Steadygain's Account Talk

So I leave the Army and go straight to college. I made a point of honoring my vow - and strived to be as humble and meek as possible and spent a lot of time in prayer and reading the Bible. David Baker was a soccer player in my suite of 4 rooms and even though I never in anyway tried to influence his life - never talked of God or anything like that - my quiet humble lifestyle drove him crazy and one night he kicked open my door and threatened to kick my ass. He had no clue who I was - and what I was trying to get away from - but every cell in my body was a soldier to the utmost degree. So when he kicked open the door I was wide awake - BUILDING MY ENERGY - because I couldn't wait to show this punk who he's dealing with. This was a frustrating time - because my energy kept doubling and doubling for several minutes. He slams a bottle down on my desk which is at the head of my bed and keeps calling me names and telling me to get up so I can get what's comming. I doubt anyone on the MB can really know how anxious I was to respond but until I reached maximum - I wasn't about to move and I desperately wanted that moment to arrive. I couldn't wait to show this guy who the real wimp was and shut his mouth. For the soldier in me this was the ultimate dream come true - some loud mouth punk trying to bully me and make a name for himself - but I was the worse possible pick. Finally I sprang out of bed in one quick move and landed in a karate stance right where I needed to be. As soon as my feet touched hit the floor I had "a vision" of how I was to respond and it was in concrete - NOTHING COULD POSSIBLY CHANGE THE OUTCOME- all he had to do was throw a punch and I would carry out the vision. But he stopped talking and just stood there. While waiting ... I had time to see beyond the vision - what would happen to him as a result - and it was terrible (very terrible) and would be over before he knew what happened. At a minimum he would leave the room on a stretcher - barely breathing. And when I saw this I was convinced this would be the worst thing possible - I did not want to be known in this manner - this would completely ruin the reputation I was trying to build. And he just stood there ... so I turned to God with everything I had - and pleaded for Him to intervene in this situation - "Please don't let me do this."
This is when I had the ultimate experience. I felt the presense of God come down from above - it was like a blanket that saturated through me and surrounded me - it started from my head and went all the way down. It was a force like nothing I had ever known or experienced before - and again it also fully surrounded me. I was so stuck in awe that my fists dropped and I stood there relaxed with open hands dropped down by my side. Then for the first time I made eye contact with David. He looked up at me (I am 6'5") and said, "You're a christian aren't you?" I replied with a gentle smile, "You know that I am." He said, "Right now I feel if I did anything to harm you that lightening would come out of the ceiling and strike me." You have to realize I have never felt God's presense like this before and it was so far beyond anything I'd ever known - extremely protective - incredibly calming - just incredible. So I told David I have no idea what will happen if you strike me but I can guarantee whatever you do to me will come back on you with at least 10 times the force and I promised him I would not do anything - in anyway - to retaliate. I stressed if he hit me in the face - then his face would get the same hit at 10 times the force and I would not lift a finger against him. It was only then that I noticed people at the doorway. The soccer team was there to back him up and as soon as I looked at them (with obviously the most incredible expression of peace and love) they said to one another "Come on, let's get out of here" and left. David in turn said he had come to beat me up, but there was no way he would dare try to attack me now - and he left. If I had not sought God for help - I would have destroyed David - and I believe the reason His presense was so strong is because He needed to fully overcome the energy I had achieved. David later felt like a failure for not following through - and several times had a knife or a baseball bat - and I assured him that my training against someone holding a knife would be a very painful ending for him, and that by holding a baseball bat he would not be able to block my hits (and I quickly demonstrated how easy it would be for me to defeat him). But I never had to harm him. He later left the college (he may have flunked out). Well that is my story and it was by far my greatest experience ever.
Were you part of the failed mission where the helicopters crashed in the desert? What can you tell us about that interesting episode?

I'm sorry for reacting the way I did and in no way mean this disrespectfully to any of the soldiers involved in that operation. My information pertaining to this failed attempt is largerly from Israellie Intelligence - which clearly spelled out how there was no way it could help but fail.

I enjoyed reading your account of A God Filled Experience. Thank you for the warm welcome back. I don't know if you can tell or not, but I am somewhat of an introvert, so don't expect me to post a lot .... plus this is your thread and I wouldn't want to steal any of the limelight.

Your garden sounds divine! Mine is not nearly as big or as varied, just a small plot of land. To be truthful, I spend a lot of time watching the birds and the trees, but I do like to get my hands dirty as I told you earlier. Must be my farming ancestry.

I think Paladin makes a very nice addition to this thread and look forward to hearing more from you, Cornelia, Paladin, and the others ... I'm with Cornelia, you are a good guy no matter what anyone else says ... you have touched a lot of people's lives. But you already know that. Take care and have a great weekend!
I didn't realize there was more than one mission being planned to rescue the hostages in Iran, and that is why I asked. I don't know if you can talk about any of those missions (that operation or yours) for security reasons, but I find the subject very interesting because it reminds me of Entebbe and some of the Mission Impossible episodes that I watched as a kid. Please elaborate if you can, thanks.

I told you way more than I should have but it was the only way anyone could understand why I would have been such a deadly force to encounter - why I was so desperately striving to put that mindset behind me - and why God alone could have saved me from destroying my reputation and kept David from harm. My purpose for sharing this was only to let you know what kind of mentality I had and the extent I strived to be the best; it was very hard to go from that life and become totally the opposite (it took a long time to permanently mellow out) but I will always be a soldier to the bone marrow and if a biological attack hits Chicago (for instance) and the higher ups want me to target the group responsible - then I will do what it takes. I could care less about politics and would never do battle against a country - but show me the specific group of individuals responsible for the Twin Towers (or a biological attack) and they are history. That's what we were all about - screw the BS - we only want to deal with the specific group or individual responsible.
Thank you for the warm welcome back. I don't know if you can tell or not, but I am somewhat of an introvert, so don't expect me to post a lot .... plus this is your thread and I wouldn't want to steal any of the limelight.

I think Paladin makes a very nice addition to this thread and look forward to hearing more from you, Cornelia, and the others ... I'm with Cornelia, you are a good guy no matter what anyone else says ... you have touched a lot of people's lives. Take care and have a great weekend!

Thank you - you are sweet and wholesome and any post from you would only make my thread a better place. I believe we are all one and the same - one people on this beautiful planet - and one God responsible for everything. Paladin is definately a good addition and I believe everyone else is equally valuable. I am not out to get the limelight - please don't see me in this manner - I am only out to make connections. Cornellia is my #1, and I guess that's kind of crazy because it is only on this MB she could be #1 and that's all it ever could be; but due to that she alone would get any special treatment - (such as an O or X) because that's how I am and that's the way it is. For me the OO XX O pattern is the greatest one possible. The first hug is simple and friendly - nothing more - but could lead to the second (which is deeper and more special) and that one would always be followed by the first X which is also innocent and friendly - but in time that could lead to the second X and that one is the ultimate - which is always followed by the lingering O at the end. Now that I have explained this please don't think Cornellia and I are anything beyond the first O - and that is exactly where I want us to be. We are true friends and I would never want to embarrass her - make her feel awkward - or try to move outside our comfort zone. But I honestly think the first O is wonderful and I'm not looking for anything more and time will tell if our friendship deepens. In this same light I hope our friendship deepens as well - and I would say that across the board to everyone regardless of who you are.

Thank you for sharing with me Mamikin - you hold a very special place on this thread.
Earlier as I was taking a long drive - it dawned on me that you may think I'm really a psycho - some kind of internet predator or some kind of crap like that. This is just one of those situations where you need to realize that in some areas I am very stupid - I'm just totally oblivious to a counter thought process when what I'm thinking seems so perfect to me. And then all of a sudden it dawns on me - hey wait a minute "how do you know Cornellia would even want to be your #1" - which in turn made me realize the insanity of not asking you, or going over this with you. So please let me explain. When I came on to this MB - I had no idea what to expect, but I decided to just be real and see what happens. Someone else described this thread as my house and that is honestly how I come to see it. Over time a lot of members on this site have honestly touched me in a special way and I've grown to have a large family. Some really make me feel good - like super special - but none more than you. You make me feel so beautiful and full of life. You spur me on like no other. This place is a totally different world and you are the biggest part for me. I'm thilled when I see a post from you and I feel you belong here - in this house. So please forgive me for the insanity of thinking - you are in tune with my mindset - and therefore I can just tell everyone you're my #1. I can assure you in this house there is only room for one #1 - and when I came on this MB, finding a #1 was the furthest thing from my mind. But you came along and it just happened - it was natural - wonderful - and I am thrilled you came along. But now I finally realize that you may find this scarey - and think I'm an idiot (at a mimimum) to assume I can just put you in some role and expect you to play along. I am sorry - I promise it was very wrong of me to go on and on about you being my #1 - calling you honey, sweetheart - or whatever without going over all this with you ahead of time. Your thoughts on this matter are everybit as important as mine and you are definately a strong willed women - who is serious - and perfectly capable of doing what she pleases and making her own independent decisions. So please know - if I did anything at all to offend you I am really sorry. So let me start all over - Cornellia I would be honored if you would consider yourself as my #1 and think of this house as your house - where you belong. Many others will visit and many of them will be good friends - very dear and special friends - but you will always be at the top and I hope you are willing to take that position. If you are not - and all this time I've made you feel uncomfortable or awkward, or done anything to make you less inclined to come back then I will stop and we can just pretend this never happened. I obviously have my faults and I truely did not even consider how awkward I may make you feel. But you are wonderful - and you make me feel so beautiful - Thank you.

Our seasonality charts tell us that there will be reason to cheer in December. Our beta-weighted seasonality (BWS) charts are our market trend analyses that show what markets and which sectors in such markets have trended consistently poorly, indifferently, or well over our historical records of every prior day, week, or month that our BWS laser beam is pinpointing.

The BWS chart suggests most every market could have its bell rung in December. The iShares MSCI EAFE (EFA) comes with a gift tag made out to all of us heavily invested in the I Fund. If we do see the market surge in December, the international markets are likely to continue their pattern of leading such charges.

The above article (slightly modified by me) is stressing what I had said earlier regarding my current investment strategy. This is not the time to look at the charts too closely (as many of us have a tendency to do) and get carried away with the moment. If the markets go down today - that is meaningless - compared to the overall expected gains. Now it is possible that I will bail to safety about half way through and that's way more based on a pride thing (which is a personality flaw - an egotistical garbage thing) and not based on the sounder decision to stay put to year end and have an even greater gain. All of this is solely based on November's disappointment - in conjunction with my endless winning streak since I began the TSP over 5 years ago. So it may sound like a purely ego move but when I reach a decent gain (and end the quarter solidly in the black) then my name "Steadygain" remains unblimished. At this point however I feel the best thing to do is stay put and shug off the trival losses.

If you didn't read Tom's comments today - please do. He mentions what is likely the best plan so far (to try to let everyone make 24 trades a year and not limit it to 2 per month). The ones in charge have already established their willingness to allow 24 trades - and on the whole I believe I can confidently say that many of us would not change our style if we had 24 trades per year (instead of 2 per month). I would also encourage everyone to be polite - and more graciously make known your appreciation for their endeavors to keep the TSP a sound and reliable system. I would avoid any reference to the L Funds (because they are solidly locked in place at the currect percentages - and are not Transferring from One Fund to another). Ranting and raving will probably guarantee your responses will be trashed or deleted - and only make them more unmoving. Therefore our best bet is to graciously thank them for striving to make the system better and expressing our sincere gratitude for allowing us to continue having 24 ITFs a year (without any charge). In light of the minimum $200 Million it costs to enact all the ITFs - it clearly shows they are going the extra mile on our behalf. My only request - which is consistent with your limitations - is that you allow a total of 24 ITFs a year, instead of 2 per month. This kind of message would be acknowledged and digested.

FogSailing (and many others that are truely dear to my heart) Thank You !! I deeply appreciate your friendship; and today the Lava Lamps are turned on in FogSailing's honor.
And so this is Christmas ...........................(War is over)
For old and for young ..............................(if you let it)
For white and for black ones.....................(War is over)
Red, yellow and brown............................ (War is over)

...................A very Merry Christmas
...................and a Happy New Year
...................Let's hope that there good ones
...................and full of good cheer.

John Lennon was someone very much in the 60s scene and the Hippie Culture. I'd say he was one of the most influencial revolutionary leaders of that time. I was watching a movie last night which was filmed in Viet Nam and you could see a local smoking pot in a bamboo bong. The first time I smoked in a bong was probably about the time this song came out - which is very cool cause I think it's a great song with a beautiful message. Well 85% of you should have no clue what I mean so I'll explain. The bong I used was bamboo (it surrounded your mouth) and the pipe part was also a long bamboo stem which went down to the bottom of main part. The bottom was solid and it was filled with water. The idea was to inhale very slowly - and as the sweet greenery turned to ash - the ashes went to the bottom of the water and the smoke (which filtered through the water) was refreshingly cool and easier to hold in. The first few trys I was too anxious and sucked all the lovely green leaf right into the water (with no smoke - very uncool). But I learned quick and in no time I would finish the whole thing and hold it in while others tried to match me and coughed their heads off. You just have to be cool and relax - let it come naturally - and don't try to overdue it or feel like you have to show someone up. Anyway it was by far the coolest bong I'd ever used and a wonderful memory.

Peace my friends - be cool - tune in - turn on - make love/not war.

I haven't smoked pot since my first pregnancy, but I remember it fondly.

When the boomers hit the "homes", wouldn't it be cool if they'd just tie us into the rockers, and send us back to the seventies with some good Panama Red. Seems a perfect solution to me.
Cornellia is my #1, and I guess that's kind of crazy because it is only on this MB she could be #1 and that's all it ever could be; but due to that she alone would get any special treatment - (such as an O or X)

Hi, Steady,

Have been without a computer for 4 days!!! was sicker than a dog all weekend and was finally able to come to work today. Well, what can I say Steady? Something I said must have made you feel that we have this great connection and that I am your #1, that's ok as long as you do not want or expect (remember Perltz) me to do or say things I do not want to say or do, and that has already been cleared. I do enjoy your thread, and like I said don't have much time to post about anything, besides the fact that I had a pretty boring life compared to yours. Do I see a connection with you, Mamikin, Paladin (his explanation of the OOXXO futbol position was hilarious and I still laugh about it) and the rest of the MB? Of course I do, and I hope we can be friends for many yrs to come. I have to admit you have done something I always wanted to do even though I am not a man: I love martial arts, and think that in a previous life I must have been a martial arts warrior of some type, I would have been the best at it, just like you were. I am a faithful admirer of Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris, I love to watch any of his movies or a good performance either by Chuck Norris or Steven Seagal, etc, do not know who has taken their place as far as the movie industry is concerned, but certainly miss those movies. Right now I plain love Bourne (Bourne Identity trilogy) and love to watch Matt Damon doing his thing of martial arts combined with other self-defense techniques. Something I would like to know more about is how you built all the energy while you were still in bed and jumped out when you reached the energy level you wanted to face the guy in your bedroom. I can think of concentration, visualization, breathing techniques, but I want to know more about it. Always think that if I am ever attacked (hopefully not but you never know) I would know enough self-defense techniques to get out of it safely and unharmed.

Re your missions accounts I was getting a little concerned with what level of detail I was going to find next, but you said nothing to compromise anything, I also know some about the "different" color world, and that is all I can say about that subject, which is just plain fascinating and day-to-day motivating to me. So, yes, I find a lot common points of interest to make us good friends.

You make me feel so beautiful and full of life. You spur me on like no other. This place is a totally different world and you are the biggest part for me. I'm thilled when I see a post from you and I feel you belong here - in this house
it dawned on me that you may think I'm really a psycho...
Of course not, your life experiences I find fascinating (I'm sure other MB readers do too but they don't want to disclose that). I am really glad I make you feel beautiful and full of life, Steady, you know you are all those things already. On the other hand I feel like that about myself every day, all it takes is a good look at the mirror when getting ready to come to work at 05:00... just kidding...:D
But now I finally realize that you may find this scarey - and think I'm an idiot (at a mimimum) to assume I can just put you in some role and expect you to play along.
I have played a lot of roles in my life, but my participation in your thread started to serve as an incentive to hear more about your stories (something like 1,001 NIGHTS...):worried:
I promise it was very wrong of me to go on and on about you being my #1 - calling you honey, sweetheart - or whatever without going over all this with you ahead of time. Cornellia I would be honored if you would consider yourself as my #1 and think of this house as your house - where you belong.
Calling me #1 and sweetheart was kind of cute and I thought I would play along except when I read the "honey" thing... certainly not the "honey" type, which also reminds me of a grandmother, and I do not have a grandmotherly look at all... not yet, anyway :toung:
So, it's ok Steady, I did not smoke pot, but one of my favorite books was The Greening of America... I had friends who wanted me to do stuff but like you already know, if I do not feel like it I won't do it, so I think that not having my parents near me (I was 19 when I moved from overseas to live in DC and only had a bunch friends, no relatives) may have something to do with it, was afraid if I lost control of my senses I would wake up in some alley alive if I was lucky and my parents would never know whatever happened to me... plus I would be vulnerable to whatever guys wanted to do with me and that was a scary thought, I felt I was responsible for my own actions, as I grew up too fast with a lot of responsibilities when I became a member of the workforce at the age of 17. ok, I have finished 2 cups of tea while writing (and doing work), so have a great day Steady, and yes, call me #1 or sweetheart, but not honey ok??


I haven't smoked pot since my first pregnancy, but I remember it fondly.

When the boomers hit the "homes", wouldn't it be cool if they'd just tie us into the rockers, and send us back to the seventies with some good Panama Red. Seems a perfect solution to me.

Wow!! Welcome back Gail - it's a true pleasure to have you visit. The last time I smoked was on Christmas break from the Bible Collage. My friends knew I was different - and had no desire to return to the party scene (in fact it was contrary to my new life). But our friendship had been very deep for years and they longed for me to come back home. So they had it all planned out and as we're heading to one of our long time party places I'm about to snuff the whole ordeal. Just as I'm starting to talk - they interrupt and say, "Wait a minute, let us talk first. You have always been our closest friend and throughout the years you're the one that made everything so great. We understand you've changed and we all respect that and would not want to change you. But this is us and you need to appreciate how we are and not write us off. This is our way of saying we love you, that you are always a part of our group and please let us do this with you as a warm welcome back and mainly to let you know how special you are to us." So basically they're telling me "I LOVE YOU" - please let me show you that and be a part of it for us. Well there is no way in hell I'm going to turn that down - that was probably the greatest moment of my life. Gail, it may have been the Red (or Accopoco GOLD) but it was the best high I ever had. It was a very wonderful moment. It's a different day and age and I honestly think we are much better off without it. There is something far better - that permeates our lives and somehow makes the cells throughout our brain and body sizzle and glow - and that's what Cornellia does for me. I say this because she does it the most and somehow her impact is the most wonderful - but you, Paladin, FogSailing, DennisFAA, Mamikim, Birchtree, Uptrend, Tom, Griffin, ShowMe, Debbie (WVA girl) and many others also do it and you all mean everything to me. So I would rather flow with this - and be completely natural and free of drugs - than want something less.

I love you all - the receptionists are calling and patients are waiting
This thread is cracking me up .... makes me think of one of Steadygain's earlier posts, about hippie culture being incorrectly characterized with the phrase, sex, drugs, and rock and roll. What I remember most about the time (and I was just a kid) was the sense of idealism, the hope, that we as individuals could make changes and make the world a better place. I love John Lennon's music.

Anyway, I'm not a goody two shoes, I did try pot once and didn't like it. I waited until I was in high school even though I could have had it as young as elementary school. Yes, I was first or second grade, standing out at the bus stop and a 5th grader smoked a joint and offered it to me ... I knew better and politely declined. Funny thing, I grew up in a white trash neighborhood and my mother always told me that I was not the same as the other kids, but I later realized, wasn't he a nice kid, willing to share his pot with me while waiting for the school bus? I also learned to recognize the marijuana plants growing in some of the neighborhood gardens around me. Yeah, I had it rough, coming from the "river rat" neighborhood and having to go to upper middle class schools, where I never quite fit in. But I really do relate to the idealism of the time. Thanks for the memories!

24 more months and I promise you..I will re-live those pre-Reagan years.

Driving to work this morning AC/DC's Money Talks came on and that is one of the few songs that really make me come to life. I am a dancer - it is part of my genetic makeup - and I go crazy with a good tune. I think he is a mediocar guitarist at best (and please don't think I'm saying this in some kind of stuck up fashion or egotistical crap) but honestly I am way beyond him and I guanantee if I were playing that song there is no way anyone could sit still - until they suffered from paralisis - especially with the guitar solo. Anyway, if the electric guitarist really came to life and I starting performing again - I could see re-living those days. But I am not from Milwalkie - and in comparison the rest of us are kind of pansies. Also I have this superstition that if I try to bring this part of me to life that God will not allow my ultimate dream to come true - and that has been my longest standing commitment. I don't even have an electric guitar - but I played this morning driving to work and I keep my skills far above AC/DC - so when I do come out of hiding I will blow the world away. Music is ultimately the way I will permeate everyone (all races - all genders - all ages) and I will do it with an energy that totally capivates everyone. I will likely absorb the audience's energy and combine it with mine and use everybit of it for their enjoyment. I know this may sound strange DennisFAA - but please pray for me - (that I will not re-live those days) because I would lose way more than I could ever gain.
I had a 64 Ford Galaxy with a 289 V8, metallic blue, with chrome hubs...

Wasn't the same a Fairlane convertible, but I seemed to do ok:D:D:D

Paladin, it's always fun to reminisce about fond memories..

Well, I was square because I did actually smoke but not inhale. I thought it would be "cool" to smoke some Camel filterless while cruising around the town. However, the smoke was a killing me and so I just drew it into my mouth and then blew it out again without ever inhaling. Besides, everyone knows that cigarette smoke is not good for your lungs! The moral of the story is that I can empathize with poor Bill... :D

The next story I thought I'd share is with Jan - who was my first in several areas. Anyway for me it was Marlboro "in a box" - because somehow saying "in a box" made me think you sounded extra cool. Amazingly - some of my friends would emphasize "in the box" at the store .... like "Don't even think of giving me the wimp version".

Thanks for sharing my friend - always a pleasure.
I had a 64 Ford Galaxy with a 289 V8, metallic blue, with chrome hubs...

Wasn't the same a Fairlane convertible, but I seemed to do ok:D:D:D

Paladin, it's always fun to reminisce about fond memories..


Reminsce is an excellent word - I call it pondering and obviously I do it all the time. I think it is these memories - especially ones like the super special connections give - that make my happiness so deep. We are fortunate to have them, and all the more fortunate to be old enough to be part of such a great generation.
This thread is cracking me up .... makes me think of one of Steadygain's earlier posts, about hippie culture being incorrectly characterized with the phrase, sex, drugs, and rock and roll. What I remember most about the time (and I was just a kid) was the sense of idealism, the hope, that we as individuals could make changes and make the world a better place. I love John Lennon's music.

Anyway, I'm not a goody two shoes, I did try pot once and didn't like it. I waited until I was in high school even though I could have had it as young as elementary school. Yes, I was first or second grade, standing out at the bus stop and a 5th grader smoked a joint and offered it to me ... I knew better and politely declined. Funny thing, I grew up in a white trash neighborhood and my mother always told me that I was not the same as the other kids, but I later realized, wasn't he a nice kid, willing to share his pot with me while waiting for the school bus? I also learned to recognize the marijuana plants growing in some of the neighborhood gardens around me. Yeah, I had it rough, coming from the "river rat" neighborhood and having to go to upper middle class schools, where I never quite fit in. But I really do relate to the idealism of the time. Thanks for the memories!


Mamikin - now that Cornellia and I are officially "hitched" of course I'm on top of the world and just floating around. I want you to know that both of us regard you in a wonderful way. We've even talked about rearranging our Yacht to open a suite just for you (and whoever you'd want to bring along). All we need to do is move the gym/spa stuff down to a lower level and that would give you lots of room and a beautiful view.
Thank you !! so much for sharing with us - I really appreciate it. You are just a beautiful person - and make this house a special place.