Steadygain's Account Talk

Thank you again for your input, Steady, you are a true friend!

Thank you for your PM to me. "If by chance our paths should meet and we can make beautiful music together it would be wonderful". That is all I was doing - and that is all I would ever allow from you. This MB is our relationship and whatever you get from me (good or bad) is strictly through this board. No one has encouraged me more than you and no one seems to enjoy or benefit from the varried events of my life more than you either. So whatever I've done for you is indeed "beautiful music" and you called me "a true friend". I could have made up a symbol for a handshake (#*) but that doesn't have the musical flare and so I extended something better. Again you need to remember that our relationship will never go beyond this MB - so I saw it in an acceptable light. Now let's cover 2 basic rules. 1) If I take you out of your comfort zone - that is unacceptable. "Making beautiful together" means it is a 2 way street but you are not comfortable (or you don't have the time) to share the details of your life. But what you have shared is "wonderful - and so you spur the music along. I won't press you on this anymore. 2) If I do anything to offend you I won't make the same mistake twice.

Paladin - thank you for making me laught this morning. That was wonderful.

Dennis FAA - My business life and personal life are very serious and this MB allows a diversion to be free - allow myself to be less serious (silly at times) and maybe even a little crazy.
He takes EPIVALER 500 mg 1/day. I found out about 5-HTP once and his mother asked the Dr if it was ok for my nephew to take it and he approved, saying there would be no contraindication. My nephew is fascinated with the effects of this supplement, said that for the first time he understood and remembered a lot of things explained by his teachers. Do you see any contraindication by taking both??

Cornellia, my strongest advise would be to stick with the doctor tending to your nephew and he sees no problems taking both I would go with that. Epivaler is a very old anti-epleptic medication known as carbamazepine (Tegretol) which was modified to an Extended Release form. This keeps the electical activity under control and prevents the seizures. 5-HTP is a natural supplement that converts in the brain to serotonin. Your nephew is full of life and has amazing potiential - but possibly has low serotonin levels. This is by far the chemical I adjust the most with all my patients and it is always to give them a bigger supply. It would give him more energy, make him more outgoing, allow him to be more mentally focused, and help him avoid depression. I would see no reason why he couldn't take them both and do not see any contraindication. Bear in mind that everything works in pairs (the positive and the negative) this goes with every muscle and essentially every chemical - it appears to be a universal property. Too much serotonin will cause its counter chemical to go down and having too little of that chemical is the main reason many refuse antidepressants. But this does not appear to be a problem with your nephew and it is helping him to have a fuller and more meaningful life.
Regarding the TSP Account. I still am well over 10% for this year and have decided to try a different stategy. December typically is a fantastic month for gains and I believe staying put in I Fund will be a lot easier than trying to determine from one day to the next when to go in or get out. At this point I could care less when it goes down until it falls below another 10% (which is doubtful). I believe in the long run I will end this quarter with a good gain staying in the I Fund. I'm staying with the I Fund because on the whole it has provided the most substantial gains.
100 years from now? That's a long time horizon. But, maybe with these new skin cells/oncogenes behaving like embryonic stem cells, we'll all still be around then :)

Birchtree may have 10% in the I fund at that time.
A fellow that I once worked with used to say, "A hundred years from now no one will remember any of this and so it just doesn't matter." I believe that philosophy is similar to the quote from Perltz. :)

That reminds me of a similar saying "s### only stinks for so long" and the guy who told me that made me realize that no matter how bad something may seem at the time we're having to deal with it in time is passes and we forget the smell.
100 years from now? That's a long time horizon. But, maybe with these new skin cells/oncogenes behaving like embryonic stem cells, we'll all still be around then :)

Birchtree may have 10% in the I fund at that time.

Dennis (Birchtree) is ultimately the one to make me realize I have plenty to spare and therefore the easiest thing to do is simply invest it all and let it go. It's funny because this is one of the few times I'm not concerned to watch the charts too closely.

I am a little puzzled because the AT shows Birchtree primarily in S Fund for the past several months and his Thread refers more to C Fund.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the I fund. I think we all are grappling with the issue of the upcoming limit on transfers, looking for ways to handle it. I admire Griffin's approach, too. I am considering the L funds more seriously ..... I've even been in an L fund until I can't stand it on a day like yesterday, then I go in and make a change. I guess when I get a letter from TSP telling me that I am making too many changes and that I'm limited to two a month, I'll have to come to terms with it.
I haven't been in the S fund since Feb.'04. I'm currently 91% C and 9% I fund - that fedgolpher is pulling on my leg.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the I fund. I think we all are grappling with the issue of the upcoming limit on transfers, looking for ways to handle it. I've even been in an L fund until I can't stand it on a day like yesterday, then I go in and make a change. I guess when I get a letter from TSP telling me that I am making too many changes and that I'm limited to two a month, I'll have to come to terms with it.

Wow!, have I missed you. Don't worry about that garbage - it is mainly for the ones constantly going from one fund to another on basically a daily basis. I seriously doubt you were trading that often and if you were - it's really a mistake. The L Fund is certainly not a bad way to go (or you can simply determine how much you want to put in each fund on your own and let it ride). I am honestly honored to be in touch with you once again and I've thought of you a number of times - especially when I see my garden. After I till in fertilizer (and often horse manure) I cover the garden with black plastic and cut holes to plant the cucumbers, watermellon, tomatoes, peppers, zuchenni (spelling), cantellope, and squash - and that eliminates the weeding problem. I also have hundeds of quarts of blackberries and usually sell the majority. Anyway - thank you for getting in touch.

GL in your investments:)

Griffin is very solid (and this is not to downplay anyone else) but I admire him a lot and often I'll ponder on the economy and run it by him as kind of a reality check.
I haven't been in the S fund since Feb.'04. I'm currently 91% C and 9% I fund - that fedgolpher is pulling on my leg.

D### it Birch - I just checked

the AT shows you (Birchtree) - 91% S / 9% L2040

and incredibly enough shows you heavily in S most of the time.

Do I need to kick some ass - or are you going to take care of this?

I think you might have something wrong with your spreadsheet, because I see Birchtree invested just as he said.
Well I'll be darned! You're right (sorry everyone). My problem was clicking on his name instead of looking at the opening sheet.:o

Thanks BlueMax - that's been bothering me for quite awhile. Welcome to the MB! :D
This reminds me of a question that I had posted earlier on the MB but never received a satisfactory answer. The question was this:
If a bear poops in the woods and there's no one around, does it still stink? :confused:
Budnipper replied that of course it does, especially later on when you're scraping it off the bottom of your shoe. However, I still don't think this question has been adequately addressed. :blink:

Yes, It would stink, but seeing as nobody is around you wouldn't know it, although seeing that it is introduced into the air, there would be an affect on air quality for quite some time until the biodegrading process is finished.
I would see no reason why he couldn't take them both and do not see any contraindication.

Thanks for your input, he's been taking both for over a year -- my concern was that I did not want to add to his problem in the long run, as I do not know the long term effects of 5HTP. Thanks again and have a great weekend!
This reminds me of a question that I had posted earlier on the MB but never received a satisfactory answer. The question was this:
If a bear poops in the woods and there's no one around, does it still stink? :confused:
Budnipper replied that of course it does, especially later on when you're scraping it off the bottom of your shoe. However, I still don't think this question has been adequately addressed. :blink:

I would agree with poolman - that's exactly how I see it - however I would not use the word stink. Let's use the word aroma (or odor) instead of stink. Afterall Shakespear said "Nothing is either good (pleasant) or bad (stink) it's all in the way people think". Only the aroma of a woman would surpass the smell of fresh Polar Bear poop landing on the snow. The steam rising up with that odor would drive us all to chase the bear off and put our faces over the pile. But that odor (or smell) would only last so long - so the quicker we get to the fresh pile the better off we are.
I would see no reason why he couldn't take them both and do not see any contraindication.

Thanks for your input, he's been taking both for over a year -- my concern was that I did not want to add to his problem in the long run, as I do not know the long term effects of 5HTP. Thanks again and have a great weekend!

Thank you Darling, I'll get back with you later (and I have really enjoyed your messages).

The big news now is the Markets are starting to take off and Ben is partly responsible. If anyone missed the gains earlier this week - they are only a taste of what's to come. Many are in the habit of jumping in and jumping out - but the risk of losing an up day is very high - so you are way better off staying put. Some down days are inevitable (partly consolidation) but ride with it and for the short term you'll be way better off. For now focus only on 12/07

GL to all and God bless
A God Filled Experience
To understand this I have to introduce you to John Raider my the Master teacher. There are 3 pure forms of karate and he went to the highest level of each and taught me his own style taking from the best of each. When I first met him others described him as having "endless energy" - and I saw this from the very beginning. He could do hundreds of push-ups on his knuckles with the speed of a punch and jump up with the calmest expression - and totally relaxed - like he was taking a nap. At this time Bruce Lee was a big name and Hollywood would not let John anywhere near him; but Bruce had a 1 inch punch that could kill and I was curious and asked the Master to demonstrate this on me - so I could understand it. Others marveled - saying I am the only one that ever requested to be hit by him - as everyone else knew better. But he was gracious and explained the energy we have can be greatly multiplied and when this is brought to a certain level a 1 inch punch would be like the power of 100 people all behind that punch. He then told me he would have to reduce his energy as much as possible so I would not be hurt. He hit me in the mid upper chest and I ran backwards about 20 feet - hit a wall with a force that knocked out my breath - my legs buckeled and I fell to the floor. I was not hurt and it was a very excellent learning experience. In time I learned to multiple this energy more and more and would not start a match until I reached maximum power. I would say on the average this power was doubled about every 2 seconds and eventually I was doing this for several minutes - so in the end I mastered this technique. Then Special Forces wanted me in their unit to be be part of a Mission that would free the 50 American hostages held in Iran. Here I became everything the government could have hoped for - I was a killer through and through - totally focused - totally committed - and in the best shape possible. On training exercises innocent civilians entered our path (maybe a sweet older lady - or a 9 yr old child) and when I met them I froze - could not bring myself to hurt them. The Mission failed and everyone in my unit was killed except for me; because I let our presence leak out. Please don't judge on this - because I guarantee you that no bonds could go deeper than the men in your unit - everyone is a soldier to the bone marrow and we would do everything possible to take a bullet to protect another member of the unit. Nothing could possibly be worse than causing another member to die because of your mistake and we all learned that and it was a very hard experience.

Got some patients - will continue later
So I made a vow with God - please let me do my job and don't convict me and I promise I will not re-enlist and when I get out I will do everything possible to return to the Bible College lifesytle and put the Military mindset behind me. He honored that vow and I was able to do whatever I needed to do and no one in my unit was ever hurt because of me. In no way did I ever fail another Mission. A week before leaving the Army we had an annual physical training exam - running several miles - push ups - sit ups and different things and I finished with the highest score - I gave it 100,000% because it was my last chance to prove myself.
Were you part of the failed mission where the helicopters crashed in the desert? What can you tell us about that interesting episode?

That was a bogus piece of crap - a guananteed failed mission - that was staged as a "heroic effort". It in turn ruined our operation which would have been executed with pinpoint accuracy.