Cornellia is my #1, and I guess that's kind of crazy because it is only on this MB she could be #1 and that's all it ever could be; but due to that she alone would get any special treatment - (such as an O or X)
Hi, Steady,
Have been without a computer for 4 days!!! was sicker than a dog all weekend and was finally able to come to work today. Well, what can I say Steady? Something I said must have made you feel that we have this great connection and that I am your #1, that's ok as long as you do not want or expect (remember Perltz) me to do or say things I do not want to say or do, and that has already been cleared. I do enjoy your thread, and like I said don't have much time to post about anything, besides the fact that I had a pretty boring life compared to yours. Do I see a connection with you, Mamikin, Paladin (his explanation of the OOXXO futbol position was hilarious and I still laugh about it) and the rest of the MB? Of course I do, and I hope we can be friends for many yrs to come. I have to admit you have done something I always wanted to do even though I am not a man: I love martial arts, and think that in a previous life I must have been a martial arts warrior of some type, I would have been the best at it, just like you were. I am a faithful admirer of Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris, I love to watch any of his movies or a good performance either by Chuck Norris or Steven Seagal, etc, do not know who has taken their place as far as the movie industry is concerned, but certainly miss those movies. Right now I plain love Bourne (Bourne Identity trilogy) and love to watch Matt Damon doing his thing of martial arts combined with other self-defense techniques. Something I would like to know more about is how you built all the energy while you were still in bed and jumped out when you reached the energy level you wanted to face the guy in your bedroom. I can think of concentration, visualization, breathing techniques, but I want to know more about it. Always think that if I am ever attacked (hopefully not but you never know) I would know enough self-defense techniques to get out of it safely and unharmed.
Re your missions accounts I was getting a little concerned with what level of detail I was going to find next, but you said nothing to compromise anything, I also know some about the "different" color world, and that is all I can say about that subject, which is just plain fascinating and day-to-day motivating to me. So, yes, I find a lot common points of interest to make us good friends.
You make me feel so beautiful and full of life. You spur me on like no other. This place is a totally different world and you are the biggest part for me. I'm thilled when I see a post from you and I feel you belong here - in this house
it dawned on me that you may think I'm really a psycho...
Of course not, your life experiences I find fascinating (I'm sure other MB readers do too but they don't want to disclose that). I am really glad I make you feel beautiful and full of life, Steady, you know you are all those things already. On the other hand I feel like that about myself every day, all it takes is a good look at the mirror when getting ready to come to work at 05:00... just kidding...
But now I finally realize that you may find this scarey - and think I'm an idiot (at a mimimum) to assume I can just put you in some role and expect you to play along.
I have played a lot of roles in my life, but my participation in your thread started to serve as an incentive to hear more about your stories (something like 1,001 NIGHTS...):worried:
I promise it was very wrong of me to go on and on about you being my #1 - calling you honey, sweetheart - or whatever without going over all this with you ahead of time. Cornellia I would be honored if you would consider yourself as my #1 and think of this house as your house - where you belong.
Calling me #1 and sweetheart was kind of cute and I thought I would play along except when I read the "honey" thing... certainly not the "honey" type, which also reminds me of a grandmother, and I do not have a grandmotherly look at all... not yet, anyway :toung:
So, it's ok Steady, I did not smoke pot, but one of my favorite books was The Greening of America... I had friends who wanted me to do stuff but like you already know, if I do not feel like it I won't do it, so I think that not having my parents near me (I was 19 when I moved from overseas to live in DC and only had a bunch friends, no relatives) may have something to do with it, was afraid if I lost control of my senses I would wake up in some alley alive if I was lucky and my parents would never know whatever happened to me... plus I would be vulnerable to whatever guys wanted to do with me and that was a scary thought, I felt I was responsible for my own actions, as I grew up too fast with a lot of responsibilities when I became a member of the workforce at the age of 17. ok, I have finished 2 cups of tea while writing (and doing work), so have a great day Steady, and yes, call me #1 or sweetheart, but not honey ok??