Steadygain's Account Talk


I just now had a chance to catch up with your posts, last week at work I had to do real work so I could not read and participate much on this board. Yes, you are appreciated here and I hope that you do not shut down your thread. From what you write, you are a kind, sincere, beautiful person and you have an ability to connect with and help others that is also taking place on this thread, so keep that in mind...

Do you plan to continue with part 2 of the hippie generation? I am still very much interested in reading about it. I love your statement about the universal truth, that we are all one.

I hate to admit it, I have not heard much of Jimi Hendrix's music but I plan to remedy that.

God's blessings to you as well! We need a peace sign for an icon here.[/quote]


Good that you showed up, come and join the crowd, reading these postings can be a very educational experience!:laugh:
Good that you showed up, come and join the crowd, reading these postings can be a very educational experience!:laugh:

CorMaGa and Steadygain,

Glad to have "met" you both through this message board. Yes, the board is educational and fun at the same time.

I don't post much simply because I am still new to all of this - but I am trying to learn quickly. That doesn't mean that I am not reading and enjoying the various posts. And even though I wouldn't recognize any of you if we were to pass on the street, it is odd that I feel I have come to understand some of the individuals through what they post. Almost like I have made some friends here. And I sense that both of you are kindred spirits. CorMaGa, I thought about Haiti and am glad you brought the country up. I used to teach in Miami and though I enjoyed all of my students, I was particulary fond of the Haitians. SteadyGain, I also think that there is an immense about of good that one can do in one's own community - is there a need abroad, absolutely, but one can accomplish a great deal here, which is what I see myself trying to do post retirement. Just my two cents. Hope you both have a wonderful day and a blessed Thanksgiving!
Cornellia and Mamikin - what ever I could possibly do for you, you more than do for me. Hmmmmm nothing like feeling beautiful from the inside out and I really appreciate it. Many others have also encouraged me to continue my posts and I'll continue as time permits. I honestly extend my deepest love and gratitude to all of you.

In comparison to the incredible bonds I have with many on this site the TSP seems so trivial. Since that is the main objective however I feel I need to keep everyone up to date. I went 100% G Fund today and will stay there the rest of the year. This means since going 60/40 - S/C - I will have lost $1,000s - but in the long run that is not important. For me the most critical endeavor is showing that I can be trusted and that my word is true. We can all look at this or that and proclaim how the markets are going to react from one day to the next - but there are no guarantees. When I say I will either reach or exceed my 2007 year goal then that is exactly what I'll do and now I honestly could care less about missing a rally. The seasonality for 10 - 12 are usually incredibly wonderful and that was the main reason I was so determined to get another 5% or more. Now my goal is to insure I retain the 07 goal and that still remains a guarantee.
Good that you showed up, come and join the Even though I wouldn't recognize any of you if we were to pass on the street, it is odd that I feel I have come to understand some of the individuals through what they post. Almost like I have made some friends here. And I sense that both of you are kindred spirits.

SteadyGain, I also think that there is an immense amount of good that one can do in one's own community - is there a need abroad, absolutely, but one can accomplish a great deal here, which is what I see myself trying to do post retirement. Just my two cents. Hope you both have a wonderful day and a blessed Thanksgiving!

Indeed - we are most definately of kindred spirits and somehow this MB has allowed us to touch each other in a deep and wonderful way. But if we passed each other on the street we would have no clue who the other was. Sweetheart, if you could see the way patients respond to me you would know how big my mission field is and that God has accomplished a great deal already. I honestly don't mean this to sound like I'm bragging, I simply mean I have found that stretching my heart and life to those I encounter and those I work with has somehow made the world a better place. I am thrilled with what He has allowed me to achieve and have never had a hard time finding avenues of service in the local areas. The overwhelming odds are I will continue staying where I am indefinately, but (and please forgive me if this sounds anti American) sometimes I really get fed up with the politics and the take all you can and screw the rest attitude that seems to prevail. Pleasant masks continually try to hide the mounting debt and multiple weaknesses ------ and at times I can't help but think that I personally would rather live in another area altogether, where people are warm and friendly - living simply with one another and not obsessed with endless consumption. Wow, sorry about that. The small community I live in is wonderful. I have a little over 8 acres of the most beautiful property I could imagine and could tell you when every tree was planted and how I made my 2 acre lawn. I truly have very much to be thankful for and I've never gone a week without thinking how fortunate I am to live where I do. The truth is - part of me has longed for foreign Missions - and I had thoroughly researched Haiti in the past and have been actively involved in supporting an ever expanding orphanage that has been there for years.

Well - I am late and really need to run.
It's absolutely amazing to wake up to Tom's message this morning and see/feel the rage flooding this site. I was simply living in my own little world, never dreaming such a change could happen overnight. The Markets appear to be bouncing back today and for everyone locked in the higher risk - I honestly hope everyone ends the year on a good note. I went high risk last week and got the biggest loss ever - before going back to G last night. Although I will miss the gains most of you will reap, I will not lose a penny when the markets turn and dive. Fortunately I will still make the 07 goal, but another week like the past week would mean failure.

I spent a little over an hour going through my thread last night and want you all to know - that even though this is my first time losing any quarter (which is very discourageing) - it has by far been the best quarter of my life. With posts like 143 - 46, 153 - 54, 160, 170, 178 -180, 182, 190, 193, 200, 202, 213, 228 - 29 (and I'm sure I'm missing some) how could I not be on top of the world. This site has been such an incredible blessing and I really appreciate all you've done for me and hope each of you has the happiest life possible.
Hi, Steady,

Hope you are feeling better today. I'm glad you considered Haiti. I have never been there, but I went to the Dominican Republic once, and saw some of the illegal immigrants from Haiti, that broke my heart, and gave me a new perspective on some life issues. Please don't get me wrong about my comment on some of these countries eating better than others. What I see everywhere is the lack of social and economic structure caused by some Governments' corruption or lack of moral and ethics that do not let these countries prosper. As you know, they have the resources or most of them (from oil to minerals, even the industrial capability to really overcome certain relative poverty levels). Tell me if this is not a paradox: the world's richest man on this part of the world is a Mexican, last name is Slim (first name is Carlos or something like that) I know some will find this hard to believe, but it is true.

I also believe that we (includes Mamikin) are kindred spirits and I am also very glad to have found you both.

I do not want to leave anything to misinterpretation: my comment on Slim being the richest man on this side of the planet is not because of corruption, he is a very hard working man, an industrialist and businessman, does an incredible amount of charity donations but there is only so much he can do as long as Government corruption is the norm.

It's absolutely amazing to wake up to Tom's message this morning and see/feel the rage flooding this site. I was simply living in my own little world, never dreaming such a change could happen overnight. The Markets appear to be bouncing back today and for everyone locked in the higher risk - I honestly hope everyone ends the year on a good note. I went high risk last week and got the biggest loss ever - before going back to G last night. Although I will miss the gains most of you will reap, I will not lose a penny when the markets turn and dive. Fortunately I will still make the 07 goal, but another week like the past week would mean failure.

I spent a little over an hour going through my thread last night and want you all to know - that even though this is my first time losing any quarter (which is very discourageing) - it has by far been the best quarter of my life. With posts like 143 - 46, 153 - 54, 160, 170, 178 -180, 182, 190, 193, 200, 202, 213, 228 - 29 (and I'm sure I'm missing some) how could I not be on top of the world. This site has been such an incredible blessing and I really appreciate all you've done for me and hope each of you has the happiest life possible.

I will try to read these posts as time permits, I am sure I missed some. I have also lost some $ but what the heck is only money... like the saying goes: If it's meant to be yours, it will come back to you... Let's be glad we have good health and a good job.

Cornellia, my sweet precious soul mate and friend - it is just amazingly how much we have in common. No doubt Mamikim is a kindred spirit as well and interestingly she also has ended up stronger for the pains of the past. Even beyond our bonds (the 3 of us) however - I've noted bonds forming with many others on this site. It seems the more I write, the more others respond and overwhelmingly those responses are heartfelt and meaningful.
The government corruption would drive me crazy and I'm so glad you mentioned that. I have many friends throughout the world and have taken in International Students - and many of them tell me things that honestly make our country sound so wonderful in comparison. Incredibly enough, when I tell you that sometimes I want to get away from the corruption in our country you are there to tell me, not so fast buster - because most any place you go is even worse. Thank you for that reality check - cause my little gut hunch is that the other places are free of that garbage and everyone just kind of lives simply and all work together for the common good. As for the lost money, I am not concerned at all and in fact I am thrilled I got in safety when I did. Based on the past 5 years I strongly believe the ones who have consistently made substantial gains will continue this tread even with the bi-monthly transfers. If I have any concern it is mainly for those who are guided by daily transfers. I feel a whole lot better and thank you so much for caring. I have been reflecting on the other 4 deadly events and last night I finally came to understand why 1 turned out the way it did. I will call this one: God moved the earth on my behalf. Once I realized what really happened I layed awake for at least an hour praising Him over and over. It is something I never would have realized if you (and the others) had not encouraged me to share my story. I guess I'm the opposite of Mr. Recognizer - in that many of the members on this site are special to me in various ways - I have found the bulk to be uplifting and rewarding - and I wouldn't leave for anything.

God's richest blessings to everyone - and thanks for all you've done for me.
God moved the earth on my behalf
I know that sounds crazy but I swear it's exactly what happened, and I didn't realize it until last night. I was probably around 8 years old and went out to play outside. I was by myself and after walking down the road met a stanger who was desperately wanting someone to help him find something. He was a bigger guy (compared to me) probably in his mid 20s. As it turns out this guy was by chance just walking around our neighborhood and found a really big tree that was dead and one he was able to push down. It was 2 to 3 feet in diameter and probably 30 to 40 feet tall. This was the only time when someone tried to kill me - it was just a freak encounter - in other words if any other kid happened to meet this guy he would have done the same thing; I just happened to be the one (so it was nothing against me). Well when this guy saw the tree and apparently tested his ability to move it (or push it down) he wondered what would happen if it fell on someone. So he walked all over the area where the tree would fall - which was perfectly flat - and was confident that if he could get anyone in that area the tree would squash them like a bug. So later on I come along and he gets me in this area and I'm walking exactly where he's telling me to go without the slightest thought of being suspecious - cause I'm out to show him what a good guy I am and how helpful I can be. Now this is the part I never understood until last night. Something happened that caused me to fall down backwards - boom - just out of the blue. At the moment I was falling backwards this stranger shouts "Watch out" but it was too late as I was already falling. Immediately after I fell on the ground this large tree crashes directly on top of me with a force that shook the earth. I fell into a recessed area - so the tree was barely over me (straight over my mid section) - it essentially had me pinned down but didn't hurt me at all. The stranger comes running, telling me not to move and is really bewiltered by what he saw. Now of course I didn't give it the least little thought - I fell on the ground and fortunately it was sunk down - so when this tree came crashing down from no where I wasn't hurt. The stranger told me it wasn't sunk down before, that he had walked all over that area and was certain it wasn't that way before. Well I never really gave it that much thought again because I'm thinking it had to have been sunk down or I couldn't have landed in it. So I slide out, brush off my clothes and get ready to go home. The stanger tells me even though I didn't get hurt, the image of the tree falling on me is somthing he'll have to live with the rest of his life - that he's leaving - and I'll never see him again. I'm like ahhh whatever - I mean I'm just a kid - I have no idea what he's taking about and it really didn't make any difference because nothing happened to me and everything is fine. Well when I fell back then it was really a freak thing - and at the time I'm wondering what in the world is going on. I did not slip on a rock or log or anything - all of a sudden my feet are just moving out and I fell. I now realize that God Himself moved the earth on my hehalf - which caused me to fall at the perfect spot - at the perfect time. That fully explains the unexpected movement of my feet and legs which caused me to fall down backwards - and why the spot where I fell was perfectly sunk in for my body. As unbelieveable as that sounds - I am absolutely positive - from being able to ponder on the entire event as an adult - there is no other explanation when you add all the evidence. What the guy told me, his bewiltered expression ... and the way the earth really was just the right shape for me and what happended. Who am I, that God Himself would look down on me and do this on my behalf ? That just totally blows me away and last night I felt like God's just kind of smiling like "Yeal that was pretty cool wasn't it". I really don't know what to say - He's just wonderful and all the more anything that could ever be accredited to me - He gets all the glory. God is good all the time - All the time God is good - Amen and Amen.
The overwhelming odds are I will continue staying where I am indefinately, but (and please forgive me if this sounds anti American) sometimes I really get fed up with the politics and the take all you can and screw the rest attitude that seems to prevail. Pleasant masks continually try to hide the mounting debt and multiple weaknesses ------ and at times I can't help but think that I personally would rather live in another area altogether, where people are warm and friendly - living simply with one another and not obsessed with endless consumption. Wow, sorry about that. The small community I live in is wonderful.

I get tired of all of the games, the greed, the materialism too, and long for a simpler life. That is the dreamer in us. I understood what you meant and never took your comments as Anti-American. But as Cornelia pointed out, many places are even worse .... we truly have much to be grateful for.

Last night on the local news there was a report about an elderly gentleman who gardens, who opens up his yard to wayward teens who then learn to garden from him. It was very touching how a simple activity like gardening could change many of their lives. I found it very inspirational and thought you and Cornelia would appreciate the simple beauty in the story. I personally love to garden, too, and never feel as close to God as when I am crouched at the earth, dirty hands, tending to my garden. Why wouldn't that have an impact on troubled teens?

God bless you and all who visit this message board. Happy Thankgiving to all.
It was very touching how a simple activity like gardening could change many of their lives. I found it very inspirational and thought you and Cornelia would appreciate the simple beauty in the story. I personally love to garden, too, and never feel as close to God as when I am crouched at the earth, dirty hands, tending to my garden. Why wouldn't that have an impact on troubled teens?

God bless you and all who visit this message board. Happy Thankgiving to all.

A good friend of mine, (the president of ADM) who recently retired, told me the 3 areas on our planet that have the very best soil. Where I live is fortunately one of those areas. Ever since that talk I've shared with others that I would love to see all these areas be zoned as agricultural and let the famers use every bit of it. Most of my property goes to corn or soy beans and has always had incredible yeilds. Our garden provides the most wholesome delecious food imaginable and every year we have a huge supply of canned (in the glass jars) tomatoes, tomatoe juice, salsa (which Cornellia likes extra hot), jelly and jam and tons of frozen stuff as well. I also love the flower gardens, which Cornellia tends to - while I keep the lawn manicured to perfection.
It is a beautiful story and thank you for sharing it. Knowing what we know today about how to keep the earth replenished with neutrients and minerals for the best possible harvests - if we were to start all over with the command "Take care of the Earth" I hope we'd do a far better job and make it a long term commitment to keep the water and soil as clean and healthy as possible. As the years go by and I learn more fully how the oceans function and so many aspects of nature working in a way that resemble various aspects of our breathing and cirrulation I'm comming to see our planet more and more as a living entity in itself.

May He richly bless you as well and happy Thanksgiving! (and that goes for anyone lucky enough to be on this thread).

Thank you for sharing that touching story about the gardener. It is a blessing to be able to teach something to others that could help them survive while giving them a higher self-esteem.

Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Hi, Steady,

God moved the earth on my behalf: Another beautiful story showing the power of God, while I drink my first cup of tea early in the morning. What an amazing thing to happen, it was His power that kept you out of harm's way, someting that tells us that he had greater plans for you. Thank you for sharing this and other life experiences with us.

Happy Thanksgiving to you, Mamikin and everyone reading this thread.

Most of my property goes to corn or soy beans and has always had incredible yeilds. Our garden provides the most wholesome delecious food imaginable and every year we have a huge supply of canned (in the glass jars) tomatoes, tomatoe juice, salsa (which Cornellia likes extra hot), jelly and jam and tons of frozen stuff as well. I also love the flower gardens, which Cornellia tends to - while I keep the lawn manicured to perfection.


You are blessed to have the land, the good soil and the yields on everything you grow. Of course I am still laughing about my liking extra hot salsa and tending to your flower garden... LOL LOL
I have a 09:00 and need to go, Happy Thanksgiving again,
Thank you Darling! I'll get back with you later.

Wow!! The Markets are absolutely perfect for those of us in safety. All the news is fantastic as well; Oil at record highs, 08 economy warnings from the Fed, Fannie May and the super lenders getting creamed, and Vanguard CEO telling us Recession is now at least 75%. On top of all this it looks like the consummers are way more guarded - so prices are incredibly great for anything you could want. I am really loving this and now more than ever will patiently wait for it to hit the bottom. In the mean time I'll get a new camcorder, HDTV and a few other bargains to last the next 20 years.

Take care everyone, drive carefully, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

God's richest blessings on everyone
Looks like everyone could use a little pick me upper.... so here it goes.

Wise... men.. say...
Only .. fools....rush... in ...(na na na)
But... I...can'
falling in (na na na) hand... (na na na)
Oh.. I... can'
falling (na na na)

OK - that should do it --- I'm glad you're feeling better.

(A stronger dose may be needed - if so go back and play it again)
What an amazing thing to happen, it was His power that kept you out of harm's way, someting that tells us that he had greater plans for you.

No one could ever understand how I turned out the way I am or was able to survive the things I endured without knowing the most central grounding I had from birth. My mother fully had me convinced that I was very special to God since my earliest recollection. She told me these things with such sincerity that I never had the slightest doubt - that I held a place of honor and God was incredibly delighted with my life and everything about me. It's like I was born with the role of living out God's love and making known how we should live. From the very beginning my parents lavished me with love and gave me such a solid foundation regarding my perspective of life. In even the smallest of things my mother taught me the deeper truths - and essentially had me almost constantly balancing things out according to honoring God. When I caught lightening bugs in a jar and took them in the house she gives this look (which I saw many times throughout my life) of grave concern. It was a look you could never ignore and so of course I had to ask, "What's the matter Mommy". "I just think of all the mothers frantically looking for their children and the children having no clue how they could ever get home." And of couse I have to ask what she's talking about. Then she goes on to tell me - don't you think a lot of the lighting bugs in that jar are mothers? and that many of them are crying right now, wondering how they're going to get home? And this is the way it happened over and over; she would plant the seed and quickly I came to realize that these little creatures were no different than us - just a different form - but they had families and friends, parents and children. So what I thought a few minutes ago was cool to watch - now disturbed me - and I go back out and try to let them out close to where ever I found them. It was that way with everything; the girl others made fun of made it so easy to call her names; then mom gets that look and pretty soon I'm realizing the girl has feelings and would love to have a happy life but it's so hard to be happy when your feelings are hurt. So then I'm saying hi to her or at least waving nicely and not joining in with the others even if I am with them. Through all this the underlying goal was bringing forth the truth that God had brought me into the world to show to everyone that I had the greatest role imaginable - to make His love known to all in both my example (the way I lived my life) and the way I regarded and treated others. Maybe that is too much to have a child believe as they are comming to understand the world around them and who they are - but that is exactly how I came to see the world and my special place within the world. I felt extremely honored to be who I was and that gave me a faith in God and in my relationship with God that probably could not have been greater. I mean God was everything and everything He was and represented was fully there for me. So through the years I have always felt He had some big plans and I'm frequently wondering if I'm missing something, did I do the right thing (doing what I'm doing) or shoud I have done something else? Is something bigger in store down the line, or do I just keep expanding what I'm doing? Of course I could say the same with you Cornellia, as you have done so much already and are the perfect canidate to be His ambassator. Manikim - too - wow look at her, how wonderful she turned out and how sensitive she is for those who are hurting. I can only hope if I am not yet there that He is preparing me - and bringing others in my life that will help me achive His ultimate goal.

Thank you for all you do for me and all you have done already.

Happy Thanksgiving.
I previously told you all about Eugene. It was in that same time span I met Linda. She had a nice goverment supply home and more than showed she was fully in the wild and tough crowd. When I first met her I was convinced that she held the highest honors when it came to vulgarity. Every sentence started with a bad word and probably 3 or 4 more were included by the time the sentence was over. She came across as very tough - almost challenging - eager for anyone to give her a hint of confrontation so she could lay into them. It's funny because she was so extreme in the vulgar (crude) sense - that I thought it will probably take a long time before she warms up to me. She had a little girl that was probably about 1 year old, and a beautiful picture of the child was in the living room. She got 1st place for the most beautiful baby picture contest and was very proud of that - and that was the picture in the room. I have no idea how she could tell when the baby was wet, but she was out of her chair in a second flat and had a clean diaper on her in no time as soon as the baby needed a clean diaper. On the whole the baby was very quiet, just perfect, and stayed in the other room. I think Linda did any drug available but Amphetamines were the main ones she used on a regular basis and did quite a bit. As time went on I began to see a soft heart - especially in the way she took care of her daughter and realized that most of the extreme hardness she displayed with the general crowd that came around was in reality kind of a front she put on. So one day when it was just me and her I told her how much I admired her for being such an attentive mother and could really tell how deeply she cared for her daughter. I also noted how she kept the house neat. Lastly I told her that deep down she had a very good soft side, that her heart was really good and I see that comming through more and more. I asked her why she doesn't let others see this part of her. She told me if any of the others saw this they would kick her teeth in - and I honestly think she meant it - she said it in such a way that I knew to never let anyone know that part of her exists. Well then I told her about how her daughter sees her as a good and perfect mother - that she is too young to see her addictions - and soon she will be old enough to see things for what they are and I told her I really hope she gets help soon, so that her daughter won't ever have to see her as anything different through her remaining years. You could tell Linda had soaked my every word and she looked softer than ever. So I went across the room to give her a hug and show my support and she responded by putting her legs up around me and let me know she was totally really to give me all she had.

A patient just came in so I'll finish later.