Steadygain's Account Talk


For the sense of hope and idealism to make this a much better world/USA read THE GREENING OF AMERICA, I just plain fell in love with that book around 1977, my Sociology teacher knew how involved my friends and I were with the movement (I am talking about a foreign university, but she knew that my friends and I could read and understand English, so we got pretty much into discussions out of that book). The Beattles were also my favorite group, got several versions of MICHELLE, by them and other singers, instrumental and also sang in other languages, last I remember was that MICHELLE was their song with the most translations and most varied versions. I wonder if it still is. I think so, because IMAGINE became popular after they were separated and it did not have the world popularity that MICHELLE had.

As for being a goody two shoes I guess I was one you would call that because I did not smoke pot. Several of my best friends did but I never saw peer pressure to do so. They knew I would say no and stick to my Parliament cigarrettes, and that I could have as much fun as they did, if not more, as I always full control of my senses. I got high on a lot of things, from discussions with teachers, to reading Robert Frost and Allan Ginsberg, to Herman Hess to Walt Whitman, I never thought I needed pot to get high, plus I danced a lot also, now THAT gave me a high!!! A saying in Spanish goes something like: TO REMINISCE IS TO LIVE AGAIN... Thanks!
See Steady, you are making us all relive nice memories...
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My nights are long... as are my an eternity of eons..I long to hold your face..your hand...and drift in your presense and beauty. Thank you so much for such a wonderful response:) You have surely increased my happiness by several notches. I have been multitasking throughout the day and am way behind on catching up with the patient's records. To go over Marial Arts with you I would have to personally be with you - and now that would be ill advised - as I am fully to the second O with its attached (and unavoidable) X. As with everything in life (even our Spiritual Life) - and of course I know you realize this and I'm not talking down to you- we have to go through various levels to attain the higher and more meaningful aspects. With school it's K - through Post Grad; with Martial Arts it's White belt - to the higher levels of Black Belt; and with us it is first meeting and finding a commonality - a spark that later becomes a flame and the flame builds to a fire. And as the Post Grad cannot go back to K - or the Black Belt go back to White Belt - so is with me when I reach the second O with the friendly - innocent (yet warm and sincere X). Now that I am there I will never be able to return to the first O. So later today - and everyday from here on in - I will pray that when you come home you will feel both the first O and the second O with the X. It is extremely important for you to know that I do not want you to rush to the second O - honestly I love where you are and want everything to be as natural and beautiful as possible. I don't know if I could show you how to build this energy without taking you through many levels of advanced Martial Arts and then it is not an energy I would want you to have as this energy can become an all consumming thing I would never want that to happen to you. This is why I choose a stopping point - consistently beating 6 advanced fighters at a time - and then I quit. I could give you a taste of this energy - and help you to develop a similar energy - but we'll have to go over that later. I am really far behind and need to run. Thank you for comming home - and I hope whatever you had you are feeling much better. OO X.
As for being a goody two shoes I guess I was one you would call that because I did not smoke pot. Several of my best friends did but I never saw peer pressure to do so.


I somehow knew you had the strength to resist peer pressure - I did, too. Let me clarify about the one and only time I did smoke pot. I watched some fairly intelligent, accomplished friends continue to smoke it despite being told the health consequences. I thought to myself, in order to be fair and objective, I have to try it once before I can continue to discourage them from smoking, so I did. Nothing great happened, that I can recall, other than time slowing down. You didn't miss a thing. I agree, there is plenty in life to get "high" off naturally!
We've even talked about rearranging our Yacht to open a suite just for you (and whoever you'd want to bring along). All we need to do is move the gym/spa stuff down to a lower level and that would give you lots of room and a beautiful view.

Thank you for the warm invitation, Steadygain! I've got to make it to retirement first! I love beautiful views .... that is something else we all share, isn't it, we appreciate beauty.
I have to admit you have done something I always wanted to do even though I am not a man: I love martial arts, and think that in a previous life I must have been a martial arts warrior of some type, I would have been the best at it, just like you were. I am a faithful admirer of Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris, I love to watch any of his movies or a good performance either by Chuck Norris or Steven Seagal, etc, do not know who has taken their place as far as the movie industry is concerned, but certainly miss those movies. Right now I plain love Bourne (Bourne Identity trilogy) and love to watch Matt Damon doing his thing of martial arts combined with other self-defense techniques. Something I would like to know more about is how you built all the energy while you were still in bed and jumped out when you reached the energy level you wanted to face the guy in your bedroom. I can think of concentration, visualization, breathing techniques, but I want to know more about it. Always think that if I am ever attacked (hopefully not but you never know) I would know enough self-defense techniques to get out of it safely and unharmed.

Chuck Norris was one of John's good friends and also one of his students. I knew about Chuck before the movie industry made him popular.

Bourne Identity (Matt Damon) is by far one of my favorite movies and very much represents my previous lifestyle.

And now for the terrible news. As I was brushing my teeth last night (which I always do before going to sleep - because I like my teeth and mouth to feel fresh) I thought of you and how to teach you to build your energy and become a deadly force. As my #1 - I would basically do all things for you (anything within my power) and so it is only natural that I would have this thought. Instantly I realized I would need to begin intense daily training myself (stretching - running - pushups - situps - and many other things) and in about 6 months I could probably get to where I was at the time David came in my room. The power (I had burried for many years) began to come alive and I felt my fat cells evaporating and turning into pure energy - my muscles began to increase their tone and my brain started filling with adrenalin. I then realized what I would have to become to be a worthy teacher - and this would require me to break my vow with God. Please know that Bourne is just a shadow of something far greater and the only thing that could possibly limit my effectiveness and my potiential was God Himself. I recognized this and I made a deal and He understood and He honored it. And I honored my end and that is the only reason why I turned to Him and found a power so far beyond anything I had ever known. So please realize that without Him there would be no brain for me to develop - no union I could create with my body (because I would have no body). All that I have and all that I am are wholly because he bought everything into existence and therefore I have to give Him first place. But once that part of me started to come to life it was not easily set aside and even as I slept I noted I was semi preparing to bring the warrior to life. This would be a traggic mistake, and I would become the very thing I was meant to protect. I did not reach the level I wanted to; I could not stop until there was no more power for me to obtain. I did not jump out of bed (I had the power of hundreds - if not thousands) and the blankets were covering me. I used the power to spring out of bed in one move - with a force that I calculated would lift me up about 5 ft and throw me to the left by another 4 ft so I would land on my feet ready to attack. When I landed I had a vision - which to my embarrassment is White Belt stuff - but with Black Belt force it is still very deadly. He was supposed to throw a punch - which I would have countered and used his energy against him; leaving him wide open. That would have been in the fraction of a second. I then would follow by breaking his jaw, smashing his face (which would have numbed his senses) - another fraction of a second. And I would have ended by raking his face and plunging my elbow into his sternum with such a force it would have caved in his ribcage. His lungs would have collapsed (been punctured) and his heart would probably not have survived the trauma. I have 3 pts. waiting on me and need to run. Anyway - trust me sweetheart - you would be way better off with another teacher; because with me it is all the way and I can not allow it - God will not let me - He remined me of our vow.

I can show you something far greater - and even more protective.

Need to run.
For the sense of hope and idealism to make this a much better world/USA read THE GREENING OF AMERICA, I just plain fell in love with that book around 1977, my Sociology teacher knew how involved my friends and I were with the movement (I am talking about a foreign university, but she knew that my friends and I could read and understand English, so we got pretty much into discussions out of that book). The Beattles were also my favorite group, got several versions of MICHELLE, by them and other singers, instrumental and also sang in other languages, last I remember was that MICHELLE was their song with the most translations and most varied versions. I wonder if it still is. I think so, because IMAGINE became popular after they were separated and it did not have the world popularity that MICHELLE had.

As for being a goody two shoes I guess I was one you would call that because I did not smoke pot. Several of my best friends did but I never saw peer pressure to do so. They knew I would say no and stick to my Parliament cigarrettes, and that I could have as much fun as they did, if not more, as I always full control of my senses. I got high on a lot of things, from discussions with teachers, to reading Robert Frost and Allan Ginsberg, to Herman Hess to Walt Whitman, I never thought I needed pot to get high, plus I danced a lot also, now THAT gave me a high!!! A saying in Spanish goes something like: TO REMINISCE IS TO LIVE AGAIN... Thanks!

How could I not be crazy about someone as beautiful as this. You are so incredibly wonderful in so many ways. :) You are intelligent and full of potiential and therefore life is far more enjoyable with lively discussions and striving to make the world a better place.

The Beatles were my favorite as well (and back then some of us felt who do the Rolling Stones think they are - trying to take the limelight). I went to a party my cousin had (he is older and had his own house and a band playing in the basement). After I arrived he played the song "It's only love" - which is on the same album as Michelle and asked if I'd sing it. That is one of my favorite songs by far and I sang it with all my heart. His face lit up (ohh what an expression) and he asked me to step out so he could talk with the band. In another minute he's calling me back with excitement saying the band unanimously wants me to be their singer and so I added a few more songs (which I liked) to theirs and off we went. It's kind of strange because relationships meant far more to me than anything else - even by then in highschool. So the first big concert we had I met a girl during one of our breaks. She seemed so dejected - so empty and confused - with what appeared to be the world weighing on her shoulders and somehow we connected. I am stiving to be a sounding board - to be empathetic and understanding - and I'm somehow saying the right things (the things that helped her open up even more). Several times she said I had better get back - the band is probably waiting on me - and I told her she was more important and they can just wait. I kept stressing that my role with her was far more important than me singing a song and I did not feel I could abandon her when she seems so needy - and in some insane manner feeling better as our conversations grew. Well finally I got a sign that she was better - and when she was smiling I felt now I can go back. Well that was my last performance with them. In my heart of hearts I did the right thing; but I could not tell anyone because I would have broke her trust and that was that. I told you about Randy telling me to pull over and the girl getting in my car. He was the singer for a rock band that played throughout West Virginia. I went to all there concerts and back then dancing was free style - you moved however the music moved you and I was just totally into it - doing my own thing. The band loved it because I inspired them with the way the rhythm moved me - and the fulness of my enjoyment. At one concert in Summersville WV, after the first dance I noticed a line of girls starting next to me and going back to the wall and way towards the back corner. So I asked the girl I'm dancing with what was going on - and she said they're all in line to dance with me. Ohhh my gosh - talk about awkward - I look way to the back and they're all looking at me with an eager expression. Then the girl I'm dancing with gets this "smug expression - like too bad for them" - well that's the wrong thing to do with me cause I'll drop you flat and dance like an idiot - so that's what I did. Plus I really felt bad for the ones in the very back. I don't like a line of girls waiting on me - I like freedom - total complete freedom where people just come and go as they please and everyone has fun.

The more I'm discovering - all the more I see a perfect match. Thank you so much for being real, and letting your true self be true. 00 X
And now for the terrible news. As I was brushing my teeth last night (which I always do before going to sleep - because I like my teeth and mouth to feel fresh) I thought of you and how to teach you to build your energy and become a deadly force.

Hi, Steady,

I really was not thinking about becoming a deadly force, to get to that level even I know that it takes yrs and yrs of practice to master that or lower ones. I was thinking it was something that could be summarized as to what concentration levels, or how deep a visualization (at an alpha state of consciousness?) and what breathing techniques, which are the only factors I can think off the top of my head to creat anything, including energy. It's no big deal, and I do not intend to become an expert at it at this point in time. Thanks for the explanation, and have a great day!

I really was not thinking about becoming a deadly force. I was thinking it was something that could be summarized as to what concentration levels, or how deep a visualization (at an alpha state of consciousness?) and what breathing techniques, which are the only factors I can think off the top of my head to creat anything, including energy. It's no big deal, and I do not intend to become an expert at it at this point in time. Thanks for the explanation, and have a great day!

I hope I did not offend you. It is a very complicated process and it involves me having to deal with things that need to remain burried. Please forgive me but this is the only thing that is forbidden. I will show you another energy - that is fully mine - that is much better and it is one you can expand on.
I hope I did not offend you. It is a very complicated process

No offense taken, of course not, I was in a hurry at lunch time and perhaps did not elaborate much on the subject, just wanted you to know that it was ok, all I wanted was to know how you worked on your energy, so it's ok.
Thank you!! ;) I'll rest a lot better tonight.

Hope you're feeling better and thanks for being a dancer.:)

Also thanks for enjoying good books, for being so strong and holding so true to yourself, and for many other things that make you such a charming spark of joy and inspiration.
I just ran a Market Barometer Check throughout the MB

Results are extremely favorable :)

I'm not sweating it - irregardless - and should end the Quarter with decent returns.

That will mean Zero Loss - Steadygains from day one with every Quarter. Ohhh Yeal.
It is incredible how I have gone the full circle, but I guess you're right - I have become the Master Teacher (and you are the student eager to learn). As it took me 2 nights and a full day to supress the slightest amount of energy that seeped out at just the thought of becoming an active fighter/teacher - it may be best to describe what this energy does (or how it functions). It comes to life in the abdominal/mid chest area and feels like thick smokey ink that immediately disappates throughout your body. It will find everyway it can to utilizie your body and brain to be a more effective fighter and completely takes control. Once this energy is brought forth there is nothing you have to conscienously persue - as unconscienously it will first target your fat cells and you will feel them disappear as they are instantly converted to energy that floods your brain - to heighten your senses to levels beyond what most could even imagine. Somehow this triggers the mind to speed up the process and search for more fat cells and any other avenue by which your energy can become magnified. It is very invigorating to feel your abdomen shrinking. By this time "the Ink" has fully gone throughout your body and now you're able to feel the other changes. Your muscles are growing in size and tone and it's wonderful - you are feeling increasingly pumped and powerful. All your organs are fully at maximum functioning and you have this incredible sense of super human health (which is way above excellent). Lastly this energy brings all your former training to the highest level of life - if you learned to move at invisible speeds - then this energy is taking you beyond that (because it always lets you go further and compells you to move to a higher level yet to be achieved).

This is where I would love to see your expression. I can see your wheels are spinning, trying to figure out how we get this energy and I am tickeled. Many years ago I was a student asking the Master to hit me - that I may understand the basis of the 1" punch. And now 30 years later - you are asking me. It all begins with a process known as "Mind-Body Control" - and this is something that each person has to find for themselves - it is something you need to develop. It will vary from one person to another, but I honestly believe I have found the most superior way and my method is very easy and extremely powerful. The first thing you need to achieve is what I will call "the Enlightened State". You will find this through meditation - whereby you are striving to achieve the "Mind-Body State". Practice this on bended knees or folded legs and let nothing distract you. Be as open as possible to feeling your Mind and Body become one. This energy is an entity within itself - it has a life of its own and this you need to foster as much as possible. As you begin your meditation try to create new pathways between your Mind and your Body - let them flow everywhere - even beyond your neck (which of couse becomes like an open pipe). When you achieve the "Enlightened State" - you have given birth to a new form of life and this needs to be cultured - nurished - and protected - it is a very sacred being you have brought into existence and therefore it is essential that you continue to let this life develop and grow stronger until it can sustain itself. So once the "Enlightened State" is achieved then make sure you continue your meditation excerises for another week. When you are confident - very confident - this new life is gaining strength and is healthy then go no further. Let me know and I will guide you to the ultimate possible level.

Forgive me for even having such a thought - but if you were to use any of my teachings in an inappropriate way - I would have to intervene. This is something all Masters make very clear.
Regarding the TSP. I came to learn (and many of you are way smarter than me) but on the whole I will do as I please and make my own decisions - because it has worked very well and I am pleased with the outcome. At this point it appears the S Fund is taking off and I typically will catch a Fund as it is rapidly rising to maximize my gains. I am avoiding the C Fund only because the S and I typically yeild bigger and faster results. So I will go 50/50 I/S by COB today.

God bless you all - and may this season fill all of us with lasting happiness
It is a very complicated process and it involves me having to deal with things that need to remain burried. Please forgive me but this is the only thing that is forbidden.

For anyone trying to figure me out - why I may appear so fickle - it is because "the energy" continued in an active state as I was writing yesterday and that was very troubling for me because I had not felt it in at least 20 years. But now it is completely suppressed and there is no way I will let it back out. I can, however, give guidance without allowing myself to be compromised.

It all begins with a process known as "Mind-Body Control" - and this is something that each person has to find for themselves - it is something you need to develop.

Thank you very much for such a thorough explanation/description on attaining levels of energy. Obviously I will never strive to attain it at this point in time but I was only curious. And it confirms in a way what I thought, which included meditation (concentration at another level), and visualization among other factors. You said you can attain it sitting on your knees or crossing your legs, but do you think that a person that weighs between 300 and 400 pounds can do this?? Thanks again for offering to be my teacher, and I will advise you when I am ready to even start thinking about it, I have a full plate as you already know.

Have a great weekend!

Thank you very much for such a thorough explanation/description on attaining levels of energy. Obviously I will never strive to attain it at this point in time but I was only curious. And it confirms in a way what I thought, which included meditation (concentration at another level), and visualization among other factors. You said you can attain it sitting on your knees or crossing your legs, but do you think that a person that weighs between 300 and 400 pounds can do this??

I didn't realize until my encounter with you how far I had come, and never considered myself as the Grand Master - but after reflecting on the past I now realize that I actually did rise as high as my Master Teacher (and that is simply amazing because I would never have seen this otherwise). Now we are dealing with energy alone and the Mind-Body State. When this is brought to completness you will experience what Bruce Lee came to realize at the end of his life - that everything is energy - and no one style is the best; instead "you must become like water taking various forms - and conforming with the energy around you (and especially that energy that is confronting you). So in the sense of protecting yourself and defeating your attacker (your enemy) - your Mind-Body Energy will allow you to become whatever you need to become and you will vary in your style with whatever particular situation you encounter. To understand this energy at a deeper level - watch the movie Kill Bill 2 - here he shows how easy it is to do things when you have truly mastered energy itself. As for sitting in a knelling position or a yoga position - that makes no difference at all (and I was only saying this to stress setting aside a special time and to be in a meditative state) - the key is allowing yourself to meditate and allowing the Mind-Body State to be born. You would not be able to understand how to promote this energy until this state is achieved but I guess breathing is involved - as it is a vital process anyway. Anyone can do this - regardless of your weight. You set your goals high in school and in life (and your parents set the bar high) - and you came out at the top. This is no different. Unless you are 15 feet tall then 400 pounds will not permit you to move at invisible speeds but that is way down the road anyway. Having this energy would help to get your Body Mass Index to a more ideal level - and thus greatlly increase your energy. It is a very disciplined field - and one that takes tremendous committment - but based on your history there is no doubt you would come out a winner if you ever had the time to truely exert the effort. You had mentioned the Alpha State - may I ask what you mean by this and most importantly, "Where does the Alpha State have its origin?" Take care my sweet - may you also have a wonderful weekend.
Unless you are 15 feet tall then 400 pounds will not permit you to move at invisible speeds but that is way down the road anyway. Having this energy would help to get your Body Mass Index to a more ideal level - and thus greatlly increase your energy. It is a very disciplined field - and one that takes tremendous committment - but based on your history there is no doubt you would come out a winner if you ever had the time to truely exert the effort.

Hi Steady,

Some day I will get to it, I have meditated to a certain extent, so I am a little familiar with the concept. Sorry if I misled you, but I am not the one who weighs 300 to 400 pounds, thanks for the consideration in your response, though, I appreciate it.

On the alpha state of consciousness: I am sure you have heard about it being familiar with meditation: Mystical states of consciousness happen in the alpha state ... The Alpha State also occurs voluntarily during light hypnosis, meditation, biofeedback, day dreaming, hypnogogic and hypnapompic states."[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif, Baskerville Old Face]
Dr. Lee Warren, B.A., D.D.