt rather than maim; maim rather than kill.

All life is precious - nor can any be replaced.

Thank you so much for the 2 writings today on Energy, they will be of much help. I tend to focus on a line here and there and think about it, analize/feel it for days until I think it's going to be with me forever. The practice of yoga and tai-chi helps me understand some about the use of energy, it has been most enlightening (used to be more active at it years ago, now I know I could make more time but I am not ready yet). Interesting that your last writing on Energy mentions some animals that have the same names for some Tai Chi movements, everything is connected indeed. Thanks again Steady for taking the time to share with us.
By the way, your distribution to S and I helped me some last Friday, thank you for sharing about this too.

Have a great day!

After reading WV-girl's message I read back through the previous posts to see the extent by which so many were in fact acting as beacons of light. Many of the responses are too wonderful for me to adequately comment on and stem from a large number of members. I did not realize that your comment in #247 was a quote from #244 and that is the main reason why I wanted you to feel like my #1 - because I all the more hoped in some way I could maybe make that beauty even greater (and if in fact in some measure I may have done that - then that is wonderful). But to be a true Beacon of Light everyone on this MB should equally be my #1 - and Debbie's message had a far greater impact than she could ever know. So I will strive to be better. If you (that being everyone who reads this thread) ever gain in a positive way from something I have shared then I am deeply honored. I'm glad the S/I combination did well for you. After making that post I decided to remain 100% I Fund and am limiting my ITFs substantially. Many went to G/F to avoid the loss - and lost out as a result. For now I would say stay put, follow your own heart, and limit your threads to only the few who have a solid grounding.
The practice of yoga and tai-chi helps me understand some about the use of energy, it has been most enlightening. Interesting that your last writing on Energy mentions some animals that have the same names for some Tai Chi movements, everything is connected indeed. Cornellia

I am usually very busy at work and yesterday was one of the worst, so I usually wind up typing my thoughts before they leave my head, to get to the next patient. Then as I'm falling asleep I'll reflect back on some things (or especially after a 3 to 4 hour sleep and wake up). I laughed when I thought of this - because nothing could explain what I was trying to tell you better than the combination of Tai-Chi and Yoga. Yoga is the essential stretching of your muscles and getting your body in tune - but if it becomes a true art - then it is even more than stretching (yet the more advanced you become the more your body can easily achieve). Tai-Chi is essentially the birth of Kung Fu (and the other 2 Pure Forms) - which are simply Tai-Chi at higher levels. Ohhh you are incredible - absolutely incredible - if you have already learned these arts then you would sail through the next levels (as they are an extension of both).

Thank you for sticking with me - you are a dear and lasting friend.

Have an absolutely wonderful perfect day!!

I am amazed ATCJeff can maintain such substantial gains with such frequent trading - but some can luck out (or are way smarter than me :)). Those who have made such achievements through frequent trades may experience difficulty in the near future and will likely have trouble for years to come.

The I Fund has given the greatest yeild - but lately has been very disappointing. There should be a great +FV today to make up for the 10 cents I was ripped off, but the fact remains that the current gains in the TSP are a far cry from the EFA gain. The S and C Fund are much more in sink with what you would expect - and the S Fund usually gives way better gains. I have made a point of limiting my trades and trying to prepare for the future - but I am certainly out to make money and make it very big; therefore I will do an ITF from 100% I Fund to 100% S Fund - COB Today.

Can anyone explain on a 3rd grade level - why the I Fund appears to be a rip off??
During the last five years every mutual fund manager, hedge fund manager and their sisters have been directing money into the internationals. Every one is already there - do you know who your neighbors are? The risk is when they decide to repatriate those funds back to domestic stocks - the unobservants will be left at the docks. As a contrarian I'd prefer to shop mostly where the value resides. But nothing changes overnight.
Can anyone explain on a 3rd grade level - why the I Fund appears to be a rip off??

Nobody has attempted to give any figures either how the -FV or +FV effects the total end of the year percentage of the 'I' Fund. So lets say everyone trumpets "The 'I' Fund made 17% last year blah blah blah"

Did it really after you figure in the ebb and flow of the various -FV or + FV's over the year?

"I' Fund is not a rip off-but well... I just wish somebody did the math.

I majored in the letters not the sciences. :laugh:
Energy begats energy be it positive or negative. Try light as your source of energy as we are children of god whose light are beacons to those less fortunate who have not found him yet.

Sarah is in her last year at Goshen College - She is in the Dominican Republic visiting some families who took her in as she spent the summer learning the language and culture and teaching English as a second language during her Freshman year. The last family she stayed with are poor and she has sent this family money and various gifts over the years. She was not looking forward to cold baths from a bucket and having to put toliet paper in a can and having limited electricity - but that is their way of life. She has a way of reaching people's hearts and lives that are deep and touching. She just finished her first offical teaching stent in a very challenging school with mostly hispanic students. Each class gave her something like "a cuddley bunney" as a gift (which to us is like a 3rd grade gift). Her supervisor explained that in their culture it is a high expression of love, gratitude, and acceptance. That whenever she hugs this - she is in essense getting a hug from them. She touched them in ways that will last a lifetime. She made only one B thoughtout college - the rest are As. She could care less about being rich with money - but being Spiritually rich is everything.

Emily is a Freshman at Taylor University. She states whatever Christian values we could ever hope to instill in her are nurtured to the highest degree at her school. She went to Haiti over the summer and worked at an Orphanage. She is very fashionable and probably the most materialistic of my children, but almost as soon as she arrived in the poverty of Haiti she thought "Hey, I could live here forever." She wants to be a Social Worker - an advocate for the needy and always using her talents to benefit others.

Carrie is a Freshman in high school. She began adopting children several years prior (through her own money). She writes them and keeps up with them. She is like a magnet to everyone - both the young children and older adults - and somehow blesses everyone with her life.

None of my children have tasted alcohol, none have ever puffed on anything, and all of them carry themselves and dress in a manner that is respectful and dignified. All of them have a deep faith in God and this is the most major aspect by which they live. The music they listen to and sing is usually always uplifting. They are heavily involved in Christian youth activities. They always say grace before they eat and pray daily. All of them are in the National Honor Society and have consistently been in the high honor roll. Sarah was asked to be the Val Victorian for her high school - even though someone else had higher grades. The teachers told her grades are not everything, that taking into account her attributes - ability - and level of understanding they unanimously felt she was the very best. Emily and Carrie are regarded in the same manner.

I share this because I fully believe the most important place to be a Beacon of Light is in your home - the way you raise your family. I am sure there is plenty of room for me to improve (and I will strive towards this endeavor) - but on the whole I am very grateful for how things have turned out.
The Markets responded with a huge drop - so huge and so fast - in the end this blink of time is completely meaningless. Rally will follow and will end the year doing well. I should be saying HORRAY .... BUY LOW AND SELL HIGH.
Ahhh..nothing like a refreshing dip..while going into S Fund.

What a perfect day... as I drift in 12%'s mindset - and often he is a market psychic... so the warm rays will come.
I am amazed ATCJeff can maintain such substantial gains with such frequent trading - but some can luck out (or are way smarter than me :)).

Occasionally I will mention some individuals that stand out as excellent possibilities to use for information. Now I am convinced that ATCJeff's gain was way more based on very intelligent and insightful decisions (instead of luck). So he is definately noteworthy.

My current view is way more in line with Griffin, 12%, Birchtree, and the others who still see a noteable rally and a very significant gain for those invested in high risk. Those who perserve their capital by remaining in G Fund the rest of the year will equally miss out on the gains; so in that sense I see no advantage to sparing a 2% loss but not obtaining a 5% gain. I realize a 5% gain may seem unrealistic in light of 10 and 11/07 - but the fact remains that the remaining month will likely be our best opportunity to win BIG TIME.

The reason I now consider the I Fund a rip off - is because often what the EFA chart shows -DOES NOT LINE UP - with TSP Gains. The S Fund on the otherhand lines up exactly and here you can be sure when the rise (or fall) is significant - the TSP is way more matched. I went 100% S Fund yesterday and can pretty well guarantee you that my gains for the remainder of this month will exceed all the other Funds. A lot of the people on the MB are way smarter than me (at least regarding ITFs) but I still am way ahead of the game and will likely end the year with an excellent outcome.

God bless and GL to everyone. :)
I share this because I fully believe the most important place to be a Beacon of Light is in your home - the way you raise your family. I am sure there is plenty of room for me to improve (and I will strive towards this endeavor) - but on the whole I am very grateful for how things have turned out.

Hi Steady,

You are blessed with such a wonderful family! I know a lot of people who cannot say the same, some come to me for advise or just for someone to hear about the problems their children have with drugs, bad habits, etc.
Thanks for sharing about your daughters and how well they are doing in life, you must feel very proud of them, and rightfully so!

You are blessed with such a wonderful family! Thanks for sharing about your daughters and how well they are doing in life, you must feel very proud of them, and rightfully so!


I have to give God the bulk of the credit. I tried to give them the right invironment - and maybe in my crazy way helped them to stretch their imaginations - but they have far surpassed my flaws. Anyway, thank you - they are far beyond what I ever could have hoped for in so many ways.

I realize you're retiring soon and today is one of the few I've ever had to relax and write. Jean was a big part of my life and greatly shaped what I've become. I met her while attending the Bible College on Psalm Sunday at church. She and a friend of hers came to the Inter-denominational Church that morning and were in the pew behind me. Someone to my right told me to greet "these new commers" and I glanced around. One had red hair and was very homely - the other was blond and was fairly attractive (in comparison). Well I felt a little awkward but I turn around and greet them. Before the service ended the blond has a diabetic coma and had to be taken out, so I really felt for the homely one and invited her to come to Sunday School class with me (which she did). After that we went back to the main church and they talked about what was happening in the evening service and we all went home. Well Jean (the redhead) taps me on the shoulder and asks if she can sit with me during the evening service and I respond with a warm "I'd be honored and priviledged". That of course brought a smile that made her day. So that evening she says something about me comming over to her place - that she would love to fix a meal for me and I agree to the following weekend for supper. All the time I'm thinkin' man - I'll be your friend - but I don't see anything beyond that. So the next week I go and she had a nice meal, and she was genuinely a nice, sweet girl. But I don't want to lead her on - and so I tell her right up front that I'm not looking for a girlfriend - that what I'm really looking for is what I call "A Spiritual Partner." I go on to explain that I really would like to find someone to help me pray more effectively - to seek God more fully - to grow in His Grace, Love, and Wisdom. Well Jean looks at me like I'm an alien being or something - runs and gets her journal and shows me what she recently wrote. It was basically word for word - what I just told her - and so our relationship started. We always started in prayer and ended in prayer - but overtime I no longer saw her as homely and in fact I came to see her as one of the most beautiful girls I've ever known. Since Jean didn't go to the Bible College the kissing rule did not apply to her - and a big bulk of our time was simply drifting in the love and energy that long kisses provide. I would say my Caudate Nucleus (the part of the brain responsible for falling in love and feelings of trust) was heavily engaged and very active. The way things were going - if I returned to the Bible College, we soon be married - AND MARRIAGE FOR ME WAS A VERY BIG DEAL - I was convinced that one (and only one was meant for me) and it was a lifelong commitment. There was no room for mistakes. That is a big factor in me joining the Army - plus the GI Bill (which pays for college) was to run out after that year. So I join for 4 years and make the Recruiter guarantee me I'd be in Germany the bulk of that time. My thinking was "If Jean and I remain faithful over that time span" it's a good indicator that she and I really are meant for marriage. It was an amazing time overseas. Almost as soon as I arrived in Germany ALL THE SOLDIERS TOLD ME MY ONLY LETTER FROM HER WOULD BE WHAT THEY CALL A "DEAR JOHN" LETTER - one that says I've found someone else - good luck and GOOD BYE. Well that was not the case; almost daily Jean and I wrote to one another and I would dress mine up in artistic ways and we both just poured our hearts out. In retrospect I see how this was perhaps too based on fantasy - whatever she percieved of me (or I perceived of her) was completely real as we read each others letters.
