TSP Elite
Something I said must have made you feel that we have this great connection and that I am your #1, that's ok as long as you do not want or expect me to do or say things I do not want to say or do. Calling me #1 and sweetheart was kind of cute and I thought I would play along. I grew up too fast with a lot of responsibilities when I became a member of the workforce at the age of 17. ok, I have finished 2 cups of tea while writing (and doing work), so have a great day Steady, and yes, call me #1 or sweetheart, but not honey ok??
GGal - has this quote "Women and cats do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea."
You see the similarities in their expressions. They are wired like women - 100% - just as I am wired as a man. I understand how a woman is wired and that makes a world of difference from those who don't. To the largest degree I am seeking the same thing a woman seeks - a solid connection that is rooted in trust and understanding; that allows the other to fully be who they are and finds increasing joy as their acceptance becomes complete. A woman is a very strong willed individual who must have the freedom to do her thing and be as she believes. GGal is right, if men in general would foster this - accept it - and be in harmony with it - then the world woud be so much better off and honestly the men would be so much happier. Anyway - Cornellia, if in some measure I provide a nice break from your busy - hectic life - that is good. I would never want you (or anyone else) to say or do anything that you are not fully determined to do. As I mentioned before "If I take you out of your comfort zone - that is unacceptable" and you will find that belief heavily influences everything I say and do - yet I am always for real and never try to pretend to be something I'm not. So to answer your question - and satisfy your curiousity - the energy was already in me and had been nurished over the years to a huge source of power. I was laying on my stomach with my head turned to the wall - the covers over me. In my eagerness to confront my offender I was ready to turn over, draw the blankets down and confront my offender. My energy would not let me do this - because I would be too vulnerable to an attack while getting out of bed - and plus it insisted I be fully charged. My entire body becomes like a pulsating magnet drawing energy - that is how I do it. One second it draws in all the energy it can (and energy is everywhere) - and the next second is goes throughout my body and builds up like an expanding ballon. At some point in time you can not draw in anymore - you are completey full - and when that happened I saw my greatest opportunity to limit the vulnerability was pushing my body up about 5 feet and to the left another 4 feet - this way I would be on my feet and totally ready. I am certain that David saw me as a pansy assed pussy - trying to hide under the covers - saying "Please mommy - make this bad boy go away." I would have spang out of bed so fast that he barely saw a blurr - and the next split second I am standing next to him armed and ready. So for the first few seconds I understand why he just stood there - his mind was trying to process how I got from laying in bed to standing next to him without moving - how did I get from THIS to THAT. Definately not something you see everyday, especially with alcohol in your system. Anyway - we will drop this subject if you are satisfied.